
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Roots And Echoes is an album of songs with all the warmth and familiarity of old leather--and as strangely unexciting as that sounds.
  2. It would be crazy to suggest that Roots And Echoes is anything less than consistently fine, but from a band whose initial forays promised so much 'fine' doesn't quite cut it.
  3. A patchy return, then, from a band whose prolific status never looked in jeopardy before. While it's good to have The Coral back, it's unlikely that Roots And Echoes will win them any new converts.
  4. Melody takes precedence on Roots And Echoes, and this makes it stronger and tighter than The Coral’s previous releases.
  5. Mojo
    They have emerged with identity still intact, marrying melodic '60s songwriting to Doorsian melodrama and garage rock mentality. [sEP 2007, P.110]
  6. While Roots & Echoes has some ace moments, it steps back from the brink of insanity in a way they've never done before.
  7. A wobbly start, but luckily The Coral are just finding their sea legs.
  8. It may all seem a bit lackluster for a band that is known for being impulsive, but toning things down was actually an effective move to make.
  9. Roots and Echoes is a brighter, considerably more settled record than previous outings, less inclined to meander skittishly into dub, mariachi and sea shanties.
  10. Sadly, Roots & Echoes' air of studious refinement sullies even its more cerebral material with schmaltzy gestures.
  11. Roots & Echoes is well worth the time and money.
  12. Q Magazine
    Full of irresistible choruses and quirky surprises, it's the sound of a band fully deserving of star billing. [Sep 2007, p.90]
  13. Spin
    The result is seductive and understated, with familiar '60s touches. [Nov 2007, p.116]
  14. The overall impression is of the Coral straightening up, ironing out the kinks and making music too well-mannered to have much character.
  15. 60
    The band’s decision to keep things on more orthodox tap seems to have been accomplished at the expense of some of their spirit.
  16. Under The Radar
    There is too much treading of water to say that The Coral has broken through their shtick to deliver on their considerable promise. [Fall 2007, p.78]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. SteveH
    Feb 20, 2008
    This is a brilliant record and really grows on you with repeated plays. I don't think there are any weak tracks and definitely in my top This is a brilliant record and really grows on you with repeated plays. I don't think there are any weak tracks and definitely in my top five of 2007. Full Review »
  2. J.D.B.
    Dec 17, 2007
    Their best record yet. It's a great merging of 60's freakbeat and their best song writing to create the best record of the year.
  3. HelenV
    Aug 19, 2007
    I love this record. It gets me in great mood,and is in my opinion the best record they released.