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Universal acclaim- based on 87 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 79 out of 87
  2. Negative: 7 out of 87
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  1. Oct 9, 2020
    A sparkling mix of Madonna, Kylie Minogue, ABBA, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Róisín’s album transcends the year 2020 and takes us to the discos, to the gay clubs, to the penthouse lounges, to the windows-open taxi rides at 1 AM. With a sophisticated integration of dance floor sounds from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and a striking vocal intensity, the record sounds luxurious, timeless, foreboding,A sparkling mix of Madonna, Kylie Minogue, ABBA, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Róisín’s album transcends the year 2020 and takes us to the discos, to the gay clubs, to the penthouse lounges, to the windows-open taxi rides at 1 AM. With a sophisticated integration of dance floor sounds from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and a striking vocal intensity, the record sounds luxurious, timeless, foreboding, mysterious, and melancholic. The third track “Something More,” in particular, is easily the best dance-pop record of the year. Expand
  2. Oct 2, 2020
    this is what we needed. this is what we deserved. this is what we got and it's perfect.
  3. Oct 2, 2020
    An impeccable achievement. On par with her best works Overpowered, Ruby Blue and Statues. Turn up the volume. It’s ecstatic !
  4. Nov 23, 2020
    This is amazing! Easily the best 'influenced-disco' album of the new decade!
  5. Oct 7, 2020
    De sus mejores trabajos. Recoge perfectamente su trabajado durante los últimos años: producciones impecables y melodías atemporales pero nada accesibles a una primera escucha
  6. Oct 2, 2020
    Obra maestra! El disco me ha dejado sin palabras de lo bueno que es. Se merece más reconocimiento y respeto esta artista
  7. Oct 2, 2020
    Perfect in every single way, like a night out at the best club ever. Roisin is the dancefloor queen this year!
  8. Oct 3, 2020
    Probably her best album, certainly a good time from beginning to end. I'm sure we'll also be getting some excellent remixes down the line.
  9. Oct 2, 2020
    missing this kind of Róisín!! Very danceable music, and amazing new mixes of the known songs!
  10. Oct 4, 2020
    Un muy buen regreso. Pop adictivo y de calidad, para ir directo a la pista de baile.
  11. Oct 2, 2020
    Róisín Machine é o retorno de Róisín Murphy ao posto de diva. Classudo, extenso e poderoso, mas sem soar cansativo. Uma façanha para poucos.
  12. Oct 2, 2020
    The best album of 2020 so far. Róisín Murphy do it so good, this sounds like every experimental/pop/disco sounds want to! ILY RÓISÍN MURPHY
  13. Oct 9, 2020
    The best album of Roisin's career to date. The dancehall sound mixed with modern disco, spinning decks and funk really feels like the new sound of 2020. Listen to: Jealousy, Murphy's Law, Narcissus, Kingdom of Ends, Shellfish Mademoiselle.
  14. Oct 2, 2020
    Such a fun experience! An incredibly immersive and rich headphone listen, and one whose barrage of funk and house really surprised me after Murphy's more muted, experimental last two albums. From a production standpoint it knocks it out of the park, with the feel of a club mix, a heady and intelligent one at that. Murphy has never sounded better, effortlessly charismatic and completely inSuch a fun experience! An incredibly immersive and rich headphone listen, and one whose barrage of funk and house really surprised me after Murphy's more muted, experimental last two albums. From a production standpoint it knocks it out of the park, with the feel of a club mix, a heady and intelligent one at that. Murphy has never sounded better, effortlessly charismatic and completely in control. Just a blast.

