• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 29, 2022
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  1. Aug 21, 2022
    Músicas perfeitas, transições bem construídas resultado em um álbum coeso e perfeito.
  2. Aug 21, 2022
    This album has been out for nearly a month now and it is still so exciting and fresh to listen to. So much respect to Beyoncé for constantly reinventing herself and her sound.
  3. Aug 21, 2022
    It's the album of the year and in my top 3 of her albums period
    The album literally have zero skip, all the songs make you feel good, give you joy and happiness. Now we need the visuals now
  4. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé once again reinventing herself and teaching all these artists that music has no box. This album is a dance masterpiece with elements of trap and hip hop, sampling some of the most legendary artists in the industry. Stunning Bey!
  5. Aug 21, 2022
    Amazing Album!!! Everything about it was so good, she knows how to execute every genre she does!
  6. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is so addicting you cant just listen to one song without listening to the whole album!! l absolutely love it!!!!
  7. Aug 21, 2022
    A masterpiece of an album. Beyoncé has truly outdone herself again. She is the one-of-a-kind artist who has the full capability to reinvent her style, vision, sound, and taste album after album. She is incomparable to other artists; she is in her own lane. Watch out for Beyoncé!
  8. Aug 21, 2022
    This is my favorite body of work by Beyonce. I can listen front to back with no skips and fall into a trap of letting it continue to play and play all day, as the first song follows the last song upon completion of a full listen.
  9. Aug 21, 2022
    This album sets Beyonce even further apart from her contemporaries. She effortlessly transitions her story and sound across 16 incredible tracks. This album is among the best albums released in the 2000’s as a whole. Masterpiece, genius.
  10. Aug 21, 2022
    25 years into her career and she’s never had a a bad album! Renaissance is her most liberating yet the sound is a new take on house and disco and her voice is still versatile and crisp.
  11. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum do ano aaaaaa, Beyoncé extremamente artista nesse álbum 10/1000000 y love u Expand
  12. Aug 21, 2022
    Album original, très travaillé et respectueux. Le work ethic est incroyable.
    Il serait temps de grandir d'apprécier le travail fourni pour les artistes et ne pas les juger à cause de leur fans.
  13. Aug 21, 2022
    This is a different sound to what everyone is use to of Beyoncé compared to Lemonade but this album is an absolute masterpiece and just an amazing body of work
  14. Aug 21, 2022
    One of best album of all time! Everytime Beyonce release annalbum, she makes it better and better. She always level up.
  15. Aug 21, 2022
    One of, if not THEE best best album of all time! From the second it starts, you’re transported, for me it’s been on repeat since it dropped. Beyoncé really did what needed to be done.
  16. Jul 29, 2022
    Something never done before. Fresh. Disco. Futuristic. Innovative. Cohesive. Vocals. And most importantly G*y! Beyoncé will never let you down. Production is insane. Finally something that will make you get up and dance.
  17. Aug 21, 2022
    A beautifull album, Beyoncé keep getting better and better with time. She make songs like church girl,alien super star and plastic of the sofa work together perfectly.
  18. Aug 21, 2022
    I love this project from beginning to end! Virgo’s Groove is a perfect summer psychedelic melody! I’m hooked
  19. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé created her masterpiece on music industry. It's the best album made on pandemic
  20. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is amazing, very cohesive, beautifull constructed songs. I love all the songs my favorite are cuff it, heated, break my soul and virgos groove.
  21. Aug 21, 2022
    A certified hit that will become a classic in years to come. You can’t just listen to one song, you have to listen to the entire album.
  22. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beyoncé has done it again! It is evident in this body of work that Beyoncé thought outside of every box anyone has ever placed her in. From the “I’m that Girl” to “Summer Renaissance” is like being apart of an actual revival of culture & art. Each song takes you through the moments of fabulous night out on the town with the “gorls”! It’s very much giving c*nt* Expand
  23. Aug 21, 2022
    It’s crazy to think that Beyoncé managed to top Lemonade with this album, and after three (THREE!!) projects with visuals, she convinced the world that her album does not need them to be good.

