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  1. Jan 10, 2020
    Magical, iconic, legendary, perfect, her best album to date. This album is so different, it really shows off her growth as an artist and as a person
  2. Jan 10, 2020
    Her most personal albums, and Cudi and selena verse is so good all songs are single worthy!!
  3. May 14, 2020
    One of the most original, creative, and self-confident pop-album by far. Selena really gave us a complete album and let the world know her value. The lyrics are deep, intense, and truthful. She proved that now she is no longer a Disney girl but a strong woman that recognize how much she means for herself
  4. Jul 28, 2020
    For me, the best album by Selena. a wide variety of sounds and letters, perfect for every moment
  5. Jan 10, 2020
    This album shown a clear evolution of Selena as an artist, mixed with good production in conjecture with those good compositions, her most mature, impactful and powerful work, even when songs like Ring or Kinda Crazy seems to be simple... they win a special meaning when we talk about the whole album
  6. Jan 10, 2020

    Honestly this album is a masterpiece and topped her last album REVIVAL (which is a good and trendsetting album in 2015).
    People who don't like this album I respect your opinion but sorry your taste sucks. The versatility and the production in this album are extraordinary. I can't praise Selena enough, brilliant album. Honestly shocked in a good way.
  7. Jan 10, 2020
    RARE by Selena Gomez it´s amazing. I just can´t explain how good it is. It's a wonderful fresh air to my soul.
  8. Jan 10, 2020
    Cada cancion es tan especial y en cada una tiene algo que decirnos. es simplemente fantástico.
  9. Jan 11, 2020
    This album is great, shows vulnerability and honesty whilst providing genuine bops!
  10. Jan 11, 2020
    I loved !! The album is amazing. my favorite song is a sweeter place!!!!!!
  11. Jan 11, 2020
    Its beautiful. Has a great message and I think everyone who wants to learn to love themselves needs to listen to this album. Tracks like Cut you off and Vulnerable are a great example of growth
  12. Jan 11, 2020
    O álbum é um exemplo de coesão com um pop leve que combina com a voz de Selena.
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    One of her best albums ever! Selena has such a sweet voice! loved it. keep listening all day long
  14. Jan 10, 2020
    I love it, It's Masterpiece, Album of the Decade, I love the Lyrics, the Vocals, the Choruses, everything, thing, thing.
  15. Jan 10, 2020
    o álbum está simplesmente perfeito e os vídeosclipes também. ring e rare são as melhores faixas de "rare"
  16. Jan 10, 2020
    This is literally one of the best albums this year so far, so personal, so honest....I'm not even her fan (but i'll think about it)
    She makes good album, unlike her ex
  17. Jan 10, 2020
    After waiting nearly 5 years, I couldn’t be happier with this album. The lyrics are awesome and the musical style really suits her voice.
  18. Jan 10, 2020
    Un gran album super arte nuevos sonidos sin duda selena evolucionó bastante
  19. Jan 10, 2020
    Es un álbum bueno. Cada canción en el tienen un beat o un lyric que te atrapa. Thank u Selena
  20. Jan 12, 2020
    The best album of milenium, and my 2nd favorite of selena gomez, this album is art..
  21. Jan 10, 2020
    Totalmente variado com letras impecáveis e ritmos imprevisíveis, o vocal também tá perfeito, não tenho nada a dizer apenas enaltecer
  22. Jan 10, 2020
    Is the best álbum, with new sounds, New feelings, have everything!!!!!!
    Miss Gomez is a Legend Kisses
  23. Jan 11, 2020
    This is a whole new sound from Selena and I love it!!! Her previous label never let her experiment and it shows now
  24. Jan 10, 2020
    Es un álbum demasiado bueno, sin duda el mejor de toda su carrera. Las líricas son excelentes y se nota que los casi 5 años de descanso le sirvieron para mejorar su técnica vocal y perfeccionar los sonidos del álbum.
  25. Jan 10, 2020
    The album is a masterpiece, the best pop album i've hear since Red from Taylor Swift.
  26. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare é um álbum maravilhoso. Apresenta uma Selena mais madura nas letras.
  27. Jan 12, 2020
    I love it its a grower u just need to give time and it will grow on you and u will not stop listening to it !
  28. Jan 11, 2020
    It's an amazing album, lyrics on point, we see a new Selena and how mature she is now.
  29. Jan 10, 2020
    a Selena mostrou um grande amadurecimento em todas as músicas do álbum, todas com refrões impecáveis com uma sonoridade muito gostosinha de ouvir várias e várias vezes sem enjoar e com certeza valeu toda a espera.
  30. Jan 10, 2020
    Мне нравится этот альбом своим лёгким звучанием. Но даже несмотря на это, надев наушники и вслушавшись внимательно в инструментал и мотив, понимаешь насколько глубокая это музыка.
  31. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena's new album can honestly be called triumphant. I was looking forward to this release more than anything in the world, every rumor about the release of a lead single, the album itself, made me nervous, because it was so hard for me to wait. I even at some point took offense at Selena, tried to drown out expectations by listening to other artists, but nothing came out because SelenaSelena's new album can honestly be called triumphant. I was looking forward to this release more than anything in the world, every rumor about the release of a lead single, the album itself, made me nervous, because it was so hard for me to wait. I even at some point took offense at Selena, tried to drown out expectations by listening to other artists, but nothing came out because Selena is too close to my soul. When "Lose You to Love Me" and "Look At Her Now" came out, I knew that my expectations would definitely be met. Now we will move smoothly to the main release of this year. There is no doubt that Selena has grown significantly in musical terms, it is possible that even reached its peak.

