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  1. Mar 21, 2015
    9/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  2. Apr 23, 2015
    After the long 5 years wait, surprisingly, it is not Eminem who returns but Slim Shady and his dark themed, violent and sometimes humoristic verses we all originally fell in love with. Also having extremely explosive and bangin beats from our beloved Dre, Relapse is another must have from Eminem.
  3. Nov 1, 2018
    The accents work well and the songs are great. Pretty good comeback record.
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    This Album is criminally underrated the only song I can see people hating is we made you and even I hate it but the rest range from great to amazing
  5. Jan 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eminem best album in terms of production & flow. Beautiful & Deja Vu are classic, Must be the ganja is a skip all day but expect that song I enjoy every song on Relapse. Relapse is a horrorcore masterpiece & a big improvement from Encore. After that many years people are knowing it's brilliance & this album will take few more years to consider a classic. Most underrated album of all time Expand
  6. Sep 3, 2020
    It does have its flaws, but overall, I find it a great experience. The production by Dr. Dre is amazing, definitely has some of my favorite beats ever.
  7. Aug 2, 2021
    Relapse is catchy. Don't know what y'all on about in all honesty, accents are a little much but theres alot of character on what he was trying to do. Production is flawless for the most part.
  8. Dec 6, 2021
    Ótimas músicas e consistência, muito bem apresentado o assuntos que envolveram ele nos anos em que ele ficou em clinica de reabilitação, a lírica feroz do Eminem presente em todo o álbum, e tem ótimos instrumentais.
  9. Jan 11, 2022
    man this one of my favourite em's album because of the pen used in this one was so high that if eminem wrote a diss whit this style it will destroy that person instantly but also it talks about the dark side of fame and drugs
  10. bjc
    May 20, 2009
    Although its the same old recycled eminem we know and love we have no choice but to continue loving him. There are enough songs on here to like and some even to love, overall its a solid album this late in his career.
  11. JacobD
    May 30, 2009
    Eminem is the one true mainstream hip/hop artist, and even thought he's bin away for almost 5 years, he can still make an album that is, as good as anyones. Dr. Dre made a ton of bad ass beats, so Eminem could focus on the lyrics, and most of the time it works. The first thrid of the album, he is very "funny" songs like Insane, My Mom and Bagpipes from Baghdad are all great but not Eminem is the one true mainstream hip/hop artist, and even thought he's bin away for almost 5 years, he can still make an album that is, as good as anyones. Dr. Dre made a ton of bad ass beats, so Eminem could focus on the lyrics, and most of the time it works. The first thrid of the album, he is very "funny" songs like Insane, My Mom and Bagpipes from Baghdad are all great but not his best, then some of the weaker songs like Hello, We Made you is the middle part, but the album explodes at the end with the best songs like Deja Vu, Beautiful and Underground, Eminem is back! Can't wait for Relapse 2. Expand
  12. JoeC.
    Jan 1, 2010
    Eminem has been my favorite rapper sice i heard the slim shady lp and this album reminds me exactly of this, yes he may only talk about murdering people and doing drugs, but he does with such lyricism and flow, do NOT underestimate this album trust me.
  13. BlazeM
    May 19, 2009
    Seriously, Eminem is a victim of unreasonable expectations - too many people are unable to take things for what they are. I personally find many aspects of this album very impressive, and to favor one facet over many others is just stupid (especially for a hip hop album). I certainly hope this official "score" rises, considering Encore got something like a 64 and Relapse is vastly Seriously, Eminem is a victim of unreasonable expectations - too many people are unable to take things for what they are. I personally find many aspects of this album very impressive, and to favor one facet over many others is just stupid (especially for a hip hop album). I certainly hope this official "score" rises, considering Encore got something like a 64 and Relapse is vastly superior to it in nearly every way. If Relapse ends up receiving a lower score than Encore on this site, then I most likely will stop visiting it for my information. Allmusic is simply a better judge of music, apparently. Expand
  14. WillO
    May 19, 2009
    Honestly the album is good. Eminem gave his fans what they wanted, his old self; Slim Shady. And he made it work, his flow/lyrics are still tops in hip hop. It's funny how his album is getting lower reviews than Lil' Wayne. Lil' Wayne is an average rapper which had success on the Carter III which is nowhere even close to how good Relapse is. Either way, sure it isn't Honestly the album is good. Eminem gave his fans what they wanted, his old self; Slim Shady. And he made it work, his flow/lyrics are still tops in hip hop. It's funny how his album is getting lower reviews than Lil' Wayne. Lil' Wayne is an average rapper which had success on the Carter III which is nowhere even close to how good Relapse is. Either way, sure it isn't his best album but it's a lot better than Encore. Some people really know nothing about hip hop, such a shame. I have a funny feeling Relapse 2 will be better. Expand
  15. RobM
    May 19, 2009