    Truly an one of one, nobody can’t think like her.
  24. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé’s best album to date. After almost seven years, she came back with a beautiful, other-worldly body of work and met expectations from fans and general public alike. Renaissance IS THAT ALBUM!!
  25. Aug 21, 2022
    Masterpiece. One of one. Number one. The only one. There is no one alive doing it like Beyoncé.
  26. Aug 21, 2022
    Since the day it was released, it has me in a chokehold. It's a perfect work of art and I can't stop listening. Beyonce keeps proving that she's the greatest. Indeed she's too classy to be touched
  27. Aug 21, 2022
    Mais uma vez entregando excelência e qualidade em sua arte. Produção impecável e trazendo referências do passado para o presente da forma mais bonita.
  28. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. AMAZING ALBUM. The transitions, vocals, arrangements are flawless. Queen of the music industry, living legend. Expand
  29. Aug 21, 2022
    Toilet found d3@d smwmwöaösmsmdöihfamigsmgsgümgsmügsmhsümhsimgsmisgmşagşnngamiagmiagm
  30. Aug 21, 2022
    She has done it again! Creating an album that plays cohesively through from beginning to end like a body of art. Her homage to her Uncle Johnny does not go unnoticed, highlighting music and culture introduced to her. Renaissance serves as an homage to those who helped create and include a whole generation and introduces a younger one. Her skilled interpolations of legendary hits brings aShe has done it again! Creating an album that plays cohesively through from beginning to end like a body of art. Her homage to her Uncle Johnny does not go unnoticed, highlighting music and culture introduced to her. Renaissance serves as an homage to those who helped create and include a whole generation and introduces a younger one. Her skilled interpolations of legendary hits brings a renaissance of mentioned artists’ work that shines a much deserved light upon. Bey’s 7th studio album brings dance and joy in a time of uncertainty, needed and wanted. Expand
  31. Aug 21, 2022
    лучший альбом от Бейонсе. она экспериментирует, идёт на риски и выпускает шикарную музыку в итоге. Она королева этой индустрии и этим альбомом в очередной раз это доказала.
  32. Aug 21, 2022
    You gotta giver her 10 when it's needed. Glad she experimented with this new sound and sampled so many amazing other artist.
  33. Aug 21, 2022
    ABSOLUTELY NO SKIPS!! Smooth Transitions with SMOOTHER VOCALS!! the sampling is masterful as well as the rollercoaster of grooves and various vibes of each song! THIS IS ART AT ITS RAREST AND PUREST!
  34. Aug 21, 2022
    Después de escuchar este álbum durante 20 días en bucle y enamorándome más y más cada día que pasa, puedo por fin atreverme a escribir sobre las canciones, las letras y su mensaje, las transiciones, su producción, el concepto y todo lo que me hace sentir.

    Este álbum es muy distinto a todo lo que hemos escuchado de Beyoncé en los últimos años. Todo en él respira Bey, pero de una manera muy
    Después de escuchar este álbum durante 20 días en bucle y enamorándome más y más cada día que pasa, puedo por fin atreverme a escribir sobre las canciones, las letras y su mensaje, las transiciones, su producción, el concepto y todo lo que me hace sentir.

    Este álbum es muy distinto a todo lo que hemos escuchado de Beyoncé en los últimos años. Todo en él respira Bey, pero de una manera muy diferente, más fresca, libre y especial. Si en «4» experimentó, en «Self-titled» abrazó las imperfecciones y en «Lemonade» creó el álbum más conceptual, cuidado, con detalles y mensajes posible, «RENAISSANCE» es la progresión natural de todo ello con la Beyoncé más liberada de las presiones externas, dejando un poco atrás el control extremo de Lemonade, pero sin abandonar todo lo aprendido y hecho. Parece, da la sensación de ello, pero sabe dios que esta mujer es virgo y perfeccionista hasta la médula.

    Así pues, este álbum tiene un claro propósito: hacernos sentir bien, felices, libres; que bailemos y movamos el culo como si no hubiese un mañana; que no dejemos de movernos y de sentirnos vivas; que sintamos que estamos en una fiesta continua, a la que ella llama VIDA (esto último me ha quedado demasiado corny, i know). Por eso las canciones son mezclas excelentes de géneros como el house, disco, dance, afrobeats, funk, etc. Todo el álbum respira liberación y hace énfasis en ello con los sonidos, las letras y, en especial, los samples y todes les artistes LGBT+ que originan, inspiran y aparecen en cada rincón de este álbum: desde la figura de su «Uncle Johnny», pasando por las mujeres trans negras a las que homenajea, hasta todos los elementos de la cultura queer negra estadounidense que incorpora a su música (y, supongo, más adelante, a los visuales).