    For 10 years of musical activity "Rare" is the most honest and sincere album of a young pop icon. The record opens with the album's eponymous song, which vaguely resembles "Bad Liar", but a more rhythmic version. The composition makes it clear that now this music is "not a former actress of the Disney series", but a formed pop star who proved that she is much more than an "Ex-Actress".

    One of the contenders for the hit unconditionally are "Dance Again" and "Kinda Crazy", which captivate with their text and dance chorus, impregnated with jamming motifs. "People You Know" - the song that you want to get lost in the dance and cry from the touching message of the song. The girl sings "what can hurt more, if not that people can leave" - one of the sad songs of the album.

    In "Let Me Get Me", the artist appeals to herself that sometimes it is better to forget about worries and twisted thoughts and give yourself up to full immersion in dancing. This song is perfect as a pill for depression.

    "Ring" and "Fun" have become really untested songs for me, which undoubtedly have an attractive text and rhythm, but I think that in the near future these songs will still capture my soul.

    If we talk about another sad song, then of course it will be "Vulnerable", in addition to the touching text, the song also sounds stuck in my head chorus, which we will hum all day.

    You can't forget about perhaps the most cheeky song on the album, namely "Cut You Off". Selena sings quite defiantly and makes it clear to one **** that it's time to throw this weight off their shoulders. I can call this song the most adult song of Selena and one of the best on the album.

    And here we come to the end and touch on two unexpected duets with talented rappers 6LACK and Kid Cudi. To begin with," Crowded Room " is the quietest song on the album, but you still want to get up and relax and immerse yourself in Selena's caressing vocals.

    We could not see Selena on the radar for a long time and did not know where she was, so Selena with the song "a Sweeter Place" notified us where she was. She was far from reality, and this time she was completely reborn. When I heard a piece of the song, I sang it every day. And so the song lived up to expectations, as well as the entire album as a whole.