    Relapse is Eminem's first album in nearly 5 years. It's been a long time coming and because I'm such a big fan of his, I'm still going to love his material, even if alot of people hate it. So I'll try and be impartial for this. To start with, the skits on this album are some of Eminem's best yet, as they seem to flow with the song that follows. For example Relapse is Eminem's first album in nearly 5 years. It's been a long time coming and because I'm such a big fan of his, I'm still going to love his material, even if alot of people hate it. So I'll try and be impartial for this. To start with, the skits on this album are some of Eminem's best yet, as they seem to flow with the song that follows. For example Tonya is followed by Same Song & Dance, both of which have the same moody atmosphere and relevence. As for the music, this album has some of Eminem's best material to date. Songs like 'Beautiful', 'Underground' & 'My Mom' are on a par with songs like 'Lose Yourself' & 'Stan'. Tracks like 'Insane', 'Medicine Ball' & '3 AM' are typical Marshall. Gory, Bloody, Disturbing horror songs. It's a shame '3 AM' is just plain bizzare, espescially because of the weird new accent his had taken up. 'We Made You' is pretty good to be honest, but it's actually one of the worst singles he's released. So theres alot to love about Relapse. The majority of the songs are superb, espescially 'Beautiful' & 'Underground' but there are a couple of duds that somehow prevent this from being a classic. Still, if you've enjoyed Eminem's stuff in the past, it'll be worth picking this up. Expand
  16. VG
    May 20, 2009
    I have listened to this album many times, and I think it is definitely by far better then Encore, but not as good as MMLP, close to The Eminem Show, maybe more on par with the SSLP. I would say it is his best lyrical album he has ever done, and best lyrical album I have ever heard personally. A strong return for Slim Shady, very dark, and violent, what more could you expect from the guy I have listened to this album many times, and I think it is definitely by far better then Encore, but not as good as MMLP, close to The Eminem Show, maybe more on par with the SSLP. I would say it is his best lyrical album he has ever done, and best lyrical album I have ever heard personally. A strong return for Slim Shady, very dark, and violent, what more could you expect from the guy that made "kill you", and "kim", its what you all wanted, yet still, people complain, I willsay the best tracks are the most personable such as "De Javu", "Beautiful", and the two bonus tracks "My Darling", and "Careful what you wish for" I think the best has yet to come with Relapse 2 later this year, I think that will be more Marshall Mathers, while this one bleeds Slim Shady, I hope he sells a million the first week, but he already did that, so half of that would be good in this day and age. Expand
  17. JosephA
    Jun 5, 2009
    Awesome to hear Eminem again. The album is much better than Encore, if not for the beats alone (Dre), but his flow is really tight as well. As usual he's a ton more creative in terms of content and diversity in terms of delivery styles than 99% of the rappers out there (at least the ones I know). And though his schtick is a bit worn out, it's still a pretty entertaining album Awesome to hear Eminem again. The album is much better than Encore, if not for the beats alone (Dre), but his flow is really tight as well. As usual he's a ton more creative in terms of content and diversity in terms of delivery styles than 99% of the rappers out there (at least the ones I know). And though his schtick is a bit worn out, it's still a pretty entertaining album that transmits a good amount of urgency, schizophrenia and neurosis. It took me a couple of listens to really dig it. Too bad about the cover art, which I think sucks. Expand
  18. JimboJ
    May 19, 2009
    Well I totally disagree with the critics on this one. I'm not much of an Eminem fan, but it doesn't take a genius to see that this is some of his best work in a long, long time, perhaps ever. It's at the very least a huge improvement over Encore, and in my opinion, better than the Eminem Show. His lyricism and flow on this album is mind-blowing, and the beats for the most Well I totally disagree with the critics on this one. I'm not much of an Eminem fan, but it doesn't take a genius to see that this is some of his best work in a long, long time, perhaps ever. It's at the very least a huge improvement over Encore, and in my opinion, better than the Eminem Show. His lyricism and flow on this album is mind-blowing, and the beats for the most part, well done with an old school flavor. I just can't see what the critics were thinking on this one. There's certianly a lot of Slim Shady persona on this album, but Eminem's talent and lyrical ability is just really stunning. I highly recommend this for any rap music fan out there; it's better than anything your going to hear on the radio today. Expand
  19. JayO.
    May 21, 2009
    Ten years later, I didn't think Em could come up with anything as shocking as back in the day. And then comes "Insane." It's not one of the better tracks on the album, but it's exactly the kind of material that made him so controversial in the first place. First time through the album, I thought there was only two or three really good songs. After a few listens through, I Ten years later, I didn't think Em could come up with anything as shocking as back in the day. And then comes "Insane." It's not one of the better tracks on the album, but it's exactly the kind of material that made him so controversial in the first place. First time through the album, I thought there was only two or three really good songs. After a few listens through, I have to say at least half the tracks are good. "My Mom, "Crack a Bottle", "Deja Vu", "Same Song and Dance", "Hello", "Bagpipes from Baghdad", "Old Time's Sake", "Must Be the Ganja" and "Beautiful" are all really good songs (the first three the best) that show what makes Mathers one of the best lyricists, and rappers, of all time. Of course, many thanks to the magic-making abilities of Dre. And everyone keep in mind he wasn't just talking bull to Steve Berman. He's got 2 discs worth of material. The Relapse 2 coming to us later this year! Expand
  20. May 26, 2011
    Despite what most people and critics think, the album is very good in my opinion. "Beautiful" is one of the best songs he has ever released. Many other tracks are great as well.
