• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 23, 2009
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Universal acclaim- based on 645 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 61 out of 645

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  1. LisaS
    Nov 24, 2009
    Absolutely stunning and amazing! Her best work yet!
  2. AthG
    Nov 26, 2009
    This is the best album of her career. I love it and it's currently on repeat. It's her own music, she's not trying to be hot, or to get pop hits with this album. She has truly become an artist with this record.
  3. RubenV.
    Nov 23, 2009
    Rated R is a classic album, overloaded with genuine emotions of an abused superstar.
  4. GerganaG
    Nov 24, 2009
    It's the best album ever!
  5. A.R
    Dec 5, 2009
    It's an exceptional record from a pop star who just two year ago was making metaphors with umbrellas. Rated R shows Rihanna's growth as an artist. I'm happy that there is still some meaningful pop music.
  6. MusicUnlimited
    Nov 23, 2009
    An amazingly mature and emotional album that puts all other releases out this year to shame!
  7. JamesK
    Nov 23, 2009
    really strong. heavy for R&B, both in sound and content. very dark, very rock. I like.
  8. YashicaS
    Nov 23, 2009
    This album is great! I didnt think Rihanna a "pop Star" would ever have an album that i could listen to years from today! GREAT WORK! IM PROUD OF HER.
  9. JarvsH
    Nov 24, 2009
    Her best album so far, and probably the best pop record in years.
  10. DKismet
    Nov 24, 2009
    She's never sounded better. Her edgier sound works perfectly for her vocals. I love it thru and thru! Awesome.
  11. ChrisM
    Nov 26, 2009
    Rhianna's best album and my fave album at the mo! Firebomb, Te Amo, Rude Boy & Stupid in love are my fave tracks!
  12. MIkeB.
    Nov 30, 2009
    This is what happens when artists are able to take more control over their music. She gave us something different. Her bajan accent is in full force and she plays with her lower register like no one I've ever heard. When I first listened to it I immediately compared it to her last album GGGB. But I realized there is no comparison, these are two completely different albums, though she This is what happens when artists are able to take more control over their music. She gave us something different. Her bajan accent is in full force and she plays with her lower register like no one I've ever heard. When I first listened to it I immediately compared it to her last album GGGB. But I realized there is no comparison, these are two completely different albums, though she still gives us enough of what she has done so well in the past. Now I can't stop listening to it! I'm obsessed! I hope everyone gives Rated R a chance and listen to every track before you write it off. RiRi is back but she definitely shed her little miss sunshine image and grew up. Best album of 2009 for sure! So everyone needs to stop buying all of these Number 1's and re-released albums!! SUPPORT RIHANNA!! => My Top 5 Songs: 1. Cold Case Love 2. Te Amo 3. Russian Roulette 4. Rude Boy 5. Photographs. Expand
  13. RodrigoM
    Dec 1, 2009
    This album is great. The record is lirically better than Good Girl Gone Bad, and although this is more "pop-sad" than her previous albums, it is still catchy and addictive. The best songs are Russian Roulette, Stupid in Love and Rude Boy, but the rest is very good too. Near a masterpiece.
  14. GarethS
    Nov 23, 2009
    Best pop album of 2009!! Loved it. Go Rihanna!!
  15. coldcaselove
    Nov 23, 2009
    This truly is a classic album. its better than good girl gone bad. im really glad she did something different with this album, she surprised us all and really demonstrated her vocal ability. all tracks are single-worthy (just like good girl gone bad).
  16. NadiaM
    Nov 23, 2009
    Awesome Album Rated R!!! Very deep lyrics...moving, thought provoking, brilliant, resilient!!!
  17. ChristinaB
    Nov 23, 2009
    Great Great Great!!. The metaphors used in the album are some of the best Ive heard.
  18. CameronS
    Nov 23, 2009
    This was a spectacular album. She really made it something special. She captured what she went through and the struggles she went through. But she continues to show that she won't stick to the same, which is the sign of a true artist. Its fascinating to listen to and really brings the listener through a journey. Fantastic!
  19. GarethW
    Nov 24, 2009
    Without a doubt, the greatest album of 2009 so far. This is emotive, expressive, and intense music, which Rihanna sings with her bajan accent in full view to the world. What happens when Good Girl Gone Bad, is given the bajan twist from Music of the Sun, some stunning Ballads from A Girl Like Me, and a unique, gritty, raw Drum and Bass edge. A new sound for the industry, welcomed with Without a doubt, the greatest album of 2009 so far. This is emotive, expressive, and intense music, which Rihanna sings with her bajan accent in full view to the world. What happens when Good Girl Gone Bad, is given the bajan twist from Music of the Sun, some stunning Ballads from A Girl Like Me, and a unique, gritty, raw Drum and Bass edge. A new sound for the industry, welcomed with open arms. Rihanna has sealed her place as the icon of young, daring music. Expand
  20. DammyA
    Nov 25, 2009
    I love it. Very unique, she has carved her own genre...no other Cd or artist sounds remotely like her.
