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  1. Oct 17, 2015
    This is her best album and the best album of 2015, so proud of her. The best songs are Perfect, Sober, Revival, Hands to Myself, Camouflage and Cologne.
  2. Oct 17, 2015
    melhor album ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oct 17, 2015
    Selena has improved tremendously with this record. It feels like this is the first cohesive album she delivered that also includes a message. It's her first album i can actually appreciate as an album and not just individual singles really. I do find it interesting however that the standard and the deluxe version include slightly different versions of the standard track "Rise". In mySelena has improved tremendously with this record. It feels like this is the first cohesive album she delivered that also includes a message. It's her first album i can actually appreciate as an album and not just individual singles really. I do find it interesting however that the standard and the deluxe version include slightly different versions of the standard track "Rise". In my opinion "Same Old Love", "Sober" and "Me & My Girls" are the standout tracks. Expand
  4. Oct 17, 2015
    Melhor álbum dela sem sobra de duvidas, superou todas as expectativas, o primeiro single foi uma ótima escolha, pois é uma música suave, que tem características R&B, sem falar em outras músicas muito boas que estão presente no álbum, entre elas se destaca Sober que é excelente e deveria virar single
  5. mj0
    Oct 17, 2015
    amazing album! It shows a different and truthful side of selena. The album reflects over everything about life, the album deserves album of the year.
  6. Oct 17, 2015
    No Much good, but i like a little haha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Oct 17, 2015
    Trash year, Selena is crap or sing . ete album has nothing new just the same robot voice and long playback . TOTAL FILLING. crap music. this is music?
  8. Oct 17, 2015
    So good! Selena has an amazing potential. Revival no doubt is a good album , it's a rebirth for Selena 's career. Selena gave a great evolved , my favorite tracks are Revival and Nobody. I loved!
  9. Oct 17, 2015
    Probably one of the most basic, boring, and generic albums I've come across. No risks were taken, AGAIN, and A LOT of the songs are filled with autotune and generic beats, most likely to distract the listener from the fact that the singer CAN'T SING. She needs to just stop already and stick to acting or something.
  10. Oct 17, 2015
    Claramente melhor álbum dela, maior orgulho. Músicas com letra, batida e harmonia. Arrasou, lacrou mesmo. Definitivamente a sucessora natural de Britney Spears. Selena nova pop princess, sambou com o álbum. Camouflage, Perfect e Nobody, as músicas perfeitas pra bad. Me & My Girls, Outta My Hands e Body Heat com aquelas batidinhas incriveis que lembram algo como latino, referênciasClaramente melhor álbum dela, maior orgulho. Músicas com letra, batida e harmonia. Arrasou, lacrou mesmo. Definitivamente a sucessora natural de Britney Spears. Selena nova pop princess, sambou com o álbum. Camouflage, Perfect e Nobody, as músicas perfeitas pra bad. Me & My Girls, Outta My Hands e Body Heat com aquelas batidinhas incriveis que lembram algo como latino, referências mexicanas. O resto com significado, letras tocantes e hinárias e super dançantes. Rainha cada vez arrasando mais. Samba mais que a gente gosssta. Se prepare para a sucessora da Brit, que esse é apenas o começo. Expand
  11. Oct 17, 2015
    She didn't make an album for charts, she made for fans and for herself. We can feel her emotions, and her voice is better than never. The album has a great sound and a little bit of everything that Selena support, like God with "Nobody", girl power with "Me & My Girls" and the message in the lyrics of "Kill 'Em With Kindness" that we have to stop the fight and be mature because "no war inShe didn't make an album for charts, she made for fans and for herself. We can feel her emotions, and her voice is better than never. The album has a great sound and a little bit of everything that Selena support, like God with "Nobody", girl power with "Me & My Girls" and the message in the lyrics of "Kill 'Em With Kindness" that we have to stop the fight and be mature because "no war in anger was ever won"... It is just beautiful the way that she inspire what she believes. And we have the fun part of the album with some fast songs like Me And The Rhythm, Body Heat, Loco, Hands to Myself... This songs make the album more fun and it doesn't let the album became boring. I'm really excited to see Selena Gomez telling her stories now that she is in control of her life more than never. Expand
  12. Oct 17, 2015
    Is really a revival of Selena! Perfect! Creative! Emotional! Half Mexican! Wonderful! Selena are congratulations.. Cover beautiful.. and Rise is my favorite! Very Thanks Selena!