  21. Sep 5, 2011
    An improvement on the disappointing Encore, but nontheless, Eminem seems to be missing his spark and intensity. It seems like he's reversing, and getting less grumpy with old age. His 'accent' is still heavily present in this record, but I was used to it, and it assisted the flow in this album, unlike on Encore. Tracks such as Beautiful, Deja Vu, Same Song and Dance, Bagpipes From BaghdadAn improvement on the disappointing Encore, but nontheless, Eminem seems to be missing his spark and intensity. It seems like he's reversing, and getting less grumpy with old age. His 'accent' is still heavily present in this record, but I was used to it, and it assisted the flow in this album, unlike on Encore. Tracks such as Beautiful, Deja Vu, Same Song and Dance, Bagpipes From Baghdad and the single We Made You are personal highlights. Expand
  22. Apr 11, 2012
    Artistically produced with Eminem's lyrical content in mind, Dr Dre teases listeners with his fidelic beats and goes into the darkness with Mathers to bring some his most disturbing realities and fantasies to life.
    Unfortunately certain singles inserted into the mix of the album which feel out of place with it's concept.
  23. Jul 28, 2021
    This was Eminem's comeback album. Creatively, it's much more impressive than Recovery, with songs like Medicine Ball, Hello, Elevator, Stay Wide Awake that are horrorcore or shocking. It's a disturbed album, but there are some radio-friendly tracks like Crack a Bottle and Beautiful. This was an album I listened to all the time in high school.
  24. Jul 14, 2019
    I used to hate this album...Now I love it. The accents no longer bother me and the 29 tracks fly by when ever I take a listen. There are of course a couple of tracks that could definitely be removed especially....'We Made You' but, tracks like 'Same Song and Dance' more than make up for any mediocre moments with its beautifully crafted beat and haunting chorus.
  25. Feb 19, 2015
    Critics were mad at him, resulting in a 59 rating. It's one of my least favorite albums by him, but most of it is pretty good. There are a few hits on here really worth checking out.
  26. Feb 12, 2017
    Production on this album is amazing,same goes for Em's rhyme schemes,but i am not a big fan of Em's voice on this album. My favorite songs on this album: 3 a.m, Insane, Stay Wide Awake, Beautiful and Crack a Bottle
  27. Dec 26, 2017
    Off-putting middle eastern accents aside, Relapse has some of Eminem's most impressive flows. It’s almost hard to describe what makes his wonky, murderous, goofy verses so interesting. They just are. The way Same Song And Dance plays like a movie is a definite highlight, and the INSANE rhythm on Stay Wide Awake really blow my mind. Not to mention the amazing, dark production handled by Dr.Off-putting middle eastern accents aside, Relapse has some of Eminem's most impressive flows. It’s almost hard to describe what makes his wonky, murderous, goofy verses so interesting. They just are. The way Same Song And Dance plays like a movie is a definite highlight, and the INSANE rhythm on Stay Wide Awake really blow my mind. Not to mention the amazing, dark production handled by Dr. Dre, This album was weird in a bad way in 2009, in 2017 it's weird in a good way. Expand
  28. Nov 20, 2018
    I just love the serial killer vibe, and the accent is just hilarious.
    One of the best eminem's work.
  29. Nov 3, 2021
    The man was literally so bored with the English language he wanted to rap with accents to play on words and make them rhyme differently...
  30. Aug 7, 2021
    It is a great album. Best Eminem beats and hooks are on this one.
    Best songs: Beautiful, Deja Vu
    Worst songs: -
  31. Jan 24, 2021
    Yes, I fall within the category of people who enjoy this album. Whilst I can understand peoples distaste for this album, I personally don't have many problems with the weird accents (at least they're not as bad as they are on Ass Like That... that is obnoxious). Personally I find the accents here entertaining more than anything else, but more importantly, the lyrical ability portrayed hereYes, I fall within the category of people who enjoy this album. Whilst I can understand peoples distaste for this album, I personally don't have many problems with the weird accents (at least they're not as bad as they are on Ass Like That... that is obnoxious). Personally I find the accents here entertaining more than anything else, but more importantly, the lyrical ability portrayed here is phenomenal. Songs such as Beautiful, Crack a Bottle and Underground get played constantly in my headphones and I never get tired of them. Expand
  32. Jul 7, 2022
    THIS ALBUM IS SO GOOD. Okay, compared to Em's top 3 it doesn't hold up as well, however this Album is an incredible good Horrorcore Album. From songs like Same Songs And Dance to Buffalo Bill. In my opinion, this is the most Slim Shady Album ever. The rhyme schemes and wordplay are insane. There are some duds but most of the songs are awesome. HOWEVER, if you are looking for catchy hooks,THIS ALBUM IS SO GOOD. Okay, compared to Em's top 3 it doesn't hold up as well, however this Album is an incredible good Horrorcore Album. From songs like Same Songs And Dance to Buffalo Bill. In my opinion, this is the most Slim Shady Album ever. The rhyme schemes and wordplay are insane. There are some duds but most of the songs are awesome. HOWEVER, if you are looking for catchy hooks, you are looking in wrong place. This album still has some serious bangers from 3 a.m. to Bagpipes From Bagdad all the way to Forever. We also have some Incredible Deep tracks like Deja Vu and My Darling. Beautiful however is incredibly overplayed, sentimental, and corny. Expand
  33. Jan 4, 2023
    Good album , the production is **** crazyyy thanks dre , i cant wait for relapse 2.