  21. DarelT.
    Nov 27, 2009
    This Album definitely shows Rihanna growth as artist...not only channeling her experiences into her work but providing a cohesive piece of work that may just well be the best album of the year... However I feel that while Rihanna will lose some fans with this album she'll gain many others... This album will be the one that takes Rihanna from cookie cutter satus to Legendary one way This Album definitely shows Rihanna growth as artist...not only channeling her experiences into her work but providing a cohesive piece of work that may just well be the best album of the year... However I feel that while Rihanna will lose some fans with this album she'll gain many others... This album will be the one that takes Rihanna from cookie cutter satus to Legendary one way or another. Expand
  22. EbonyW
    Nov 28, 2009
    The best album of the year lyrically. Vocally Rihanna has improved so much and each track on the album gave you something different. That extra umph in pop music.
  23. Nov 1, 2012
    Rihanna's best work ever. Although it wasn't such a success in sales and the public would rather go hear "Loud" or "Talk That Talk", Fenty proves that she can belt out ballads anytime she wants.
  24. Aug 29, 2010
    An amazing album that shows Rihanna's dark side and a lots of provocative (Rude Boy, Rockstar 101, Hard) and those lyrics who describe her relationship with Chris Brown (Russian Roulette, Fire Bomb, Stupid In Love, Cold Case Love). With Rude Boy she got back to the bright Rihanna, unlike the whole trying to be a hard chick. On this record she fused various numbers of genres like pop,An amazing album that shows Rihanna's dark side and a lots of provocative (Rude Boy, Rockstar 101, Hard) and those lyrics who describe her relationship with Chris Brown (Russian Roulette, Fire Bomb, Stupid In Love, Cold Case Love). With Rude Boy she got back to the bright Rihanna, unlike the whole trying to be a hard chick. On this record she fused various numbers of genres like pop, r'n'b, dub-step (Rockstar 101, Mad House, Wait Your Turn),mix of modern sound and dance hall in worldwide hit Rude Boy and she even tried to get more edgy and rock sound in Rockstar with Slash and in Fire Bomb.
    Although the used a lots of auto tune in Rude Boy, Photographs, Fire Bomb, Rockstar, Hard and even in her beautiful ballad Cold Case Love we could see her amazing vocal abilities.
    Again Rihanna proofed that she's a R&B Diva and shared with fans her painfull story.
  25. May 23, 2011
    It seems Pops most innovative stars create music during times of turmoil and struggle. Rated R is the soulful and heartbreaking version of Britney Spears' sexed up Blackout. Both Albums are to this day the best albums I have ever bought.
  26. Nov 1, 2010
    Rihanna's best album by far. Rated R exhibits Rihanna's dark side after the harsh reality of her abuse. Songs like "Wait Your Turn" "Hard" and "Rude Boy" have the pop beats and lyrics that her former albums had, but Rated R has a different side. "Cold Case Love" is a dark song about a strong, and forceful love that relates to her relationship with Chris Brown....Check this album out
  27. Oct 6, 2010
    Rated R is a masterpiece, that marks our century with beautiful ballads, fierce lyrics and sassy spirit.
    Rihanna has done it again, she has introduced a new style to her music that was missing in her previous album, yet maintaining her image as a Daring Diva whos willing to try new sounds.

    Love it!
  28. Nov 6, 2010
    If you are a fan of true pop, you'll love the album. Rihanna delivers some beautiful ballads and also catchy songs that will be stuck in your head. Her best album so far.
  29. Nov 14, 2010
    Best album. Great catchy songs keep 'em coming! I love the songs rude boy, hard and rockstar!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the new album LOUD I already love the song what's my name from that album.
  30. Nov 26, 2010
    Rated R is the best, most fascinating and artistic album of Rihanna. Before, I found Rihanna as trying too hard to be edgy in the album but all of her songs are good and coherent. The theme of revenge, dark, and being betrayed is present in all tracks. For me, the album doesn't care the chart performance because it is not appealing to the audience.
  31. Nov 21, 2011
    This album is simply amazing. I LOVE how she can go extra low with her voice. I love the mood of this album. Makes you feel pretty badass. Personally, i like stupid in love the best. I think this is her best album. Better than LOUD and Talk That Talk to me.
  32. Nov 21, 2011
    This album is a work of art. None of her albums were able to beat this one. Loud was a commercial album, made just for selling. Not that I don't like it, but it's true. Talk That Talk is an amazing album, but Rated R still reigns.
  33. Feb 15, 2015
    An amazing and huge album that shows how Rihanna grew up through these years. Rated R is a masterpiece, that marks our century. There's no doubt that it's her best album ever.
  34. DMB
    Dec 14, 2011
    One of the best pop albums of all time! I wasn't really a fan of Rihanna until I listened to this album.
    Absolutely Flawless.
  35. Aug 1, 2012
    Every song is amazing. Vocals, songwriting and production all impressed me.
    Fire Bomb is incredible. Many different types of dark sounds were incorporated, even in the grimy hip-hop/pop -type songs, like the chilling production of G4L.