  13. Oct 17, 2015
    It has been transformed over time and showing what has come! "Revival" is really the triumphant return of Selena Gomez. The songs are quite addictive and enthralling. 10 without a doubt!
  14. Oct 17, 2015
    SG devoted a lot in this job and it was worth. Revival is a masterpiece! I am very proud of the way that Selena has learned to use her talent in this album. She totally deserve the success and acclamation that this era is having.
  15. Oct 17, 2015
    I've always had faith in Selena's genuineness. I've always loved her music and appreciated her carefree and fun way of being the soundtrack to my adolescence so for her to have reached her REVIVAL, it's something very important to my own growth. The album (especially the title track) speaks to me spiritually.
  16. Oct 17, 2015
    This album is good but nothing that we've never heard! I think Selena finally find her tone and this album represents this!! My favorites are "Me & The Rhythm" and "Sober"!
  17. Oct 17, 2015
    I used to love Selena's catchy pop songs (Naturally, A Year Without Rain, Love You Like A Love Song, Who Says, and the others which didn't become singles), but this album is a masterpiece, pretty much different than everything she released before.
    "Revival", "Kill 'Em With Kindness", "Hands To Myself", "Good For You", "Survivors", "Rise", "Perfect" and "Cologne" are songs that nobody
    I used to love Selena's catchy pop songs (Naturally, A Year Without Rain, Love You Like A Love Song, Who Says, and the others which didn't become singles), but this album is a masterpiece, pretty much different than everything she released before.
    "Revival", "Kill 'Em With Kindness", "Hands To Myself", "Good For You", "Survivors", "Rise", "Perfect" and "Cologne" are songs that nobody could ever imagine she would record for this new era. I believe that "Sober", "Same Old Love", "Me & The Rhythm" and "Outta My Hands" are more predictable when it comes to Selena's albums, but they also sound quite amazing - by the way, I'm claiming for Sober as her new single!
    I'm head over hill with this album - it's one of my favorites from 2015.
    As she said, she's been taking singing classes during the years, and she finally proved everyone that she's better than before, and finally found her sound!
  18. Oct 17, 2015
    Selena está na melhor fase da carreira dela. Esse álbum é perfeitamente adulto e maduro assim como ela, as músicas são uma melhor do que a outra e totalmente viciante. Selena rainha como sempre, proud to be a selenator!
  19. Oct 17, 2015
    De todas as músicas, no máximo umas cinco são boas. Totalmente decepcionante, chato e algumas músicas, quase todas, impossíveis de ouvir até o final. Album péssimo.
  20. Oct 17, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Melhor trabalho da Selena, mas ainda deixa muito a desejar na questão de letras e vocais, apesar das melodias serem maravilhosas. Musicas como Revival, Sober, Cologne e Kill em With Kidness fazem do album interessante, mas músicas como Survivors, Outta My Hands(Loco), Me & The Rhythm e Hands to Myself que tem letras fracas e vocais sem estrutura enfraquecem o poder do album fazendo do mesmo um simples album pop bem produzido. Expand
  21. Oct 17, 2015
    Apenas nao gostei,ela amadureceu? Sim .. Mas não é o suficiente para mim, esse album tem muitas musicas repetitivas e algumas pouco produzidas vocalmente.. Só não dei 0 pq ela ta menos pior
  22. Oct 17, 2015
    A piranha acordou.
    Este trabalho só me deixou mais ansiosa pensando no que ainda vai vir. Inicialmente Selena dizia que cantava por hobbie, nunca levou a sério tal profissão mas agora els realmente renasceu, passou um ano trabalhando no melhor álbum da carreira, álbum esse que se tornou um dos melhores álbuns do ano. As composições estão boas (embora algumas letras tenham refrões
    A piranha acordou.