    Cada canción parece un microcosmos con producciones arriesgadas ligadas de manera excepcional unas con otras dentro de su propia estructura y que dejan sin aliento. Encima, como si eso no fuese suficiente, cada canción está conectada a la siguiente con transiciones que hacen que te arrepientas si estás reproduciendo el álbum en modo aleatorio (la transición de CUFF IT a ENERGY me da y quita la vida cada vez). Todas tienen unas mismas temáticas que se repiten a lo largo y ancho del proyecto y están entrelazadas unas con otras, aportando una cohesión conceptual brutal que luego remata con la de la producción. Sigo sin superar su mente cósmica —«never met a girl with a mind like this», so true, Beyoncé, so true—. Lo digo todos los días pero es que estas canciones son droga dura.

    Comentados todos estos aspectos técnicos de producción, transiciones, géneros, mensaje, letras, queerness, inspiración, conceptualización, etc. es momento de hablar de mi experiencia personal con RENAISSANCE. Este álbum llegó a mí, como al resto del mundo, el 29 de julio de 2022. Esa noche lo escuché por primera, segunda y tercera vez: la primera fue el choque con la realidad, el choque después de una muy larga espera por música nueva, con las ganas y las expectativas por todo lo alto; la segunda fue la del reconocimiento de todos los nuevos sonidos, los estilos nunca antes vistos en Bey, de apreciación por las transiciones y detalles; la tercera fue la de la fiesta y la felicidad plena. Sobra decir que me fui a dormir con la adrenalina por las nubes, sudando y con la sonrisa más grande en la cara. Quiso el destino que vinieran después días durísimos para mí y mi salud mental, días horribles que no terminaban nunca; días cuya banda sonora fue, curiosamente, este álbum. RENAISSANCE, que era/es la antítesis de mis emociones, de mi estado psicológico y mi mood, sonaba como nunca antes había sonado nada en mis oídos, una música que despertaba y confundía a mi cerebro y le convencía de alguna manera de que no debía rendirse y colapsar. El poder de la música en general es incomparable, pero es que el poder que Beyoncé tiene en mí es inigualable *insertar meme chica concierto beyoncé cartel «your music saved me»*. Este álbum es toda una experiencia y, en mi caso, una de vital importancia.

    Las 16 canciones suenan todo el día todos los días en mi cabeza, han hecho que no sea capaz de escuchar ninguna otra cosa en tres semanas. Siento que siempre me estoy repitiendo y que solo respiro, pienso y hablo sobre Beyoncé, pero cómo no hacerlo cuando define y redefine la música y mi vida una y otra y otra vez. Parafraseándola en VIRGO’S GROOVE: «you are the love of my life, you are my life, your love gives me life».

    10/10 ÁLBUM DEL AÑO Y DE LA DÉCADA 100/100 etc.
  35. Aug 21, 2022
    (Late Review) So, Queen B is back! This album is one of the best this year for me. From IM THAT GIRL to SUMMER RENAISSANCE, I enjoyed it so much. I will probably stream it all year! PS: I saw some really low reviews from demi stans for demi's new album to go #1 here, just focus on streaming. - a lana stan & a beyhive.
  36. Aug 21, 2022
    Her best work so far
    Experimental but so accurate and relevant
    4 decades of clubbing explored
    A true masterpiece Beyoncé must have worked SOOO hard for this project
    She still manage to give us high quality music, reinventing herself, pushing herself forward, setting the bar higher for everyone but also for herself.

