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Universal acclaim- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21

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  1. Jul 7, 2014
    This collection of songs could either be a hit or miss with people, some of the tracks unfortunately merge together as the beats sound so similar. Tracks such as 'This Is Me', 'Wicked Moon', 'Drop It' and 'Smiles 'n' Hearts' go right over my head and I've never listened to them more than once or twice, and even then it was so I could write this review. Highlights include 'New York',This collection of songs could either be a hit or miss with people, some of the tracks unfortunately merge together as the beats sound so similar. Tracks such as 'This Is Me', 'Wicked Moon', 'Drop It' and 'Smiles 'n' Hearts' go right over my head and I've never listened to them more than once or twice, and even then it was so I could write this review. Highlights include 'New York', 'Werkin Girls' & 'Supreme' which were all rightly chosen to be featured on their own EP. But the best track by far on the mixtape is easily 'Jungle Fever' The clever word play and ideology Haze introduces on Jungle Fever really brings the quality of the mixtape up, and Kool A.D's appearance is welcomed greatly. An above average mixtape, with some flaws never the less. Collapse
  2. Sep 11, 2013
    A complete masterpiece from a rare legendary new artist. Haze (born as Raykeea Wilson) showed all of us the perfection in rapping and singing. Never could imagine that this marvelous power will come out from a new girl. Thank you Angel Haze for saving rap music.
  3. Jan 29, 2013
    Flying under the radar even though she could test Kendrick Lamar, don't be fooled this is definitely one of the best albums of the year by far. Her voice is entrancing and the wordplay is second to none. There is not a bar on this album that will disappoint you.

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Nov 27, 2012
    On Reservation, Angel Haze shows herself to be the rare rapper who has copped a great deal of contemporary popular hip-hop and R&B and come out the other side as purely herself.
  2. Nov 27, 2012
    Employing a grab-bag of producers and sounds both trendy and timeless, Reservation is a cohesive mish-mash, a multifaceted exhibition of a young artist with an arresting sense of self-possession.
  3. Nov 27, 2012
    The concept of realness underpins hip-hop; the fearless, whipsmart talent of Angel Haze brings you face-to-face with the resonant reality of it.