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Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 34
  2. Negative: 6 out of 34

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  1. christopherl
    Jan 3, 2006
    the mars volta IS a live band, their LPs are only standalone albums, that are completely detatched from their live sets... this album is a culmination of their live performances through the deLoused album tour... i love it, and i dont give a rats butt if anyone else doesnt.
  2. stoner2k
    Nov 18, 2005
    i was blown away by a solo 2hr set they played in Toronto and have been a huge fan since. this is by far their best live realease and is an awesome musical experience for any volta fan.
  3. TristanL
    Dec 8, 2005
    Fantastic. Takes a long time to get into, but once you do its well worth it. Lovely stuff. Bit ear bleeding at times, but lovely.
  4. LewisT
    Nov 26, 2005
    The Mars Volta are not only studio's, Miss Machine. They've said in interviews, that they od sound flat, out of key etc. when live, but this isn't any old live album. This is like a new album, they've captured the atmosphere from the previous 3 releases, and basically portrayed it live. I think this is brilliant, not as spectacualr as Frances, or De-loused obviously, The Mars Volta are not only studio's, Miss Machine. They've said in interviews, that they od sound flat, out of key etc. when live, but this isn't any old live album. This is like a new album, they've captured the atmosphere from the previous 3 releases, and basically portrayed it live. I think this is brilliant, not as spectacualr as Frances, or De-loused obviously, however I am 100% glad I have it. Expand
  5. kylel.
    Nov 16, 2007
    if you don't like this album its because its over your head. the closest our generation will ever get to led zepplin
  6. MaxG
    Nov 22, 2005
    These reviewers are idiots. The raw energy and talent contained in this album is unmatched, and definitely is a step forward. Comparing it to studio albums is a step backwards in reason. If you like TMV in any regard, you will love this album.
  7. Mike
    Dec 6, 2005
    Anyone who gave this a rating of 1 or 0 is clearly an idiot. "Why Do It" can't even use the right form of "their". Mars Volta is an awesome live band, they're amazing, ask anyone else who's seen them. This CD is great and this band is so musically talented even outside the studio. Don't listen to the ignorant users that don't know what they're talking about, Anyone who gave this a rating of 1 or 0 is clearly an idiot. "Why Do It" can't even use the right form of "their". Mars Volta is an awesome live band, they're amazing, ask anyone else who's seen them. This CD is great and this band is so musically talented even outside the studio. Don't listen to the ignorant users that don't know what they're talking about, go buy it. Expand
  8. MattC
    Jul 9, 2006
    Amazing CD. These guys continually blow me away with everything they've ever released and this album, more so than the others, really shows how genuinely passionate they are about the music they play.
  9. JB
    Dec 4, 2005
    I'm sorry to say this, but Miss Machine, you are an idiot. Obviously you have never seen a Mars Volta show. It's one of the most energetic and entertaining concerts both musically and visually. This record is a great introduction to The Volta's live performences. I admit it does get a little lost at times, but thats the only way to listen to them. You have to be able to I'm sorry to say this, but Miss Machine, you are an idiot. Obviously you have never seen a Mars Volta show. It's one of the most energetic and entertaining concerts both musically and visually. This record is a great introduction to The Volta's live performences. I admit it does get a little lost at times, but thats the only way to listen to them. You have to be able to lose yourself in the music. Expand
  10. TrentC
    Dec 6, 2005
    Another great example of the progressive and awesome nature of the Mars Volta. To have the confidence in your music to pull something like this off in a live event. No other band could come close without the crowd tearing them apart.
  11. PhantomXIII
    Jan 17, 2006
    An exquisite display of musical craftsmanship, combining the explosiveness of their highs with enough tension to make you genuinely excited for the next piece...
  12. mistermister
    Dec 24, 2005
    scabdates is the craziest thing i ve ever heard. cicatriz pt.4 is the most confusing track and you can hear parts of eunuch provocateur and cassandra gemini in it and a guy who is talking about terrorism in spanish. best live album i ve ever listened to!
  13. BenjaminR
    Nov 28, 2005
    Only for fans of the group. Some of the arrangements are truly mesmerizing, but some seem relatively self-important. If, however, you can't get enough of the Mars Volta and have literally played the tracks off of their first two albums (my "Frances the Mute" is in pretty bad shape), this is a good supplement. It just lacks the cohesiveness that comes with a studio album.
  14. HildurM
    Feb 6, 2006
    I love Mars Volta... but I get sooo tired of listening to this cd! Instead of really enjoying Scab dates it always makes me want to listen to Frances the mute or de-loused... instead!
  15. Richard
    Oct 4, 2006
    I intensly adore the mars volta. Frances the mute is amoung my all time favourite albums, deloused in the commatorium and the new amputechture are not far behind. The problem i have with this alubm is that strangely, they sound better live. That may sound strange, seeing as this is a live alubm, but the mars volta live sound a thousand times better than this album. That is not so much a I intensly adore the mars volta. Frances the mute is amoung my all time favourite albums, deloused in the commatorium and the new amputechture are not far behind. The problem i have with this alubm is that strangely, they sound better live. That may sound strange, seeing as this is a live alubm, but the mars volta live sound a thousand times better than this album. That is not so much a criticism of this album as it is a testement to their actual live performances. Expand
  16. KidA
    Jul 14, 2006
    Wow was this bad
  17. j30
    Mar 22, 2012
    Scab Dates really doesn't do Mars Volta any favors, it actually suggests they're better in the studio than they are live. Which is true to a point. I've had friends tell me they loved and hated the same performance. When I saw them open for the Red Hot Chili Peppers I left with mixed feelings. They have great energy on stage, but the music in some areas felt chaotic and flat-out boring.Scab Dates really doesn't do Mars Volta any favors, it actually suggests they're better in the studio than they are live. Which is true to a point. I've had friends tell me they loved and hated the same performance. When I saw them open for the Red Hot Chili Peppers I left with mixed feelings. They have great energy on stage, but the music in some areas felt chaotic and flat-out boring. Their high points were exhilarating, particularly Viscera Eyes and Roulette Dares (The Haunt of). The Mars Volta need some sort of quality control of their live performances, meaning there are songs that are going to sound awesome live and some that are going to sound like **** In conclusion, Scab Dates is terrible due to it's horrid sound quality and song selection Expand
  18. Cramped
    Nov 26, 2005
    Have Mars Volta become mainstream or released a live album to complete an album contract? I'd bet on mainstream. Oh wait! Thats not news. I agree with Miss Machine...GARBAGE! Untalented waste of musical time. Mr. Bungle they will never be.
  19. MissMachine
    Nov 19, 2005
    Complete garbage. Mars Volta is not a live band and this is evident in this record. They completely fall apart onstage. Garbage.
  20. WhyDoIt
    Nov 24, 2005
    About what anyone could expect from such a self-indulgent band as The Mars Volta. I loved there first cd, but Frances the mute and this steamy pile of a release truely do show how some people can either lose it on drugs or just become so caught up in there own hype they believe they can record anything, I'm guessing the later.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 14
  2. Negative: 3 out of 14
  1. Scab Dates is yet another intriguing window into the Mars Volta's world, instead of just a live album holdover.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Exhausting, self-indulgent, and also kind of awesome. [18 Nov 2005, p.134]
  3. Given which songs are chosen and when this is being released, Scab Dates is a neither a concession nor a step forward, revealing inclinations that feel half as indulgent as they should when following a record like Frances the Mute, and about half as interesting to listen to.