  34. jamesb
    May 23, 2009
    If you like Eminem, you'll like Relapse. It's maybe not his best work - much of the middle of the album is amongst his weakest to date - but there's certainly enough to please his loyal followers.
  35. JamesV
    Aug 30, 2009
    With Eminem gone from the game for 5 years, and with all the personal events that have happened in his life, I expected a more personal album addressing more serious issues. Instead, there are only 2 serious songs on this record. 'Beatiful" and 'De Ja Vu' are the only meaningful songs, and they are both great tunes. The rest of the album is filled with jokes and sick humor. With Eminem gone from the game for 5 years, and with all the personal events that have happened in his life, I expected a more personal album addressing more serious issues. Instead, there are only 2 serious songs on this record. 'Beatiful" and 'De Ja Vu' are the only meaningful songs, and they are both great tunes. The rest of the album is filled with jokes and sick humor. The accent he uses on every song except 3 is terrible, bringing songs like 'Bagpipes' from possibly enjoyable tunes, to barely listenable. From a hip hop perspective, Em still has it. His rhymes are very well crafted, he has good wordplay and some good lines on this album. But the retarded voice he chooses to use wrecks the record. There are a few really good songs, a few boring ones, and a few unlistenable ones. Maybe Relapse 2 will have more serious songs, and that's his idea, but if not I would've put at least a few more meaningful tunes on #1. Eminem still has it, but he didn't bring it on this album. At least he didn't bring everything we know he is capable of bringing. Expand
  36. ChrisB
    May 19, 2009
    Better than Encore, not as good as his first 3 albums. Old Time's Sake, Underground, Beautiful, and Same Song rate up there with his best. All three of his current singles are horrible though.
  37. SuleimanM.
    Jun 26, 2009
    Relapse isn't the come back we were all hoping for, but it does more than enough to satisfy our Slim Shady needs. Excluding a few shallow tracks, Relapse is on the right track for what we hope will be an exceptional double album.
  38. Mar 2, 2011
    "And eight years later, I'm still at it/Divorced, re-married, a felon, a father, sleeping pill addict" If you skip the first, say, nine tracks, it's actually quite listenable, which is remarkable when you consider the aforementioned quote.
  39. Oct 5, 2011
    I mean, we can be unrealistic and give it a 10, but no.. I like the album as a whole, but listening only one song ruins it. ''Beautiful'' is definitely the best song on the album, and it's long version is even better. Listening to singles, I like them, but ''3 a.m.'' is as dark as a song can be, so it kind of reveals how hard the whole album is right on the start. I didn't like the accentI mean, we can be unrealistic and give it a 10, but no.. I like the album as a whole, but listening only one song ruins it. ''Beautiful'' is definitely the best song on the album, and it's long version is even better. Listening to singles, I like them, but ''3 a.m.'' is as dark as a song can be, so it kind of reveals how hard the whole album is right on the start. I didn't like the accent on some song, but on some of them it is really perfect, like on ''Stay Wide Awake''. Once again, Em' did a good job, but not as good as The Eminem Show and The Marshall Mathers LP. Expand
  40. Nov 16, 2012
    So the beginning is awesome, but tracks 3 to 8 are poor. But after that, there's no bad song left and the album gives you entertaining songs. It's not his best album, but what are critics complaining? His rap skills are still great and he also got a couple of good wordplays in here. So what? I had a good time with Relapse, it's a good CD. Deep, sad and also the other side, which I wouldn'tSo the beginning is awesome, but tracks 3 to 8 are poor. But after that, there's no bad song left and the album gives you entertaining songs. It's not his best album, but what are critics complaining? His rap skills are still great and he also got a couple of good wordplays in here. So what? I had a good time with Relapse, it's a good CD. Deep, sad and also the other side, which I wouldn't describe as funny, let's rather say entertaining. PS: In 'Stay Wide Awake' he's rapping the whole second verse ending on -me - This is just fantastic! Expand
  41. May 27, 2013
    This album is no where near Marshalls as the accents can be annoying to some but I thought the lyricism that encore lacked was made up for in this album. This album deals with sensitive themes so do not listen to it if you are easily offended.
  42. Feb 26, 2015
    I think that this album, 'Relapse' is far better than 'Recovery', 'Marshall Mathers LP 2' and 'SHADY XV'

    Eminem is becoming worse.

    Although it isn't a masterpiece and Eminem himself disliked this album, this was quite good.
