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  1. Oct 16, 2015
    This is the best album of 2015 and the best album of the carrer of selena, she works so hard and give all the best she had, greatful album, greatful songs.
  2. Oct 16, 2015
    Album maduro, veio para consagrar a carreira de Selena. Logo, logo, a sucessora de Britney Spears terá sua vez como princesa do pop. Gomez conseguir colocar toda uma história em apenas um album e senti que ela desabafou e mostrou seu verdadeiro eu. Muito orgulhoso estou dessa mulher, como seu fã e como pessoa. Ela veio para ficar desde sempre!
  3. Oct 16, 2015
    This is the album of the millennium, stepped in some fans of certain former friends of hers who doubted their ability, queen stepped without promise, note more than deserved.
  4. Oct 16, 2015
    Revival is simply the best of Selena, she clearly putted her heart and soul on this album, her evolution as an artist is breathtaking and surprising. The album has a soft sexiness that is really comfortable and good to feel, her latin traces was explored on the best way and it sounds perfect. A work of art, an amazing job, a revival as an artist.
  5. Oct 16, 2015
  6. Oct 16, 2015
    Amei,Selena Gomez chegou com tudo e calou a boca de todos que falavam mau dela,Sober é perfeito,Super adulta e madura,este ano é dela sem duvidas! Parabéns Selena.
  7. Oct 16, 2015
    Selena trouxe uma pegada mexicana e alguns trechos em espanhol, como foi mostrado nas faixas ´´Me & My Girls`` e ´´Outta My Hands (Loco)`` por exemplo, o que foi importante para a construção cultural do álbum. Ela cresceu muito em relação aos seus antigos álbuns, inclusive em sua voz, que, de fato, nunca teve uma grande extensão e potência, mas se destacou em faixas como ´´Perfect`` eSelena trouxe uma pegada mexicana e alguns trechos em espanhol, como foi mostrado nas faixas ´´Me & My Girls`` e ´´Outta My Hands (Loco)`` por exemplo, o que foi importante para a construção cultural do álbum. Ela cresceu muito em relação aos seus antigos álbuns, inclusive em sua voz, que, de fato, nunca teve uma grande extensão e potência, mas se destacou em faixas como ´´Perfect`` e ´´Survivors``, que exigem um timbre mais suave como o dela. A cantora abordou vários temas em suas letras, e em ´´Kill 'em With Kindness`` passou uma importante mensagem de paz para o mundo. Selena pode não ter os melhores vocais e ainda deixar a desejar em alguns fatores como cantora, mas ela se superou nesse álbum e está em crescimento como artista e pessoa, deixando para trás o aspecto ´´Disney`` e englobando uma nova mulher mais madura. Expand
  8. Oct 16, 2015
    Com certeza o melhor álbum dela! Selena soube explorar sua voz, soube compor (ao contrário do que muitos falavam), enfim, Selena conseguiu surpreender a todos, com esse álbum cativante e incrível, sem precisar prometer!
  9. Oct 16, 2015
    Na boa, ao ouvir Good For You, pensei que o álbum novo da Sel seria maravilhoso e que ela seguiria aquele caminho. Porém fui enganado docemente. O álbum tem várias farofas, assim como o seu anterior, Stars Dance. Uma ou outra música melancólica, falando de seu conturbado relacionamento com o Bieber, e só. Me decepcionou.
  10. Oct 16, 2015
    Selena Gomez era sempre a Teen com o álbum mais genérico e cheio de músicas apenas pra "hitar", observar a evolução dela neste álbum é incrível, músicas calmas, melodias perfeitas, só enjoa pra quem não sabe apreciar música de qualidade.
  11. Oct 16, 2015
    amei esse album ta com as melhores musicas isso sim que é musica merece nota 1000000 mais não da pra colocar kkk amei muitão espero que ela melhore cada vez mais e mais lançe mais album essa merece grammy
  12. Oct 16, 2015
    the album is pretty good but you can practically hear the autotune in her voice and her vocals just aren't strong at all. still love her but, compared to demi lovato's new album, this isn't good
  13. Oct 16, 2015
    O album é ótimo, claramente o melhor da Selena. Só achei a sonoridade de algumas músicas um pouco parecidas demais e até me confundo os nomes por conta disso, mas fora isso as letras, a voz da Gomez estão ótimas e vale muito a pena ouvir. Sucesso para esse album maravilhoso.
  14. Oct 16, 2015
    É um lindo álbum,com belas composições e da pra saber que atrás de cada música tem uma história tem uma verdade, esse é definitivamente o renascimento de Selena Gomez
  15. Oct 16, 2015
    Rainha teen mesmo, pisou em confident, Selena mostrando para as basics que tem talento, qualidade, vai ter grammy sim em revival. Primeira ex act fazendo um álbum maduro de verdade.
  16. Oct 16, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é muito repetitivo... As canções tornam-se chatas... e não possui uma qualidade significativa que tanta expoem por aí... É algo meio começo de carreira! Expand
  17. Oct 16, 2015
    Revival is the best pop album of 2015, Selena is definitively the best 2015 pop star
    "Hands To Myself" and "Survivors" are the best 2015 pop songs, unlike his colleague Lovato, Selena really matured
  18. Oct 16, 2015
    Honestly? The album has a few good songs, but other then that, I didn't really like it. Her voice sounds different in almost every song, as if she got another person to sing the album for her. A lot of the songs are repetitive, boring, or annoying. Plus there's the fact that I'm pretty sure she won't be able to sing any of these songs live. Very generic and I wouldn't recommend it.
  19. Oct 16, 2015
    Letras intimistas acompanhadas de melodias tocantes, Selena mostrou um novo lado dela que ainda não conhecíamos. Este é, de longe, o seu melhor disco.
  20. Oct 16, 2015
    I think the album was very boring. I expected more! She has such a tone but she put it all to waste. If you want to hear actual music - I suggest Demi Lovato's Confident.
  21. Oct 16, 2015
    ótimo álbum musicas perfeitas , n tem como n deixar de ouvir , ela simplesmente conseguiu fazer a transição de cantora teen a cantora adulta ela se superou mais uma vez
  22. Oct 16, 2015
    Vai se foder, álbum otimo!!!!!!!!!!! Pisou em atar dance (brincadeira) otimos vocais, tudo lindo toda top toda modelo!! Melhor album dela, e segundo melhor do ano! Me fode ate nao poder mais Selena
  23. Oct 16, 2015
    Very weak voice, I can not find voice quality nor the instrumental ... has some good lyrics, I could not find any fantastic music that is innovative and something new in pop, boring boring album and I can not even listen to the end
  24. Oct 16, 2015
    This album is my perfect concept about the true pop, Selena's voice is killer in this masterpiece no doubt I will support this era, to me is the best album of 2015! Congratulations Selena!