    Este trabalho só me deixou mais ansiosa pensando no que ainda vai vir. Inicialmente Selena dizia que cantava por hobbie, nunca levou a sério tal profissão mas agora els realmente renasceu, passou um ano trabalhando no melhor álbum da carreira, álbum esse que se tornou um dos melhores álbuns do ano. As composições estão boas (embora algumas letras tenham refrões repetitivos demais), a sonoridade foi "a needle into the vein".
    Só tenho elogios, foi realmente um renascimento.

    Perfect >>>>>
  23. Oct 17, 2015
    Falei que a rainha ia voltar com um album destruidor, esse cd é maravilhoso, cheio de hinos, qualidade otima tambem, Selena ta voltando haters entao segura a marimba ai
  24. Oct 17, 2015
    She can't sing like this live and I don't like to hear fake voices. Selena should give up of being a singer, if you can't sing you aren't a singer, you are just a fake person trying to get extra money. Selena please get out of this industry and I will thank you forever.
  25. Oct 17, 2015
    The album is boring, her voice is getting better, but still looks terrible, the production is good but i prefer confident, and demi's voice is so much better than selena, GO CONFIDENT!
  26. Oct 17, 2015
    esse album é uma verdadeira obra prima. Mostrou tanto a evolução da Selena, sem falar que a voz dela esta magnifica. Impossivel escolher uma faixa que não seja boa ou a favorita, ele é todo simplesmente perfeito
  27. Oct 17, 2015
  28. Oct 17, 2015
    Revival is the best album of 2015. No joke, it's so pure and fresh. It's a must have! So Great!! From 'Revival' to 'Perfect' (bonus track) it has such a great feel, i felt what she was going through!
  29. Oct 17, 2015
    Não tem como escolher a melhor do álbum, simplesmente arrasou! Mostrou evolução e está ganhando mais espaço na industria e dos criticos DE VERDADE como Rolling Stone. RAINHA, merecia mais que 10
  30. Oct 17, 2015
    Olha não gostei, achei todas as músicas parecidas e não vi nenhum tipo de amadurecimento, só salvo os singles e a maravilhosa Sober que é a única diferente mesmo. Mas no contexto geral é um péssimo albúm, conseguiu ser pior que o anterior e com certeza é o pior do ano, De nada.
  31. Oct 17, 2015
    Realmente patroa de muitas por aí. Dona do pop teen. A voz dela evoluiu muito desde, podemos ver a diferença se escutarmos ''Stars Dance'' e quero dizer que: Revival, Hands to Myself, GFY, Camouflage e Me & The Rhythm patroas das outras. Aceita, monamu.
  32. Oct 17, 2015
    The most beautiful thing about the album is that Revival was the first album that Selena made working 100% with her soul, you can feel her words in songs. The fact that this album is her best album just make it more amazing. The best records, for me, are "Sober", "Camouflage" (is just her and the piano, so emotional), "Hands to Myself", "Good For You" and "Perfect", but if I had to say allThe most beautiful thing about the album is that Revival was the first album that Selena made working 100% with her soul, you can feel her words in songs. The fact that this album is her best album just make it more amazing. The best records, for me, are "Sober", "Camouflage" (is just her and the piano, so emotional), "Hands to Myself", "Good For You" and "Perfect", but if I had to say all the songs that I liked, I would have to list all the track list. Expand
  33. Oct 17, 2015
    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! This is definitely the best pop album of the year :) I just can't stop listening "Revival", "Kill 'Em With Kindness" and "Camouflage"! I advise everyone to buy it!
  34. Oct 17, 2015
    Revival transmite bem as emoções, mas é um álbum cheio de deprês, que não mudam a linha. Apenas umas 4 músicas são mais agitadas, e essas sim colam. Apesar de ser o MELHOR ÁLBUM DELA, ainda tem tanto para evoluir.
  35. Oct 17, 2015
    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goddddddddddddddddd isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss amaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg
  36. Oct 17, 2015
    Honestly? The album has a few good songs, but other then that, I didn't really like it. Her voice sounds different in almost every song, as if she got another person to sing the album for her. the album is pretty good but you can practically hear the autotune in her voice and her vocals just aren't strong at all. still love her.