  43. Mar 19, 2015
    I will start out with everyone else by saying the only reason this album is bad is because of the voice that he somehow pulled out of a hat to reveal to a surprised audience. If you listened to more than couple songs and actually listened to this album front to back you will get where I am coming from. Listening to this album front to back reveals the insane production along with theI will start out with everyone else by saying the only reason this album is bad is because of the voice that he somehow pulled out of a hat to reveal to a surprised audience. If you listened to more than couple songs and actually listened to this album front to back you will get where I am coming from. Listening to this album front to back reveals the insane production along with the blood-curdling subject matter like "3 a.m." and "Insane". I will admit, songs like, "Bagpipes from Baghdad" are impossible to listen to. Yet, it has songs like "Beautiful" and even though it has "the voice", "Stay Wide Awake" has one of the most impressive rhyme pattern I have ever seen in a rap song. Listen to this album looking for rhyme patterns. While yes, his voice is annoying and not fun to listen to; but he does that so he can rhyme more vocabulary that he could not do before. "My Darling" is one of his best songs out there. Expand
  44. Jul 18, 2017
    good album.....................................................................................................................................................................
  45. Mar 4, 2018
    It's not his best project, but it's not his worst project. I didn't like the rape jokes.
  46. Aug 14, 2020
    beats are fire flows too but accents shoud go away i like the cover/theme some songs are annoying
    like my mom, must be the ganja but i still like the album.
  47. BenP
    Jul 13, 2009
    It has some keepers, some throwback into the lake songs. A sober Eminem trying to mix rehab/being sober with his old gimmick from his first albums. Not a good mix. I was hoping he'd lose the middle eastern accent, but it seems he can't shake it. It was good once in "Ass Like That". The accent ruins any song. It's nice to see him sober up, but I don't he'll ever be It has some keepers, some throwback into the lake songs. A sober Eminem trying to mix rehab/being sober with his old gimmick from his first albums. Not a good mix. I was hoping he'd lose the middle eastern accent, but it seems he can't shake it. It was good once in "Ass Like That". The accent ruins any song. It's nice to see him sober up, but I don't he'll ever be as golden as his first 3 albums. Expand
  48. Keith
    May 21, 2009
    In midst of this 20 track dirt pile is their a few keepers and only one true track that is reminiscent of the mastermind that is Eminem. Beautiful is the fast-to-come-by climax of the cd with the rest of it becoming all too in the background. While this track and admittedly a few others, provide some insight into Em's situation, the album as a whole is sub-par to what his true potential is.
  49. JimmyB
    Jul 31, 2009
    Average CD, I expected a lot more out of Em. I would agree this is better than Encore, but Encore was garbage so that is not saying much. The stupid accent and the high pitched voice kills Dre's beats. There are a few good tracks, but over all very disappointing. I really wanted to like this album, but some of the stupid, forced shock value seemed like a desperate to bring back his Average CD, I expected a lot more out of Em. I would agree this is better than Encore, but Encore was garbage so that is not saying much. The stupid accent and the high pitched voice kills Dre's beats. There are a few good tracks, but over all very disappointing. I really wanted to like this album, but some of the stupid, forced shock value seemed like a desperate to bring back his old sound. Expand
  50. Nov 16, 2010
    Slim Shady is dead. Relapse is Eminems try to bring back slim shady, unfortanetley, Dr.Dre wasnt able to bring him back to life. Fortunatley, Eminems still alive. Relapse wasnt as good as it could have been.
  51. Jun 23, 2011
    I don't know why this has a lower metascore than "Encore." It's a crying shame because it's easily 10 times better than that pile of **** This is undoubtably Eminem's return to form. Old Time's Sake, Same Song & Dance and Deja Vu are my favorite songs.
  52. Jan 21, 2016
    as a fan of him and his past work. there's only few songs on this album that are catchy while others fall short. while Eminem shows he still has the ability to deliver incredible rhyme schemes and vivid storytelling the album doesn't quite add up to what brought him to stardom. nevertheless it shows that he attempted a comeback after a long period of time of being absent.
  53. Jan 20, 2020
    Probably my least favourite Em album. Even at his worst this beats other rappers. Fave tracks ; Stay Wide Awake, Deja Vu, Beautiful
  54. Mar 25, 2020
    The first half of the album feels kind of filler. there are only 1 or 2 tracks in the the first half that aren't average. But then there is the second half. where there are multiple good songs. My Favourite songs on the album would be Same Song & Dance, Stay Wide Awake, and Beautiful. This Album had great potential, it just didn't work out in the first half
  55. Jul 25, 2023
    Relapse is an overall mixed bag, but it does have it's moments and i respect Eminem for going a slightly different route.