  25. Oct 16, 2015
    Good Job Selena! This album is pure gold, amazing songs I wanna say that Sober is a really powerful song, Same Old Love is amazing and Kill Em with Kindness is pure perfection
  26. Oct 16, 2015
    This album deserves grammys, amazing lyrics, amazing style, amazing production, OMG this album is pure perfection, I can't wait her future projects I hate her before this ia a really excellent album
  27. Oct 16, 2015
    this album is PERFECT to my ears, I feel like an angel touch me her sweet voice is really vulnerable in Nobody, Perfect, Sober and Camouflage, strong in Same Old Love and Me and the Rhythm is a perfect combination of voices
  28. Oct 15, 2015
    Selena actually managed to innovate, unlike their previous albums, Revival is a work of art which exudes instrumental innovative and stunning vocals. It is remarkable that Selena has matured a lot compared to his previous work "Stars Dance", and that fact Revival is a rebirth. The best songs are "Sober", "Hands to Myself", "Good For You", "Revival", "Perfect", "Rise" and "Me & The Rhytm".
  29. Oct 15, 2015
    Revival é um álbum maravilhoso e essa era veio pra quebrar todos os argumentos que usam pra julga-la, as letras maduras, a produção maravilhosa e PRINCIPALMENTE a evolução vocal. 2015 com certeza também é um ano da Selena.
  30. Oct 15, 2015
    Revival é um ótimo álbum e representante na industria Pop, porém faltou mais produção nas musicas para que não se tornassem tão repetitivas. Sem dúvidas o melhor álbum da Selena, e o mais maduro. Selena cresce cada vez mais na música e em seus trabalhos.
  31. Oct 15, 2015
    album do ano
  32. Oct 15, 2015
    Um album com otimas composiçoes, mas com algumas musicas com ritmos chatos, enjoativos, mas pelo visto tem um potencial, porem, ficou a desejar devido um pouco de falta dela mesma no album. Parabens a Selena pelo trabalho.
  33. Oct 15, 2015
    Este álbum es espectacular. Selena al fin se ha encontrado a sí misma y nos ha contado su camino mediante Revival. Definitivamente uno de los mejores álbumes de este año! Su voz ha mejorado y ella ha sabido usarla en estas canciones, desde Revival a Cologne, todas las canciones son muy buenas.
  34. Oct 15, 2015
    Um maravilhoso álbum, maduro, diferente e confiante (qq), Vocais fortes, letras perfeitas. Este é apenas o renascismento de uma grande e talentosa cantora pop.
  35. Oct 15, 2015
    Álbum incrível, o vocal da Selena melhorou muito, músicas maduras, mais da metade com a colaboração dela. Simplesmente sensacional. Survivors, Kill em With Kidness, Perfect, Body Heat, Same Old Love e Nobody são as mais surpreendentes do álbum! Todas as faixas encaixam entre si. Revival mostrou para o que veio.
  36. Oct 14, 2015
    This album is amazing. All songs have a meaning even if some could possible be forgettable. All of the songs are relaxing and mostly chill. Just the right amount of everything with Gomez's voice fitting every song. I would definitely recommend the deluxe edition which includes the amazing "Nobody" (which is about God) and the perfect "Perfect". Besides those there are more outstandingThis album is amazing. All songs have a meaning even if some could possible be forgettable. All of the songs are relaxing and mostly chill. Just the right amount of everything with Gomez's voice fitting every song. I would definitely recommend the deluxe edition which includes the amazing "Nobody" (which is about God) and the perfect "Perfect". Besides those there are more outstanding songs as "Sober" and "Camouflage". "Hands To Myself" definitely stands out as one of the best songs on the album, she just can't keep her hands to herself (I mean she could but, why would she want to?).The sultry "Good For You" screams greatness as does "Same Old Love" the perfect break-up song. "Kill Em With Kindness" speaks for itself and an amazing song to listen to when you're not feeling too good about yourself. The most anticipated song "Revival" has all different vibes put together which complements each and everything on there. Then we get to the more upbeat songs as the Latino-flavored "Body Heat" and the boss "Me & My Girls", which talks about Selena and well her "girls" including a bit of Spanish lyrics. "Me & The Rhythm" is easily most people's favorite as it has this irresistible disco-inspired beat which you can't help but to dance to. "Rise" speaks about rising over everything when you're feeling down and feeling confident and it has this amazing gospel feel. Lastly, there's "Survivors" which has a very mellow and soft vibe to it. Overall, this is her best album surpassing "Stars Dance" 's killer dance tracks. This is all about what she has been feeling for the past two years and talks about many things. Very interesting album. 10/10 Expand
  37. Oct 14, 2015
    Não tem uma música ruim, sequer "morna", desde a balada com base de piano "Camouflage", até as provocativas "Me & My Girls" e "Body Heat". A identidade dela está presente em cada verso, cada batida. Simplesmente maravilhoso. Não consigo listar minhas favoritas, todas são incríveis.
  38. Oct 14, 2015
    Selena managed to bring a really solid album. I wouldn't say Selena got out of her comfort zone, because half of the record is produced by her longtime partners Rock Mafia and Stargate, the latter being the producers of her biggest success back in Hollywood Records "Come & Get It".
    She's credited in the composition of 11 tracks, what's a total new ground for her, I'd say. The lyrics are
    Selena managed to bring a really solid album. I wouldn't say Selena got out of her comfort zone, because half of the record is produced by her longtime partners Rock Mafia and Stargate, the latter being the producers of her biggest success back in Hollywood Records "Come & Get It".
    She's credited in the composition of 11 tracks, what's a total new ground for her, I'd say. The lyrics are really good, as well as the productions. "Good For You", "Kill Em With Kindness", "Hands to Myself" and "Perfect" are the tracks to look up in this record.
  39. Oct 14, 2015
    The best album by Selena Gomez so far, it has unique melody and her voice is so much more powerfull than ever before, all of her songs are amazing i can listen her voice all day. The best album of the year!
  40. Oct 14, 2015
    The production in her sophomore album is eccentric and unique (by pop standards of course) and Selena herself isn't a terrible lyricist nor a terrible singer, she is just decent on both fronts. This record doesn't really end itself anywhere, it's like a moving train that doesn't have a destination.

