• Record Label: Bubbles
  • Release Date: Mar 31, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Mojo
    The effete Norwegian's music is becoming too unobtrusive for its own good. [Apr 2009, p.103]
  2. Listening to Rules is a surprisingly boring experience. At several instances throughout this album you wish someone would let rip with a guitar solo, fire off a rave horn or just do something to liven up proceedings.
  3. Q Magazine
    The result is a marriage of indie pop and dance music, containing a number of tracks that are just a remix away from clubland glory. [Apr 2009, p.111]
  4. Sadly, the effect is often not strikingly minimalist but blandly beige, at times recalling Jamiroquai's most soulless moments.
  5. Hooks hit their fleshy mark here and there--'Dead End' is a compulsive, '80s-flavoured high and 'High On The Heels'' clipped acid house proves endearingly gauche--but it's cold comfort on a record that fleshes out a promising template to only diminishing returns.
  6. So, his odd decision to make Jamiroquai-like pillow-pop adds yet another string to Oye’s heavily-laden bow, but this is one we’d happily take the wire-cutters to.
  7. A handful of marginal highs aside (the minor urgency of 'Courage,' the fluid sobriety of 'Gravity'), it's hard to shake the feeling that Rules would be a lot more satisfying if it broke a few more.
  8. In all, the languidness of Rules has its own odd charm—since WBA never aspire to be much beyond a wistful dance pop quartet, they don’t fall down the stairs too embarrassingly.
  9. Uncut
    Rules finds The Whitest Boy Alive turning noticeably paler, peddling a shade of Ralph Lauren yacht-rock that would make Hall & Oates blush. [May 2009, p.105]
  10. Rules may not be the shape of what’s to come, but there’s also little offence to be found in its unobtrusive ways.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Sep 22, 2012
    The simplistic style is irresistible! These guys do a great job making great music without any complication. Great drumming, great bass lines,The simplistic style is irresistible! These guys do a great job making great music without any complication. Great drumming, great bass lines, great guitar work, and really great keyboard work on this one! Full Review »
  2. Aug 9, 2016
    6.06.0 z Full Review »
  3. May 1, 2012
    The Whitest Boy Alive is the band that I wish that everybody could appreciate and know , with those two factors , TWBA will have problems inThe Whitest Boy Alive is the band that I wish that everybody could appreciate and know , with those two factors , TWBA will have problems in future productions .But ignoring the problem, TWBA's Rules is as compelling as it is a masterpiece . Full Review »