  37. Oct 17, 2015
    Is amazing, i love Sel, is the best, is the perfect album, you personality is increible, REVIVAL IS THE BEST EVER, LOVE TOO STARS DANCE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  38. Oct 17, 2015
    It's the best album i've ever seen! shes growing up even more, and she tells everything to take care of our hearts! it's greatfull to listening to this album!
  39. Oct 17, 2015
    Awful album, way too much autotune since Gomez doesn't have any vocal ability.. Terrible music production. Such a disappointment. Don't like the album AT ALL.
  40. Oct 17, 2015
    This album is so disappointing i expect something good but... im so disappointed with her she's just showing that she is not good enough to be a musician :(
  41. Oct 17, 2015
    achei muuuuuito fraquinho,selena já fez coisas melhores....só consegui dormir com isso....sinceramente,achei que seria bom como muitos de seus fãs falaram que seria...triste
  42. Oct 17, 2015
    what a masterpiece, this is the kind of music i was waiting for from selena she is a talented young woman who has a lot of power, game changing album highly recommended
  43. Oct 17, 2015
    this album is the same as star dance, the songs sound all the same they are all upbeat and its boring she should focus on acting i like some of her movies
  44. Oct 17, 2015
    Best album of 2015. 10/10. Selena's new sound is fresh and it suits her voice so well. Queen of knowing how to use her voice to speak emotion. Confident wishes.
  45. Oct 17, 2015
    Esse álbum parece um álbum feito a partir de demos descartadas não pela Rihanna como o Stars Dance, mas pela Beyoncé. Já sabia que viria algo assim...
  46. Oct 17, 2015
    Não gostei as musicas me deram sono esperava ,mais ,gosto de good for you foi uma boa musica para o marketing do álbum ,porem ouvindo só decepcionou
  47. Oct 17, 2015
    horrível e parabéns selenators vocês ficam dando 0 pro confident então nada mais que merecido eu dar 0 pra fave de vocês! Não que isso faça muita diferença, mas se ela tiver mais críticas ruins que já tem pra mim é ótimo
  48. Oct 17, 2015
    Here we have an evolution, the maturity of a singer that we know since since the age of sixteen, that we have seen her grow up in every album, and he we have the best she could bring to us now. With amazing tracks, like Revival, Kill Em with Kindness ot Hands to Myself, here's the best Selena we never ever seen. Keep on slaying Selena, I trust in you. Love xx
  49. Oct 17, 2015
    This is by far her best work to date.
    Won't go too deep into the review, but if I'm to summarize it in a few words, those would be - Mature, Sonical and vocal improvement, New persona, artistic and sensible lyrics.
    This album isn't perfect however it is clearly next to it and shows us a more vulnerable, yet confident side of Selena aswell. Nearly all of the tracks standout but my
    This is by far her best work to date.
    Won't go too deep into the review, but if I'm to summarize it in a few words, those would be - Mature, Sonical and vocal improvement, New persona, artistic and sensible lyrics.
    This album isn't perfect however it is clearly next to it and shows us a more vulnerable, yet confident side of Selena aswell.
    Nearly all of the tracks standout but my personal favourites (only by a slight margin) would be: Perfect, Kill Em with Kindness, Hands to Myself and Body Heat.
    Kudos to Selena for such a huge improvement and I hope the best for her future career.
  50. Oct 17, 2015
    "Selena Gomez wills a new era of her career into existence within the first two minutes of her second solo album. "It’s my time to butterfly," she sings on the self-care anthem "Revival." The Gomez of this relaxed, confident pop collection butterflies with such ease that it feels like she’s revealing her true personality for the first time. Where some former child stars tack toward"Selena Gomez wills a new era of her career into existence within the first two minutes of her second solo album. "It’s my time to butterfly," she sings on the self-care anthem "Revival." The Gomez of this relaxed, confident pop collection butterflies with such ease that it feels like she’s revealing her true personality for the first time. Where some former child stars tack toward aggressive maturity when they reach their twenties, Gomez finds ways to transcend that cliche. Her brand of sexiness has a coy, subtle quality that never tries too hard, from the fun, flirty "Hands to Myself" to the blissed-out "Survivors" to the intoxicating "Me & the Rhythm" — a riff on the classic theme of losing yourself on the dance floor ("Everybody wants to be touched/Everybody wants to get some") that nonetheless finds her sounding completely in control of her own euphoria.