  36. Oct 24, 2012
    Still her best and most highest quality album. Rated R got something special and stands out from her other albums. Maybe, troubles in her life in those times made this work great. My score is addressed not only to the album, but to this era and image too. Rated R is good from opener to the end. Every song isn't useless and every song is enjoyable and listenable, containing difference toStill her best and most highest quality album. Rated R got something special and stands out from her other albums. Maybe, troubles in her life in those times made this work great. My score is addressed not only to the album, but to this era and image too. Rated R is good from opener to the end. Every song isn't useless and every song is enjoyable and listenable, containing difference to one another and got some interesting processing. 'Mad House' is steamy, 'Hard' & 'Rockstar 101' are agressive, 'Wait Your Turn' & 'G4L' are uprising, 'Russian Roulette' & 'Te Amo' are soft, 'Rude Boy' & 'Cold Case Love' are rhythmic, and final song is like a freedom from darkness of the album. But not looking for this diversity, the whole album sounds integral. This is a case how a brief rock'n'roll influence and dubstep/electronic elements can make sound pop music worth. Expand
  37. Nov 19, 2012
    One of the four of Rihanna's best albums. All the songs are awesome and flow as a story based on the assault attack that Brown made on Rihanna. Rated R
  38. Nov 6, 2013
    Her most darkness album. I love it. Its so... intense! The song "Cold Case Love" touch your soul, definitely... And "Rude Boy" sneaks a bit of context, but it's a different song, and still good.
  39. Jan 29, 2016
  40. May 7, 2015
    This album is amazing. I feel like I've entered into the dark side and it was awesome. This album made me fall in love with Rihanna even more. Favourite tracks are Russian Roulette, Wait You Turn, Stupid in Love and Hard
  41. Apr 5, 2015
    Album do milênio, pisa no universo, dona da industria musical, pisa na beyonce, empregada dela e do jay z que não penteia o cabelo da filha, rainha mesmo
  42. May 27, 2015
    one of the best albums I've ever heard in life, but this is my favorite album of all time , the best career album of Rihanna, full of emotions , stories, a complete and perfect album from beginning to end
  43. Sep 2, 2015
    C'est mon album préféré de Rihanna. Il est tellement personnel, il raconte son histoire. Après Good Girl Gone Bad, qui est un très bon album, mais commercial tout de même, je ne pouvais espérer mieux pour son retour !
  44. Nov 7, 2015
    Esse álbum é incrível, letras maduras e totalmente bem produzidas, sem duvidas esse álbum é um dos melhores de 2009 e o melhor trabalho da Rihanna merece nota 100000
  45. Nov 27, 2015
  46. Jan 28, 2016
    linda igual a barbiezinha muito bom eceleite amei o albummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pisou no chris brown que superaçãooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  47. Sep 14, 2018
    Perfect! This album definitely outdid all of my expectations. Rihanna is fantastic.
  48. Apr 27, 2016
    This is what I call AN ALBUM. Once again RiRi proves us she is a bad gal and we shouldn't mess with her! It's very personal. Lyrically and musically very good. One of her first albums with various genres of music.
  49. Aug 14, 2018
    I can't remember a song I couldn't hear. Every lyric, every song is so deep. Fire Bomb should be single
  50. May 29, 2020
    A very mature body of work, especially considering that the artist in question was barely overage. Lyrics, emotions, perfect blend of several sounds.. this album has everything
  51. May 29, 2020
    Rated R es sin duda el mejor álbum de Rihanna hasta la fecha, todas sus canciones encajan perfectamente en todo sentido. EXCELENCIA MUSICAL, UNA OBRA DE ARTE.

    Rated R is without a doubt Rihanna's best album to date, all of her songs fit perfectly in every way. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, A MASTERPIECE.
  52. Jun 2, 2020
    Vulnerability, strength, power and an incredible voice being exposed. Rihanna shows once again that she can sing what she wants to sing well.
  53. Aug 24, 2022
    Rated R was the first monument album by a pop star. Rihanna could have continued with an album with multiples hits but she preferred to completely change what everyone in the industry was doing, her mind and vision should be studied.
  54. Nov 22, 2020
    Honestly? AN ALBUM! Just for "russian roulette" and "cold case love" you already know the album is great! unfortunately, another rihanna's work that didn't received the recognition deserved. But she knows everything she does is good!
  55. Dec 12, 2020
    one of the best album in history. these girls could never make something like rated r. and the fact that she was only 21 while making it. shes a genius. cant wait for R9
  56. Apr 20, 2021
    This is an underrated album tbh. Every song deserves attention and love. So stream Rated R for clear skin
  57. Aug 24, 2022
    esse álbum riri abriu o coração. mostrou sua raiva, seu amor e esses sentimentos. um álbum que merece receber mais flores, aqui está a minha.
  58. ValdeneS
    Nov 23, 2009
    Great album. I especially love Russian Roulette, Wait Your Turn, Rude Boy & The Last Song. Shows artistic and personal growth,a bit dark but its not generic pop, and that makes it refreshing... its worth a listen.
  59. TimA
    Nov 25, 2009
    Rihanna could have made a blank disc and sold a million records, but she took the time to craft dark pop music that can be both entrancing and scary. I think that ultimately the album delivers, this isn't one for "Umbrella" fans but it's one for those of us that can handle more complex pop. I personally love it.
  60. DJ
    Nov 30, 2009
    I love this CD. She needed a change from kiddy-pop!
  61. JonH.
    Dec 7, 2009
    Rhianna is flirting with greatness, on this album
  62. MelissaM
    Nov 24, 2009
    Her emotions and strength are entirely palpable in her latest effort, Rated R. No, it's not danceable, but it'[s real and it's Rihanna, and she never let's us down or surprises us with what she has in store, next.
  63. MoniqueS.
    Dec 6, 2009
    Her best album yet, Personal favorite 'Fire Bomb'.
  64. Alan
    Nov 23, 2009
    I love this CD so much; the swagger, the anger, the fierceness. It his her best album to date. Grace Jones for our times. Love the whole concept of it.
