• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Aug 22, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 38
  2. Negative: 12 out of 38

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  1. Mar 31, 2016
    There are song that are extremely catchy and and have really interesting classic rock type influences. I think the world needs more bands like this. They have a good sound. Just listen to Kirby's House that song is awesome. This album also has my fourth favorite song called America. The biggest problem I have with it is that it ends in a very terrible and boring note kinda like the restThere are song that are extremely catchy and and have really interesting classic rock type influences. I think the world needs more bands like this. They have a good sound. Just listen to Kirby's House that song is awesome. This album also has my fourth favorite song called America. The biggest problem I have with it is that it ends in a very terrible and boring note kinda like the rest of the album. I listened this for the the first time In The Morning and in put me to sleep. You are probably thinking Hold On It appeared you liked this album! Let me settle this notion by stating this was one of the worst alternative albums I have ever listened to. Before I Fall To Pieces thinking about this atrocity I would like to warn you to stay away from this album at all costs. Even at the best moments it can feel like an ordinary Pop song 2006 pumped out. Looking Back To The Start of the album I think it has one of the worst beginnings to an album I can remember. Its just void of fun. A band that could have a Golden Touch of brilliance is wasted by soft sounding filth. Expand
  2. Apr 23, 2012
    The follow up to Up All Night, their eponymous second album has less rough edges and the hit single "America" was a clear statement of intent that the band wanted to make a transition from Indie club band to stadium fillers. The album is very strong but at times it does have a contrived feel about it. At 10 tracks, it's short, sweet and too the point. The first 6 tracks are far strongerThe follow up to Up All Night, their eponymous second album has less rough edges and the hit single "America" was a clear statement of intent that the band wanted to make a transition from Indie club band to stadium fillers. The album is very strong but at times it does have a contrived feel about it. At 10 tracks, it's short, sweet and too the point. The first 6 tracks are far stronger than the 2nd half and I feel the record loses momentum once you pass the brilliant "I Can't Stop This Feeling I've Got". Expand
  3. GabiP.
    May 10, 2007
    Thank god Razorlight have grown up a bit.. a far better second album, their first still lingering in teenage angst (groan... cliche etc...) Bubbling with excellent melodies and likeability, it was the best album of 2006, er, along with Lilly Allen and Joanna Newsome. A mix of Talking Heads 77, Violent Femmes in their fresh, playful way. The difficult second album is a timeless classic. 10/10
  4. JurgenB
    Jan 30, 2007
    This album is full of trite lyrics although some good hooks arise from time to time, never convinced by singer's voice, bland soft pop/rock, plenty of pointless guitar melodies strewed over.
  5. ReviewBoy15
    Jan 26, 2007
    This is different. But a good kind of different. I dont like the way razorlight are being pasted by reviewers. Their music has a kind of warm feeling to it, particularely in songs like : " 'in the morning', 'America', and 'Los Angeles Waltz' "
  6. daver
    Nov 18, 2006
    i didn't much like the first album, bar a couple of diamonds in the rough. this is a watered down and even less varied effort which, despite its occassional peaks, kind of comes and goes without you noticing or really caring. that said, anyone who reviews an album on the strength of hearing just 3 songs (Guy H) and rates it '0' is a tit.
  7. BenQ
    Nov 6, 2006
    Average. It's all too soft. It's put me right off razorlight now. Don't buy it.
  8. GuyH
    Oct 16, 2006
    I can't believe Q has given this album 5 stars... then again they judged REM's 'Reveal', the Chili Peppers 'By The Way' and the latest by Muse as five star albums (all disappointing albums... doh!). I have only heard three songs off this album including the single and 'America' and they are pitiful. Please can someone stop the televised advertising I can't believe Q has given this album 5 stars... then again they judged REM's 'Reveal', the Chili Peppers 'By The Way' and the latest by Muse as five star albums (all disappointing albums... doh!). I have only heard three songs off this album including the single and 'America' and they are pitiful. Please can someone stop the televised advertising campaign... Expand
  9. claudep
    Oct 14, 2006
    Enfin !! loin des scores tièdes, voilà un disque qui réussit le grand écart (pros et auditeurs) entre 0 et 10 !! Seuls des disques punks comme le "Never mind..." ou mieux les galettes glitters (Slade et Sweet) attiraient autant d'amour et de haine. Bon le disque en lui-même est bien moins réussi que l'inattaquable 1er "Up all night" et ne Enfin !! loin des scores tièdes, voilà un disque qui réussit le grand écart (pros et auditeurs) entre 0 et 10 !! Seuls des disques punks comme le "Never mind..." ou mieux les galettes glitters (Slade et Sweet) attiraient autant d'amour et de haine. Bon le disque en lui-même est bien moins réussi que l'inattaquable 1er "Up all night" et ne mérite sans doute pas ni un 0 ni un 10 mais il est peut-être tout simplement plus long en bouche avec des subtilités qui vont se découvrir dans mettons 2-3 ans... Juste pour faire râler Adam, Nick ou Disco j'y colle un 8... Expand
  10. MihaiV
    Sep 7, 2006
    I like this album, although I understand why some don't. It's more poppy, but the hooks are still here. At points, it's brilliant like on "Who Needs Love?" or "America".