    Soaring past the harsh-though-catchy EDM beats of 2013’s Stars Dance and the shallow angst of her previous work with the pop-rock project the Scene, the former Disney star finds a new comfort zone in this album’s warm, tropical beach-pop sound. "Body Heat" brings Latin fusion into Gomez’s mix like never before and proves that she doesn’t need Zedd (the German producer behind her recent dance chart-topper "I Want You to Know") to make a genuine club banger.

    Gomez doesn’t have the vocal chops of her Disney compadres and sometime competitors Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato, but she makes up for it here by finding a new malleability in her voice. She takes on a punk-soul Charli XCX inflection on "Same Old Love," a highlight cowritten by XCX, and elsewhere builds on the clipped, breathy indie-pop vocals that made lead single "Good For You" a mold-breaking hit this summer. Revival is an audacious name for a 23-year-old singer's second album, but from start to finish, Gomez earns it. This is the sound of a newly empowered pop artist growing into her strengths like never before." - Rolling Stone review
  51. Oct 17, 2015
    This album is really boring, full of rihanna rejects tracks, she could do a better album than this, hope this album flop hard, it doesnt deserves any sucess
  52. Oct 16, 2015
    This album is really amazing, this is her REVIVAL.Body heat,good for you,perfect and me and my girls are my fav.SELENA IS WORTH A GRAMMY. GOOD FOR YOU IS WORTH A GRAMMY. REVIVAL IS WORTH A GRAMMY.
  53. Oct 16, 2015
    000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 nao gostei 0000000000
  54. Oct 16, 2015
  55. Oct 16, 2015
    Sempre gostei da Selena, curto os álbuns dela, mas esse realmente me surpreendeu, não esperava por isso, acho que ela está no lugar certo agora. Melhor álbum dela até agora!!!
  56. Oct 16, 2015
    Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,Me fode piranha, melhor álbum dessa vaca arrazou,
  57. Oct 16, 2015
    pessimo nao gostei sem humor sem voz parece um robo nao gostei apaga viado naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao sou obregada a gostar de nada queridaaaaaaaaaa
  58. Oct 16, 2015
    This perfect album, loved selena you are to be congratulated. Each soft music to listen to, some dancing music, some songs touching the heart. Great composition, production.
  59. Oct 16, 2015
  60. Oct 16, 2015
    primeiro: a bicha é linda. Segundo: ela fecha. HANDS TO MYSELF RISE E PERFECT E GOOD FOR YOU DONAS DO ALBUM. Esse album está incrivel e diferente de tudo que já fez. Selena provou ser uma grande artista na indústria e devem valorizar isso.
  61. Oct 16, 2015
    Trash. She not even wrote any of the song and she can't sing. Where is her talent? Oh sht, Selena should stay in her acting career. She's a fail in music.
  62. Oct 16, 2015
    i really dont link this album, he is so generic, so boring.
  63. Oct 16, 2015
    Parece que estou escutando a continuação da musica anterior, esse é o problema de só alcançar 1 timbre de voz... .
  64. Oct 16, 2015
  65. Oct 16, 2015
    Gente, quando o álbum foi lançado eu fiquei tão surpreso, pois foi algo bastante inesperado, a voz dela melhorou bastante, ao ouvir as músicas você sente arrepios maravilhosos pois ela canta com o coração, por isso eu amo tanto ela.
  66. Oct 16, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. sinceramente nao gostei do album, a unica musica que presta é same old love e nem foi ela que compôs! nao tem musicas alegresm dançantes... ta muito generico, ela deveria ter feito algo mais natual. Não tem nada de surpreendente. Expand
  67. Oct 16, 2015
    Selena is amazing I love this album so much revival the best pop album of 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  68. Oct 16, 2015
    Of what i heard its an ok album. Im not to big of a fan of it kill em with kindness sounds pretty got but im not to big of a fan of it. I would want to hear more vocals
  69. Oct 16, 2015
    pior album piores musicas atriz/dançarina se pagando de cantora, a unica musica boa é camouflage e acaba por aí... selena stop! voce é melhor q isso..