  65. VikeyS
    Nov 23, 2009
    Rated R - Rihanna, Review Wow, lots of R's! :) Anyway, back to business! Rated R is the fourth studio album by now pop icon, Rihanna. It is truly her most deep and emotional album. Its jampacked with feelings and damn good music. In the studio she vented her emotions after the media whirlwind she went through after the Chris Brown attack. She has created an amazing album. It brings a Rated R - Rihanna, Review Wow, lots of R's! :) Anyway, back to business! Rated R is the fourth studio album by now pop icon, Rihanna. It is truly her most deep and emotional album. Its jampacked with feelings and damn good music. In the studio she vented her emotions after the media whirlwind she went through after the Chris Brown attack. She has created an amazing album. It brings a whole new meaning to music with the genres which Rihanna continues to bend, twist and mush together creating amazing combinations. We might as well give her her own genre! I give the album 9.2/10 stars, but heres a detailed review of each track. The album starts off with an eery, haunted house like interlude called "Mad House". It is accurate in its warning, heeding "For those of you easily frightened, we suggest you turn around now. But for those that think they can take it, we say - Welcome to the madhouse". Which Rihanna creepily adds "ooooaaaaah come on, come on, come on in". After the 1 and half minute track ends we're introduced to "Wait You Turn." The promo single for the album. It starts off with Rihanna informing us that the wait is ova, she says that a lot. A lot. But it is as enjoyable as hearing her say ella ella ella at the end of embrella. She shows her strong Bajan accent in this song which isn't as near as noticeable in others, she acknowledges her power in the industry as she wavers "Got so much power in my name/I'm such a fucking lady, so you don't have to be afraid". As far as I'm concerned, artists like Gaga, Beyonce and Britney should be afraid - very afraid. You've never heard Rihanna like this before. The beat is very hip hop and RnB, done by Chase & Status who Rihanna says is the foundation for the album. The video is very grainy in black and white. After Wait You Turn(which I will now refer to as WYT), we're treated with the egotastic "Hard" featuring Young Jeezy. If you thought Rihanna was being a tad arrogant in WYT, wait for this. Now the raunchy cover would make you think its about another type of hard, but no, Rihanna is talking about being resilient and tough. Which she obviously is. She exclaims "All up on it, know ya wanna clone it, aint like me, that bitch too phony". The beat has drums and the occasional piano, very odd but very fitting! Rihanna is so hard. This is a surefire hit! The next song is called Stupid in Love. Immediate thoughts are "IS THIS ABOUT CHRIS?!?!?!" I don't know if it is, but I know its a very nice song. Not the best, the lyrical content isn't at the level of the other track's as the chorus is written lackluster "This is stupid. I'm not stupid. Don't talk to me like I'm stupid. I still love you but I just can't do this.. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid." Could've been written much better, but still is not a bad song by any means. The beat is a piano matching Rihannas softer voice. After such a slower, soft song you're probably surprised and interrupted out of that mood with the next track. Rockstar 101 featuring Slash. Which is of course appropriately titled, as Slash is the guitarist from Guns'N'Roses! The beat is of course electric guitars, and some drums. This album is most definitely Rated R, Rihanna is officially no longer Little Miss Sunshine, as she would not say "Got my middle finger up, I don't really give a f*ck/ So baby take me in, I disobey the law, make sure you frisk me good, check my panties and my bra!" Shes a certified rockstar with a hint of gangsta. Hey baby, shes a rockstar. The next track is the the album's infamous lead single, Russian Roulette. Starts off with a guitar, giving you the idea of another very rock song, but a few seconds later you'll hear a gun's barrel being rolled and an eery heartlike beat. Rihanna uses the game of russian roulette as a metaphor for relationships, having to take risks and just pull the trigger. This is of course to be thought about Chris Brown as well, especially after ABC premiered the video and basically labeled it as "The Chris Brown song!" But if Rihanna made a song about puppies and sunflowers it'd be about Chris Brown because she would just be trying to find her hapy place of course! Any single would've supposedly been about Chris Brown, we don't know if it is or not - and I really dont mind if it is or isn't, its an amazing track. She bravely says "I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving, know that I must pass this test..so just pull the trigger." The video for the song is very new and I love the audacity she has in it! Sets a high bar for the other new videos, some which have already failed to live up to it's greatness. (*cough* Beyonce and Gaga's video phone) The next song is my absolute favorite on the album, Fire Bomb. It starts of with a stronger guitar than rockstar and the combination of a strong guitar and classic piano is odd but meshes incredibly well. She says in the chorus "You others need to clear the road, cuz this thing is ready to blow! I just wanna set you on fire, so I won't have to burn alone. Then you, you'll know where I'm coming from...fire bomb, fire bomb." Rihannas voice is perfect for it, and as you already have noticed has evolved so much. Amazing vocals throughout. If you were missing that poppy pop Rihanna from the Good Girl Gone Bad (GGGB) era, here she is. The next song seems like a track off GGGB but with more edge. It has the poppy drum and synthesizer beat, and lyrics about sex! Theres your pop for the album! Its classic Rihanna, but the lyrics should've been more explicit if you ask me. Shes already saying motherfucker, bitch, shit, even nigga! Why not go all the way on a sex song? Its a good song nevertheless, lines like "I like it when you touch me there, I love the way you pull my hair" will keep bouncing through your head all day. The next track