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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 210 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 210

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  1. Jan 6, 2022
    Com influências do Rock com Rap, Lil' Wayne pecou e muito, com poucas músicas boas, incluindo 'Knockout' e 'Runnin', Rebirth mostrou abaixo da média e com razão, Wayne infelizmente fracassou nesse.
  2. Jan 28, 2020
    Sorry excuse for rock music. I welcome rap and rock being combined but this is a horrible attempt, made my ears almost bleed.
  3. Jun 6, 2018
    The only thing that can be said about this ehrmmm music is that he tried. 1 for effort...
  4. Nov 11, 2016
    This album just proves what is wrong with modern day rap music this album is truly dreadful. I do wish I'd never listened to it I want that time back. Way too much auto tune and nonsensical lyrics like all his music.
  5. Dec 11, 2015
    This album is absolute disgrace for rap rock.The best song, Drop The World, praised because of Marshall Mathers not Dwayne so it totally sums up Lil Wayne is nothing in here, this album is worth as a demo tape.
  6. Jun 28, 2015
    This album is a sloppy piece of SH!T, who the fukc asked for this trash.
    This album is a sloppy piece of SH!T, who the fukc asked for this trash.
    This album is a sloppy piece of SH!T, who the fukc asked for this trash.
    This album is a sloppy piece of SH!T, who the fukc asked for this trash.
    This album is a sloppy piece of SH!T, who the fukc asked for this trash
  7. Apr 25, 2015
    Lil Wayne already struggles with being a good rapper and this is the crowning achievement of pure garbage. Some Wayne Stans would say he's being creative and artistic, but the truth is Rebirth is a complete artistic failure with bad production, bad lyrics and just plain badness.
  8. Apr 4, 2015
    I really don't understand Lil Wayne's decision to make this album. This isn't even music. I've barely listened to the album but I know for a fact that it was completely ridiculous of Lil Wayne to even think of making a rock album. Lil Wayne is a hip hop artist, not a member of Weezer. So the beats make zero sense, they are plain weird. And his decision to make a rock album was ruined evenI really don't understand Lil Wayne's decision to make this album. This isn't even music. I've barely listened to the album but I know for a fact that it was completely ridiculous of Lil Wayne to even think of making a rock album. Lil Wayne is a hip hop artist, not a member of Weezer. So the beats make zero sense, they are plain weird. And his decision to make a rock album was ruined even more that Lil Wayne doesn't even make an attempt at rapping at all on this album, except for on "Drop the World". This album is honestly an F to me, and I barely even have to listen to it to figure that out. Highlights: "Drop the World" (especially helped by Eminem). Worst song: "Knockout" (I hate to admit it, but Nicki was worse than Wayne on this) and everything else. Expand
  9. Mar 22, 2015
    0/10 ("Drop The World" is the only good song) ........................................................................................................
  10. Oct 7, 2014
    This album is complete garbage with no good songs in it. Why would anyone think this album is good? Don't buy this Auto tune garbage with guitars and awful awful awful
  11. Apr 11, 2013
    I play Guitar I play Guitar I play Guitar I'm a rapper that Plays Guitar I play Guitar I play Guitar I'm a rapper that plays guitar I can play guitar (one strum) I play guitar, I play guitar guitar I can play guitar...
    (Drop the World great beat and lil wayne does a decent job with eminem, I'd give it a 7/10)
    (Runnin another great beat and creative lyrics by lil wayne I'd give it a
    I play Guitar I play Guitar I play Guitar I'm a rapper that Plays Guitar I play Guitar I play Guitar I'm a rapper that plays guitar I can play guitar (one strum) I play guitar, I play guitar guitar I can play guitar...
    (Drop the World great beat and lil wayne does a decent job with eminem, I'd give it a 7/10)
    (Runnin another great beat and creative lyrics by lil wayne I'd give it a 6/10)
    I play Guitar I play guitar guitar I can play guitar I rap while I play guitar I play guitar swag I play guitar..

    There, I pretty much rapped the entire album so you don't have to buy this POS album. I hope Lil wayne doesn't sue me for copyright.