    Ultimately, go buy this album if you are a big fan of Selena, but there isn't much here
    The production in her sophomore album is eccentric and unique (by pop standards of course) and Selena herself isn't a terrible lyricist nor a terrible singer, she is just decent on both fronts. This record doesn't really end itself anywhere, it's like a moving train that doesn't have a destination.

    Ultimately, go buy this album if you are a big fan of Selena, but there isn't much here that stands out from other recent pop records.
  41. Oct 14, 2015
    Este album es una joya del pop, Slaylena is Back! Canciones como Camouflage, Rise, Sorbe, Perfect y Nobody te hacen dar cuenta de la calidad con la que se produjo este maravilloso album y del mayor rendimiento vocal por parte de Queen Gomez :*
  42. Oct 14, 2015
    Her best album yet. It varies from exciting midtempos and ballads to upbeat energetic dance jams. Her voice is very chameleonic. Great production, enjoyable and exciting at every time, really original and with a wide range of music styles in it.
  43. Oct 14, 2015
    Parabéns Selena Gomez, este album foi surpreendente, soube usar a voz e compor muito bem, calou a boca de muitos, merece sim uma nota alta e esses criticos que estão dando 60 não sabem o que fazem, cuzões.
  44. Oct 14, 2015
    Selena's vocals, the sound, everything in this album is too good to be true!!! It's the first album of hers that i've bought. It's just really really really good!!!
  45. Oct 14, 2015
    I listened to Revival not expecting much, and it was only slightly better than I anticipated, although still rather average. There are a few very good standout tracks such as Kill Em With Kindness, Me & The Rhythm, and Survivors, a number of alright tracks, and some real stinkers such as Sober, Camouflage, and Rise.

    More generally, I think what this album has going for it is the
    I listened to Revival not expecting much, and it was only slightly better than I anticipated, although still rather average. There are a few very good standout tracks such as Kill Em With Kindness, Me & The Rhythm, and Survivors, a number of alright tracks, and some real stinkers such as Sober, Camouflage, and Rise.