is Photographs, featuring Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas. She almost lost this song to them but compromised. It talks about the relationship she used to have with someone(Will.I.Am, in the song at least) and all that they have left are photographs. The beat starts off sounding somewhat like Good Girl Gone Bad but then changes a bit. It is a bit slow but Rihanna talks/sings swiftly, not even taking breaths between the many verses! After awhile Will.I.Am pops in and brings life to the song. To be honest, before I heard the songs, I was VERY disappointed with Rihanna's collaboration choices. Last time she had Ne-Yo, Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, etc and now Jeezy, Slash and Will.I.Am. But I must say, I am very impressed by all of their performances. Especially Will.I.Am's! Without him, the song might've been quite lifeless. They work well together, though in the chorus..they sound exactly like Fergie! Will.I.Am + Rihanna = Fergie? If you weren't surprised by the less than subtle fuck's and bitches and other cuss words earlier, you will be now. The next track, G4L, is fast drums but still slower feeling. G4L stands for Gangsta for Life. Rihanna is a gangsta rockstar, awesome? The first words she says indicates this isn't a silly pop song with the pop princess prancing around next to a rapper trying to be gangsta. This is the real deal, all Rihanna . The first line is "I lick the gun when I'm done, cuz I know that revenge is sweet..so sweet." She continues with tough lyrics throughout the song "We drivin by with dem headlights off we know where you stay - Do what you did, we don't play that shit, nigga we don't play!" near the end she starts saying "guns in the air, guns in the air, can't hear this again when you come 'round here, we got our guns got our guns got our guns in the mothafuckin air" then at the end she says once again "I lick the gun when I'm done cuz I know that revenge is sweet." The next track is Te Amo. Which was supposedly a leaked track from GGGB, and became a #1 hit in countries like Brazil without even being an official track. It has the spanishlike feel to the beat. The song almost portrays Rihanna as a lesbian, but it is more about a girl in love with Rihanna who Rihann doesn't love back, at least not in that way. Heres a part of the chorus "I said te amo, won't somebody tell me what she said? Don't it mean I love you..I think it means I love you". This is definitely going to be a hit internationally as if it already wasn't. Then it goes to the Timberlake written song. The lyrical content is not Justin's best work, he has done much better. Titled "Cold Case Love", it has a truly amazing beat. Adding sounds and instruments every few minutes. It is the longest song on the album, lasting a little over 6 minutes. Very slow at the beginning, but as it progresses it gets a bit faster and more instruments begin to play. Almost as shes bringing a concert alive and more people want to join in. Near the end it is bursting with instruments and a magnificent sound, especially with Rihannas voice whose vocal's are not overshadowed by the compelling beat. Justin even gets a little beatboxing in! When it gets to the 2 minute left mark you'll be mesmerized by the beat. I was surprised, almost thought it skipped to the next song judging by the change! Guitars, Violens, Pianos, Beatboxing, Synthesizers, Drums - it has it all. Saved by the amazing beat. The last song is infact titled the last song. Its actually my third favorite off the album, with Cold Case Love and Fire Bomb respectively taking the 2nd and 1st. It too starts off slow but progresses nicely. When it gets to the chorus it is spectacular. I love the classic beat, this is one of the songs you'll love when you're 80. She emotionally exclaims "Its time to turn on...THE LAST SONG!" I don't mind if this is the last song I ever hear, but I'd like to hear a bit more Rihanna before I go :) This may not be the best album ever, but its Rihanna's best album and GGGB was definitely setting the bar high. No skippable songs, every is beautiful and worth listening to over and over again. Rihanna delivers, and delivers near perfectly. Beyonce, Gaga, Britney, Miley..get out of the way, very important bitch coming through, Rihanna. Ah, the Rihturn of great, unique music. - Vikey Expand
  66. Jun 2, 2011
    Finally revealing the edginess we've long hoped for, here is the Barbadian pop star's most creative effort and she needn't it be radio-friendly to be a success. Her own Velvet Rope and vengeful masterpiece.
  67. Apr 30, 2012
    Simply perfect. Rihanna got through their emotions with sincerity after previous events, which gave the album a personal touch and can be seen from afar as his best.
  68. Jul 6, 2013
    "Rated R" shows us two different sides of Rihanna and two different ways of getting along with the past: first one shows us a fragile girl who can't deal with the trouble (vulnerable, beautiful ballads like "Russian Roulette", "Cold Case Love"), the second one shows us a dubstep and hip hop diva who can deal with the problems using guns, army ("better yet Navy") and tongue-in-cheek"Rated R" shows us two different sides of Rihanna and two different ways of getting along with the past: first one shows us a fragile girl who can't deal with the trouble (vulnerable, beautiful ballads like "Russian Roulette", "Cold Case Love"), the second one shows us a dubstep and hip hop diva who can deal with the problems using guns, army ("better yet Navy") and tongue-in-cheek language (big, impressive songs like "Hard" or "G4L"). Although those to parts of the CD are completely different together they make a compact album. Some of my favourite songs (excluding 4 that I mentioned before) are: raggamuffin sassy single "Rude Boy", loud and dubsteppy "Wait Your Turn", Latin influenced "Te Amo" and powerful ballad telling us about the power of love "Fire Bomb". Well done Rihanna, well done!

    9 out of 10
  69. Aug 30, 2013
    Brooding with raw emotion and boasting as the only album to have Rihanna serve as a co-writer for the entire track listing, and to serve as an executive producer. To date the most personal and cohesive album in her career.
