• Record Label: Kimchee
  • Release Date: Feb 17, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Like an ambitious version of the Scud Mountain Boys, they manage to appear out of nowhere in your living room, play an intimate set, and invoke every ghost from a 20-mile radius through your front door before leaving as quickly as they came.
  2. Arrangements begin with folk-friendly guitar, mandolin, and violin, only to rise into soundscapes worthy of Lambchop, if not Tricky.
  3. Embracing lonesome gothic-folk traditions, slight blues and country, this stark release is all about misery, hardship and stuff you'd rather not think about.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    As always, it's historically rooted music fired by present-tense passion. [20 Feb 2004, p.67]
  5. While the group treads similar musical and thematic ground to [Nick] Cave, the results are nowhere near as ominous.
  6. Mojo
    While their material lacks the instant hooks of attention-snaring contemporaries like The Handsome Family, [it] rings with a robust authenticity. [Jul 2003, p.112]
  7. Rarely has a genre sounded so tried and tired, so forced, formulaic and reliant on its own mythology as country music is made to sound on Regard the End.
  8. This album should solidify them among Americana's best.
  9. Rolling Stone
    Fisher... sings in a deep drawl that splits the difference between Johnny Cash and Nick Cave. [4 Mar 2004, p.66]
  10. Aficionados of WGC's autumnal, melancholy sound will find this fifth full-length release comparable to the group's previous four, only more refined and maybe a little more assured.
  11. Uncut
    In ditching the band ethic, they've tapped into the finest folk gothic traditions of death, suffering, misery and hardship and fashioned a paradoxically uplifting, transformative record of extraordinary power. [Album of the Month, Jul 2003, p.110]

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