  70. Oct 16, 2015
    achei um lixo, as musicas nao tem personalidade, são genéricas e é um tipo de album que é perda de tempo escutar, eu sinceramente esperava mais da selena porque as musicas dela sao maravilhosas mas esse álbum realmente me decepcionou. ps: só gostei de good for you
  71. Oct 16, 2015
    O Revival , significa mudanca mais nao teve o impacto que todos os seus atributos , revelaram " Good For you " liricidade desfocadas , identica á The Heart Is whats want , com diferece de um reaper de baixissima qualidade em uma parceria de estilos equivocadas e em Cologne musica totalmente sem eixos e sem liricidade nenhuma de acordo com a tematica do album o que deixa o album semO Revival , significa mudanca mais nao teve o impacto que todos os seus atributos , revelaram " Good For you " liricidade desfocadas , identica á The Heart Is whats want , com diferece de um reaper de baixissima qualidade em uma parceria de estilos equivocadas e em Cologne musica totalmente sem eixos e sem liricidade nenhuma de acordo com a tematica do album o que deixa o album sem qualidade e a aposta na sensualidade totalmente desvaloridada pela selena gomez , que se mostra insensata nas musicas do Revival . Expand
  72. Oct 16, 2015
    This album is one of the best of the year, she can executed songs perfect. 'Rise' / 'Camouflage' / 'Me & My Girls' / 'Sober' are the stand out tracks of the album and 'Survivors' & 'Body Heat' are good songs but i believe they are the weaker songs than the rest of the album. This is way better than her previous 'Stars Dance'
  73. Oct 16, 2015
    É impossivel não ver a evoluçaõ de Selena, mas ao mesmo tempo vemos o quanto ela continua generica. Há músicas boas, mas não são grandes hinos pop, apenas canções para charts, o que faz do álbum só mais um para vender, músicas como Sober, Hands to Myself, Same Old Love, Kill Em with Kindness e Me & the Rhythm, são a grande prova disso, refrões grudentos e vazios, batidas comuns, por outroÉ impossivel não ver a evoluçaõ de Selena, mas ao mesmo tempo vemos o quanto ela continua generica. Há músicas boas, mas não são grandes hinos pop, apenas canções para charts, o que faz do álbum só mais um para vender, músicas como Sober, Hands to Myself, Same Old Love, Kill Em with Kindness e Me & the Rhythm, são a grande prova disso, refrões grudentos e vazios, batidas comuns, por outro lado podemos destacar Revival, Good For You, Camouflage (que apesar dela se esforçar para parecer uma grande vocalista, não convence), Survivors, Rise e Body Heat, são boas canções pop e uma pequena saida de sua zona de conforto. Não é o melhor álbum do ano, mas é o melhor dela. Expand
  74. Oct 16, 2015
    Album excelente, tendoem vista que as posições das músicas deixam a desejar. Os pontos fortes das músicas são: Revival, Body heat e Camouflage. Quero dizer à todos os selenators a fazerem críticas relevantes e nnão fazer guerrinhas.
  75. Oct 16, 2015
    Este é sem dúvidas um dos melhores álbuns de 2015. Selena melhorou muito no seu vocal e trouxe canções maravilhosas. As melhores músicas são Cologne, Sober e Survivors.
  76. Oct 16, 2015
    nao gostei pior album mesma farofa dançante de sempre selena nao tem alcance vocal por isso sao sempre musicas que nao exigem nada da voz dela preferia mil vezes como atriz
  77. Oct 16, 2015
    adorei mas tem algumas musicas que sao tao zzz mas ta de parabens........
    mas tem musica como "good for you" que e tao gostosas de ouvir que esse sao as musicas que faz o album destruir e "revival" nao paro de ouvir
  78. Oct 16, 2015
    My favers is: Me & The Rythm, Rise, Camouflage, Me & My Girls and Cologne. This is album of the year and best job of Selena. She makes all amazing and perfect, different of everything she ever had.
  79. Oct 16, 2015
    Selena went Urban but bring nothing to it. The album has 16 songs and I just liked 5. Listend to it at least 6 times thinking I could change my opinion, but It didn't happen. I can see her vocal maturing, her lyrics maturing, but I can't see what she came for.