  70. Nov 1, 2013
    Definetely, HER BEST ALBUM, palpable emotions as always in her case. However, here after battery by our awesome Chris Brown even more noticeable. This album incorporates psycho themes and I like it so much!!! "The Mad House" is my favourite intro ever. "Hard" is my personal anthem and "Fire Bomb" makes me feel like I am not the only one with my maybe a little naive but romantic soul.Definetely, HER BEST ALBUM, palpable emotions as always in her case. However, here after battery by our awesome Chris Brown even more noticeable. This album incorporates psycho themes and I like it so much!!! "The Mad House" is my favourite intro ever. "Hard" is my personal anthem and "Fire Bomb" makes me feel like I am not the only one with my maybe a little naive but romantic soul. Such a warm song! Expand
  71. Mar 14, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mad House 60/100
    Wait Your Turn 80/100
    Hard 100/100
    Stupid in Love 60/100
    Rockstar 101 70/100
    Russian Roulette 100/100
    Fire Bomb 70/100
    Rude Boy 100/100
    Photographs 60/100
    G4L 60/100
    Te Amo 100/100
    Cold Case Love 60/100
    The Last Song 50/100
  72. Apr 8, 2015
    Esse álbum, sem dúvidas, é o melhor disco da carreira da Rihanna, uma música melhor do que a outra, traduções emocionantes, sonoridade diferente, clipes maravilhosos etc...
  73. May 29, 2016
    Still her best to date.Both weird and pop, Rihanna intimate songs portraits a woman that break out a confrotating relationship but dont turn out to be the self pitting break up record, showing a very confident and - as always - daring girl.
  74. Mar 1, 2021
    The best album of all time) It's so emotional. All songs are amazing. But Stupid in love >>>>
  75. May 8, 2021
    My third personal favorite of her! It's so underrated. The album is a mixture of a lot of genres including pop, R&B, rock and hip hop. My favorites are Stupid In Love, Fire Bomb, Russian Roulette and Rude Boy.
  76. CocoE
    Nov 30, 2009
    This is a nice break from what is on the radio right now. I am so tired of all the dancey club music. Now the warning at the start of this CD serves notice and is true--this CD is not for everyone. This is an aggressive and bold CD. And if you listen to it in context of someone going through a ton of emotions related to a brutal break up, media intrusion etc., it all makes sense. Stand This is a nice break from what is on the radio right now. I am so tired of all the dancey club music. Now the warning at the start of this CD serves notice and is true--this CD is not for everyone. This is an aggressive and bold CD. And if you listen to it in context of someone going through a ton of emotions related to a brutal break up, media intrusion etc., it all makes sense. Stand out cuts: The Last Song, Fire Bomb (this should be a single), Stupid In Love, Cold Case Love, Russian Roulette, Rock Star 101 & Photographs. There are a lot of emotions on display and Rihanna owns them all. This is a better reflection of what she can do as an artist than "Good Girl Gone Bad." You can tell that GGGB was made with radio hits in mind, but that is not the case with this CD. This is one of those rare "I don't give a damn..." CDs that a mainstream artist makes once and awhile. "Fire Bomb" should be the next single. This CD will not do as well on the charts but I hope Rihanna isn't detered from pushing the envelope because of that!!! Rihanna should keep following her heart and eventually, radio will catch up to her. Expand
  77. JimJ
    Nov 23, 2009
    This album shows progression and perfect steps that an artists takes in the turning point of their career. Pitched perfect, and with her Caribbean-tint in full effect, Rated R is unstoppable and sure to bring Rihanna critical acclaim. Gear up & get Ready.
  78. NicolaL
    Nov 24, 2009
    Rihanna's best offering yet. There is no 'Umbrella' on Rated R, but it seems like a more honest (and angry) album. Still it does contain some catchy tracks. I loved it.
  79. Nov 19, 2010
    A bleak interpretaion of the last year, overall a solid pop album with some rock and latin influence. While her uptempo numbers are good, it's her ballads, Stupid in Love, Cold Case Love and lead single Russian Roulette that really stand out when she shows off those pipes. The album is unevenly paced, but rightly so. Probably the best pop record of the year.
  80. Nov 25, 2010
    Probably, Rihanna's best album to the date, because at difference of "Loud" we can say that the song are Rihanna's songs because she co-wrote it.
  81. Jun 4, 2011
    Rihanna recovers from the infamous Chris Brown-incident with an album that is both depressing, emotional and moving as well as fierce, dangerous and edgy.

    Some were shocked to find out what had become of their favorite Barbadian party girl. But as Beyoncé had Sasha Fierce, Rihanna is willing to show off her alter ego as well. Question is, was it too early to let the new
    Rihanna recovers from the infamous Chris Brown-incident with an album that is both depressing, emotional and moving as well as fierce, dangerous and edgy.

