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  1. Dec 22, 2017
    What a rubbish album. Almost all the beats and melodies were boring or annoying, the lyrics were constantly underwhelming despite Eminem's flow and some of the sampling choices are absolutely atrocious and used in a weird way, especially in the song "Remind Me" which was absolute ****.
    The obvious hit song of the album "River" felt way too familiar to his other hit songs especially when
    What a rubbish album. Almost all the beats and melodies were boring or annoying, the lyrics were constantly underwhelming despite Eminem's flow and some of the sampling choices are absolutely atrocious and used in a weird way, especially in the song "Remind Me" which was absolute ****.
    The obvious hit song of the album "River" felt way too familiar to his other hit songs especially when it comes to song structure and it was very forgettable. There's also the song "Tragic Endings" which was straight up demo material and felt very out of place, probably a last minute add. There were two songs that were much better, "Nowhere Fast" and "Offended" but they were also very mediocre at best and "Offended" is absolutely ruined by a chorus that's just tosh.

    What a shame.
  2. Jul 28, 2019
    A painful listen with unbearable performances from Eminem. He's a corny, watered down, and overall horrendous version of himself on this record. The reason it isn't a 0 or 1 is because of a couple passable verses and a couple really good features (Beyonce and Ed Sheeran).
  3. Jan 7, 2018
    I can say "It's not hip-hop, it's pop" about Recovery, which is awful, but Revival isn't like this, it's just a piece of garbage. There's a lot of awful mainstream trap-like **** and when the song is not an awful mainstream trap-like **** it's a freaking audio book. There's a few "not this bad" songs and one OK song (Castle), all the others are just a purification of ****
  4. Dec 24, 2017
    The album was released with such hype. The sequel to his two other average albums, Relapse and Recovery see Eminem approaching a clear tumble down the ranks. Despite still being one of the most recognised figures in music it doesn't seem to be his prime in this day and age.
  5. May 13, 2018
    This is probably Eminems worst album, which is saying a lot. There is no coherence in terms of lyrical content or production except for both being mostly awful.
    The Rick Rubin rock tracks are terrible, the samples are lazy and many beats sound like demos. There are desperate attempts to make a hit, but they sound like pop songs from around 2010. It's like Recovery, but even lazier.
    This is probably Eminems worst album, which is saying a lot. There is no coherence in terms of lyrical content or production except for both being mostly awful.
    The Rick Rubin rock tracks are terrible, the samples are lazy and many beats sound like demos. There are desperate attempts to make a hit, but they sound like pop songs from around 2010. It's like Recovery, but even lazier. There's a lot of terrible Eminem singing too.
    The lyrics are often cringeworthy (there are so many terrible punchlines), and there is almost nothing new thematically. Eminem raps about failed relationships, his past drug abuse, being a serial killer, how great he is and occasionally about politics (there isn't nearly as much political stuff on this album as some people claim). Been there, done that. His anti trump hymn is well intentioned, but it brings nothing new to the table and fails to be as biting as his BET freestyle. It's to concerned with being a radio pop hit (which it failed to become).
    The only highiights are the lead single and opening track "Walk on Water", which finds Eminem struggling with his own expectations and those of fans and critics. To bad this humble stance he takes is pointless, since there is so much "I'm the best"-talk on the rest of the album. The other tracks worth listening to close the album out. "Castle" and "Arose" are about Eminems near fatal overdose, and even though we've heard him tell this story a lot by now, the tracks are well crafted and quite touching. They also sound like they belong on the same album, unlike the majority of the songs on here.
    The Rest of "Revival" is just unfocused, badly written and badly produced. One can only wonder why Eminem, on of the best MC's ever, insists on making these poppy albums that sound like they were recorded a decade ago. Without being mastered. It's not like he needs the money or anything, and album sales show that this isn't even what the people want.
    "Revival" sounds like Eminem didn't even really try, and if he did, he's really out of touch with his audience and hip hop in general.
  6. Jan 9, 2018
    This album was very difficult to listen from beginning to end and give a chance to grow on me. The beats and most melodies are absolutely dismal and often cringe worthy. While I can't fault Eminem's message and lyrical ability that has deservedly granted Em a legendary status; it's hard to hear the messages he's trying to present over such horrid instrumentals and hooks. His new jitterThis album was very difficult to listen from beginning to end and give a chance to grow on me. The beats and most melodies are absolutely dismal and often cringe worthy. While I can't fault Eminem's message and lyrical ability that has deservedly granted Em a legendary status; it's hard to hear the messages he's trying to present over such horrid instrumentals and hooks. His new jitter flow just doesn't work. Expand
  7. Feb 26, 2018
    First and foremost, if you're looking for an authentic rap album, get ready to be disappointed.