    I thought the album would be good, but not as good as it came out. 4 years of living in everyday expectations it all went for good reason. We all got the best Selena album. Selena has never been a singer who successfully appeared and abruptly began to lose relevance. With each album sales and success are higher, not every artist can achieve this. I believe that it is better to get a great result after a while than to successfully start and go to the bottom and be forgotten. We all live at the same time as Selena Gomez, appreciate it.
    My ratings for songs:

    1. "Rare" : 9.5/10
    2. "Dance Again" 10/10
    3. "Look At Her Now" 10/10
    4. "Lose You to Love Me" 10/10
    5. "Ring" 7/10
    6. "Vulnerable" 10/10
    7. "People You Know" 10/10
    8. "Let Me Get There" 8.5/10
    9. "Crowded Room" (feat. 6LACK) 9/10
    10. "Kinda Crazy" 10/10
    11. "Fun" 7.5/10
    12. "Cut You Off" 10/10
    13. "A Sweeter Place" (feat. Kid Cudi)10/10
    Overall album score: 10/10
  32. Jan 10, 2020
    Cada canción se siente tan real, historia siendo contada, algo que necesitábamos por parte de ella
  33. Jan 10, 2020
    Шикарный альбом. Приятный голос, расслабляющая музыка. Этот альбом лучше ее предыдущих альбомов .
  34. Jan 10, 2020
    One of her best albums. You can see she improved as an artist in her mature lyrics.
  35. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So proud of her & her work! „Rare” is her best album, much better than „Revival” Expand
  36. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum es grandioso, sus estética, letras, es todo perfecto, ella en el una voz muy relajante, me hubiera gustado que tuviera mas canciones pero fuera de eso esta súper bien. Lo único que no me gusta es su portada que podría haber sido mejor pero si ella la escogió fue por algo y no somos nadie para juzgarla. Expand
  37. Jan 10, 2020
    She did it all, put her whole soul into this album and it's perfect, it's sensitive, fun, real, it all conveyed in such a light and striking lyrics, her voice makes you go along with the story told, flying! The collaborations just made me realize how much she still has to give, totally out of her comfort zone and found her way, her style, and she dominates him, it wouldn't scare me if fromShe did it all, put her whole soul into this album and it's perfect, it's sensitive, fun, real, it all conveyed in such a light and striking lyrics, her voice makes you go along with the story told, flying! The collaborations just made me realize how much she still has to give, totally out of her comfort zone and found her way, her style, and she dominates him, it wouldn't scare me if from now on listen to similar songs, it's a trendmaker.
    This women showed us how much she can tell a story like no one else.
  38. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a masterpiece.. this album is so so honest and beautiful. I appreciate selena works he did it! Expand
  39. Jan 10, 2020
    Expendido !!!!!!!!
    Vuneravel !!!!!!!!
    Pessoal !!!!!!!! Incrível !!!!!!!!!!!!
  40. Jan 10, 2020
    Conceito, coesão e aclamação... Se é isso que você está procurando, ouça Rare. É um álbum profundo e sentimental que te prende do início ao fim, fugindo um pouco daquele pop farofa de sempre
  41. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfeito e coeso o melhor trabalho da cantora sem duvidas, mostrando que o termino só lhe fez ben Expand
  42. Jan 10, 2020
    Perfeito e sem defeito! O melhor álbum da Selena Gomez até o momento, superando o Revival
  43. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare is a bible, I love it, it's the most perfect and vulnerable álbum of her.
  44. Jan 10, 2020
    Conceito, coesão e aclamação! O álbum é perfeito e totalmente memorável desde a primeira vez que ouvi, produção impecável.
  45. Jan 10, 2020
    PERFEITO, ACLAMADO E COESO! THIS IS RARE. Obrigada Selena, por tentar salvar o pop.
  46. Jan 10, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece! For a person that has been with Selena since the beginning is such an emotional and amazing experience to see how much she has grown and evolved. All the songs and lyrics are amazing, she deserves the best.
  47. Jan 10, 2020
    Best album and I couldn´t be prouder of her ... she is perfect and her new songs are so personal and cohesive
  48. Jan 10, 2020