    Some were shocked to find out what had become of their favorite Barbadian party girl. But as Beyoncé had Sasha Fierce, Rihanna is willing to show off her alter ego as well. Question is, was it too early to let the new Rihanna Chris Brown has unintentionally created take over, or is it appropriate for the R&B princess to let her dark side get the best of her, considering what happened? The urban superstar is chaotic and immersive at times, as proven by the unappealingly scary Mad House. As well, she appears to be trying to hard to maintain an edgy and dangerous tone and image. The immelodious mess that is G4L proves my point, as goosebumps run down one's arms when Rihanna's voice sneers along minor tones and Auto-Tune blurs the chaos together. Same goes for the overly melodramatic The Last Song in which the Barbadian singer's emotional reminiscing takes down the quality of her sound. I would almost note that RiRi's voice doesn't seem to fit for weeping ballads, if it wasn't for the slight brilliance that Stupid In Love weighs in. Although this track's sadness is annoying at times, the lyrical tone and calypso-resembling underbeats level up the track to that of an enchanting break-up song. The beats are continued in almost cheerful, late-night lesbian experience hinting song Te Amo and the intruiging Cold Case Love which appears to be a slower version of Stupid in Love. Cold Case Love is by far one of the best tracks on the album, striking at Chris Brown lyrically several times. The song delivers a litteral CB-reference once (''What you did to me was a crime"), then continues to ultimately deny the obvious ("Your love was breaking the law") by changing the subject from physical to emotional harm, finally combining the two neatly. But Rihanna's producers and management have made sure their cash cow wouldn't drown in a sea of despair completely by nailing down a few playful, tough and upbeat songs. These songs, however, prove incapable of changing the album's dark overall tone. The happiest tune found is the #1 hit Rude Boy, an obvious musical reference to seventies and eighties feminism (think Grace Jones as well as Madonna and Blondie) and a lyrical anthem to one-night stands, stating Rihanna might be hurt and broken down, but is still dirty and down with the boys. This message is continued in the enthralling Fire Bomb, which would've been a highlight if it hadn't been for the annoying hardrock underbeat which starts the song. By far the best track on the album is the phenomonal Hard, for which RiRi collaborated with Young Jeezy. The track suggests fire, fierceness and danger, as well as an enormous ego and arrogance on the level of Kanye West. But let's not forget the words of that other R&B miracle, Beyoncé, who once sang: "Some call it arrogant, I call it confident." As long as Rihanna keeps her ego down in real life, the arrogance of Hard mesmerizes and thrills to the max. But that was it for the good news. The will.i.am collaboration Photographs is nice at first sight, but fails to impress after careful relistening. And the one who penned down the awful Russian Roulette for Rihanna, should be fired! Rihanna's voice, coming deep from her throat, transforms this drag to something that's even worse. Accompanied by that horrible music video, the choice of Russian Roulette as the album's lead single was what discouraged me to buy Rated R in the first place.
  82. May 26, 2011
    Definitely her best album, very dark and personal. It's a shame she put out such a generic album (LOUD) once this wasn't that successful commercially though.
  83. Aug 14, 2011
    With all due respect to Rihanna, Chris Brown's assault was the best thing that happened to her career. After her less than exciting Good Girl Gone Bad, she needed something fresh to pick up the slack. She found it. The highlights of this album include Hard, Rockstar 101, Firebomb, Te Amo, Russian Roulette, and Rude Boy. It should also be noted that this album contains less ballads thanWith all due respect to Rihanna, Chris Brown's assault was the best thing that happened to her career. After her less than exciting Good Girl Gone Bad, she needed something fresh to pick up the slack. She found it. The highlights of this album include Hard, Rockstar 101, Firebomb, Te Amo, Russian Roulette, and Rude Boy. It should also be noted that this album contains less ballads than Good Girl Gone Bad, so if you too found that album to be a bore, don't be afraid to try this. Expand
  84. Mar 24, 2012
    Rated R is, by far, Rihanna's best work yet. Even if the album takes a quite shameful profit of Rihanna's private life situation at the moment, the quality of the record is undeniable. It is sad that this one was not as successful as Good Girl Gone Bad, being, in fact, her least successful album, tied with "Music of the Sun". This, to me, is a proof of how the general public doesn't takeRated R is, by far, Rihanna's best work yet. Even if the album takes a quite shameful profit of Rihanna's private life situation at the moment, the quality of the record is undeniable. It is sad that this one was not as successful as Good Girl Gone Bad, being, in fact, her least successful album, tied with "Music of the Sun". This, to me, is a proof of how the general public doesn't take her seriously, and that's disappointing, but understandable. This album is the only one where her has taken a role as an artist. She has writing credits on some songs, including the best song on the album "Fire Bomb". I fear she will never take that role again, given the much more successful "Loud". She saved this album's campaign with the smash single "Rude Boy" with is an extremely simple yet enjoyable Caribbean-pop record. That could make us expect what was, sadly, coming next.

    Highlights: Cold Case Love, Fire Bomb, Stupid in Love, Wait your Turn.
  85. Aug 24, 2012
    I feel like this is Rihanna's best work. "mad house" was an amazing intro and each song was amazing. I feel like she simply wanted to amaze people in her "rude boy" track. That was her worst track. But she shows her bad side and the old her in the "Russian roulette" track. Overall a great album.
  86. Jan 16, 2019
    Another good album from Rihanna, its a step down from Good Girl Gone Bad but there are some solid songs and it had some good single choices.
  87. Jan 15, 2015
    Excelente Álbum de Rihanna.Mad House,Rockstar 101 fode um pouco o álbum mas continua um grande álbum.

    Top 5 Rated R 2009
    1-Fire Bomb
    2-Russian Roulette
    3-Wait Your Turn
    4-Te Amo
    5-Cold Case Love
  88. Feb 4, 2016
    Rated R is more foreboding and mature album than Rihanna's previous records, starting out with the suitably strange "Mad House" and ending with a haunting ballad "The Last Song." "Russian Roulette" is another stand out from the album while "Rude Boy" is more in tune with Rihanna's previous pop hits.
