
Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Rolling Stone
    You Are The Quarry... was Morrissey's strongest album in years, but Ringleader reframes it as mere foreplay. [6 Apr 2006, p.62]
  2. Some of his most impressive songs in years.
  3. Mostly, though, it's the usual whining about his tortured life as as a once-celebrated pop star and being unloved in a harsh world, but with fewer droll song titles and clever couplets.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Not the invigorating wake-up that was 2004's You Are The Quarry, his new album... feels more like an elegiac memoir. [7 Apr 2006, p.60]
  5. "Ringleader" proves Morrissey does not need to be miserable to make memorable music.
  6. 'Ringleader Of The Tormentors' sees Morrissey not only in wonderful voice, but more flamboyant and alive than at any time in his solo career.
  7. Ringleader Of The Tormentors is the sound a man with a new sense of purpose, and in this extraordinary record he's produced a masterpiece.
  8. While it may be the most proficient musical record that Morrissey has put out in aeons... it doesn’t quite measure up to the high standards set by You Are The Quarry or the superlative debut that was Viva Hate.
  9. [His] vocals don't have the same strength or range they did just two years ago on You Are the Quarry.
  10. The New York Times
    While the lyrics are uniformly excellent... the songs mainly range from not good to pretty good. [3 Apr 2006]
  11. Morrissey doesn’t have that much to say now, but it’s never really been just about the words. And when everything fits into place on Ringleader of the Tormenters, he can deliver those sweet-nothings with such panache that it doesn’t really matter anyway.
  12. It's hard not to shake the suspicion that this album is the closest he's ever been to forgettable.
  13. Quite honestly, he's never sounded so alive and free - or, more importantly, human.
  14. These tunes find him not only reconnecting with his sense of melodic urgency but with his loins, as well.
  15. Ringleader of the Tormentors is, rather than the now-anticipated letdown, another fitting heir to [his] legacy.
  16. The production on each song is a little too repetitive.
  17. Track for track, Ringleader is unquestionably Morrissey's best in ages.
  18. Mojo
    As with everything Morrissey does, ROTT's resonance will elude those not hitherto fascinated by its master's voice. A shame, for in terms of pure musicality, ROTT is possibly his most ecumenical solo album, his most welcoming and loveable. [Apr 2006, p.89]
  19. What's so remarkable about Morrissey's writing on 'Ringleader...' is a seeming greater comfort with the more upbeat subject matter than with his usual morose metier, and what remains of that is executed with an exceedingly hammy fist.
  20. Blender
    Longtime devotees may miss Morrissey's Smiths-era vocal histrionics, but his supple croon has matured into a thing of beauty. [May 2006, p.103]
  21. Alternative Press
    A romantic, self-referential collection of songs that, even though we've heard this inimitable voice singing the same old tune for years, manages to avoid staleness. [May 2006, p.174]
  22. Q Magazine
    What we are left with is a sense of something not quite finished... It makes Ringleader Of The Tormentors feel like a transitional album. [Apr 2006, p.108]
  23. Uncut
    Funnily enough, it's the lyrics that let Ringleader down the most. [Apr 2006, p.94]
  24. 75
    [A] potentially polarizing mash note.
  25. Under The Radar
    One of his finest solo outings to date. [#13, p.87]
  26. Urb
    Ringleader is Moz at his tormented best. [Apr 2006, p.88]
  27. Paste Magazine
    Strangely underwhelming. [Apr/May 2006, p.100]
  28. Ringleader of the Tormentors feels rushed and underdone in both the songwriting and arrangements.
  29. Whereas You Are The Quarry was a welcome return to form, Ringleader Of The Tormentors makes you wonder if seven-year gaps between albums are necessary.
  30. Magnet
    Morrissey regains his knack for conversational hooks and his wry, literate sense of humor. [#71, p.105]
  31. Morrissey has managed to assemble a record that feels like a genuine Morrissey record while not being insufferably self-important and brooding.
  32. Filter
    [Many] of the songs submerge the rock and roll swagger of Your Arsenal in dramatic atmospherics, making ofr an astonishingly immediate visceral experience. [#20, p.91]
  33. His newest album is at best a parody of old Morrissey. He has become boring. He has become stagnant. He has become irrelevant.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 105 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 105
  2. Negative: 9 out of 105
  1. Feb 6, 2023
    More mixed than his previous album but still his fantastic vocals remain. You Have Killed Me and Life Is A Pigsty are the standouts to me.
  2. Aug 1, 2014
    Morrissey gets (sometimes uncomfortably) personal in Ringleader of the Tormentors, which makes it a special album for that fact alone. TonyMorrissey gets (sometimes uncomfortably) personal in Ringleader of the Tormentors, which makes it a special album for that fact alone. Tony Visconti's capable production gives a gentler feel to You Are the Quarry's follow-up. Make no mistake - there is filler here, but it's well done filler, certainly nothing worth skipping over to get to the next terrific track (and there are lots of those). Full Review »
  3. [Anonymous]
    Dec 21, 2006
    since its release in april it has stayed at the top of the pile. there is no question morrissey remains as the best of 2006. only a couple since its release in april it has stayed at the top of the pile. there is no question morrissey remains as the best of 2006. only a couple can compete. this release improves after every play. Full Review »