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  1. Dec 15, 2017
    Best album since the Eminem Show gets better after multiple listens!! This is a different eminem and shows he's matured as marshall mathers the man and eminem the artist GOAT!
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    This is actually a good album. Some people expect Eminem to be X, other people expect him to be Y, and other people expect him to be Z, and they always have an excuse to criticize him and not let him be the undoubtedly greatest again. The truth is that he's the greatest, either if you want to accept it or not.
  3. Mar 27, 2020
    This album is underrated and overhated. Yes, there are couple bad songs in this album, like Chloraseptic's very sloppy flow or Believe's average lyrics, the album overall is quite solid. The best songs on this album would have to be Walk On Water, Castle, and Arose
  4. Jan 24, 2021
    I dont think this album is perfect, but it's definitely not as bad as many people have made it out to be. The only real song on here i find uninteresting is Untouchable mostly due to Em's delivery, other than that, every other song is perfectly fine. Sure, they aren't his best songs, but they're still good songs.
  5. Dec 19, 2017
    This is one of Eminem’s best album’s to date. It has both the playful side of Slim Shady and the thoughtful and mature side of Marshall Mathers. With a very interesting blend of modern and classic beats. Definitely a great album, been listening to it on repeat since it came out!
  6. Dec 15, 2017
    This album has a lot of enjoyable songs, like Castle,Arose and Framed,but not that good production on some songs and sometimes very dumb lyrics are the reason this is only a 7. Overall,a OK album.
  7. Dec 15, 2017
    Surely not Marshall's best but this project is undoubtedly solid, the wide variety of styles works as a compilation of his 20-year career, having 90's, 2000's, and 2010 Eminem in there. Overall with a much mature tone, as anticipated. Well crafted, quality album.
  8. Dec 18, 2017
    Very good album, could argue it has been the best album since the Eminem show, all songs are catchy and many have been produced greatly. worst song is the song with pink.It has been very badly promoted and he should fire Rosenburg and get a new marketing team. overall very good album.
  9. Dec 15, 2017
    It may be a side step from his last 3 efforts, but it's still a joy to listen to the rap god.

    His new track Believe explains it perfectly... "But how do you keep up the pace and the hunger pains once you've won the race? When that pool of exhaust is cooling off Cause you don't got nothing left to prove at all 'Cause you done already hit them with the coup de grâce" I
    It may be a side step from his last 3 efforts, but it's still a joy to listen to the rap god.

    His new track Believe explains it perfectly...

    "But how do you keep up the pace and the hunger pains once you've won the race?

    When that pool of exhaust is cooling off

    Cause you don't got nothing left to prove at all

    'Cause you done already hit them with the coup de grâce"

    I mean, in all seriousness, what else could he do? We got about 5 more serious Em tracks, a few goofy ones, a few political tracks, radio friendly ones and even a trap song.

    Just imagine being Em and having to make an album that appeals to fans of his older music, Relapse and his newer "pop/rock" type tracks.

    Like it or not, he received a bunch of new fans when he released Recovery and he needs to appeal to everyone

    Literally gotten impossible to please all his fans.