    More generally, I think what this album has going for it is the production. Many of the songs have a nice, fresh, modern sound that isn't overdone like a lot of pop music these days. The big drawback though, in my opinion, is that I'm still not convinced that Selena Gomez has any real musical talent. Can she actually sing without autotune? Can she actually write music? There are parts of Revival that suggest that Selena may one day be a worthy pop star, but at this point I think she's still just a product of Disney and her record label.
  46. Oct 13, 2015
    Selena is definitely out of the Disney path and Revival comes to prove how an artist can use their personal experiences and their musical wisdom to create something unique and amazing inside of the pop world music - which is a really hard thing to do. She, somehow, brought a lot of new, fresh, catchy songs that can be easily hits. Good job, girl!
  47. Oct 13, 2015
  48. Oct 13, 2015
    Super maduro e bem diferente de tudo que ela fez! Conseguiu explorar sua voz e usar de todo seu potencial pra entregar o melhor de si pro álbum. Destaque para 'Sober', 'Revival', 'Kill Em With Kidness', 'Perfect', e principalmente para 'Nobody', 'Cologne' e 'Camouflage'.
  49. Oct 13, 2015
    The sexy languorous Selena has finally "bloomed" like a flower. You can hear her sexy, elegant and glamorous voice taking a walk around those songs dropping some sexy whispers here and there ... The production is perfect, much more professional than her last album. The pop songs have their own charms ( I love "Me and The Rhythm" ) . Selena Gomez pop formula is perfectly working.When youThe sexy languorous Selena has finally "bloomed" like a flower. You can hear her sexy, elegant and glamorous voice taking a walk around those songs dropping some sexy whispers here and there ... The production is perfect, much more professional than her last album. The pop songs have their own charms ( I love "Me and The Rhythm" ) . Selena Gomez pop formula is perfectly working.When you see her on TV all glamorous and sexy ... you can perfectly hear that in her album. This is the more personal album she wanted it to me at her image. It is Expand
  50. Oct 13, 2015
    The best songs are: Revival, Camouflage, Good For You, Rise and Sober.
    This is amazing and creative, love so much the way she make all perfect and incredible.
    Great job, Gomez.
  51. Oct 13, 2015
    A BICHA É BEM, A BICHA FECHA. Ordem dos singles tem que ser: Good For You, Same Old Love, Me & the Rhythm, Hands to Myself e Kill Em With Kindness. As unicas ruins são Cologne e Sober. Das baladinhas a Perfect e Nobody pisam. Revival se tornou seu melhor album, seguido pelo Stars Dance e pelo When the Sun Goes Down. Os dois primeiros a gente finge que nem existiu, só foi lançado um EP comA BICHA É BEM, A BICHA FECHA. Ordem dos singles tem que ser: Good For You, Same Old Love, Me & the Rhythm, Hands to Myself e Kill Em With Kindness. As unicas ruins são Cologne e Sober. Das baladinhas a Perfect e Nobody pisam. Revival se tornou seu melhor album, seguido pelo Stars Dance e pelo When the Sun Goes Down. Os dois primeiros a gente finge que nem existiu, só foi lançado um EP com Naturally e A Year Without Rain. Expand
  52. Oct 13, 2015
    Selena's definitely improving a lot! Revival's a great album and it's a lot more mature than her other albums. Revival, Sober, Good For You, Me & The Rhythm, Perfect, and Cologne are some album highlights. There is a bit too much filler, though, and they're not great. But overall, it's a solid album.
  53. Oct 13, 2015
    Really really bad because it's filled with fillers. Yes there are good songs on it but they are few and far in between. She should have cut out the rest and made it an EP.
  54. Oct 13, 2015
    With all the hype surroudning album, l was ready to be blown away. In stead only one track stood out, Sober. and only 3 others I would recommend. The production is amazing the lyrics, singing and composition is misguided. With 38 writers and producers with 2 years prep time, I expect more than 4/15 good songs.
  55. Oct 13, 2015
    trash!! this album is horrible, selenas voice so bad...the music with electronic beats clichés, songs dont composed for her, bored songs, shes try sing but CAN NOT. shes all trash artist, i feel sorry for her, i hope she gets to where her friends arrived
  56. Oct 13, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is soo good. One of the best albums of 2015 by far. It gives great messages to people for staying strong but without losing the wonderfull alternative sound. The songs are nearly impeccable and they combine catchy pop music with rnb mindi tempo pop alternative sound. Addiotionally, i will never understand why "Nobody" and "Perfect" are not in the standart album edition, because they are excellent. I think that Gomez deserves a Grammy nomination for that.
    Best Songs: Almost every one
  57. Oct 13, 2015
    When I first heard 'Good For You' I thought that new Selena album would be something really interesting and mature, but now I'm quite dissapointed. Yes, she has grown up, but 'Revival' is still nothing but a bunch of radio-friendly, poppy songs. Some are better (just like 'Perfect'), some other are something that J.Lo could make in featuring with Pitbull ('Loco'). I think that SelenaWhen I first heard 'Good For You' I thought that new Selena album would be something really interesting and mature, but now I'm quite dissapointed. Yes, she has grown up, but 'Revival' is still nothing but a bunch of radio-friendly, poppy songs. Some are better (just like 'Perfect'), some other are something that J.Lo could make in featuring with Pitbull ('Loco'). I think that Selena showed her potential on this album, but she has been recording since 2009... when will she finally do something more ambitious? In 2033? Expand
  58. Oct 13, 2015
    Selena shows all her maturity in her new record. With an angelical voice, she proves that now is her moment (and nobody could stole her spotlight). Revival is a inspirational and personal song.
  59. Oct 12, 2015
    You can't judge this album by the name of the artist, actually you shouldn't let missconceptions, tabloid stories or whatever is that you think about Selena Gomez, get in the way of hearing this amazing record, perhaps the best pop album of the year. These 16 songs are beautifully written and produced to perfection, the songs tell the story of a young woman that at one point was broken byYou can't judge this album by the name of the artist, actually you shouldn't let missconceptions, tabloid stories or whatever is that you think about Selena Gomez, get in the way of hearing this amazing record, perhaps the best pop album of the year. These 16 songs are beautifully written and produced to perfection, the songs tell the story of a young woman that at one point was broken by mean words, cheating scandals, the enormous pressure to be perfect and serius health issues, but despite all of this she has risen above, she was in many ways dead but she revived. This storyis highly relatable. Please listen to the music, because if you do, you will get to know the real Selena, the truth behind the artist.
    The songs that stand the most are Hands to Myself, Sober, Rise, Good for you, Nobody and the unexpected Perfect (to me it is heartbreaking, you can hear the pain of the singer and I can't understand why or how this ended up being a bonus track).