    Eminem, obviously, is one of the highest ranked rappers of all-time, surpassing those in the rap game with powerful, yet casually controversial lyrics. Post-Encore Eminem had changed up his style to a more serious and concrete tone, and left many rap fans in awe from his last project, TMMLP
    First and foremost, if you're looking for an authentic rap album, get ready to be disappointed.

    Eminem, obviously, is one of the highest ranked rappers of all-time, surpassing those in the rap game with powerful, yet casually controversial lyrics. Post-Encore Eminem had changed up his style to a more serious and concrete tone, and left many rap fans in awe from his last project, TMMLP 2. In his album, Eminem gets personal and talks more in-depth with his drug abuse and the impact it left upon Marshall himself, and his family, while taking some personal shots at the POTUS Donald Trump, and sneaking in some tracks that were very "Shady-like" , much to the contradiction of literally everything that Eminem tried to somewhat show us.

    Overall, this album is a mess. A bunch of collaborations featuring a variety of soft-core pop stars to make rather tired out music. It is unsure what purpose this album holds. Judging from the cover, it's supposed to be a political album? A political album that has Em convert back to Slim Shady and tries to cover his other dirty laundry? The album is equivalent to hearing your grandfather ramble on one subject, and inconsistently switching back and forth with the unexpected.

    It is odd seeing Eminem desperately adapt the triple-flow that is dominating the rap game to this date. We've known him for being a creator in the rap game, whether it'd be his hard-hitting sound or his pace on the mic skills. This album is effortless, and tries too hard to get along with the recent demographic of the new generation. It does not help that Dr. Dre has only done around 30 seconds of production on the final product. To have Rick Rubin continue sampling rock into a rap track on a confusing album like this is bound for disaster.

    The light I see upon this album is the vocals from the talents addressed earlier. They are without a doubt efficient when it comes to singing, but I just do not like the oversaturation of them in this tougher genre. You can make a great Eminem album with Skylar Grey, but do not force-feed us with Ed Sheeran and more P!nk. I also found interest on the honest discussions towards Eminems family and his struggle to recuperate after his drug abuse The seriousness of Eminem's personal life is a serious factor that made him so renowned, and that is what carried the second half of this project.

