
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. While perhaps not on par with De La Soul falling from 3 Feet High and Rising to De La Soul Is Dead, this is almost as disappointing a plummet from Day-Glo genius to drab everyday product.
  2. Blender
    Despite a short-circuited sequence of electroclash songs, the girls are winning throughout. [Apr 2005, p.116]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Gleeful sprees through reggae, electro, drum lines and zydeco, while MCs Jessibel, Belinda, and Cat giggle, tease and seduce. [13 May 2005, p.88]
  4. The transition from happy teenage taunts to cursing and sex talk was probably inevitable, and quality-wise, it's a wash. It's with the sound-- as provided by producers Matt Goias and Fancy-- that you get your payoff.
  5. 'See You Next Tuesday' is so good it should be the soundtrack to a smash hit Broadway musical.
  6. Q Magazine
    A lot of the goofy teenage kicks have been replaced with more tiresome sex raps. [Sep 2005, p.115]
  7. Rolling Stone
    Thankfully [they] haven't grown up a bit. [19 May 2005, p.76]
  8. Aside from the token bummer track, the rest of the album is as stupid fun as stupid fun gets.
  9. See You Next Tuesday is less an album than a soundtrack to the idea of summer in the city, where beats grow communal and domino slingers and jump-rope crews stay busy day and night.
  10. This time everything has coalesced and expanded, double the propulsion, twice the emotional range, the beats doing the ping and the boomerang.
  11. The attitude is tougher and the material thinner, but you have to love it for not falling flat on its heightened expectations.

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