    Other highlights are Me & the Rhythm, Camouflage, Me and My girls and kill em with kindness.

    Listen, but it and let. Gomez explain herself for the first time.
  60. Oct 12, 2015
    Selena conseguiu surpreender desde o lançamento de Good For You, mostrando seu amadurecimento e mudança musical. E com o lançamento do álbum ela conseguiu afirmar isso, com um álbum sólido repleto de músicas bem produzidas sem apelo comercial. Sem dúvidas é o melhor material da carreira da cantora até agora. Destaque para Sober, Me & My Girls e Rise.
  61. Oct 12, 2015
    This Album is PERFECT, melhor album da carreira sem sombra de duvidas, espero que essa evolução continue a cada novo album, Survivors umas das melhors do CD!
  62. Oct 12, 2015
    Uma mudança radical no estilo musical da Gomez, algo que caracteriza uma Selena adulta, responsável, forte, e confiante, com músicas sentimentais profundas, incentivadoras, e poderosas, sem dúvidas, o melhor álbum do ano.
  63. Oct 12, 2015
    Revival is Selena Gomez’ sophomore album as a solo artist and first album under Interscope Records (fifth album if you count her work with her former band, The Scene). She considers this album as her most personal album to date since she executively produced it and co-wrote most of the songs.

    The album begins with the title track which offers promises that this album will be very
    Revival is Selena Gomez’ sophomore album as a solo artist and first album under Interscope Records (fifth album if you count her work with her former band, The Scene). She considers this album as her most personal album to date since she executively produced it and co-wrote most of the songs.

    The album begins with the title track which offers promises that this album will be very different. It starts with a little monologue accompanied by a subtle sound of waves, which really establishes that personal connection. The track has an electronic buildup, empowering verses and an epic chorus, making this a perfect opening curtain. “I’m becoming my own salvation,” she proclaims.

    To begin the era of Revival, the sultry “Good For You (ft. A$AP Rocky)” was released during the summer which was met with critical acclaim and chart success. It was definitely the perfect choice as the leading single because it gives a glimpse of Gomez’ departure from her juvenile records. Its lyrics are provocative and it’s a genre she has never done before. The captivating promo-single “Me & The Rhythm” which is named as one of the best new tracks during its release, is a disco-influenced gem. The second single, “Same Old Love” is a jazz-tingled electro-pop song which was also positively reviewed. Charli XCX harmonizes with Selena during its angsty chorus.

    Although, it's true that Selena may not be a powerhouse vocalist, she’s been taking vocal lessons before the creation of this album up to the preparation for her upcoming tour. Looking at her recent performances, her voice has improved dramatically. “Same Old Love” is not the the only time Selena uses profanity as a musical device to express her frustration and being sick of the toxic relationship she has experienced. In the stripped down “Camouflage”, she sings, “I’ve got so much **** to say but I feel like I’m camouflaged”. This piano ballad is truly one of her greatest songs to date as it showcases her vocal vulnerability. The R&B track “Nobody” is one of those tracks where her vocals shine and sound so rich. You definitely know she’s been taking her music career seriously. Especially the fact, she is now under the same label as Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey, Madonna, Gwen Stefani, and many other talented vocalists.. she’s definitely been working on those pipes. In “Perfect”, a brilliantly penned ballad with a heartbreaking chorus, she sings about how being cheated on made her insecure and you can really feel her emotions in this stunning song. “Cologne” is a beautifully produced and written bonus track. “Sober”, is a highlight of the album and one of the songs that should be a single. It has heavy synths, a nostalgic looped sample, and a soaring chorus. You don’t know how to love me when you’re sober, she sings in this marvelous track.

    The album of course has a lot of dance jams and what is amazing about them is that they do not sound generic EDM but have a fresh evolved sound. “Hands To Myself” is produced by juggernaut Pop hits producer Max Martin. According to him, it is one of the greatest songs he has ever produced. It has a minimalistic production and a snappy beat. Selena flaunts her confidence in her sexuality (Can’t keep my hands to myself / I mean I could but why would I want to) then she comes swooping in with sexy moans and beautiful vocals. “Kill em with Kindness” is a club-ready track with a catchy whistle hook and inspiring lyrics. “Survivors” is a confident euro dance track that has a tropical tone. The final track in the standard edition is the enlightening “Rise” which lives up to its title with its gospel choir and a chorus that takes you to church.

