
Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 24
  2. Negative: 6 out of 24
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  1. Jan 10, 2018
    It seems that despite decades of oversharing, self-analysis, bombast, outrage and drama, Eminem does, still, have something to say, as well as the means to say it.
  2. Dec 15, 2017
    While Em’s bullheaded decision to experiment with the flow should be heartily respected, it doesn’t shroud the fact that he’s not charting any new territory, at least topically. But it’s largely the retreads of past glory where he hits stride the hardest.
  3. Dec 15, 2017
    Overall, the album is fairly easy listening.
  4. Jan 18, 2018
    At least a third of the tracks are songs I could do without. The other two-thirds show that whether you love or hate the modern day Marshall Mathers, he's still as relevant as he ever was.
  5. Dec 15, 2017
    At 77 minutes, Revival is a heavy listen, going deep on ballads with guests like Ed Sheeran and X Ambassadors. But a certain indulgent messiness has always been part of the Eminem experience. ... When Revival's confessionals work, it's proof that, when the real Marshal Mathers stands up, he can still pull us into his evocative dramas.
  6. 80
    “Believe”, finds Eminem’s faith in his talent creeping back in. The ticking beat and sinister, John Carpenter-esque piano figure are harbingers of resurgent menace, while the hazy, treated chorus hook sounds like medication flooding his spirit with the confidence that carries the rest of the album. There are plenty of typical Eminem tropes scattered throughout Revival: he picks constantly at the scabs of marital failure. ... But ultimately, it’s all about Eminem himself.
  7. Dec 15, 2017
    Like his misogynistic streak, his sound is stuck in the past. What keeps our attention is his exuberant delight in language itself, such as his geometry pun in River: “this love triangle / left us in a wrecked tangle”. (Say it aloud).
  8. Jan 4, 2018
    While Revival isn’t the defibrillator that Eminem needed to revive his dominance, the album has enough highlights to maintain decent replay value and enough lyrical miracles to keep mindful rap from totally flat lining. His pen game hasn't lost even half of a step, and he still possesses the neurotic edge that's always made him such a driving force in hip-hop.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 1269 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Dec 15, 2017
    Best album since the Eminem Show gets better after multiple listens!! This is a different eminem and shows he's matured as marshall mathersBest album since the Eminem Show gets better after multiple listens!! This is a different eminem and shows he's matured as marshall mathers the man and eminem the artist GOAT! Full Review »
  2. Dec 15, 2017
    Nothing but a shadow of his former self. Straight garbage. You would think that with the leading single "Walk on Water" addressing how heNothing but a shadow of his former self. Straight garbage. You would think that with the leading single "Walk on Water" addressing how he struggles to live up to his own name and past, that maybe he would pull it out the bag and give an album that longstanding fans deserve. Nope, just the same pop-ballad trash that has been accredited to him the past couple years. Full Review »
  3. Dec 15, 2017
    Sure, he acrobats around lyrically in a way that's technically impressive, but no satisfying flow ever emerges. The uptempo tracks retread theSure, he acrobats around lyrically in a way that's technically impressive, but no satisfying flow ever emerges. The uptempo tracks retread the same old ground (with the exception of the occasional political commentary), and the more introspective tracks do the same but with bland, drawn out, forgettable pop choruses. If your wish in 2017 was "Recovery, but worse", you got it. Even nods to MMLP2, Encore, and Relapse seem out of place and half-baked. It's just a mess. Full Review »