    This is Selena’s best album. It quite follows the remarkable Revival, but with a more deep and personal content. Also, the production is very well worked and the versatility of Gomez on the tracks come together to life giving us a cohesive and pleasing pop album.
  49. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. We haven't heard actual POP for so long. Selena definitely brought the pop sound back. Expand
  50. Jan 10, 2020
    this is so good, mature and sophisticated. surpassed the revival, period.
  51. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare estar sendo um abordado como um pop perfect,ele começa redundante e termina esplêndido.
  52. Jan 10, 2020
    Um album animado porem profundo. Esse é sem dúvidas o melhor album em décadas da Selena.
  53. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wonderful album with touching lyrics and beautiful melodies. Selena's voice is angelic, it's kind of like paradise. This is honest, empowering and uplifting work. I never get tired of listening to the songs at all times of my day. As she says in "Fun": can't stop myself! I feel like a dancing queen. Expand
  54. Jan 10, 2020
    selena superou minhas expetativas com rare, esse álbum é maravilhoso e bem melhor que o revival.
  55. Jan 11, 2020
    The album is totally perfect, Selena shows her best face as an unique artist. Selena’s evolution on music just gets better in every work she does thru the years
  56. Jan 10, 2020
    An album with harmonic lyrics, it makes you feel her history. This is the songs you’ll heard when you’ll go to heaven.
  57. Feb 5, 2020
    simplesmente perfeito, vocais excepcionais, melodias, tudo, selena realmente deu tudo de si e não decepcionou.
  58. Jan 10, 2020
    After four years of waiting Selena arrived showing that she can still shake the musical structures, with extremely personal lyrics with really important messages, her voice never sounded better.
  59. Jan 10, 2020
    congratulations to Selena, this album is such a masterpiece in her discography. The lyrics talk about overcoming, psychological problems that should not be ignored and more. Good lyrics, amazing sound and brilliant songs.
    Those four years off were worth it, I hope it to be nominated for a 2021 Grammy on album of the year
  60. Jan 10, 2020
    realmente o álbum do ano, Selena Gomez fez seu álbum mais sincero e entregou um trabalho impecável.
  61. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena bringing everything the pop music world needed since 2013, thats flawless!
  62. Jan 10, 2020
    Best album ever All the songs are wonderful.
    Selena surpassed herself, she came out of her comfort zone and it worked very well.
    Vulnerable, sincere and strong that's all we need
  63. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Inspiring bringing cohesion from beginning to the end. Selena has never been so Somcere. and Expand
  64. Jan 10, 2020
    O álbum tá perfeito. A voz, as batidas das músicas, as letras que você sente todo o sentimento que ela colocou. Melhor álbum da Selena
  65. Jan 10, 2020
    Harmonic, sensitive and fun. The best gomez does in career years, mature and superior to current generic pop
  66. Jan 10, 2020
    Melhor album da carreira, quem discorda é bolsominion. Quem ta votando vermelho é fan do strummy bieber.
  67. Jan 10, 2020
    Definitely one of the best albums of the year yet! Bop aftee bop, the queen of pop served
  68. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Só amazing! Better than revival. I am very proud of her growth. It's good to see she's fine too. Expand
  69. Jan 10, 2020
    I'm SO proud of Selena. Like I can't even begin to explain. This album is so well-crafted, thought, produced, written. Every song is a piece of art. Pure pop gems, not trying to hop on any trend. Extremely authentic
  70. Jan 10, 2020
    Amazing, the album is incredible! Selena can be so powerful in the songs, she’s an amazing singer.
  71. Jan 10, 2020
    mature lyrics, rhythms and well placed arrangements. With each song an amazing story, Selena surpassed herself with this album.
  72. Jan 11, 2020
    Um dos melhores álbuns já feitos nos últimos anos! Coeso do início ao fim, perfeito!
  73. Jan 10, 2020
    This is her best album. She sounds more confident and honest. This is, definitely, one of the best pop albuns I've ever heard. Selena is so talented and deserves her successful career.
  74. Jan 10, 2020