    But as a fan, I'm enjoying this album.
  10. Jan 5, 2018
    Despite the fact that this is definitely not his best work, his lyrical talent and the skill that is displayed when spitting his raps is clearly visible on this recent album. I may be biased because I'm a huge EMINEM fan, but Revival has fire: Walk on Water, River, Arose, Like Home and Framed are a few of the best songs on the album. Eminem delves into political rap, horrorcore and looksDespite the fact that this is definitely not his best work, his lyrical talent and the skill that is displayed when spitting his raps is clearly visible on this recent album. I may be biased because I'm a huge EMINEM fan, but Revival has fire: Walk on Water, River, Arose, Like Home and Framed are a few of the best songs on the album. Eminem delves into political rap, horrorcore and looks into his regrets and struggles of his past in songs like Arose (Great song). This album is awesome and I recommend Revival to anyone who is a fan of rap that you can hear the words to or is a fan of rap that has taste (unlike most of rap these days i.e. **** like mumble rap) or to anyone who is looking for some good music. Expand
  11. Dec 15, 2017
    *Only rating this album a 10 to offset the 0's, how can you even rate an album a zero*
    Is this Eminem's best? No that bar has been set too high. Is this Eminem's worst? No that bar has been set too low. While some tweaks should have been made we definitely have a quality album from 45 year old Marshall Mathers who has already proved everything he has to prove. If the changes were made
    *Only rating this album a 10 to offset the 0's, how can you even rate an album a zero*
    Is this Eminem's best? No that bar has been set too high. Is this Eminem's worst? No that bar has been set too low. While some tweaks should have been made we definitely have a quality album from 45 year old Marshall Mathers who has already proved everything he has to prove. If the changes were made such as, changing the chorus on "Offended", removing "Untouchable", removing or tweaking "Heat," changing the structure on "Need Me" (I think Em's content is solid), or even adding Rihanna instead of Pink and removal of both Intro tracks, I think we would have a 13-14 song album that would've been a 10 out of 10 and not dragging on constantly. This would have also drawn more focus to the amazing end tracks.
    This album is a little bit of every Eminem style with tracks for everyone. Normal fans should find a few tracks they like and a few tracks they don't like. Stans, however, will love how it features basically every style of Eminem, even him trying some new. While it seems as if there is no clear theme present there is. The theme is Eminem and his style throughout his career, and struggling to find his style. The album opens with Em admitting he hasn't been his best lately, he's not God, he's flawed but he's going to Revive himself and find himself. From this point on we have Em taking us through every style of his career. He's experimenting with today's trap music on "Believe" and "Chloraseptic." We get hints of Encore Eminem on "Untouchable." As always Recovery Eminem is present on any song with a pop collab, except now the lines are sharper. The Eminem Show Eminem comes out for the political track "Like Home." Any Eminem song with a rock sample can be traced to Rick Ruben and MMLP, this is the case on "Remind Me" and "Heat." Eminem even revisits the Relapse era, with a touch of SSLP on "Framed." Throughout the album we have Em attempting to do this with all these different styles and by the end have Eminem REVIVING himself and finally saying what he wants to say and saying it how he wants to say it. The album itself can be summed up by the last 3 tracks: In Your Head, Castle, and Arose. Castle and Arose are meant to go together and are up there with the all time great Eminem tracks, and are the most meaningful tracks we've seen from Eminem in a while. The style is on par with The Eminem Show but the content reminds me of "Beautiful." Just like on Relapse the whole rest of the album seems completely different and then we get to the end and here we have Em being introspective saying hey I've been at my lowest, I was almost done ten years ago, and it's amazing how I've been able to come back and put out 4 more albums even if they're not up to everyone's standards but I'm here now and I'm finally just now starting to feel myself again and feel something with my music. If nothing else Revival or at least the last two tracks can be a Revival of Eminem's energy and putting all he has into his music again.
    While many were hoping Revival would be Eminem returning to when he was releasing the best stuff he ever has, it is instead about Eminem struggling to get back to that point, and then at the end FINALLY finding himself again as we are about to enter a new era of Eminem as the old one is now thrown out. We are given a new artist here, and I truly think Eminem's next album, whenever it does come out, will finally be on the same pedestal as the Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show.
  12. Dec 15, 2017
    99% of Eminem albums are underappreciated when they first come out. Outside of The Eminem Show, I think every Eminem album has received scathing initial reviews, which later proved to be too hasty. I love Framed, Believe, Arose, Castle, Tragic Endings, Remind Me, and hell even the Ed Sheeran feature made for a decent tune. People will come around, just wait.
  13. Dec 16, 2017
    Great album.
    There is something for everyone on this record.
    So not everyone wonna like every song on it but you can't deny that some of the tracks are lit.
    Good lyrics and overall a solid storytelling and beats.
  14. Dec 15, 2017
    Maybe not a perfect 10/10 but hopefully this helps balance the negative reviews given by the far right.
    Yes, this album does contain political songs. However, this is not a completely political album.
    Give this album a listen from beginning to end without skipping a song. If you don't like the album, give it another listen with an open mind. I promise it will grown on you. Don't just
    Maybe not a perfect 10/10 but hopefully this helps balance the negative reviews given by the far right.
    Yes, this album does contain political songs. However, this is not a completely political album.

    Give this album a listen from beginning to end without skipping a song. If you don't like the album, give it another listen with an open mind. I promise it will grown on you. Don't just listen to it for the beats. Listen to the lyrics, you won't be disappointed.

