
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Sep 11, 2014
    When you put together the sympathetic production, the strength of the songs, and the power of the performances, it adds up to another great record by a band whose members are in complete command of their thoughtful, tender, and sneakily hooky sound.
  2. Sep 9, 2014
    The performances finally have weight, if not depth.
  3. Sep 10, 2014
    Not every track on Ritual in Repeat reaches the blissed-out fever pitch of “Bad Girls”, a four-and-a-half-minute slow burner that builds to a stunning crescendo, showcasing Moore’s voice to perfection. Even the songs that don’t, however, command their own gravity.
  4. Sep 9, 2014
    Ritual in Repeat is an elegantly constructed and crafted piece of pop music art borne from rigorous, exacting songwriting.
  5. Magnet
    Sep 18, 2014
    Tennis dances easily into the present with an album that pines for more for modern connection than campy reinventions of someone else's love. [No. 113, p.61]
  6. Sep 9, 2014
    On Ritual In Repeat, Tennis discovers new capabilities well, and it shows that a record doesn’t necessarily need to have a central theme for it to be an ambitious collection of songs.
  7. Sep 11, 2014
    If you're inclined to Tennis negatively, they look like a group of blank people offering bland sweetness devoid of deeper meaning. While the band might've fit that description at one point, they've since grown past it, so if you're one of the listeners who dismissed their earlier work as banal and bourgeois, know that Tennis has since earned another chance.
  8. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2015
    If possibly too shiny for some tastes, the spooked '60s folk of Wounded Heart adds a touch of darkness. [Feb 2015, p.117]
  9. Sep 22, 2014
    With Ritual in Repeat, Tennis have crafted the most affecting record of their short career and purged the emptiness too often lurking behind the facade of similar artists, not to mention their own past work.
  10. Sep 11, 2014
    As with everything Tennis have done to date, it still sounds very light; the percussion, as usual, is kept unobtrusive, and Moore's vocals never threaten to bubble over into a snarl; you can't help but wonder what they might sound like with the shackles off, but perhaps that's to miss the point.
  11. Sep 9, 2014
    Admittedly, it's an intriguing attempt at reinvigorating an established sound. But far too often it fails to connect, with many numbers drifting out as the feeble efforts of a band that's lost confidence in itself.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Sep 10, 2014
    With 2013's "Small Sound" EP and the new "Ritual In Repeat", husband and wife retro-pop duo Tennis are sounding more and more confident withWith 2013's "Small Sound" EP and the new "Ritual In Repeat", husband and wife retro-pop duo Tennis are sounding more and more confident with each release. "Ritual" contains a few more melodic gems, namely the briskly paced "Never Work For Free", opening track "Night Visions" and the gorgeous, layered "This Isn't My Song". Lead vocalist Alaina Moore sounds strong throughout, evoking classic 60s girl-group pop in the chorus of "The Needle and the Knife", belting out lines in the doo-wap style "Bad Girls" or channeling Madonna in "I'm Callin'". A solid indie-pop record, marred only by some questionable production choices. Full Review »