    Sadly, there was too much going on, and too much contradiction against what a real Eminem album should be. As bad as this album was, Eminem should not be doubted if he dares try again in the near future.
  8. May 22, 2019
    Eminem becomes everything he hates on this album. He is washed up, making nothing but poor pop tracks and rapping about Trump on the whole album. He shoots for To Pimp A Butterfly, but instead creates a heaping pile of garbage.
  9. Aug 8, 2018
    The album sounds like a demo, a really bad one. I wonder who actually wrote the album, eminem or a 13-year-old. The answer may be both, eminem's immaturity is unquestionable.
  10. Feb 24, 2019
    This album, aside from the last two songs, gives me a headache. They relied too much on "Walk on Water" to become the next Bohemian Rhapsody and it didn't work. Will go down as a weak comeback album.
  11. Mar 14, 2021
    This album is an absolute piece of **** except for like a couple of songs. Too much pop, too much singing, not enough Slim Shady.
  12. Jan 28, 2020
    A lot of unfitting production and cheesy lyrics, though "River" is a standout track. Outside of that, "Castle" and "Like Home" are the only average songs. As a fan it's disappointing.
  13. Jan 17, 2020
    Easily Eminem’s worst album. Three years later, only a handful of songs are worth revisiting, and those aren’t exactly career highs, framed being the stand out
  14. Feb 23, 2020
    It hurts to give Eminem this score... Pop features, bad hooks, weak lyrics spoil the entire album. There are acceptable songs like Bad Husband and Offended if you remove the hooks. But it is unbearable how many annoying features this album has
  15. Jul 8, 2020
    This is coming from a long time Stan. This album has some of my favourite Eminem songs ever in Castle and Arose, and that is what earns it a 2. Terrible production, awful mixing for someone with Em's resources. Cringe lyric, after cringe lyric.
    I hoped after seeing the album cover and freestyle that we would get something with the energy and brilliant writing off Mosh, instead we get songs
    This is coming from a long time Stan. This album has some of my favourite Eminem songs ever in Castle and Arose, and that is what earns it a 2. Terrible production, awful mixing for someone with Em's resources. Cringe lyric, after cringe lyric.
    I hoped after seeing the album cover and freestyle that we would get something with the energy and brilliant writing off Mosh, instead we get songs that seem to be focus grouped for every era of Eminem fan.
  16. Oct 2, 2021
    Eminem's worst album, period. While this is his worst album, it is somewhat tolerable as some songs are quite good such as "Untouchable" and "Walk On Water", but majority of the songs are just lackluster pieces of music that are a tool, using mediocre pop artists for features to get more money and views. 80% songs aren't of substance, the classic trope of "I love my wife but I hate her"Eminem's worst album, period. While this is his worst album, it is somewhat tolerable as some songs are quite good such as "Untouchable" and "Walk On Water", but majority of the songs are just lackluster pieces of music that are a tool, using mediocre pop artists for features to get more money and views. 80% songs aren't of substance, the classic trope of "I love my wife but I hate her" and some songs calling Donald Trump a nazi to appeal to the youth on "Offended". Moreover, staccato flow on "Chloraseptic" and the ear-destroying chorus on "Framed" ruin the album further. In summary, this is Eminem's worst and it is unbelievable how it took four years to make this album. Expand
  17. Jul 24, 2023
    The worst album Eminem has ever released & one of the worst rap albums of all time.

    Best track: Castle or Arose
    Worst track: Heat (Eminem's worst bars!)
    Best feature: Beyoncé
  18. Dec 15, 2017
    Trash, worst eminem album ever. Why all the pop singers on all the horrible hooks? Eminem sounds bored as hell on here..... A few cool rock sampled beats cannot save this album, it is TRASH.
  19. Dec 16, 2017
    One of the worst albums i have ever let my ears listen to... Trash lyrics, Trash political views, Trash production... Lost his touch should of retired years ago when he actually had a legacy which he has now dismantled into trash.

    The Album Is TRASH
  20. Dec 18, 2017
    This album was a heartless cash grab. The least he could have done when releasing an album with a very very popular set of artists to work with, was actually give them some decent material. Also that diarrhea line... wtf. Worst album he's produced without a doubt. He should just retire his career. This is a big pile of shameful, steaming **** Good lord!
  21. Dec 16, 2017
    Absolutely terrible album. There isn't one song on here that I can really listen to and say is good. Couple of manageable songs, and the rest is just loud noise. Absolutely disappointed in Eminem. Worst album of his career, and one of the worst of 2017. Shame.
  22. Mar 17, 2018
    Eminem's Revival is anything but. If you like this musical era of plain boring pop music you'll like this album, however if you are a fan of rap I recommend you steer clear. This album is full of "guest appearances" that make up a majority of the music interjected by uninspired and poorly executed lyrics on behalf of Eminem. Chloraseptic is hailed as the best song by some apologists but isEminem's Revival is anything but. If you like this musical era of plain boring pop music you'll like this album, however if you are a fan of rap I recommend you steer clear. This album is full of "guest appearances" that make up a majority of the music interjected by uninspired and poorly executed lyrics on behalf of Eminem. Chloraseptic is hailed as the best song by some apologists but is utterly awful. Phresher is awful in this song and the point of the song is to mock rappers using the Triplet Flow. How does Eminem do this? Does he use clever lyrics to destroy them? Does he out rap them by proving the Triplet Flow outdated or simple? No he simply raps in triplets. It baffles my mind that this album received any positive reviews. Expand
  23. Dec 15, 2017
    I have not been the slightest bit excited ever since the mediocre whine that is Walk On Water was released. The song seems incredibly robotic and manufactured as well as boring, which isn't helped by Eminem sounding like he has a 15 inch **** up his ass. Then the second single, Untouchable, came out, and I was even less hyped. It has a good hook, a pretty interesting message, but Eminem isI have not been the slightest bit excited ever since the mediocre whine that is Walk On Water was released. The song seems incredibly robotic and manufactured as well as boring, which isn't helped by Eminem sounding like he has a 15 inch **** up his ass. Then the second single, Untouchable, came out, and I was even less hyped. It has a good hook, a pretty interesting message, but Eminem is INCREDIBLY condescending about it.

