• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 29, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 3470 Ratings

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  1. Jul 29, 2022
    Easily one of Beyoncé's best albuns. Once again she's able to deliver an extremely cohesive body of work.
  2. Jul 29, 2022
  3. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ela fez novamente, Beyoncé se superou, ou melhor, se aperfeiçoou como sempre faz. Dessa vez Yoncé mergulhou no Ball e isso foi a melhor coisa que aconteceu nos últimos anos no mundo da música Expand
  4. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé mais comercial e genial do que nunca. Quem imaginou que um dia ela cantaria musicas como Cuff it, Virgo’s groove e Thique???
  5. Jul 29, 2022
    You can see the effort Beyoncé put into this album. Despite being unlike anything she has ever done, she makes a House album with mastery and a lot of respect for the origins of the genre.
  6. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Slay Queen, no one does like Beyonce, changing game all the time, so fresh and new and sexy, and for the culture!! enjoy every second of the album !!!! its real Renaissance !!! let's dance Expand
  7. Jul 29, 2022
    I was honestly surprised by the experimentalism of it all. The freshness of it all even though a clear homage to the 80s. Never heard anything like this. The most outstanding songs for me currently are Alien Superstar, Cuff It, Plastic off the Sofa and Summer Renaissance.
  8. Jul 29, 2022
    This album is relentless throughout, providing immaculate production in each track. Not a single song is worth skipping, they are all perfect in their own way
  9. Jul 29, 2022
    I'm gonna say it: #RENAISSANCE is her best album. Better than Lemonade. Better than the Self-Titled. Better than anything she has put out.

    The album is a journey: the transitions, the lyrics, the personality this album has. she is experimenting with her voice more than ever. AOTY. Beyoncé didn’t just describe the Pride pride flag on “Cozy” - she specifically described Daniel Quasar’s
    I'm gonna say it: #RENAISSANCE is her best album. Better than Lemonade. Better than the Self-Titled. Better than anything she has put out.

    The album is a journey: the transitions, the lyrics, the personality this album has. she is experimenting with her voice more than ever. AOTY.

    Beyoncé didn’t just describe the Pride pride flag on “Cozy” - she specifically described Daniel Quasar’s “Progress” pride flag to bring to the forefront marginalized LGBTQ+ people of color, trans people, and those living with / lost to HIV/AIDS
  10. Jul 29, 2022
    This album is the best body of work I’ve listened to this year, songs like Alien Superstar, Plastic off the sofa, pure/Honey, Cuff it, All up in your mind, Virgo’s Groove, Heated are sonically perfect.
  11. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé has once again outdone herself with yet another masterpiece of work. You can hear the years of hard work and dedication she took to make this album. From house to dance to R&B and disco. She hits the mark with each track from this album. My personal favorite as of right now is Cozy. I hope people listen to this with an open mind and take the time to listen and hear the musicBeyoncé has once again outdone herself with yet another masterpiece of work. You can hear the years of hard work and dedication she took to make this album. From house to dance to R&B and disco. She hits the mark with each track from this album. My personal favorite as of right now is Cozy. I hope people listen to this with an open mind and take the time to listen and hear the music instead of listening for a brief moment or forwarding the tracks. I cannot wait for the other acts to complete this trilogy. Expand
  12. Jul 29, 2022
    This is without a doubt Beyoncé's best album. Let's remember, Lemonade is a work of art, but Renaissance, another, even more remarkable for a reason: it is Beyoncé in the purest essence of her, but it is an evolution of this essence of Beyoncé, multiplied by 100
  13. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The transitions and the vocals are best part of the album. Love that she takes risk and does something different with each album. This is the type of music where you get up and dance and let loose. Don’t think, just have fun with it! My only complaint is that I was looking for the lyrics to be bit more mature. Expand
  14. Jul 29, 2022
    What I love about Beyoncé is that she’s one of the few artist who still has distinctive eras but each era still sounds like her. This sounds completely different to Lemonade which sounds completely different to Self Titled. But there’s a common thread between all of them
  15. Jul 29, 2022
    Life changing, mind boggling, this is exactly what I wanted from Beyoncé. Love it
  16. Jul 29, 2022
    Now this is how you make a dance album! A 10/10 body of work! She’s done it again!
  17. Jul 29, 2022
    This is fun! This is summer! This is Beyoncé at her freest. This album is what the world needs right now. You’ll feel good listening to this record.
  18. Jul 29, 2022
    Imagine doing your best album 25 years into your career? Beyoncé just did it! the transitions, the production, the immaculate vocals. RENAISSANCE ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  19. Jul 29, 2022
    Definitely top 3 in Beyoncé's discography. The vocals, production and engineering are out of this world. This is Beyoncé at her most care-free!!
  20. Jul 29, 2022
    Once again, Bey changed her style and DELIVERED. The production is just insane and doesn’t follow the usual structure. It’s light, fun and exciting. From transitions to production to lyrics, perfection
  21. Jul 29, 2022
    This is the best album Beyoncé ever put out. A tottaly new style and super well thought out. This album puts Lemonade in a corner. I am still overwelmed
  22. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé has done it again. From l'M THE GIRL to COZY, ENERGY into BREAK MY SOUL, HEATED, PURE/HONEY, closing with SUMMER RENAISSANCE. Un chef-d'oeuvre!
  23. Jul 29, 2022
    I think that the reputation she has acquired today really allows her to get out of her comfort zone, even if it means losing a few listeners and gaining new ones.

