User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
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  1. Oct 25, 2022
    I love you, I love you, I love you, jemand sieht sich von außen und gestellt, alle Frauen sind "falsch", am Rande Nina Nastasia kann schreiben und singt schön.
  2. Aug 18, 2022
    Unbelievable record. I don't want to come across as callous, since the album originated from some serious trauma, but Nastasia has turned that trauma into probably her most beautiful album yet. There is bleakness, of course, but that bleakness is often juxtaposed against some genuine moments of joy. That contrast is indescribable. You just have to listen. But make sure to listen from startUnbelievable record. I don't want to come across as callous, since the album originated from some serious trauma, but Nastasia has turned that trauma into probably her most beautiful album yet. There is bleakness, of course, but that bleakness is often juxtaposed against some genuine moments of joy. That contrast is indescribable. You just have to listen. But make sure to listen from start to finish. There's a certain quality to the album's storytelling that makes it come across like a great novel. Despite the sadness, it ends on a hopeful note. Something intangible that you can't put your finger on. One of the most moving records I've ever heard. Collapse
  3. Aug 8, 2022
    First time listener to Nina. I really wasn't expecting much on my new music listening run. The note summary indicated she lost her partner to suicide and as devastating as that can be Nina is clearly on the mend. She takes you on the recovery experience through her music. Like watching a flower bloom from difficult life circumstances the music and lyrics are filled with emotion along withFirst time listener to Nina. I really wasn't expecting much on my new music listening run. The note summary indicated she lost her partner to suicide and as devastating as that can be Nina is clearly on the mend. She takes you on the recovery experience through her music. Like watching a flower bloom from difficult life circumstances the music and lyrics are filled with emotion along with melodic acoustic work. A must listen. Expand
  4. Aug 4, 2022
    Holy sh*t this record is devastating. It's almost hollow with experience her voice with Steve Albin's famous bare production is given the platform to destroy unadorned. Its difficult to discuss this record removed from the context of it's creators recent tragedy. Nina had recently revealed that he had actually been in a long-term abusive relationship with her partner and manager and thatHoly sh*t this record is devastating. It's almost hollow with experience her voice with Steve Albin's famous bare production is given the platform to destroy unadorned. Its difficult to discuss this record removed from the context of it's creators recent tragedy. Nina had recently revealed that he had actually been in a long-term abusive relationship with her partner and manager and that after deciding to leave he killed himself. Pieces of that haunt songs like "trust " that moans with a bereaved cry in it's last few minutes or the wisdom of "afterwards " that reminisces on their life both good and bad as well as how hard it is to know what you know of someone you miss because of death. This album isn't just about closure but it's about how it can never exist. Expand
  5. Jul 26, 2022
    I gave this LP a stream based on the stellar reviews. What a find! One of the best new albums I have heard n the past few years. Lyrics are great and show remarkable psychological insight. Despite the often grim topics, Nina portrays a fierce drive towards mental health throughout it all. Bravo!

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Aug 22, 2022
    The fact that Nastasia has documented this period with such honesty, empathy and beauty makes Riderless Horse feel like a small, healing triumph of sorts, a quiet personal victory against overwhelming adversity.
  2. The Wire
    Aug 1, 2022
    It is a working through of grief and abuse, characterised by Nastasia’s deeply resonant songwriting. ... It would be tempting to liken the run of songs in between to a personal descent followed by an emergence into the outside world, but Nastasia shuns such easy linear interpretations. [Aug 2022, p.53]
  3. Jul 28, 2022
    For all its anguish, it’s underpinned by the joyful realization that she’s finally free to record on her own terms.