  89. Apr 28, 2015
    My favorite Rihanna album, and apparently everyone else's favorite too. Rated R is dark and brilliant, but it never strays away from the catchy hooks and hip hop beats that Rihanna does so well. The songs are varied but flow together nicely, making for a cohesive and memorable pop album. My personal favorite songs are Cold Case Love, Rude Boy, and Stupid in Love, but there are a lot ofMy favorite Rihanna album, and apparently everyone else's favorite too. Rated R is dark and brilliant, but it never strays away from the catchy hooks and hip hop beats that Rihanna does so well. The songs are varied but flow together nicely, making for a cohesive and memorable pop album. My personal favorite songs are Cold Case Love, Rude Boy, and Stupid in Love, but there are a lot of great songs on here, and they're spaced out nicely. So aside from a few weak tracks, Rated R is a thoroughly enjoyable and emotional experience start to finish. Expand
  90. May 25, 2016
    1. Mad House 100/100
    2. Wait Your Turn 100/100
    3. Hard 90/100
    4. Stupid in Love 60/100
    5. Rockstar 101 95/100
    6. Russian Roulette 35/100
    7. Fire Bomb 20/100
    8. Rude Boy 100/100
    9. Photographs 95/100
    10. G4L 65/100
    11. Te Amo 90/100
    12. Cold Case Love 100/100
    13. The Last Song 65/100
    14. Hole in My Head 95/100

    Metascore: 79
  91. Apr 4, 2016
    ................................................................................................................................The best album of Rihanna................ Full of great & beautiful Ballads....
  92. Aug 20, 2019
    Абсолютный рост после предыдущего альбома, звучание под стать Рианне, несколько промахов, но в общем работа лучшая, на тот момент, в карьере певицы.
  93. May 26, 2020
    Rihanna decides to get more personal with listeners on her fourth studio album. This album succeeds in many ways with production and lyrical content. but sometimes it doesn't always resonate sonically. This is her most unique album to date and she takes many risks within the project which I appreciate even if they don't always pay off.

    Album Track Ranking: 1. Russian Roulette 2. The
    Rihanna decides to get more personal with listeners on her fourth studio album. This album succeeds in many ways with production and lyrical content. but sometimes it doesn't always resonate sonically. This is her most unique album to date and she takes many risks within the project which I appreciate even if they don't always pay off.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. Russian Roulette
    2. The Last Song
    3. Rude Boy
    4. G4L
    5. Te Amo
    6. Stupid in Love
    7. ROCKSTAR 101 (feat. Slash)
    8. Fire Bomb
    9. Wait Your Turn
    10. Cold Case Love
    11. Photographs (feat. will.i.am)
    12. Mad House
    13. Hard (feat. Jeezy)
  94. ruir
    Nov 23, 2009
    With no doubts , her best album .
  95. MichaelH
    Nov 26, 2009
    I was pleasantly surprised with this album. Even if it isn't well written, produced, or for that matter a strong album on it's own, it does represent a lot in it's context. Rihanna co-wrote 9 songs -- a first for her. She also stood as executive co-producer, and did a majority of the styling and creative direction. I think she had something to say, and even if we think I was pleasantly surprised with this album. Even if it isn't well written, produced, or for that matter a strong album on it's own, it does represent a lot in it's context. Rihanna co-wrote 9 songs -- a first for her. She also stood as executive co-producer, and did a majority of the styling and creative direction. I think she had something to say, and even if we think it's sensationalizing her past, it's still making a statement about physical abuse and the emotions that run their gambit subsequently. Of course she hasn't been through the worst a person can go through. But she had to go through it with absolutely no privacy. I think she accomplished something pretty cool, even if she isn't really Rated R. Expand
  96. Mar 6, 2012
    This is probably My favorite rihanna album due to fact she's a bad ass on this album. Her features and her songs makes her sound intimidating and powerful. This is Rihanna's Best Work
  97. Dec 18, 2014
    Mad House 100/100
    Wait Your Turn 100/100
    Hard 95/100
    Stupid in Love 60/100
    Rockstar 101 100/100
    Russian Roulette 5/100
    Fire Bomb 5/100
    Rude Boy 100/100
    Photographs 95/100
    G4L 90/100
    Te Amo 90/100
    Cold Case Love 100/100
    The Last Song 80/100
  98. Jun 15, 2016
    The album is fine, but definitely not the most appealing. At times it feels awesome to listen to, but sometimes you really just want to skip the song . It is extremely fluid in some places yet completely dry in others. If this album wasn't so daring I would not give it more than a 5.
  99. Feb 17, 2020
    Rihanna's most personal album becomes where she went through everything and put it in a good way and with great melancholy. It becomes a good way to hear, and your sound is a distant and good thing to catch up and improve more and more. It's fascinating to hear and really takes the listener on a journey.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Jun 24, 2011
    You are way, way better off not projecting any kind of emotional subtext onto this record.
  2. What works as therapeutic psychodrama for the singer doesn't always work quite as well as pop music, which, from the shiny surfaces, it's clear everyone here is still striving for.
  3. Nothing else on the album can top 'Russian Roulette,' but they certainly complement it, and make its startling conclusion feel sadly inevitable.