    Also for the first time, Selena flaunts her roots in this album with upbeat latin-influenced bops. The vigorous “Body Heat” is one of Selena’s most sexually-charged songs to date for its lyrical content (”So press me down till I scream / If you’re the flame, I’m kerosene / I’m burning up, baby). “Outta My Hands (Loco)” is a bonus track which has an animated chorus and pretty dreamy verses. The torch fire “Me and My Girls” is a cinematic dance track with its guitar riffs and mariachi dance breakdown. An anthem for you and your squad as she says “No jodas (don’t **** with us)”. A track that will empower you if you’re single.

    Although I love Selena Gomez’ entire discography, the general criticism of her albums with the Scene is that they sounded juvenile. For Stars Dance, critics said that it felt impersonal and lacks remnant of creativity.
    Revival however is a huge step up, even light years ahead. It also stands out among many existing Pop albums. Like its iconic album cover, it really shows a vulnerable side of her. It is a solid pop masterpiece with an atmospheric sound and extremely catchy melodies where Selena Gomez gets reborn in every moment as she ventures sonically into new ground from one track to the next. A musical triumph and establishes her identity as a rising Pop diva.
  64. Oct 12, 2015
    Um álbum de pop gostosos de ouvir. Nada que force muito a barra, em sincronia com os vocais de Selena. A equipe Interscope fez um ótimo trabalho em conjunto com ela. Os singles Good For You e Same Old Love, e o Promocional Me & the Rhythm, trazem o que Selena tem de melhor nos vocais, a leveza. Não posso dizer que o seu melhor trabalho ainda. Assim como Miley, Selena mudou tudo em seu tipoUm álbum de pop gostosos de ouvir. Nada que force muito a barra, em sincronia com os vocais de Selena. A equipe Interscope fez um ótimo trabalho em conjunto com ela. Os singles Good For You e Same Old Love, e o Promocional Me & the Rhythm, trazem o que Selena tem de melhor nos vocais, a leveza. Não posso dizer que o seu melhor trabalho ainda. Assim como Miley, Selena mudou tudo em seu tipo de pop. O pop que fazia na Hollywood records, assim como os de Miley, eram lineares. Apenas continue o bom trabalho Selena. Expand
  65. Oct 12, 2015
    Perfect. A masterpiece, Selena innovated without fear and it worked. Her vocals are clearly better and the album contains a lot of hits. Revival is undoubtedly the best album 2015 album.
  66. Oct 12, 2015
    *REVIVAL es un excelente álbum que muestra a una Selena Gomez mas madura y vulnerable hacia la música pop y a otros géneros demostrando fortaleza y superación hacia las criticas que recibió mostrando que ante las peores situaciones es mejor levantarse y mantenerse arriba..!!

    *REVIVAL is an excellent album that shows a Selena Gomez more mature and vulnerable to pop music and other genres
    *REVIVAL es un excelente álbum que muestra a una Selena Gomez mas madura y vulnerable hacia la música pop y a otros géneros demostrando fortaleza y superación hacia las criticas que recibió mostrando que ante las peores situaciones es mejor levantarse y mantenerse arriba..!!