    You're all welcome
  12. Jul 13, 2012
    Drop The World. That was it for this album and that's sad. He's a rap artist. He's literally making a mockery of rock on this album. This is something that shouldn't get a sequel. REAL rock is something of the past. It doesn't belong to Lil Wayne.
  13. Jan 17, 2012
    Drop The World and one other song were good, but the rest of the album is just a horrible and disgusting mix of rock and pop. WORST ALBUM EVER! I never knew a legend like Lil Wayne could disgrace himself this much.
  14. Jan 2, 2012
    Congratulations, Wayne. You came off your best album (Tha Carter III) into this god-awful sloppy collage of music. Rock and rap don't mix, especially when the worst kind of rap mixes with the worst kind of rap. Lil' Wayne ran out of tricks after his best album and fell apart. A guest performance by Eminem is the only thing that saves every song from being completely worthless
  15. Jan 1, 2012
    I dont like Lil Wayne ever since Tha Carter III b4 that Album i was a fan. i thought this album was going to be decent or a little good. But after listening to the whole album i wanted to kill myself. Lil wayne disgraced the whole music industry.
  16. Aug 23, 2011
    this album sucks this not rock music at all the lyric's suck lil wayne can not sing to save his own life this album is proof he is and alway's will be the worst rapper alive and the worst musician alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Jun 3, 2011
    Hip Hop went from LL Cool J, Boogie Down Productions, RUN DMC, Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, A Tribe called Quest, Kool G Rap, NWA, Too Short, Nas, pioneers of Hip Hop to this!!! Hip Hop hasn't even lasted half a century and albums like this get Platinum certification and are able to be Mainstream. Hip Hop is going downhill and more ignorant fans emerge from the surface, where is the Hip Hop fansHip Hop went from LL Cool J, Boogie Down Productions, RUN DMC, Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, A Tribe called Quest, Kool G Rap, NWA, Too Short, Nas, pioneers of Hip Hop to this!!! Hip Hop hasn't even lasted half a century and albums like this get Platinum certification and are able to be Mainstream. Hip Hop is going downhill and more ignorant fans emerge from the surface, where is the Hip Hop fans who could acknowledge support the great artists, don't look for the commericial artists find the real ones. Expand
  18. Dec 11, 2010
    i love Lil Wayne and i love rock music. This album isn't even rock. Its more electronic and rap. I didn't like this album at all. I was waiting for this rock album for ever. I think the rock songs he had on his mix-tape was better. I did like A few songs. Drop the world is the best song on the album. The whole album is hard to listen to. I would not suggest any body to buy this album, Ii love Lil Wayne and i love rock music. This album isn't even rock. Its more electronic and rap. I didn't like this album at all. I was waiting for this rock album for ever. I think the rock songs he had on his mix-tape was better. I did like A few songs. Drop the world is the best song on the album. The whole album is hard to listen to. I would not suggest any body to buy this album, I want to give this album a good score because i love Wayne music but i can't. Expand
  19. Oct 19, 2010
    The only redeeming factor might be "Drop The World" - and thats the only reason I give a '2.' This album is horrible and honestly the worst album I have heard in some time. Wayne is SOOOO Much better than this crappy effort.
  20. Oct 13, 2010
    "Drop The World" pretty much is the highlight of the album. The rest shows Wayne doesnt know what he's doing. Lil Wayne relies heavilly on the vocoder which is definitely bad factor. He isnt creative with auto-tune as T-Pain is and vocally sounds like screeches drenched by the vocoder. The rap-rock songs are a smack in the face of the Beastie Boys (whom on the album Wayne reportedly would"Drop The World" pretty much is the highlight of the album. The rest shows Wayne doesnt know what he's doing. Lil Wayne relies heavilly on the vocoder which is definitely bad factor. He isnt creative with auto-tune as T-Pain is and vocally sounds like screeches drenched by the vocoder. The rap-rock songs are a smack in the face of the Beastie Boys (whom on the album Wayne reportedly would pay homage to). The state and reception of rap-rock has always been fairly mixed, with the exception of most critics and fans pointing out key artists like Run-D.M.C., The Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, Linkin Park, Kid Rock, 311, & Cypress Hill that actually recieved some positive acclaim. An album like this from someone with a big fanbase like Wayne and someone whose name you cannot barely go anywhere without hearing, the state of rap-rock may have sunk some more. Expand
  21. Aug 13, 2010
    Something's wrong. REALLY wrong.