    The best thing about this album is that there will at least be a few songs you will like depending on your favorite Eminem era. Love SSLP, MMLP, and TES? There will probably be a couple of songs you will love. Like Relapse? There's a song that feels taken directly from that album. Revival is probably closest to Recovery and MMLP2.
  15. Dec 15, 2017
    Far from his best work, this album was damaged by the attempt to satisfy too many people, almost as if there were several album concepts and he decided to go with all of them. There was a little bit for everyone except for the Slim Shady fans who can't seem to understand that the man is getting too old for that high pitched voiced and that content. Eminem is still lyrically and technicallyFar from his best work, this album was damaged by the attempt to satisfy too many people, almost as if there were several album concepts and he decided to go with all of them. There was a little bit for everyone except for the Slim Shady fans who can't seem to understand that the man is getting too old for that high pitched voiced and that content. Eminem is still lyrically and technically insane and was very entertaining for most of the 19 tracks (indeed there are a few disposable songs). He has been getting mixed reviews from his fans since The Eminem Show and will continue to get said reviews unless he brings back his old content which, even though I prefer his older work, doesn't fit the mature rapper picture. Expand
  16. Dec 15, 2017
    It's that kinda album that takes time and couple listens to grow on you , definitely not his best but indeed a good album, couple of production problems and couple of meh and bad songs other than that it's great
  17. Dec 15, 2017
    Although Eminem will never be able to top MMLP or The Eminem Show, this album is just as good, if not better, than all of his other albums. The best part about this album is Eminem shows off all of his styles. Regardless of what past Eminem album you have loved, Eminem will have at least a few tracks on this album that you'll love. And if you're a pure Eminem fan, you'll love almost EVERYAlthough Eminem will never be able to top MMLP or The Eminem Show, this album is just as good, if not better, than all of his other albums. The best part about this album is Eminem shows off all of his styles. Regardless of what past Eminem album you have loved, Eminem will have at least a few tracks on this album that you'll love. And if you're a pure Eminem fan, you'll love almost EVERY track.

    Throughout the album I had chills and I love that it ends with Arose, which is one of the best songs he has ever written and recorded. If you're a true Stan, there's no way Arose couldn't have brought a tear to your eye.
  18. Dec 15, 2017
    Whilst this album's got its fair share of peaks and valleys, the highs outweigh the lows by a lot. It definitely requires multiple listens to soak in all of the content. At first I was disappointed after having anticipated this for over four years, but I'm well satisfied with what I have now. Hopefully he doesn't go on another multi-year hiatus before the release of his next project. ThisWhilst this album's got its fair share of peaks and valleys, the highs outweigh the lows by a lot. It definitely requires multiple listens to soak in all of the content. At first I was disappointed after having anticipated this for over four years, but I'm well satisfied with what I have now. Hopefully he doesn't go on another multi-year hiatus before the release of his next project. This album has something for every Eminem fan, but in doing that it lacks a sense of cohesiveness that a regular album would deliver. Go into the album with an open mind and do your best to ignore to blind hate being thrown around by Trump supporters.

    Favourite tracks: Castle + Arose, Believe, Chloraseptic, River, Like Home, Tragic Endings, Nowhere Fast, Offended, In Your Head.

    (Rating this a 10 to offset the blind 0's)
  19. Dec 15, 2017
    i love this album, its not his best work but it come's pretty damn close! Revival is the perfect combination of rap,pop and somethime's even rock. the real slim shady is definitely back!
  20. Dec 15, 2017
    This is the best album I've heard this year. The lyrics are great and both rhymes and flows are amazing. All those who don't like the album don't know anything about hip hop.
  21. Dec 15, 2017
    For all you haters... Here are 3 reasons why this is a great album

    1. Lyrically Eminem is on fire and rapping better than he ever has. This guys has mastered the art. I can guarantee most who heard the album, have not carefully listened to this album. 2. The content of the album is meaningful. Eminem has always kept growing and maturing over the years. He's now talking about social
    For all you haters... Here are 3 reasons why this is a great album

    1. Lyrically Eminem is on fire and rapping better than he ever has. This guys has mastered the art. I can guarantee most who heard the album, have not carefully listened to this album.

    2. The content of the album is meaningful. Eminem has always kept growing and maturing over the years. He's now talking about social issues relevant to the worked in the way he knows best. If you're too ignorant to hear that, and understand the content, then maybe give it another listen and truly dissect what he is saying.
    If you are still waiting to hear what you heard on the Slim Shady LP, or the Marshal Mathers LP, then find someone else to listen to. Who the hell wants to hear a 45 year old rapping about the same thing he did in his twenties.

    3. Collaborations. Yes, there are some typical collaborations that I expected such as Skyler Grey, and Pink, but he going out on a limb on this album with unexpected artists such as Ed Sheeran, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, and the alternative band X Ambassadors. These are some awesome.
  22. Dec 15, 2017
    o álbum é bom do começo ao fim e quem não gostou é porque não ouviu direito e não soube apreciar esta obra de arte que vai do rap ao rock ao pop e ainda conta com várias participações ícones
  23. Dec 16, 2017
    I never seen an community such stupid that right now, this album is literally one of the most authentic, honest and good album of Eminem, the perfect mixed between old and New Eminem's style.
  24. Dec 15, 2017
    This album is very tricky people , at first listen i am 90% sure that you will say "this is trash" but listen every song minimun 3 times and you will see how things change, at first i hated it but now im loving it

    this has everything : you liked Recovery? Tragic endings,Like Home, Nowhere fast(tragic endings even has his recovery voice), you liked Relapse? Offended,Framed and has 2
    This album is very tricky people , at first listen i am 90% sure that you will say "this is trash" but listen every song minimun 3 times and you will see how things change, at first i hated it but now im loving it