    Best track: Beautiful
    Worst track: Hello
    Best feature: Dr. Dre
  56. Oct 13, 2010
    Relapse was an attempted step back into the shoes of the sinister Slim Shady. Apparently when Eminem stepped in those shoes, they felt snug and uncomfortable. The album starts off with a creative and slightly seat-edging intro skit which is one another favorite element of Eminem albums (the skits are usually highly entertaining). 3am is a decent step into Slim Shady but its surprisinglyRelapse was an attempted step back into the shoes of the sinister Slim Shady. Apparently when Eminem stepped in those shoes, they felt snug and uncomfortable. The album starts off with a creative and slightly seat-edging intro skit which is one another favorite element of Eminem albums (the skits are usually highly entertaining). 3am is a decent step into Slim Shady but its surprisingly almost indecipherable. Eminem raps with an accent (perhaps a "Detroit accent") which is sometimes unbearable. It works for a select few songs. 3am isnt one of them. My Mom utilizes the weird accent, but to a lesser extent. Eminem performs decently, delivering a shocking and humorous song in which the accent could be taken as an extra tool of comical elements. Eminem doesnt twist his tounge in Insane for the accent. The song is pretty much a chronicle throwing shocker line after shocker line. Rather than a constant barrage of hitters, lines are hit or miss. Eminem does more hits than misses but the misses mess up the consistency of the song. Its lukewarm at best. Bagpipes From Baghdad is a plucky and witty song. Sure the accent is thrown around, but still proves to be a decent song. He goes from throwing a few teasers at Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon which show the return of Eminem's taunting and satire of pop culture figures (they actually took offense). Hello is rather dry and while Em's lyrics are above average, he sounds roughly monotone which supresses the effect of them. The accent returns yet again in Same Song & Dance, which is humorous and a tad bloody but Eminem is quite simplistic throughout most of the song. We Made You is yet another comedic song off the album, which is a bit swiveled by the accented delievry but still serves as comic relief to the point if you dont laugh at one of Em's jokes you'll just laugh at his voice instead. Medicine Ball is another accented-dark-comedy which brings back the pluckyness seen on Bagpipes From Baghdad. The songs Stay Wide Awake, For Old Times Sake, Must Be The Ganja, Deja Vu arent really anything special and are lukewarm to ok tops. Beautiful is the albums highlight which Em's speaks of his struggles accent-less and shows an exceptional amount of consistency. Its pretty odd that in the midst of all the dark humor, the conscious song is the best song. Crack A Bottle makes you wish Dr. Dre just stuck to producing and 50 Cent would just stop it. Its not even clear if the song wouldve been good with just Em. The final track Underground, is another highlight track and is right up with Beautiful. The track is meant to set the stage for the follow up Recovery album (at one time called Relapse 2) which is set to be forceful and more emotionally driven. The use of Undergound as teaser for the follow up album was an excellent choice. Relapse is practically a lightweight version of the Slim Shady & Marshall Mathers LPs. Its not right up beside either album, but is a decent attempt at going back in time. Expand
  57. Feb 12, 2013
    A disappointment, this album like Encore is mediocre. Some tracks are enjoyable with great chorus's, but his rapping style is kind of obnoxious. It seems like every other track was about him being a serial killer. It's a poor album with some great chorus's.
  58. Nov 9, 2012
    Excluding the song "Beautiful," and maybe a few others, Eminem is just fooling around on this album. He's better than this, and I know he knows it.
  59. Apr 14, 2013
    Pretty bad album! Most of Eminem's fans from 99-03 know that he can do a lot better than this.

    Not much to say about this album.... it felt like a joke! It felt like he was purposely sucking because he knew people would still buy it, sort of like what Odd Future can do at times. A legend like Eminem should never be compared to a new and coming group.
  60. Oct 2, 2022
    ust to really love this album but growing up a bit more I realize its a messy piss poor attempt at rebranding slim shady and just shows his poor way on rebranding himself after an almost 5 year retirement
  61. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album ok, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  62. CD
    Jun 10, 2009
    I like Eminem, but to be honest this wasn't as great as all his "Stans" claim it to be. We are ALL happy to have him back but this album was less than average. It'd been a 7 or 8 maybe 4 years ago. But basically all he did was kinda rip off of Brotha Lynch on this one at times. I expect Relapse 2, due later this year, to be a lot better. C'mon suburbians, quit giving it I like Eminem, but to be honest this wasn't as great as all his "Stans" claim it to be. We are ALL happy to have him back but this album was less than average. It'd been a 7 or 8 maybe 4 years ago. But basically all he did was kinda rip off of Brotha Lynch on this one at times. I expect Relapse 2, due later this year, to be a lot better. C'mon suburbians, quit giving it 10's!! That's soooooo fake! REAL hip hop fans know what this album grades out at. Some of you frat boys need to listen to DOOM if you really want to hear word play! However, this IS bettter than Encore. Expand
  63. KateF.
    May 22, 2009
    Pretty weak release from Eminem. First four songs are great and then you'll realize that you've wasted your money.
  64. TD
    May 29, 2009
    Yeh got it today and I thought it was pretty shit. A lot of the songs aren't catchy like his first songs. He's trying to return to his less serious side like when he started up and it just comes across as forced. Lacks creativity overall. Honestly it sounds like he spent 2 days in the studio and wrote the songs in one sitting.