    I'm sure you all remember Tha Carter 3. Best selling album of 2008. Triple platinum. Grammy winner. All because Weexy built up good hype with his mixtapes and delivered an album that exceeded expectations. After Carter 3's success, Weezy announced he was going to make a rock album titled Rebirth. A little ambition doesn't hurt, right? Unfortunately, Weezy
    Something's wrong. REALLY wrong.

    I'm sure you all remember Tha Carter 3. Best selling album of 2008. Triple platinum. Grammy winner. All because Weexy built up good hype with his mixtapes and delivered an album that exceeded expectations. After Carter 3's success, Weezy announced he was going to make a rock album titled Rebirth. A little ambition doesn't hurt, right? Unfortunately, Weezy was too ambitious and did not realize the quality would be broken.

    From start to finish, there are only three words to describe it: Loathsome. Auto-Tune. Junk. Weezy is lost in a world where he believes he is capable of doing rock music with Auto Tune. The album feels dragged, drunk, aimless, and uninteresting. iTunes previews are enough to prove that. Weezy cannot sing. He cannot make rock music. Lyrically he is like six-year-old. Wild, obnoxious, and weird. He has no clue of what he is doing throughout the course of the album. You can suspect failure just from the album's first single, Prom Queen.

    And the even sadder part is that Weezy chooses to do more contemporary rock probably to get radio play. This "rock" production is not rock. It is alternative and that too the poppish and repetitive type. Not metal. Not classic rock. Not good alternative. Kiddish alternative AKA not good music.

    Guest spots don't really help either. The album plain sucks completely except for one song, Drop The World. This is the only standout and the only tolerable track. That too because Eminem comes in to shred the whole album apart with just that one verse. The chorus is alright and the production is more spacey.

    Otherwise, the album feels like musical hell. An utter disappointment from an artist who was really promising.
  22. JohnO.
    Apr 13, 2010
    Worst album I have ever heard.
  23. uptonk.
    Apr 12, 2010
    Based on this cd - dude deserves to be in jail. Probably the worst mess out there right now. Rap is dead. This one killed it... killed it real good.
  24. GG
    Apr 2, 2010
    Novelty factor is off the charts.
  25. RanelG.
    Mar 30, 2010
    First of all I like Lil' Wayne, second this album is mostly crap, and third he somewhat gets too much hate than he deserves. However this album is mostly crap, as a guy who listens to some rap and mostly rock, I'd say this is NOT rock, or rap for that matter, it's not even crap (that's how bad it is), if I could find a good way to describe this it's like picking First of all I like Lil' Wayne, second this album is mostly crap, and third he somewhat gets too much hate than he deserves. However this album is mostly crap, as a guy who listens to some rap and mostly rock, I'd say this is NOT rock, or rap for that matter, it's not even crap (that's how bad it is), if I could find a good way to describe this it's like picking your nose and finding a booger and swiping it on your best friends or family members' face. Lil' Wayne needs to stick what he does best, and that's rapping. Why I gave it a 3 is because well he tried, but it turned out to be a booger swiped on someones face. Expand
  26. BobA.
    Mar 29, 2010
    I wasn't impressed with this album at all. I loves some of his earlier work, but I just could not get in to this album.
  27. MikeC
    Mar 20, 2010
    Absolute garbage.
  28. TobyB.
    Mar 13, 2010
    He can't rap, play an electric guitar or make any type of decent music. Lucky hes in jail now so he can't destroy are ears with shit like that, it's all autotuned and patched up. Horrible, just piss-off and stay in jail forever!
  29. FelipeRS
    Mar 11, 2010
  30. JhonF
    Mar 9, 2010
    An insult to the rock genre, and yes this album makes you want to slice off your ears.

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 21
  2. Negative: 11 out of 21
  1. For the most part, though, Rebirth underlines what he can't: the problem of rap-metal remains unsolvable, even by him.
  2. When he emerged from his stupor, he announced that he was giving up rap to make a guitar album. Which brings us to ‘Rebirth’, a shlock-rock record so absurd it makes Alien Ant Farm seem like a legitimate musical venture.
  3. The problem is that Wayne has very questionable taste in rock. He splutters and wails over tracks stuffed with aggro stomp and bland riffage; it sounds like he's been holing up with a bunch of Spymob and Incubus records.