    this has everything :
    you liked Recovery? Tragic endings,Like Home, Nowhere fast(tragic endings even has his recovery voice), you liked Relapse? Offended,Framed and has 2 trap vibe songs Chloraseptic and Believe (awesome songs) what more do you want? awesome album ! (but Need me ft pink is trash )
  25. Dec 16, 2017
    This is the best album he's made since The Eminem Show. It has a great mix of all of his different styles while at the same time making the album feel very well put together by having every song flow very well between each other. 10/10
  26. Dec 16, 2017
    I like the lyrics and production on some songs like Believe, Offended, Framed and River, but on others the are very dull and dumb. Not like his other albums, but this is quite good.
  27. Dec 18, 2017
    Still listening but anyone giving this a 0 or 10 just dumb. There are some lines that should of not made it and should of been some ill production from guys like Alchemist, Preemo, Madlib, Statik, ApolloBrown and guys like this but it's still a solid B-
  28. Dec 29, 2017
    All these dumbass "reviewers" saying the album is wack. Either closeted trump supporters or people that have listened to it once and consider it "reviewed". You know what the saying is.. Rappers rap and critics.., well they aren't relevant any more.
  29. Dec 18, 2017
    Chase McMullen from the 405 (never heard of them until now) writes an article trashing Eminem a week before Revival and then surprise, surprise he doesn't like this album and calls it his worst ever... The internet gives, um, *cough* "journalists" like this a voice and it's a shame. First of all this isn't nearly as bad as Encore. Is it Em's best album? No it's not even close. But it isn'tChase McMullen from the 405 (never heard of them until now) writes an article trashing Eminem a week before Revival and then surprise, surprise he doesn't like this album and calls it his worst ever... The internet gives, um, *cough* "journalists" like this a voice and it's a shame. First of all this isn't nearly as bad as Encore. Is it Em's best album? No it's not even close. But it isn't his worst. There are about 6-7 very solid songs on this album and even the lowest points are still (at least lyrically) better than ANY of the new rappers for the most part. Kids listen to Lil Pump, Lil Yachti, and 21 Savage and think they know lyrics or good music and it's LAUGHABLE. This album is good not great. I could personally do without any of the "pop" tracks with the exception of Remind Me. Believe, Framed, Offended, Heat, and Chloraspetic are good solid traditional Eminem wordplay songs. I can do without the politics but that has to do with any musician regardless of political alignment. And then pop songs everyone complains about are products of our generation i.e. most people seem to not care about lyrics (see opinion above.) Castle and Arose are also two pretty good heart felt songs with good messages and typical Em style. I do think this album is all over the place and there are a lot of samples. I didn't as I mentioned enjoy some of the more politically driven songs because I enjoy music as an escape. Personally the more poppy songs aren't for me but it gave me enough enjoyment and I can appreciate the effort and still overall ability of Eminem as a rapper.

    If you really don't like this album that's your opinion but at least form one that doesn't seem so misguided or premeditated. However, I think for those who prefer today's music to say Em is "washed up" is a joke because again - lyrical ability and flow are what make the best rappers great and Em still has that in spades. Decent album 7 out of 10. Not the greatest but not complete trash like people like Chase want to label it.
  30. Dec 19, 2017
    The album is a masterpiece... No rapper ever will give u such a heartfelt record! Even after 20 years being in the game... He's not compromising with his pen, and actually, he spit fire on the trap beats and mumble beats as well, which shows that he has changed with time! On tracks like castle / arose beautiful story telling is there, he outclassed rapgod on offended! Tragic endings is theThe album is a masterpiece... No rapper ever will give u such a heartfelt record! Even after 20 years being in the game... He's not compromising with his pen, and actually, he spit fire on the trap beats and mumble beats as well, which shows that he has changed with time! On tracks like castle / arose beautiful story telling is there, he outclassed rapgod on offended! Tragic endings is the best collab with Skylar till date! Need me is best collab with pink till date! Like home shud be made the national anthem of USA ! He's got the balls to go against the atrocities faced by black ppl on the song "untouchable" no celebrity of his status will ever speak about things he did on this album! Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 24
  2. Negative: 6 out of 24
  1. The Wire
    Feb 23, 2018
    Chosen topics prove less crucial than his relentlessly tedious delivery. [Feb 2018, p.51]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jan 30, 2018
    Eminem has never sounded more like a man out of time. [Mar 2018, p.107]
  3. Jan 18, 2018
    At least a third of the tracks are songs I could do without. The other two-thirds show that whether you love or hate the modern day Marshall Mathers, he's still as relevant as he ever was.