  65. Schmidty15
    May 19, 2009
    Same ol' shock-value raps from a 37 year-old. Couple of great songs on this album, but mostly filler. Definitely thought Em was gonna step his game up after Weezy, T.I. and Luda all put out quality albums within the past year. And Dre...what up with the beats???
  66. AjayD
    May 26, 2009
    As a Em Fan, I cannot pretend, I am very disappointed with this album, this is not the return I was hoping for! He tries nothing new for his subject matter, It also Lacks the dark/mature tone of his earlier albums and many of his songs are sick fantasied revolving around hurting/killing women. I think he needs to move into other subjects and ditch the damn lame accent please!
  67. Jan 11, 2011
    Now I know that Em isn't perfect (every one of his albums had at least one song I didn't like), but that doesn't excuse this album. It consists of one great track ("Beautiful"), one OK track ("Deja Vu") and everything else horrible.
  68. Aug 1, 2013
    What happened here? This has nothing to do with the previous albums! The beat and the lyrics on songs like 3 a.m are an insult to the Slim Shady ego, Old Time's Sake, We Made You and Beautiful are the only good songs from this album. Only three songs, the rest of the songs were terrible. As an Eminem fan, I have to say that this is awful...
  69. JustinF
    Jun 14, 2009
    Once a pop culture phenomenon exuberantly spilling his emotion regarding his troubled life, is now lacking substance and meaning. Relapse was worth a listen, only to realize I had to turn it off because the novelty that was Eminem has worn off.
  70. kpat
    May 20, 2009
    Eminem's new album is a as crusty as his last. He has an incredible talent to spit good lyrical content, but fails to do so again. The reason this album fails is because he reverts back to nagging about his oh-so-sad life coupled with less than enjoyable clown tracks. He should retire again, and stick to producing beats.
  71. RyanA
    Jun 1, 2009
    Passionless album. Eminem lacks more and more authenticity with each forthcoming album, and only makes up for it with low brow shock value comments. I would download it to try it and then delete it from my ipod.
  72. TheeStranger
    Nov 5, 2009
    I keep reading all these comments, and everybody going on and on about his first three golden records. The guy had TWO records: Slim Shady L.P. and Marshal Mathers L.P., the second of which was overplayed to death, and once he came out with The Eminem Show, crying about his mommy and all that crap, I tuned out (oh, and he's back at it again with this album). Well, I TRIED to tune I keep reading all these comments, and everybody going on and on about his first three golden records. The guy had TWO records: Slim Shady L.P. and Marshal Mathers L.P., the second of which was overplayed to death, and once he came out with The Eminem Show, crying about his mommy and all that crap, I tuned out (oh, and he's back at it again with this album). Well, I TRIED to tune out, but it was kind of hard with my best friend still loving and playing everything the guy crapped out to death. If you ask me, he's put out pretty much nothing but crap since Marshal Mathers, and I can't even listen to that record anymore I've heard it so much. Some of his 8 Mile soundtrack stuff was alright, I guess. I really love his first album (not Infinite; Infinite doesn't cout) for tracks such as "If I Had" and "As the World Turns". I loved the humor and his over-the-top comicbooky/horrorcore style, and his utilization of an evil alter-ego reminded me a lot of Kool Keith's Dr. Octagon. Actually, I see a big parallel in the two artists careers. They each put a classic debut solo album, and then a second, much more visceral and much angrier direct sequel... basically angry about the success of their first album. Anyway, gave this a try because a friend told me it was a return to form, and that I would like it since I really like the Slim Shady L.P. Well, after listening to it, it kinda sounds like that's what Eminem was going for with this record, but he fails horribly. This has got to be his worst record to date. If you ask me, I think the guy took "too much ?EEEEEEEEEEEEE ?". Expand
  73. ChrisS
    Jul 15, 2009
    Once great, now just puts out crap like this. Avoid.
  74. JonW.
    Jul 17, 2009
    Being a fan, I felt obligated to give the album a chance so I've listened through it several times. Each time I am more and more disgusted. Remember when Slim Shady was a comical character whose ultra violent antics somehow came across as a clever joke? Now every "Shady" track is an excercise in sick, demented, trash that leaves you nauseous. This weird accent that I was hoping was Being a fan, I felt obligated to give the album a chance so I've listened through it several times. Each time I am more and more disgusted. Remember when Slim Shady was a comical character whose ultra violent antics somehow came across as a clever joke? Now every "Shady" track is an excercise in sick, demented, trash that leaves you nauseous. This weird accent that I was hoping was just a one time thing when the 3am single came out, hurts many songs on this disc and becomes nothing more than a gimmick to keep him from having rhyme. He devotes an entire song to whining about his mom. The christopher reeve's jokes have become not only offensive, but incredibly overused and documenting this rapper's detorioration of creativity. Eminem showed the world with his first three albums that he was one of the greatest lyrical artist of a generation. If you want to retain that image of him, avoid this awful cd, and do not hope for anything good to come from eminem in the future. Expand
  75. RizeE1
    May 19, 2009
    bullshit rhymes about jerking off, raping people, pissing on them, dirnking their bathwater, dumb accents, and vicodin and xanax. good flows, good beats... thats the most you'll get out of this. someone with eminems talent should be able to do better, dont let him get away with this ****.