  80. Oct 16, 2015
    I gave a try to this album, but it's doing nothing for me. Generic and boring. I really don't know why Ms. Gomez is still trying to be a singer when obviously she is NOT. WORST ALBUM OF THE YEAR.
  81. Oct 16, 2015
    This is such a boring album. Out of 16 tracks I only enjoyed like 4. I was expecting so much by Selena after the masterpiece she released in 2013, Stars Dance. So disappointed in her.
  82. Oct 16, 2015
    Perfect, revolutionary, certainly Selena is empowered to be the new pop princess showed an album more mature showing all of himself and his life, congratulations
  83. Oct 16, 2015
    Nada contra, mas também nada a favor... Sei que a Selena tem muito mais potencial que isso, amo tanto essa mulher mas fica dificil com esse tipo de músicas ZzzZzZZZ
  84. Oct 16, 2015
    Maravilhosa, linda, cheirosa, gostosa, deusa, me come, fofa, linda, hitmaker, cabeçuda, linda, safada, meu amor, nosso amor, teu amor, amor do justin, amor da Demi , amoooo
  85. Oct 16, 2015
    This album is nothing more than an amalgamation of everything that makes success in the world, on top of a terrible vocals and also production. Selena should quit to try something in music, and devote himself to something she does well. Be ex-girlfriend of the pop star of the moment.
  86. Oct 16, 2015
    Sinceramente este é o melhor álbum dela, um álbum com vocais maravilhosos, a rainha surpreendeu mesmo. Batidas ótimas, letras ótimas, um álbum maduro, está sendo uma era maravilhosa para Selena Gomez.
  87. Oct 16, 2015
    Músicas com a mesma sonoridade e Selena sim,evoluiu mas as músicas parecem ser as mesmas. E o capa do álbum não me agradou muito e outra,não acho que seja o álbum do ano. Prefiro algo dançante e calmo no álbum,não músicas sonolentas.
  88. Oct 16, 2015
    Infelizmente, o tão aguardado álbum da Selena foi uma total decepção para mim. Além de Good For You e Same Old Love, não consegui gostar 100% de nenhuma outra música. Algumas se destacam, mas pecam por serem repetitivas/enjoativas e sem um ponto forte, como Kiss Em With Kindness e Me & The Rhythm. No final, os maiores destaques acabam por ser versos ou instrumentais.
  89. Oct 16, 2015
    Honestly, I've never been much of a Selena fan. In the past I've found much of her music to be generic and not to my taste.
    However, after massively loving Good For You, Same Old Love, and Me & the Rhythm I decided to give the album a chance. Credit where credit is due, this may just be my album of the year. The album shows a whole new side to Selena - a mature, confident side that I hope
    Honestly, I've never been much of a Selena fan. In the past I've found much of her music to be generic and not to my taste.
    However, after massively loving Good For You, Same Old Love, and Me & the Rhythm I decided to give the album a chance. Credit where credit is due, this may just be my album of the year. The album shows a whole new side to Selena - a mature, confident side that I hope we'll see more of in the future.
    I may have just been converted to a Selenator!
  90. auu
    Oct 16, 2015
    album incrivel, diferente de tudo que ela ja fez, espero que ela faça mais albuns assim!!
    nota 10 album muito bom, mercece ser indicado ao grammy, otimo
  91. Oct 16, 2015
    O melhor álbum dela, o melhor álbum do ano. Slay Selena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  92. Oct 16, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tem 5 músicas horríveis e as outras em si repetitivas, porém utilizou muito bem do seu vocal, mas está muito diferente dos lives que ela faz, claro que não todas as músicas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  93. Oct 16, 2015
    Melhores músicas: Revival, Kill Em With Kindness, Same Old Love, Perfect, Sober, Outta My Hands (Loco).