    Oh and why did this need to be 80 minutes? The album is such a borefest. It's taken me the whole day just to get through it. Even the hyped-up songs like Untouchable and Remind Me, the latter being effectively an incredibly poor and cheesy version of Berzerk, are boring in terms of lyrics or they just fizzle out intentionally.

    I could go on and on and on and on, but I have limited time and characters so here's a TL;DR:
    The album's boring and Eminem can't write proper lyrics to save his life anymore. The songs are all boring.
  24. Dec 19, 2017
    Além de excessivamente longo e cansativo, “Revival” parece não dispor o melhor do Eminem desde o seu hiato com “The Marshall Mathers LP2”. O manifesto político é algo até compreensível, se não fosse pela péssima performance do Eminem na maioria, ou em todas as músicas do álbum. Um exemplo na música “Believe” no primeiro verso, especificamente no trecho “[...] So I unabomb **** – tick,Além de excessivamente longo e cansativo, “Revival” parece não dispor o melhor do Eminem desde o seu hiato com “The Marshall Mathers LP2”. O manifesto político é algo até compreensível, se não fosse pela péssima performance do Eminem na maioria, ou em todas as músicas do álbum. Um exemplo na música “Believe” no primeiro verso, especificamente no trecho “[...] So I unabomb **** – tick, tick, tick – no remorse PEW!”, com essa repetição de uma onomatopeia que não aumenta a capacidade de rima e nem acrescenta nada à performance. Ainda nessa música, Eminem parece se arrastar para levar esses minutos, como um paciente com falta de oxigênio, sem falar do refrão que não pega, sem ritmo, sem sincronia com nada.

    Em “Walk on Water”, outra faixa que me surpreende em ver Eminem rimando lentamente tentando ser mais sutil que a participação vergonhosa da Beyonce. Ouçam a intro de “Beautiful Pain”, onde Eminem entra de uma maneira sensacional introduzindo os vocais maravilhosos da Sia que no decorrer na música se torna mais frenético do que toda a performance dele nesse disco. Sem falar nos versos onde Beyonce canta com sutileza, e logo vem aqueles **** **** que mais lembra alguém fazendo sexo em local público do que ele falando realmente ao fundo.

    “River”, e a participação descartável do Ed Sheeran só surpreende na produção do Emile Haynie. O tema delicado e a composição dos versos do Eminem até que decentes, não fazem essa música se destacar nem como “boa”. E essa música termina de maneira muito incompleta para dar início a uma interlude que nem ao menos deveria existir.

    “Tragic Endings” e os versos da Skylar que mais me lembra as músicas de “sofrência” da Marilia Mendonça quando ela canta “Cause I’m so drunk off tragic endings”. Sem distinção, confesso que é uma das melhores performances do Eminem nesse álbum.

    Para fechar, “Need Me” um ressalte extremo de tão bom que essa música é. O protagonismo da P!nk com os vocais do Eminem de fundo, suave, isso sim é uma ótima ambientação musical. E mais uma música sobre relacionamento, diferente de outras, essa é a que tem mais força e cativação. A veracidade das batidas violentas traz algo extraordinário e mágico desde a performance de ambos até o gosto ao ouvir.

    Contudo, “Revival” não tem pontos positivos, é tosco, não traz lembranças boas do Slim Shady, o Rap God, e nem o egocentrismo hostil do Eminem. Lamento, mas isso é um lixo.

    Ouçam: “Need Me”
  25. Dec 21, 2017
    Probably the most painful thing I've ever listened to. I've heard some TERRIBLE music in my days, but what made this so painful to listen to, is that it's from MARSHAL motherf*cking MATHERS! Eminem. One of THE GREATEST rappers of all time has lost all of his original style and churned out a garbage album that is so painful to sit down and finish.