  76. RobertS.
    May 28, 2009
    Eminem has passed his prime and it seems he knows it. His flow has become mechanical and unimaginative. His wit no longer has that passion it once had when he was in his 20s. It feels like he isn't even trying anymore. Like Hayley is in HS soon and doesn't need his drunk ass around the house anymore. He can only rap about his mom and celebrities so much . This album is garbage. Eminem has passed his prime and it seems he knows it. His flow has become mechanical and unimaginative. His wit no longer has that passion it once had when he was in his 20s. It feels like he isn't even trying anymore. Like Hayley is in HS soon and doesn't need his drunk ass around the house anymore. He can only rap about his mom and celebrities so much . This album is garbage. The singles are almost the only saving graces. Which is sad. bargain bin material. Expand
  77. Aug 21, 2010
    i've tried to listen to eminem's albums, because everyone says he's so good. so i gave relapse a try. after listening i can't see what everyone was talking about . i did not enjoy it. with that in mind i relize that most rappers are at their best at the beginning of their careers, so i listened to his earlier albums. i still do not see what people are talking about. to wrap it up i thinki've tried to listen to eminem's albums, because everyone says he's so good. so i gave relapse a try. after listening i can't see what everyone was talking about . i did not enjoy it. with that in mind i relize that most rappers are at their best at the beginning of their careers, so i listened to his earlier albums. i still do not see what people are talking about. to wrap it up i think he has weak flow, poor metaphors, and poor shallow lyrical content. but i might be the only person who thinks that Expand
  78. Jan 13, 2012
    Both lyrically and vocally, This is Eminem at his worst. IMO its easily his worst album. The only good song on the album was Underground (it was only good because it was Eminem in his old style). Truely one trashy album.
  79. SeanM
    May 19, 2009
    This is a terrible album. Don't buy it unless you want more of the same. Sellout manifesto.
  80. martinK
    May 27, 2009
    This album is unbearable if youre a fan of either both substance and aesthetic quality, youll be happier with the sound of taking a shit. this is not deep or thought provoking. whoa eminem was abused! no way! noone cares, we've known that your childhood was shitty since your freestyles. whoa eminem is addicted to pills?!?! a;sldkfj, we've known about this since the art on his This album is unbearable if youre a fan of either both substance and aesthetic quality, youll be happier with the sound of taking a shit. this is not deep or thought provoking. whoa eminem was abused! no way! noone cares, we've known that your childhood was shitty since your freestyles. whoa eminem is addicted to pills?!?! a;sldkfj, we've known about this since the art on his first CD was a vic pill. nothing groundbreaking. The dre beat BLOWS hardcore. Eminem cant produce for shit, he has no musical talent, he has talent with the sounds of words, but as for their value, they arent worth shit. this CD gets two thumbs in my ears. dblock. Expand
  81. ZacariasY
    Jul 1, 2009
    The worst album of the year and one of the worst rap albums of the decade.
  82. JasonD.
    Dec 16, 2009
    This ALBUM is the WORST album Eminem has EVER made. Eminems first 3 albums + 8 mile soundtrack made him a legend, Encore was bad because of songs like puke but it had great songs like mosh, like toy soldiers, mockingbird, 1 shot 2 shot. Relapse is far worse than encore. Back when eminem did sslp you he had clever lines that made you say wow. He tries to recreate these on this CD but it is This ALBUM is the WORST album Eminem has EVER made. Eminems first 3 albums + 8 mile soundtrack made him a legend, Encore was bad because of songs like puke but it had great songs like mosh, like toy soldiers, mockingbird, 1 shot 2 shot. Relapse is far worse than encore. Back when eminem did sslp you he had clever lines that made you say wow. He tries to recreate these on this CD but it is a dizaster. It sounds like he is trying 2 hard, and the dreaded accent that he started using on encore is on over half of the songs. Fans want eminem back but they want the eminem that was on the eminem show back. Realistically, the guy is 36 years old he should be progressing as an artist rather than being a parody of his old shyt. Jay-Z said "people want my old shyt, but my old album" Eminem needs to follow that and progess from the level he was at during the eminem show. HOPEFULLY Relapse 2 will be better, But RELAPSE 1 is TRASH. Expand
  83. BillW
    May 19, 2009
    This is nothing compared to the MM LP. What happened?

Mixed or average reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27
  1. Thankfully, producer Dr. Dre is there to temper the lyrical bloodletting, laying heavyweight hooks over even the most scabrous tales of family disturbia, and setting 'Bagpipes From Baghdad,' Em's inspired riff on rumored ex Mariah Carey, to snake-charming woodwind squiggles.
  2. It's an impressively focused and clever work. But this music is not transcendent. It's still stuck in Marshall Mathers' muck, his fundamental mistrust of pleasure and love.
  3. By letting Dr. Dre take over the low-end-funk production, and rhyming about things he actually cares about, he comes up with a more painful, honest and vital record than anyone could have expected at this late date, up there with "The Eminem Show" or maybe even better.