  11. EricC
    Aug 30, 2006
    first of all, this is a POP album, not a rock album like Up All Night was. With that said, I haven't heard a pop album this year that is more catchy, more tight musically, more straightforward or on a grander scale than this album is. And as far as I'm concerned, those are the things that make pop great. If you want this to be a rock album then you'll be very disappointed first of all, this is a POP album, not a rock album like Up All Night was. With that said, I haven't heard a pop album this year that is more catchy, more tight musically, more straightforward or on a grander scale than this album is. And as far as I'm concerned, those are the things that make pop great. If you want this to be a rock album then you'll be very disappointed (if not misguided). Expand
  12. DiscoStew
    Aug 29, 2006
    Razorlight are pish, not a fan at all.
  13. richardj
    Aug 29, 2006
    Good Live and quite eye catching! However one good song "America" but that´s it! This group are so disappointing and really boring, his lyrics are poor and sometimes awful! So unimaginative and to think he is such a bighead for what reason! I really don´t rate their songs and i wouldn´t mind but they are always on the radio and unfortunately I work at Universal music so Good Live and quite eye catching! However one good song "America" but that´s it! This group are so disappointing and really boring, his lyrics are poor and sometimes awful! So unimaginative and to think he is such a bighead for what reason! I really don´t rate their songs and i wouldn´t mind but they are always on the radio and unfortunately I work at Universal music so they play it all the time there too! Most overated album this year but i have to wait for Barbie doll Beyonce´s album yet cos that will be rammed up your arse and ear holes like your a major nymphomaniac! Recommendations for albums this year Outkast, Keane, Guillermots and Regina Spektor! So far! Expand
  14. BarryJFul
    Aug 29, 2006
    There are a lot og good songs here which could be released as singles, Borrell should stop trying to be so profound with some of his serious songs like "America", he hasn't the intellect in his lyrics to support this strength of feeling, stick to good simple melodic guitar songs Johnny. You are too young to be wise. It's a short album but plenty of decent tracks.
  15. AdamX
    Aug 28, 2006
    If this isn't the worst album of all time, then it is pretty damn close!
  16. nickd
    Aug 28, 2006
    Look, I know that censoring art's frowned upon completely, but banning this band, and for god's sake this album, would be an absolute mission of mercy! If you own this album, and more than say, two others released this year, shame on you. This absolutely bland, uncreative, music-by-think-tank is the kind of arrogant rubbish which there is no place for in this world. Get lost!
  17. judithg
    Aug 24, 2006
    great album. well done guys! cant wait to see you in concert!
  18. christianw
    Aug 23, 2006
    i thought it was pretty damn good. The band has clearly got its sights set on bigger things. As for the lyrics, i reckon johnny borrell is one of the best british songwriters around and thought the lyrics on this album were quite good.
  19. TomP
    Aug 23, 2006
    Absolute crap. Another example of Q hyping up a load of rubbish.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
  1. It's those lyrics that make much of this second album such a disappointment.
  2. It's a soulful, romantic album about what happens when the lights come up at the end of the night and life smacks you in the face.
  3. Razorlight have dropped the urgency and brashness of indie-disco floor-fillers like 'Rip it Up' and traded it for the boldness of tracks such as 'Somewhere Else'. It isn't easy to graduate from teenage bedrooms to coffee-table status without compromising on credibility, but the quartet have managed it somehow.