    The only track i sorta liked: Castle
    Probably the most painful thing I've ever listened to. I've heard some TERRIBLE music in my days, but what made this so painful to listen to, is that it's from MARSHAL motherf*cking MATHERS! Eminem. One of THE GREATEST rappers of all time has lost all of his original style and churned out a garbage album that is so painful to sit down and finish.

    The only track i sorta liked: Castle
    Least Favorite Track: The rest of em.
  26. Dec 16, 2017
    Chega de sons de guitarra e bateria, o que aconteceu com as batidas fortes e rimas perfeitas?!
    Esse albúm só mostra que o Marketing que o Eminem fez com "Campaign Speech" e aquele "freestyle", teve coragem para lançar The Marshall Mathers Lp2, porque não teria para lançar, The Eminem Show 2?
  27. Dec 15, 2017
    you turned from 'great rapper' to '16 year olds with soundclouds can make this'. you really did not do anything good here. even not comparing you to your old self, this is dry. nothing new, nothing special. i would literally listen to every lil pump song 15 times over than this album again
  28. Feb 4, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Your booty is heavy duty like diarrhea."
    "You got buns, I got aspergers."
    "I’m swimmin’ in that Egyptian river, ’cause I’m in denial/ Say I don’t eat **** but I got a ****-eatin’ grin when I smile."

    I'll say it short: I love MMLP, TES and SSLP, even some moments on Recovery and Encore, but this is unbereable. I like "Walk on Water" until I heard the rest of the album, because it's filled with trashy lyrics, an HORRIBLE production from Rick Rubin with overblown and lifeless sounds, ultra-lazy samples and trashy, horrible performances, cheap melodrama and more of Eminem's weaknesses executed in the most poorly way possible. Probably his worst produced and recorded album to date. You will think with Walk on Water he'll redeem himself with this album and his name in the past, but no. It's a 2008 pop-rock-rap-ballad record released in 2017. And I don't even mention his monotone, weak, boring and lifeless flow that sound like a robot who's learning what emotions are. This album sucks.

    FAV TRACKS: Walk on Water, parts of Chloraseptic, Framed (except that horrendous hook), parts of Offended, Castle.