    Amazing album.
  37. Aug 21, 2022
    I haven't been able to stop listening to this album since its release! Its so cohesive and jam packed with uptempo beats and incredible vocals that you can't help but dance. I also love that it was dedicated to her cousin, Uncle Johnny, who was such a big part of her and her sister's upbringing. So beautiful
  38. Aug 21, 2022
    Album of the century, no words to describe this masterpiece. Beyoncé out did herself again. Queen of music...
  39. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is truly a master piece. The art piece forces you to not skip a track. I have listened to this album every day . The album of the year forsure
  40. Aug 21, 2022
    An ode to black history, queer and underground ballroom culture. This album will make you move out of your way and dance!
  41. Aug 21, 2022
    love this album. not a single skip. 10 10 10’s across the board. my personal favorites are all up in your mind, heated, pure/honey and summer renaissance.
  42. Aug 21, 2022
    One of Beyoncé’s best bodies of work. The transitions are crazy !!!! Virgos Groove a musical masterpiece
  43. Aug 21, 2022
    Amazing Album. It deserves Album of the year. Virgo's Groove, Cozy, Alien Superstar and Honey are my favourite songs from album. Great vocal, great production. That's Beyonce. I really obsessed with this album.
  44. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé Renaissance Is Nothing Short Of BRILLIANT! FROM BEGINNING TO THE END! I ESPECIALLY love the shout out to the black ballroom community! I also love the transitions from one song to the other! I loved her, Donna Summer reference on Summer Renaissance! Took me back to when she did Naughty Girl on her debut album Dangerously In Love! She tributed Donna Summer then also! Thank YouBeyoncé Renaissance Is Nothing Short Of BRILLIANT! FROM BEGINNING TO THE END! I ESPECIALLY love the shout out to the black ballroom community! I also love the transitions from one song to the other! I loved her, Donna Summer reference on Summer Renaissance! Took me back to when she did Naughty Girl on her debut album Dangerously In Love! She tributed Donna Summer then also! Thank You Beyoncé! This album was worth the wait! I'm happy the general public is loving the album! Even when haters tried to hurt the rollout! Album Is Amazing! I WISH I COULD GIVE IT HIGHER THAN A 10!!!! Expand
  45. Aug 21, 2022
    Uplifting ! a movement the Bar . She’s elevated to another level of supreme .
  46. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé truly embodies what the word renaissance means. She explored her own freedom and therefore gave so many of us the space and the language to explore our own freedom. This is liberation music. Emotional, successful, exciting. A party and a balm.
  47. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Better than anything out right now. Debate your dead uncle! Beyoncé is back and she’s the Queen. Expand
  48. Aug 21, 2022
    Just perfect, i have no words to describe how genius she is! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
  49. Aug 21, 2022
    Um álbum maravilhoso, um obra de arte , beyonce e uma artista completa , ela é só ela sempre se supera em seus trabalhos
  50. Aug 21, 2022
    What an iconic piece of art... Bops from start to finish. I also love how she experimented with genres she has never done before... AMAZING!!
  51. Aug 21, 2022
    The best album of the decade !! I can't stop listening to it and it gets me so hype.
  52. Aug 21, 2022
    This is by far Beyoncé’s best album. What can’t Beyoncé sing or do with her amazing voice? Album Of The Year.
  53. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is incredible, with many boos that have so much repalyability which only adds to how good this album is. It celebrates dance music and it’s culture very well, with the samples being great. No skips either, apart from I’m That Girl and Move. Apart from them, perfect! :)
  54. Aug 21, 2022
    Such a cohesive and well-thought-out album. You can hear the joy everywhere on this record.
  55. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very messy and incoherrent release drom Beyonce, drawing a very sharp contrast to her previous major release Lemonade. She tries to experiment with a new sound and can’t keep up, and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Despite Virgos Groove, Summer Renaissance and to an extent, Cuff It and Energy being very solid strongpoints, the rest of the track quickly dilute this by being terrible, the worst being Alien Superstar. The lyrics are just laughable, and the transitions aren’t really smooth as everyone makes them out to be. Expand
  56. Aug 21, 2022
    Incredible body of work.. An unusual body of work from Beyonce but both intellectual and nostalgic.
    Unlike anything on the radio. Fresh!
  57. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé soube se reinventar mais uma vez, um álbum com qualidade, transições ótimas e músicas que não te deixam parado, no futuro o Renaissance será lembrado como o ápice da música de 2022
  58. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé outdid herself as always. She reinvented her sound & her style yet again. Even more than 25 years in her career, she remains THE name and the trailblazer. Applause, Beyoncé! Renaissance is an amazing album, and I think it will stand the test of time in the best way possible.
  59. Aug 21, 2022
    Album of the year! Beyoncé creates a modern soundscape that uses popular dance sounds of the past and present to define what the future of what music will sound like. The radical nature of this album is embedded in the non-stop nature of the grooves.
  60. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beyoncé has the capacity of teaching us about music history while giving such a feel good songs. Amazing album! Expand
  61. Aug 21, 2022
    This album was such a breath a fresh air..in the era a fast food music..I am still listening to this album from start to finish with no skips, daily!! The vocals, production, transitions within and between songs ahhhh!! Can not wait for the visuals
  62. Aug 21, 2022
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it on a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  63. Aug 21, 2022
    Amazing consistency of production throughout the album. Such a perfect loveletter to the black lgbt community, and its contribution to culture through it ballroom. Brilliant homage to disco legends such as Donna Summer, Grace Jones etc. Beyoncé really outdid herself! The transitions between each track our seamless, I didn't even notice I went from. "Cuff It" to "Energy" until I checkedAmazing consistency of production throughout the album. Such a perfect loveletter to the black lgbt community, and its contribution to culture through it ballroom. Brilliant homage to disco legends such as Donna Summer, Grace Jones etc. Beyoncé really outdid herself! The transitions between each track our seamless, I didn't even notice I went from. "Cuff It" to "Energy" until I checked myself!