    Best tracks: Simulation, Something More, Shellfish Mademoiselle, We Got Together, Murphy's Law, Game Changer, Narcissus

    Worst track: Incapable
  15. Dec 30, 2020
    Disco isn't my go to genre but there is something about Roisín Murphy that is hard to resist. "Roisín Machine" is a beast of an album that really is a night on the dance floor packed into an hour long album. Ironically, it comes out in the year when the dance floors have been emptied. The production on this is sublime but Murphy has such confidence in what she is doing that creating anDisco isn't my go to genre but there is something about Roisín Murphy that is hard to resist. "Roisín Machine" is a beast of an album that really is a night on the dance floor packed into an hour long album. Ironically, it comes out in the year when the dance floors have been emptied. The production on this is sublime but Murphy has such confidence in what she is doing that creating an album full of bangers sounds effortless (opening with an 8 and a half minute slow burner takes serious confidence). A much needed feel good album and one of the better ones of the year. Expand
  16. Feb 23, 2021
    ( 85/100 )

    La sorpresa de escuchar por primera vez a Róisín crece cada vez que toco alguna de sus canciones. Al principio el enorme disco-loop parece proponer poco, no ser muy creativo y ser algo monótono, pero si se confía en la experiencia residual de esta artista, se regresará frecuentemente a esta explosión de emoción y luces láser que sacará a bailar el lado Groovy y Funk de la
    ( 85/100 )

    La sorpresa de escuchar por primera vez a Róisín crece cada vez que toco alguna de sus canciones. Al principio el enorme disco-loop parece proponer poco, no ser muy creativo y ser algo monótono, pero si se confía en la experiencia residual de esta artista, se regresará frecuentemente a esta explosión de emoción y luces láser que sacará a bailar el lado Groovy y Funk de la gente con una energía explosiva. Eso es lo que me agrada de "Róisín Machine", que sabe crear transición entre emociones y te puede llevar tanto a la punta del éxtasi como a un plano de estática placentera. Hay lujo en la producción de Richard Barrat, seducción y cierta ambición por plenitud. Este álbum no será indispensable para la música electrónica, el disco o el dance-club, pero tiene una personalidad y esencia que se impregna como un perfume especial.
    The surprise of listening to Róisín for the first time grows each time that I touch any of her songs. In the beginning, the big disco-loop seems to propose little, not being very creative and being kind of monotonous, but if you trust the residual experience of this artist, you will find yourself coming back to this explosion of emotions and laser lights that will take the groovy and funky side of the people with explosive energy to the dance floor. That is what I like about "Róisín Machine", that she knows how to create a transition between emotions and can take you to the tip of the extasis or a plain of pleasant static. There is luxury in the production of Richard Barrat, seduction, and a certain ambition for plenitude. This album might not be essential for electronic, disco, or dance club music, but it has a personality and essence that sticks like a special perfume.
  17. Oct 26, 2020
    Vocals are really good and intense in their disco-style, the majority of the electro is pleasant and the few switches in this album are truly both joyful and surprising.
    But nothing can cancel the boring and killing repetitivity of 'Roisin Machine'. Songs last for years, often (not always I admit) without any added content. Some of them unfortunately lack instrumental progressiveness and
    Vocals are really good and intense in their disco-style, the majority of the electro is pleasant and the few switches in this album are truly both joyful and surprising.
    But nothing can cancel the boring and killing repetitivity of 'Roisin Machine'. Songs last for years, often (not always I admit) without any added content. Some of them unfortunately lack instrumental progressiveness and lyrical variety. It feels better to hear for 6 minutes a song of attractive disco-electro, but when it's bad it still takes so much time to end that you begin to compare it with pain. 'We Got Together' is the perfect example of what I'm trying to explain: this song has one of the worst production (unpleasant repetitivity added with useless sounds) and lyrics (also desperately repetitive) and last for a bit more than 5 minutes ! And the top of it all is that deluxe version offers some songs in extended mix ! Hopefully 'We Got Together' is not part of it...

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Oct 9, 2020
    Róisín Machine is cohesive and spellbinding. Murphy truly is a machine in her consistent creativity, and this is a particularly well-oiled example of her brilliance.
  2. Oct 5, 2020
    While Róisín Machine is probably the most straightforward album she’s made, and is clearly within her wheelhouse, it just leaves a desire that she had pushed things even further, as we know she’s capable of doing.
  3. Oct 5, 2020
    Róisín Murphy aims her tracks at the stars. With Róisín Machine, she’s become one.