  29. Jun 8, 2020
    Holy **** I can't believe i listened through this mess of an album. This was the first album Eminem dropped after I started listening to him in earlier 2017. I was so excited, as Eminem was the only artist I listened to at the time, then he drops Walk on water. I thought it was alright, but I didn't like the lack of drums, and I missed the energetic Em When the album dropped, I listened toHoly **** I can't believe i listened through this mess of an album. This was the first album Eminem dropped after I started listening to him in earlier 2017. I was so excited, as Eminem was the only artist I listened to at the time, then he drops Walk on water. I thought it was alright, but I didn't like the lack of drums, and I missed the energetic Em When the album dropped, I listened to the entire thing, multiple times, and added all of the songs to my playlist.... WHY? I forced myslef to like this because I wanted the new Em to be great, but let's face it... He isn't. The lyrics are embarrasing, the beats awful, and the mixing and features are just ****ty. This is probably the worst album I've ever listened all the way through. Expand
  30. Nov 19, 2021
    Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why
  31. Apr 2, 2020
    This was just bad. Whiny, poppy, and just corny as hell. Love Eminem but this record should have never seen the light of day. Only redeemable track is Walk on Water, and even then that's just a notch above mediocre.
  32. Dec 21, 2020
    An absolute disgrace of an album and such a letdown from Eminem that I want to pretend this doesn’t exist. Probably - no, definitely his worst project to date. This is awful, even if you are a fan on Eminem like I am, do not listen to this monstrosity. I don’t understand the 10/10s. This is should be a 3/10 AT MOST. Absolutely awful. New Eminem is nothing like what he used to be. This isAn absolute disgrace of an album and such a letdown from Eminem that I want to pretend this doesn’t exist. Probably - no, definitely his worst project to date. This is awful, even if you are a fan on Eminem like I am, do not listen to this monstrosity. I don’t understand the 10/10s. This is should be a 3/10 AT MOST. Absolutely awful. New Eminem is nothing like what he used to be. This is terrible. Expand
  33. Oct 2, 2022
    a big disappointment to a new Eminem and is a horrible way to bring more political music to Eminem's old out of date music
  34. Dec 16, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Uninspired, lacking fire, and in general a waste of time to listen to. This is definitely not his best work. And I'd say even calling it mediocre for him would be an overly kind assessment. Expand
  35. Jun 14, 2018
    This is a horrible Pop-album with 90% cheesy popsongs featuring cheesy popstars. Nothing for Eminem-fans, only made for radio-listeners and teenage-girly-girls. It is so sad. Worst Eminem Album ever. It is really really bad. It is like "love the way you lie" an whole album long lmao.
  36. Dec 16, 2017
    Seriously, what is this crap?! Just awful. This is literally the most mainstream corporate crap I've ever heard, every single song is horrible. Nice duets with the industry's "elite" pop stars Em! The next album is sure to have collaborations with Miley Cyrus & Bieber. Why am I even surprised, Eminem is pretty much as "pop" as it gets these days. Every single song on this crap album isSeriously, what is this crap?! Just awful. This is literally the most mainstream corporate crap I've ever heard, every single song is horrible. Nice duets with the industry's "elite" pop stars Em! The next album is sure to have collaborations with Miley Cyrus & Bieber. Why am I even surprised, Eminem is pretty much as "pop" as it gets these days. Every single song on this crap album is 100% tailored for urban radio stations to play on loop day after day after day after day... It's repulsive. Expand
  37. Aug 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. sadly Eminem hasn't made anything memorable since his old work. he has talent but it seems at this point he doesn't show a lot of potential and creativity in creating good music anymore. hes relying on lackluster production, horrible singing and pop artists. this coming from a man that use to scorn pop culture ends up becoming what he used to hate. i will stick to his past works. furthermore the record is too political with weak jabs at the orange man in office. this album shows an example of how most modern entertainment has been completely destroyed by celebrities and musicians feeling the need to preach on their soapbox and lecture people on how they should feel and think about current issues when its not their purpose at all but to entertain us. em you did this on encore which was also trash. repeating past mistakes and not learning from them echoes heavily here. in conclusion the guest features dont bring anything to the album either. dissing the current era while collaborating with them makes you look like a huge hypocrite Expand
  38. Dec 15, 2017
    Absolute uninspired garbage. Eminem is trying to be something he is not and its quite sad. I think its time this washed up has been hypocrite hangs it up.
  39. Dec 15, 2017
    Nothing but a shadow of his former self. Straight garbage. You would think that with the leading single "Walk on Water" addressing how he struggles to live up to his own name and past, that maybe he would pull it out the bag and give an album that longstanding fans deserve. Nope, just the same pop-ballad trash that has been accredited to him the past couple years.
  40. Dec 19, 2017
    Absolute **** garbage, and believe me when im saying that it's really bad, this is WAY worse than encore, relapse and recovery, i hope eminem will not make another album ever again, he's just bad now
  41. Sep 1, 2018
    Simply one of the worst albums and attempts at music I've ever heard. Pathetic lyricism and composition. Eminem used to be quite good, one of the best of his time... Now he is truly one of the worst.
  42. Dec 16, 2017
    I'm sorry but this is NOT GOOD. I really wish Eminem didn't put this album out, it sucks to see such a talented person create this poor of a record :(
  43. Dec 15, 2017
    its not him!! worst album hes ever made, idk what happened to him! Why all those features ? it seems he needs someone to help him on the charts !! SAD
  44. Dec 15, 2017
    His Worst Album , Why Eminem turn into a rapper who sounds like this crap new generation of rappers? (with a little exceptions like Kendrick and Vince Staples) the songs are lifeless and worthless and the idea is BAD (oh, a political album...)
  45. Dec 15, 2017
    Objectively, this is an awful album. I literally made an account just so I could come here and say this. I want a refund. Some of the beats are alright, but the rhymes were basically as if written by a third grader. No more talent, no more skill, what happened em? You dried up now?
  46. Dec 15, 2017
    If I didn't know better I'd assume this album was a parody trying to make Eminem look bad. The production value is non-existent. What happened to the great beats he used to use for his backing? Now it's a mash of terrible unsophisticated simplistic samples. The albums is pure garbage and by far the worst thing Eminem has ever released. He's so out of touch that he doesn't realize that heIf I didn't know better I'd assume this album was a parody trying to make Eminem look bad. The production value is non-existent. What happened to the great beats he used to use for his backing? Now it's a mash of terrible unsophisticated simplistic samples. The albums is pure garbage and by far the worst thing Eminem has ever released. He's so out of touch that he doesn't realize that he should be too embarrassed to release this album publicly. Time for him to retire. Expand
  47. Dec 16, 2017
    Will the REAL Slim Shady please stand up. Unless of course he's locked in a basement somewhere. Mr Mathers III, please stop embarrassing yourself and retire.
  48. Dec 16, 2017
    one of the worst albums i've ever heard in the history of rap and im not being biased omg this album suck and could have a better story plus better lyrics and at least have a connection between the song he's putting out as an "album" that talks about very different stuff
  49. Dec 18, 2017
    This album is FIRE!! Because I lit it on fire and threw it in the trash!!