    My personal favourite tracks are:

    America Has A Problem
    Plastic Off The Sofa Heated
  64. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love the album its different puts me in a good mood and makes me want to dance and be free. Expand
  65. Aug 21, 2022
    Honestly, Renaissance is her best album to date! The vocals, the transitions, the great energy that it radiates; it’s a masterpiece!
  66. Aug 21, 2022
    Disco excelente. Escuto da primeira até a última faixa sem pular nenhuma. Beyoncé sempre se superando. Não há outra artista no mesmo patamar. Ansioso pelos próximos dois atos.
  67. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncè once again elevates her art & talent with her 7th album. I really enjoyed the quality of the music, her vocals and the arrangement of the songs. You can easily listen to the entire album in one sitting as the transitions smooth over quite pleasantly. I’m overjoyed, this album will give me anthems to my life for years to come! Current top favourites are Alien Superstar, Heated, CuffBeyoncè once again elevates her art & talent with her 7th album. I really enjoyed the quality of the music, her vocals and the arrangement of the songs. You can easily listen to the entire album in one sitting as the transitions smooth over quite pleasantly. I’m overjoyed, this album will give me anthems to my life for years to come! Current top favourites are Alien Superstar, Heated, Cuff It. Truly a renaissance album ❤️✨ Expand
  68. Aug 21, 2022
    Me encanta que Beyoncé mezcló ritmos africanos con música pop totalmente regenerada, se inspira en las música disco de los 80 y eso me parece estupendo.
  69. Aug 21, 2022
    Love the Album, it’s a happy dance, feel good album with a mixture of romance.. her best album so far in my opinion.
  70. Aug 21, 2022
    I think this is Beyonce's best album TO DATE. It's truly amazing how she continues to raise the bar, nobody has been able to do what she can do, and I'm so happy to be alive to see it all
  71. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé just keeps outdoing herself! Renaissance is a masterpiece. From the production to the lyrics, to the energy, the message it sends. It just promotes HAPPINESS. You CANNOT listen to this album on shuffle, you would have to listen to it in order and THERE ARE NO SKIPS. The QUEEN is QUEENING. MOTHER is MOTHERING. HATERS BOW DOWN!
  72. Aug 21, 2022
    Um dos trabalhos mais sólidos de Beyoncé, mostrando sua originalidade e essência, mesmo após anos de mercado, ela se resume a consistência de carreira
  73. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Staying true to how house music is done! This record is a tribute not only to Beyonce's gay uncle but also to the whole black / black gay culture. This record is a combination of House, Trap and Funk that will definitely make you dance! Expand
  74. Aug 21, 2022
    Definitely one of my fav Beyoncé albums. It’s very addicting and a good feel good album.
  75. Aug 21, 2022
    Her best work to date, daring, punchy yet complex. Interesting how the one time she decides not to dwell on perfection, she makes a perfect album.
  76. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ALBUM of THE YEAR !!! ALBUM of THE YEAR !!! ALBUM of THE YEAR !!! ALBUM of THE YEAR !!! ALBUM of THE YEAR !!! ALBUM of THE YEAR !!! Expand
  77. Aug 21, 2022
    Renaissance is one of Beyoncé’s best projects—if not her best. Each song is exquisitely crafted, pairing Bey’s otherworldly vocals with outstanding production. Through this record, Renaissance affirms and celebrates key aspects of Black LGBTQ+ creatives and icons through samples, lyric references, and including queer musicians in her team. By bringing this seminal but often forgottenRenaissance is one of Beyoncé’s best projects—if not her best. Each song is exquisitely crafted, pairing Bey’s otherworldly vocals with outstanding production. Through this record, Renaissance affirms and celebrates key aspects of Black LGBTQ+ creatives and icons through samples, lyric references, and including queer musicians in her team. By bringing this seminal but often forgotten subculture to the forefront of pop culture, Beyoncé elevates a community at a time when queer individual’s humanity and culture are daily under threat. While also deeply invested in celebrating Black queerness, Renaissance is an exhilarating dance album. Curated for the dance floor, every song seamlessly transitions into the next, resulting in over an hour of complete bliss. Each infectious track arrests your attention, making it impossible not to dance. In many ways, this album seeks to collectively heal its listeners from the traumatic events of the recent past. By centering itself in the pursuit of joy and empowerment, Renaissance affirms and celebrates the unique beauty in all of us. Expand