    *REVIVAL is an excellent album that shows a Selena Gomez more mature and vulnerable to pop music and other genres to demonstrate strength and overcoming the criticism he received showing that in the worst situations is better to get up and stay up .. !!
  67. Oct 12, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. MELHOR ALBUM DA CARREIRA DESSA CABEÇUDA melor q qualquer coisa produzida por aquele canal disney na sua geração é selena gomez humilde linda e rainha das empreguetes vulgo **** Cyrus e Bolão Lovato Expand
  68. Oct 12, 2015
    This is the best album of Selena, remembering that she wrote 11 of the 16 songs from the album. Deserves a good score on Metacritic.Congratulations Selena, I love you
  69. Oct 12, 2015
    Selena Gomez surpassed herself, she gave the most heartfelt and nostalgic album of his career, I have no words to describe how wonderful it is to hear Kill Em With Kindness, Hands to Myself and Survivors! JUST AMAZING!!!
  70. Oct 12, 2015
    O melhor album sem duvidas dela. Conseguiu tirar completamente tudo de negativo que envolvia a sua voz e mostrou que mesmo não tendo a extensão tão grande que pode ser boa cantora sim! Potencial muito bom, musicas muito boas!
  71. Oct 12, 2015
    Álbum incrível, melhor álbum da Selena e um dos melhores do ano, acho que finalmente a Selena se encontrou como artista e espero que ela continue evoluindo
  72. Oct 12, 2015
    My favorite album of this year My favorite album of this year My favorite album of this year My favorite album of this year My favorite album of this year
  73. Oct 12, 2015
    It's a real revival for Selena! The quality of the songs are very much higher than her last album! The maturity, the sexy voice! It's completely different of everything that she had done. Congratulations Selena!!!
  74. Oct 12, 2015
    A very mature album, an optimal evolution as a singer, I really expected something like before, but it innovated and impressed me, one of the best of the year, Go Gomez!
  75. Oct 12, 2015
    melhor álbum do ano, salvando o pop de 2015 assim como a taylor fez em 2014, vem grammys 2016, musicas maravilhosas, espero muitos singles e top 3 na hot 100 por que merece, vem debut #1 na bb 200
  76. Oct 12, 2015
    horrible, tragic , auto-tuned mess, her music keeps getting worse and worse every day, i think she should quit singing and move on to acting to be honest.
  77. Oct 11, 2015
    Achei o álbum bem maduro, inovador e diferente dos álbuns recentes das artistas do mundo pop. Ela soube aproveitar cada tom de sua voz, soube usá-la para fazer vários tipos de músicas diferentes. Esse é o seu renascimento, Selena Gomez.
  78. Oct 11, 2015
    This album is very different from her past albums she has taken a more serious musical journey on this album and we can see the maturity in this album. although it is a very good pop album to listen to while going on trips or just listen to it while you relax. there are a few songs that are not much to like. and hinders the album representation and maybe too me it is not an album i wouldThis album is very different from her past albums she has taken a more serious musical journey on this album and we can see the maturity in this album. although it is a very good pop album to listen to while going on trips or just listen to it while you relax. there are a few songs that are not much to like. and hinders the album representation and maybe too me it is not an album i would listen to constantly on repeat but , it is still a good pop album. Expand
  79. Oct 11, 2015
    Selena Gomez , the delay for this album was too much, but when released , I thought, was worth the wait more months for another wonderful album, their conquitas does not stop here , you have much to go on with this album
  80. Oct 11, 2015
    With Kill Em With Kindness, Hands to Myself, Sober and Perfect, Revival can be my favorite Selena's album. The lyrics and her feelings are so real, I think people will love it. She deserves the best, because it's her in this album, it's her moment. She's free, confident and strong. She finally knows who she is, and the album tell what she was afraid to say.
  81. Oct 11, 2015
    revival is a good album for selena but not the best of the year may have improved voice or maybe it's autotune but has very good rhythm is very good not bad but do not overestimate much this album
  82. Oct 11, 2015
    This album is one of the best of hers. I mean, the sound is great, she improved so much and she wrote the songs herself. She's mature and beautiful. I love every song but I think the next single should be Rise.
  83. Oct 11, 2015
    Selena is being sexy without being vulgar in this new album. It shows that she really grows up, and this work will take a turn in her career . One of the best albums of 2015.
  84. Oct 11, 2015
    This album is wonderful! This is the best album produced by Selena, better than Stars Dance. It shows how she improved. People are saying that this is album is worse, and things like that but they're lying because this album is fantastic. "Me and the rhythm", "Good For You", "Hands to myself" and "Same Old Love" are the best songs. Congratulations to her.
  85. Oct 11, 2015
    melhor album everrrrrr, super maduro tanto no vocal, quanto na letra. É visivel sua relação com o album, simplimente fantástico. Kill em with kendness, Survivors e Sober hino que devem ser single.
  86. Oct 11, 2015
    Pode não ser o melhor álbum de 2015, mas com certeza é o melhor da carreira da Selena, ótimas letras, ótimas produções, Selena está cada vez se mostrando uma artista de qualidade, agora é só esperar o seu próximo trabalho que deve ser de qualidade superior.
  87. Oct 11, 2015
    “Revival”, o segundo álbum solo da cantora e atriz americana Selena Gomez é uma mistura de canções que pulam dos anos 60 aos 80 até os dias de hoje. Você pode perceber na primeira faixa – a mesma que dá nome ao disco – que a vibe desse álbum é diferente de seu antecessor, “Stars Dance”, de 2013. Enquanto Stars Dance foca na produção eletrônica pesada e cheia de batidas genéricas, “Revival”“Revival”, o segundo álbum solo da cantora e atriz americana Selena Gomez é uma mistura de canções que pulam dos anos 60 aos 80 até os dias de hoje. Você pode perceber na primeira faixa – a mesma que dá nome ao disco – que a vibe desse álbum é diferente de seu antecessor, “Stars Dance”, de 2013. Enquanto Stars Dance foca na produção eletrônica pesada e cheia de batidas genéricas, “Revival” apresenta um eletrônico limpo que pode até nos lembrar das músicas da Lorde, por exemplo.

    Liricamente, com toda a certeza, esse é o trabalho mais maduro de Selena, mesmo existindo algumas letras não-tão-boas, também existem letras profundas como a de “Camouflage” (“Você era meu ontem / Agora eu não tenho nem ideia de quem você é / É como se você estivesse camuflado”) até as mais divertidas como a de “Body Heat”.

    “Sober” tem influências dos anos 80, principalmente nos sintetizadores do refrão, a canção nos faz lembrar do incrível “E-MO-TION” de Carly Rae Jepsen, também lançado esse ano. “Same Old Love”, escrita por Charli XCX, tem a letra mais crua do álbum, talvez por parecer tanto que Selena canta para seu ex-namorado Justin Bieber: “Eu já estou cheia desse mesmo velho amor, essa merda acaba comigo / Eu já estou cheia desse mesmo velho amor, meu corpo não aguenta mais”

    “Revival” termina com “Rise” uma canção que mostra que você sempre pode dar a volta por cima, não importa a situação em que você esteja, você sempre poderá se levantar.

