• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Jul 25, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 67 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 67
  2. Negative: 5 out of 67

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  1. JustinG
    Aug 10, 2006
  2. tupper
    Aug 20, 2006
    amazing! everything rock and roll should be.
  3. jonc
    Aug 10, 2006
    Ali Farka Toure was a brilliant, powerful musician and great person. This CD captures his desert blues perfectly, adding other instrumentation to create new moods and dynamics, it's one of his best. I'm grateful he was able to create this before he left us.
  4. ShoisiaD
    Oct 6, 2006
    Unbelievable! The music is so beautiful and moving. I can't stop listening to it
  5. BrettG.
    Aug 21, 2007
    Supremely magical, a triumph of revelation in the sober gray world of today.
  6. HorriM
    Dec 15, 2006
    I own most of the CD
  7. LizeH
    Dec 16, 2006
    Concerning Savane, I've nothing to add to the description given by Horri M. I am very grateful to Ali Farka Toure for the superb and soul-healing creations, wisdom, humility and humanity that no amount of money can buy. If this is the work of a farmer for whom music was just a hobby, I wonder what we could have missed! A shining example for the overwhelming majority of today's Concerning Savane, I've nothing to add to the description given by Horri M. I am very grateful to Ali Farka Toure for the superb and soul-healing creations, wisdom, humility and humanity that no amount of money can buy. If this is the work of a farmer for whom music was just a hobby, I wonder what we could have missed! A shining example for the overwhelming majority of today's stars. Up there with the best of the best. Thank you louds & loudly and RIP ! Expand
  8. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    "the DNA of the blues" - Martin Scorsese Organic & Soulful. Possibly his best album.
  9. LawrieC
    Oct 22, 2006
    Forget about the desert blues tag, or that Ali is now dead; it's an unecessary distraction from the music. Toure was a brilliant musician - the grooves he dug in this CD make John Lee Hooker look catatonic. I've followed this career for a while, and was taken by surprise that his last two CDs were so comprehensively African and wonderful - never mind that he was near to death Forget about the desert blues tag, or that Ali is now dead; it's an unecessary distraction from the music. Toure was a brilliant musician - the grooves he dug in this CD make John Lee Hooker look catatonic. I've followed this career for a while, and was taken by surprise that his last two CDs were so comprehensively African and wonderful - never mind that he was near to death when he recorded them - they're brilliant on any scale. Penda Yoro, Soya, Savane and Fara are my current fave tracks - unbelievably soulful, cool and beautiful. You can keep the modern USA blues - Ali had the real stuff. Expand
  10. Jun 8, 2016
    This is the best album i've ever heard. Wow is the only logical reactions to the talent that is on display throughout the record.

    The only rejection one may have is the inability to understand what he is saying but in some ways i think that particular aspect liberates the listener. These song can say whatever it is you want them to say as it relates to your own current states. He plays
    This is the best album i've ever heard. Wow is the only logical reactions to the talent that is on display throughout the record.

    The only rejection one may have is the inability to understand what he is saying but in some ways i think that particular aspect liberates the listener. These song can say whatever it is you want them to say as it relates to your own current states. He plays and sings with enough skill, soul, and diversity to authentically convey any mood or emotion.
  11. Jan 9, 2020
    This Final Note He left us.. What a Wonder! You will always be a Legend... Ali
  12. Nov 20, 2019
    Simply, quite possibly the most perfectly fragile, devastating and hopeful album of the 21st Century. Exquisite in its pain
  13. DerekD.
    Sep 18, 2007
    Simply astounding roots music. Speaks to me even though I don't know his language.
  14. leiris
    Nov 7, 2006
    Jimmy F said "Now if this is being ranked on a scale of African Blues Music, maybe then it would be at the top" I am asking myself what this kid meant by this? My conclusion is that he has no idea. I am glad that he can spit out legendary names, as can most people who really know anything about music, but to put this album down because it is not
  15. madsl
    Aug 28, 2006
    a stunning, raw and exciting effort from the late desert blues king! perhaps his greatest album ever! As Ry Cooder has remarked, this is pure genius!
  16. SamH
    Sep 24, 2006
    I am still working my way through this album. Each listening reveals a little more.
  17. RM
    Oct 24, 2006
    Its ridiculous that this gets high reviews just because it is a genre that we don't listen to much in Western culture - you can never give this a twenty say without being accused of being narrow minded or racist, even if it is rubbish (it is now well in the top ten albums ever reviewed on metacritic). Still, I am glad I own the album for variety's sake and yeah, it's even Its ridiculous that this gets high reviews just because it is a genre that we don't listen to much in Western culture - you can never give this a twenty say without being accused of being narrow minded or racist, even if it is rubbish (it is now well in the top ten albums ever reviewed on metacritic). Still, I am glad I own the album for variety's sake and yeah, it's even quite enjoyable when you get into it. It would be handy if I could understand the lyrics (obviously not in English) because otherwise, the voice is just an instrument - at least it's a good one. Expand
  18. AladdynSane
    Jan 6, 2007
    I do have to agree with Todd W. that there's usually a love fest associated with recently-dead musicians. I reserve 10's for truly amazing, groundbreaking, listen to over and over again type of music. This album beats 99% of things out there today, but I would agree that this is no Pink Moon, Pet Sounds, etc. etc. Still, if this genre is your thing or you're open-minded I do have to agree with Todd W. that there's usually a love fest associated with recently-dead musicians. I reserve 10's for truly amazing, groundbreaking, listen to over and over again type of music. This album beats 99% of things out there today, but I would agree that this is no Pink Moon, Pet Sounds, etc. etc. Still, if this genre is your thing or you're open-minded enough to give this one a shot, I think you'll be very satisfied. Expand
  19. JD
    Jan 28, 2007
    I count several very good tunes, 2 topnotch -- I don't understand the '0' votes -- a '0' vote should be reserved for kfed. Just because you believe it was rated too high, don't turn into a hater!
  20. RichardK
    Jan 8, 2007
    I'm only mildly interested in blues, but I took a chance on this album based on the Metacritic rating and the user comments. And suprisingly I really liked this album. I'm often disapointed when I try a highly rated album outside my comfort zone, but this one really works for me.
  21. Jun 7, 2022
    Stumbling upon this whilst doing a roll call of all the 90+ records on metacritic and despite not agreeing with some this one deserved that distinction. It's an epic guitar record filled with many key moment's and cohesive sequencing that in the best of way makes it feel like one big glorious movement.
  22. ChrisD
    Dec 22, 2006
    I was excited to see that something has been rated so high, but i was left dissapointed after a listen. I can appreciate the album, its just not my cup of tea.

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. His unsentimental, voluptuously masculine, spirit-guided magic is captured at its best, for all time, in this magnificent farewell.
  2. One of his most accomplished recordings.
  3. "Savane" is without question one of the finest efforts in his legendary discography.