  78. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is the greatest piece of artwork in 2022, Beyoncé is the greatest artist of all time, she put in a whole lot of work for this album, is also a number one album, with the number one song break my soul Expand
  79. Aug 21, 2022
    One of her best albums. The transitions were flawless, absolutely no skips. Sounds completely different from her previous bodies of work.
  80. Aug 21, 2022
    She outdid herself, as always! Congrats Beyoncé for being one of the greatest to ever do it!
  81. Aug 21, 2022
    A complete project from beginning to end. A genre-bending explosion of talent.
  82. Aug 21, 2022
    It’s amazing.. it’s so different from any other album she had done and it’s impossible to stop listening to it! It gives you life! ❤️
  83. Aug 21, 2022
    It’s just so amazing, honestly think this is one of her best. Very excited as for what’s to come.
  84. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyoncé has managed to outdo her entire 25 year discography with this addicting experimental otherworldly album.
  85. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is mind blowing. It’s so unusual and unique. My fave songs are Heated, Alien Superstar and Cuff it. Overall the album is amazing. I just can’t get enough. Beyoncé never fails to amaze me.
  86. Aug 21, 2022
    Great album. She keeps breaking records and coming up with ideas that makes her stand out from the rest.
  87. Aug 21, 2022
    Her best work to date. The way she constantly tops herself is outstanding. She’s a once in a lifetime artist and we should be grateful that we’re living at the same time as her. There will never be another Beyoncé.
  88. Aug 21, 2022
    PURA PERFEIÇÃO, muito maravilhoso, incrível, belíssimo, a maior de todas!!!!
  89. Aug 21, 2022
    The greatest album of all time. And I stand by it. The transitions, the influences, the surprises. Oh my God.
  90. Aug 21, 2022
    She’s done it again and Renaissance is a masterpiece! The transitions and how fresh her voice sounds is incredible. B has managed to stay relevant in this industry and constantly reinvent herself without losing what makes her, her is amazing!
  91. Aug 21, 2022
    A great experience from beginning to end. The way it gives a club vibe at home is appreciated. Production is amazing. Church Girl is my fav
  92. Aug 21, 2022
    Beyonce a pu réinventer son art et a réussi un coup de maitre avec celui-ci.
  93. Aug 21, 2022
    The BEST album 2022/ this century❤️ 1-16, every track IS GOOOOOOOD.. Beyoncé really put her whole beyussy in this album, I can’t turn it off it’s that good
  94. Aug 21, 2022
    the queen payin tribute to her roots creating a disco album that sounds nothing like dua, the weeknd or gaga. it’s more authentic and so well-produced.
  95. Aug 21, 2022
    Very cohesive no skipping. Skipping feels like missing out. Transitions 10/10z. Love IT
  96. Jul 29, 2022
    A MASTERPIECE! Thank u beyoncé for being the greatest artists of the all time!
  97. Aug 21, 2022
    incredible body of work - it's cohesive and fun. It's the kind of album that will make you dance. It's worth a listen
  98. Jul 29, 2022
    A real masterpiece. This is what the world needs: ART! It brings a mix of rhythms with an amazing harmony. The context of the album is absolutely wonderful!
  99. A5a
    Aug 21, 2022
    I am a bit of a reserved person, but this album makes me want to get up and dance ( of course when no one is around lol). The songs make me feel good and free. The album sounds really fresh compared to other albums I've listened to. I like the fact that she released the clean version of the album too. The only criticism I have is the album cover, although iconic, I wish she was more covered.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Mojo
    Sep 21, 2022
    A continuous mix of hedonism, virtuosity, scholarship and, as one of her disco antecedents would have it, Good Times. [Nov 2022, p.84]
  2. Uncut
    Aug 31, 2022
    Beyoncé's seventh solo album is a flawlessly structured feast. [Oct 2022, p.25]
  3. Aug 9, 2022
    Renaissance derives its meaning through its diverse soundscape, which, due to Beyoncé’s astute curation, becomes a statement about letting the music speak for itself.