    So honest. So good. Thank you, Selena. Honestly the best thing on this album is how Selena put your emotions on the songs, incredible.
  75. Jan 10, 2020
    Rare is a beautiful story. The ups and downs a person go through when she fall in and out of love. It's a journey of learning, healing and knowing you can't hold hands with darkness and obviously brings a message that all that teaches you to love yourself over anything or anyone. Amazing album. Proud of selena.
  76. Jan 10, 2020
    The pop perfection in an album! Just wel-produced and with lyrics on point!
  77. Jan 10, 2020
    this album just justify the title, is truly rare!! Selena show's a different person in this one, stronger and full of self trust. The album is authentical and inspiring, a work very different than the others of the singer.
  78. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is the best pop album since 1989, the lyrics are on point and she worked her vocals really well...... love t Expand
  79. Jan 10, 2020
    PERFEITO, CHEIO DE CONCEITO, NUNCA DECEPCIONA AMO um bjo p quem tá dando nota baixa de propósito
  80. Jan 10, 2020
    She is back, and EVERYBODY know it.
    Ring is one of my favorites with Dance Again and Let Me Get Me
  81. Jan 10, 2020
    Best thing happened in 2020!!! Rare is so good, makes you feel free and happy.
  82. Jan 10, 2020
    This album is just magnificence! She's been helping me to get through a lot these with her lyrics. Thank you, Selena.
  83. Jan 10, 2020
    Oh my goddess, this album make me so happy.. Selena you’re amazing and a hope you more love, because you deserve!
  84. Jan 10, 2020
    A letra faz voar com a imaginação! Esse álbum tem uma melodia única e ao mesmo tempo faz lembrar muito dela. Tem muito de RARE!
  85. Jan 10, 2020
    Perfect! With each song the sound and lyrics become even more perfect. Charming and bright!
  86. Jan 10, 2020
    perfect akamamakkamama qoospwzkak yes uiodowow sepwwp crowded room best song kadowio album of the year epwpwpwppwpw
  87. Jan 10, 2020
    The most perfect album of Selena Gomez. In it we can see that Selena has put all her soul and feelings to create it. Each song tells us a story, and that's really cool. There are in "Rare" different melodies that show a new side of the singer. An excellent album with amazing productions and compositions.
  88. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is the Best album of the 2020! Is a amazing album. Congratulations Selena for album. Expand
  89. Jan 10, 2020
    perfect at all, people you know is THAT song.a sweeter place is so nice to listen. this album is everything.
  90. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is incredible. Selena did so good with this one, it has different genres, it has good beats, amazing lyrics and talks about everything. 10/10 would recommend! Expand
  91. Jan 10, 2020
    Es uno de los mejores álbumes que he oido, es muy renovador, lo siento muy pero muy diferente a todos, es algo bueno y excelente, son ritmos que inspiran y te hacen sentir feliz y con sus letras te puedes identificar.
  92. Jan 10, 2020
    It should be perfect already just because Crowded Room exists. I love the growth and it is a great follow up to revival’s EDM 2015 sound.
  93. Nov 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love so much! Sg ❤️❤️ ........................................................................ Expand
  94. Jan 10, 2020
    perfeito, não tinha como ser melhor, 4 anos de espera valeram a pena, músicas impecáveis e muito bem trabalhadas, difícil escolher uma favorita
  95. Jan 10, 2020
  96. Jan 10, 2020
    i love it so much, album of the year for sure her best album, i still not have a favorite beacuse all is a amazing, such good lycris o love it
  97. Jan 11, 2020
    Lo mejor musica que ha hecho hasta el dia de hoy sin duda alguna,es asombroso cada sentiemiento que trasmitio a travez de sus versos,el album del año sin duda.
  98. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A selena lançou um álbum maduro, coeso, com identidade musical,essa mulher não cansa de evoluir e entregar materiais incríveis Expand
  99. Jan 10, 2020
    Its amazing, a mature album! Nothing comercial, it demains corage cause lately People Just care about charts.
  100. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena’s best album, all the songs in it are awesome. I’m so happy for her

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.