    She’s experimented a lot with this album, it’s felt and you can hear that she really enjoyed working on it. It’s as if she had put together all her old versions of herself to make it something totally new. No song in this album
    I think that the reputation she has acquired today really allows her to get out of her comfort zone, even if it means losing a few listeners and gaining new ones.

    She’s experimented a lot with this album, it’s felt and you can hear that she really enjoyed working on it. It’s as if she had put together all her old versions of herself to make it something totally new.

    No song in this album is static, it moves constantly, and it feels like hearing a new Beyoncé every minute, in the tone of voice she borrows, in her way of singing... This album is really amazing, we don’t realize it yet but it will come.

    And it further demonstrates this woman’s versatility. Beyoncé is someone who loves music with a great M. She is not limited to a specific genre to express his art. She transcends musical genres and we have already seen this with LEMONADE. Depending on the energy and the message she wants to convey, she will appropriate a musical genre that can correspond to what she wants to communicate, and that’s how she constantly manages to renew herself after more than 25 years of career.

    It’s never the same Beyoncé twice, and to see her evolve like that, I swear it’s too moving. You can see that she’s matured with her art, even more than before... And you just wonder when it’s going to stop? What are the limits of this woman, seriously !
  24. Jul 29, 2022
    This album is a blend of the things of the past whilst also have a futuristic sound. Beyoncé is a trend setter. She paves the way and others follow. Her works will outlive her and will be a point of reference years to come!
  25. Jul 29, 2022
    Production is fire! Thank you Beyonce for bringing back real disco/house music to life. This album is one of your best and music speaks by itself
  26. Jul 29, 2022
    This is Beyoncé at her most transformative and liberated self. Every song is better than the last and the transitions are immaculate. She proves to anyone who'll protest why she is studied by many colleges and universities. Her artistry expands at an unimaginable rate with every release. It is truly a time to be alive when Beyoncé is putting out music. Standouts are PURE/HONEY ALIENThis is Beyoncé at her most transformative and liberated self. Every song is better than the last and the transitions are immaculate. She proves to anyone who'll protest why she is studied by many colleges and universities. Her artistry expands at an unimaginable rate with every release. It is truly a time to be alive when Beyoncé is putting out music. Standouts are PURE/HONEY ALIEN SUPERSTAR ALL UP IN YOUR MIND and CHURCH GIRL. Absolute masterpiece from beginning to end. 10 out of 10! Expand
  27. Jul 29, 2022
    Beyoncé glides with ease on this new record. Experimenting with different samples and genres, fusing dance, disco, trap beats with each other to create a whole new genre, whilst consistently delivering the insane vocals shes known for. One dance album with 16 songs, yet not one of them sounds the same. She is thee moment. I stan.
  28. Jul 29, 2022
    Pure masterpiece. New sound for Beyoncé but it's still VERY Beyoncé. Superb! Excellent! QUALITY!
  29. Jul 29, 2022
    O melhor album que já ouvi na minha vida toda. Musicalmente perfeito, vocais angelicais e poderosos, as batidas são empolgantes, claramente destinadas a momentos maravilhosos. Não há ninguém como Beyoncé nesse mundo.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Mojo
    Sep 21, 2022
    A continuous mix of hedonism, virtuosity, scholarship and, as one of her disco antecedents would have it, Good Times. [Nov 2022, p.84]
  2. Uncut
    Aug 31, 2022
    Beyoncé's seventh solo album is a flawlessly structured feast. [Oct 2022, p.25]
  3. Aug 9, 2022
    Renaissance derives its meaning through its diverse soundscape, which, due to Beyoncé’s astute curation, becomes a statement about letting the music speak for itself.