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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 210 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 210

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  1. TristD
    Feb 3, 2010
    Hey cut him some slack. He was just having fun. Yes, the album sounds terrible but weezy is a genius and he'll make up for it on Tha Carter IV.
  2. Jul 31, 2011
    Ok so the album wasnt great but it doesnt deserve a 0... and it also certainly does not deserve a 10. Anyway, Wayne is just experimenting, its what artist do. Dont hate just because its not what you expected, thats just selfish. The guy knows what hes doing and could care less if you doubt him. Wayne loves all music and thats what makes him so successful. I love the fact that he can rapOk so the album wasnt great but it doesnt deserve a 0... and it also certainly does not deserve a 10. Anyway, Wayne is just experimenting, its what artist do. Dont hate just because its not what you expected, thats just selfish. The guy knows what hes doing and could care less if you doubt him. Wayne loves all music and thats what makes him so successful. I love the fact that he can rap his way to rock, its what makes him unique. The guy is an alien he can do what he wants. I would know, were from the same planet... haha Expand
  3. scotty
    Feb 4, 2010
    Guess what folks, unlike what people below are saying Wayne never really sings. He has auto-tune on his voice almost through the whole album and is usually just rapping even then. The only song people might like is Drop the world. Other than that almost every other song is just rock.....dumbed down. Songs like Da Da Da and many others are almost unlistenable. Wayne needs a rebirth, back Guess what folks, unlike what people below are saying Wayne never really sings. He has auto-tune on his voice almost through the whole album and is usually just rapping even then. The only song people might like is Drop the world. Other than that almost every other song is just rock.....dumbed down. Songs like Da Da Da and many others are almost unlistenable. Wayne needs a rebirth, back to the older days. Expand
  4. mattycrat
    Mar 19, 2010
    It's admirable that he tried to enter a genre and establish something, but it didn't work. As for the rating of "0", no way. This is not a good album, but it's not the most awful. It had some redeeming qualities but those qualities fall quite short of the flaws.

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 21
  2. Negative: 11 out of 21
  1. For the most part, though, Rebirth underlines what he can't: the problem of rap-metal remains unsolvable, even by him.
  2. When he emerged from his stupor, he announced that he was giving up rap to make a guitar album. Which brings us to ‘Rebirth’, a shlock-rock record so absurd it makes Alien Ant Farm seem like a legitimate musical venture.
  3. The problem is that Wayne has very questionable taste in rock. He splutters and wails over tracks stuffed with aggro stomp and bland riffage; it sounds like he's been holing up with a bunch of Spymob and Incubus records.