    O melhor projeto de Selena até agora, “Revival” é encantador, honesto e divertido. Mesmo com seus altos e baixos, vale a pena, e mostra que uma pessoa pode sim amadurecer musicalmente.
  88. Oct 11, 2015
    Her best album. All the musics are good. My favorite musics are Revival and Cologne. This album is REALLY good. I want Revival and Rise for single, please
  89. Oct 11, 2015
    So much autotune, songs are about nothing, bad quality. Selena must admit that singing is not her thing. She is pretty good actress so she need to stay on that line and don't go to the music industry
  90. Oct 11, 2015
    rainha ne nom
    This is her best album, i'm so proud of her, my favorite songs are Revival, Rise and Camouflage, she put her heart and soul on this album, and this is why this album is her revival
  91. Oct 11, 2015
    Realmente o renascimento de Selena. Ela mostrou uma nova pessoa que ninguém esperava. Conquistou um grande publico e conseguiu tirar o titulo de artista teen.
  92. Oct 11, 2015
    First with the hit "Good For You" and after with "Same Old Love" and the synth "Me & The Rhythm", Selena proves that she is mature than ever. 'Revival' shows us the really 'Selena Gomez' and that is her 'first' album since her reborn stuff, and also the best. It's wonderful what she get to do with this record. Revival marks Selena's arrival into the musical industry. Slay Selena!
  93. Oct 11, 2015
    Good for we... Perfect! Best album of the 2015. Melhor álbum de 2015. Sambou, tombou!
  94. Oct 11, 2015
    This is by far the best Selena's album. Her voice is so much better. For her this album is amazing! Camouflage shows how amazing her voice is. Loved it
  95. Oct 11, 2015
    Harika bir albüm eğer iyi tekli seçimleri yaparsa #1 numara çıkarabilir, Bence en iyi şarkılar; Kill Em With Kindness, Camouflage, Survivors ve Sober :)
  96. Oct 11, 2015
    This album is truly amazing.It helped me a lot and it looks like Selena has matured a lot.As a person with self-esteem problems i found the songs very helpful.This is art,you take some songs and you put them together and you create art. I am so grateful that this album exists. Definitely the best album of this year.I hope it gets more recognition from people and not just shut it outThis album is truly amazing.It helped me a lot and it looks like Selena has matured a lot.As a person with self-esteem problems i found the songs very helpful.This is art,you take some songs and you put them together and you create art. I am so grateful that this album exists. Definitely the best album of this year.I hope it gets more recognition from people and not just shut it out because it's Selena Gomez. Expand
  97. Oct 11, 2015
    How today's pop music should be.Very brave step for Selena Gomez.She is not a teenage star anymore,she is on her own.This album proves it.
    My fave tracks: "Revival","Hands To Myself","Same Old Love","Me & The Rhythm","Rise"
  98. Oct 11, 2015
    Como alguem da uma nota negativa pra esse álbum ou melhor para essa biblia? so podem estar loucos ou sãõ tudo lovatic fãs da demo vão e tomar vergonha na cara lixos
  99. Oct 10, 2015
    o álbum ficou maravilhoso, as músicas são bem gostosas de ouvir, só por ter Me & The Rhythm esse álbum já merecia 10 no metascore... enfim, espero que a selena evolua mais ainda a cada álbum, porque esse é uma perfeita demonstração de crescimento, tanto vocal quanto qualidade
  100. Oct 10, 2015
    Selena realmente me impressionou com esse álbum. Mais madura em suas letras, ela amadureceu bastante e provou que tem garra, ela vai longe desse jeito. Selena conseguiu o seu reavivamento, ela passou por muitas coisas e até hoje ainda passa e tudo o que ela passou até aqui inspiraram esse lindo álbum, um verdadeiro hinário do pop, Selena está de parabéns pelo trabalho e que ela possaSelena realmente me impressionou com esse álbum. Mais madura em suas letras, ela amadureceu bastante e provou que tem garra, ela vai longe desse jeito. Selena conseguiu o seu reavivamento, ela passou por muitas coisas e até hoje ainda passa e tudo o que ela passou até aqui inspiraram esse lindo álbum, um verdadeiro hinário do pop, Selena está de parabéns pelo trabalho e que ela possa evoluir muito mais na música ela merece todo o sucesso. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 19, 2015
    Song for song, Revival rivals Carly Rae Jepsen's Emotion for breakout pop album of the year, but if it similarly falls short of greatness, it's due in large part to a lack of originality.
  2. Oct 15, 2015
    There’s enough growth here to accept the occasional stumble. Revival, like ‘Good For You’, is a damn fine, hook-laden surprise. Selena Gomez has found a voice worth paying serious attention to.
  3. Oct 15, 2015
    Revival is an audacious name for a 23-year-old singer's second album, but from start to finish, Gomez earns it. This is the sound of a newly empowered pop artist growing into her strengths like never before.