  94. Oct 16, 2015
    Ive never heard a Selena Gomez album before, but a couple months ago i heard a single of hers 'Good For You', i was suprised by how much i liked it, it had a great melody coupled with her sultry vocals and brilliant instrumentation. I then heard this album. Revival the first track on this album is a great opener with brilliant instrumentation and a great chorus with great lyrics. Kill EmIve never heard a Selena Gomez album before, but a couple months ago i heard a single of hers 'Good For You', i was suprised by how much i liked it, it had a great melody coupled with her sultry vocals and brilliant instrumentation. I then heard this album. Revival the first track on this album is a great opener with brilliant instrumentation and a great chorus with great lyrics. Kill Em With Kindness is a chill track to overcome thd haters, and has a great whistle tune with more brilliant instrumentation. Then we have the Max Martin track which is hilariously cute and sexy, with her great delivery and fantasic beat. The rest if the album never really fails anywhere, every single songs is strong and i really predict some grammy noms here! Expand
  95. Oct 16, 2015
    Um trabalho coeso, bem produzido, com vocais no ponto, Revival é basicamente isso. Basicamente, pois para notar o quão grande esse álbum é, seria necessário ouvi-lo mais do que duas vezes. De longe será uma obra prima memorável como um "The Fame" ou "Like a Prayer", mas em meio a nova proposta do atual pop e na carreira de Selena definitivamente Revival é seu melhor álbum. Faixas comoUm trabalho coeso, bem produzido, com vocais no ponto, Revival é basicamente isso. Basicamente, pois para notar o quão grande esse álbum é, seria necessário ouvi-lo mais do que duas vezes. De longe será uma obra prima memorável como um "The Fame" ou "Like a Prayer", mas em meio a nova proposta do atual pop e na carreira de Selena definitivamente Revival é seu melhor álbum. Faixas como "Survivor", "Kill Em With Kidness" eo single "Good For You" contam com letras e um trabalho vocal com grande maestria.

    O único ponto ruim, talvez seja o fato de faixas como "Cologne" da versão deluxe serem realmente extras demais, sem apresentar nada muito espetacular como as faixas da versão standart.
  96. Oct 16, 2015
    selena's amazing, the album is her best. she has improved so much and i am really proud. slay, selena! Revival, Kill Em With Kindness and Camouflage are my favorite, definately.
  97. Oct 16, 2015
    Selena Gomez proves with this record that she's taking her career to more mature and serious level than what she used to do before. Since the moment she released "The Heart Wants What It Wants", she proved to be more confident with her voice, her style and her vibe. I listened to all her records and I can say by far that this one is her best and it's not just an improvement from previousSelena Gomez proves with this record that she's taking her career to more mature and serious level than what she used to do before. Since the moment she released "The Heart Wants What It Wants", she proved to be more confident with her voice, her style and her vibe. I listened to all her records and I can say by far that this one is her best and it's not just an improvement from previous efforts, it's maybe the second best 2015 record I've heard this year (right after Honeymoon by Lana Del Rey). Every songs on this record smells confidence, sexiness and maturity. Keep it that way Selena because it's in that sound that you're the best. Expand
  98. Oct 16, 2015
    Queen same, it really was a revival and she returned with everything, a more mature album and unlike anything she did, showed her potential, both vocally and in their side songwriter, of 16 songs she participated in the composition of 11, we can see that this album was rather more of it, had more transparency about her and about your current level! I'm surprised! Proud to be her fan, she killed it
  99. Oct 16, 2015
    Álbum chato, mesma coisa de sempre. como não gostei vou dar a nota que merece, Porque não curti muita a sonoridade desse álbum uma ou outra música salva.
  100. Oct 16, 2015
    Melhor álbum dela, as músicas são maravilhosas, não tem nenhuma ruim e sim razoáveis. Esse é realmente o renascimento dela na música. Que os próximos trabalhos dela sejam iguais ou melhores que esse.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 19, 2015
    Song for song, Revival rivals Carly Rae Jepsen's Emotion for breakout pop album of the year, but if it similarly falls short of greatness, it's due in large part to a lack of originality.
  2. Oct 15, 2015
    There’s enough growth here to accept the occasional stumble. Revival, like ‘Good For You’, is a damn fine, hook-laden surprise. Selena Gomez has found a voice worth paying serious attention to.
  3. Oct 15, 2015
    Revival is an audacious name for a 23-year-old singer's second album, but from start to finish, Gomez earns it. This is the sound of a newly empowered pop artist growing into her strengths like never before.