• Record Label: Bubbles
  • Release Date: Mar 31, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. A handful of marginal highs aside (the minor urgency of 'Courage,' the fluid sobriety of 'Gravity'), it's hard to shake the feeling that Rules would be a lot more satisfying if it broke a few more.
  2. In all, the languidness of Rules has its own odd charm—since WBA never aspire to be much beyond a wistful dance pop quartet, they don’t fall down the stairs too embarrassingly.
  3. Hooks hit their fleshy mark here and there--'Dead End' is a compulsive, '80s-flavoured high and 'High On The Heels'' clipped acid house proves endearingly gauche--but it's cold comfort on a record that fleshes out a promising template to only diminishing returns.
  4. Rules may not be the shape of what’s to come, but there’s also little offence to be found in its unobtrusive ways.
  5. Mojo
    The effete Norwegian's music is becoming too unobtrusive for its own good. [Apr 2009, p.103]
  6. Listening to Rules is a surprisingly boring experience. At several instances throughout this album you wish someone would let rip with a guitar solo, fire off a rave horn or just do something to liven up proceedings.
  7. So, his odd decision to make Jamiroquai-like pillow-pop adds yet another string to Oye’s heavily-laden bow, but this is one we’d happily take the wire-cutters to.
  8. Q Magazine
    The result is a marriage of indie pop and dance music, containing a number of tracks that are just a remix away from clubland glory. [Apr 2009, p.111]
  9. Sadly, the effect is often not strikingly minimalist but blandly beige, at times recalling Jamiroquai's most soulless moments.
  10. Uncut
    Rules finds The Whitest Boy Alive turning noticeably paler, peddling a shade of Ralph Lauren yacht-rock that would make Hall & Oates blush. [May 2009, p.105]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Sep 22, 2012
    The simplistic style is irresistible! These guys do a great job making great music without any complication. Great drumming, great bass lines,The simplistic style is irresistible! These guys do a great job making great music without any complication. Great drumming, great bass lines, great guitar work, and really great keyboard work on this one! Full Review »
  2. Aug 9, 2016
    6.06.0 z Full Review »
  3. May 1, 2012
    The Whitest Boy Alive is the band that I wish that everybody could appreciate and know , with those two factors , TWBA will have problems inThe Whitest Boy Alive is the band that I wish that everybody could appreciate and know , with those two factors , TWBA will have problems in future productions .But ignoring the problem, TWBA's Rules is as compelling as it is a masterpiece . Full Review »