    I used to like Eminem, but now he is so angry - he sounds terrible. Attacking Trump is a bad idea, so say goodbye to your career Em. You forget that half the nation voted for him. KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MUSIC.
  50. Dec 25, 2017
    One might say Revival is Recovery 2. I’d go as far to say it’s more of an Ultra Recovery Turbo. Everything the rap world hated about Recovery is here except turned up to 14. Pop features and bad choruses are just the first deadly sin this album commits. Just take a look at the tracklist and notice Em bafflingly decided Ed Sheeran was an essential element but 2 Chainz could be left off. TheOne might say Revival is Recovery 2. I’d go as far to say it’s more of an Ultra Recovery Turbo. Everything the rap world hated about Recovery is here except turned up to 14. Pop features and bad choruses are just the first deadly sin this album commits. Just take a look at the tracklist and notice Em bafflingly decided Ed Sheeran was an essential element but 2 Chainz could be left off. The production is the second atrocity Marshall blesses us with. Again the weird choice of bland Rick Rubin rock-rap beats and poppy dollar-store tracks are just awful. Of course the verses are probably the most horrendous thing Eminem has ever done, it’s actually embarrassing to listen to. It’s all awful. Kill me. **** Donald Trump. Expand
  51. Dec 27, 2017
    This is the only Eminem I haven’t liked, it’s sad these brainwashed liberals want to defend a terrible album because they somehow believe the negativity is ONLY because of his need to talk about politics to get attention. It has way too many pop features, mostly terrible beats and is very repetitive. It does have a couple of good songs but not enough to warrant giving this a good review.This is the only Eminem I haven’t liked, it’s sad these brainwashed liberals want to defend a terrible album because they somehow believe the negativity is ONLY because of his need to talk about politics to get attention. It has way too many pop features, mostly terrible beats and is very repetitive. It does have a couple of good songs but not enough to warrant giving this a good review. Hopefully this will be his last album. Expand
  52. Jan 9, 2018
    It's bad. I had to delete it from my spotify library. His messaging is mind-boggling and the tracks are sup-par.
  53. Jun 3, 2018
    Calling this an Eminem album would be an insult. As a long time fan and listener it just sounds like Marshall needs to retire.
  54. Feb 4, 2021
    God damn is this **** Like M&M has lost his ability to impress or create a decent output.
  55. Sep 26, 2019
    I love Eminem, but god this is hella bad. I want to love this, but I just can't..
  56. Feb 24, 2021
    this album shouldn't exist 0/10
    this album shouldn't exist 0/10
    this album shouldn't exist 0/10
  57. Apr 4, 2021
    Sure, it's music, but not to me. So dumb and has heaps of dumb strewn about. To put it in a way easier to understand it's trash and is sick to the bone.
  58. Jul 10, 2021
  59. Jan 10, 2022
    Очередной альбом тупой американской шлюхи, еще и тряпка половая на обложке
  60. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt ruim, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 24
  2. Negative: 6 out of 24
  1. The Wire
    Feb 23, 2018
    Chosen topics prove less crucial than his relentlessly tedious delivery. [Feb 2018, p.51]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jan 30, 2018
    Eminem has never sounded more like a man out of time. [Mar 2018, p.107]
  3. Jan 18, 2018
    At least a third of the tracks are songs I could do without. The other two-thirds show that whether you love or hate the modern day Marshall Mathers, he's still as relevant as he ever was.