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  1. Jan 10, 2020
    Hi. I'll probably get hate for this but here we go... "Rare" is a good pop album. It has its ups but it also has its downs. There are songs powerful with strong lyrics about Gomez's life (i know she had some troubles even though im not a big fan) while other songs are the most basic radio pop you'll ever hear. Some people might like that but i really dont. It's not bad but could have beenHi. I'll probably get hate for this but here we go... "Rare" is a good pop album. It has its ups but it also has its downs. There are songs powerful with strong lyrics about Gomez's life (i know she had some troubles even though im not a big fan) while other songs are the most basic radio pop you'll ever hear. Some people might like that but i really dont. It's not bad but could have been so much better if some songs weren't there
    Best Songs: Rare,Lose you to love me,Crowded room, a sweeter place
    Worst songs: Look at her now, Fun,Dance again
  2. Jan 10, 2020
    Such generic productions, with forgettable melodies and tired vocals. The lyrics to some songs are the best part of the LP, but still their beat are so outdated that can't overcome. It's a LP to listen to the singles only and two or three other songs.
  3. Dec 5, 2020
    Boyfriend - 5,5/10
    Rare - 8/10
    Souvenir - 7/10
    Dance Again - 6,5/10
    Look At Her Now - 7,5/10
    She - 7/10
    Lose You to Love Me - 9/10
    Ring - 7,5/10
    Vulnerable - 6/10
    People You Know - 7/10
    Let Me Get Me - 5,5/10
    Crowded Room (feat. 6LACK) - 7/10
    Kinda Crazy - 6,2/10
    Fun - 6,5/10
    Cut You Off - 6,2/10
    A Sweeter Place (feat. Kid Cudi) - 6,3/10
    Feel Me - 8/10
  4. Jan 10, 2020
    Embora o álbum seja bem diferente do que a Selena está acostumada, é bem inferior ao revival.
  5. May 29, 2020
    The production satisfys but one can't help but desire a better vocalist accompanying the instrumentals. Selena has improved her lyrical abilities but "Rare" needs more of a punch from her soul.
  6. Jan 10, 2020
    The first half of the album from 'Rare' to 'People You Know' is amazing. Each song has it's own individual sound and is notable. However, the second half of the album isn't memorable and the songs begin to sound like one continuous track given the homogenised sound and also the repetitive lyrics. The highlights of this album are 'Dance Again', 'Lose You to Love Me', 'Ring' andThe first half of the album from 'Rare' to 'People You Know' is amazing. Each song has it's own individual sound and is notable. However, the second half of the album isn't memorable and the songs begin to sound like one continuous track given the homogenised sound and also the repetitive lyrics. The highlights of this album are 'Dance Again', 'Lose You to Love Me', 'Ring' and 'Vulnerable'. The pitfalls and songs that probably should have been scrapped are 'Look at Her Now' and 'Fun'. The irony in this is Revival and Rare are both lyrically more sophisticated however are not cohesive records. At least with Stars Dance there was some cohesion. Expand
  7. Jan 13, 2020
    It's not bad (like she did before revival) it's just basic and I can't stop think about the fact that most of the songs she can't perform live.
  8. Jan 10, 2020
    She had the opportunity to sing about overcoming her kidney transplant complications, mental health issues, and about how she finally found herself and her true identity in a more explicit and with more depth. Some of the songs are good, some are extensively "poppified" and some sound like plain fillers.
  9. Jan 10, 2020
    She could not top her previous, Revival. The album is not bad per day by any means, it just seems to miss the bar. Waiting four years for an album not as good as her previous is somewhat disappointing.
  10. Jan 10, 2020
    É ótimoooo, mas tem umas faixas que eu tiraria do álbum porque fazem a essência dele cair
  11. Jan 17, 2020
    Selena tries to create a fresh pop album, but it's hard to call this album this way. The sound and production are good, but here one the main problem is the lack of songs that can stuck in you head. Exceptions are Look At Her Now, Dance Again and Vulnerable. All other songs have a special feature - to disappear from your mind after the first listening. This album doesn't have wonderfulSelena tries to create a fresh pop album, but it's hard to call this album this way. The sound and production are good, but here one the main problem is the lack of songs that can stuck in you head. Exceptions are Look At Her Now, Dance Again and Vulnerable. All other songs have a special feature - to disappear from your mind after the first listening. This album doesn't have wonderful magic, that makes you listen to this again and again. Expand
  12. Jan 10, 2020
    The album sounds good, but isnt her best album, looks like an generic album and i dont feel she grew up with this album (beats), but and lyrics yes
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    "Rare" is a minor evolution of Selena Gomez from the revival, the album delivers a lot of good songs like "People You Know" and "A Sweeter Place" but it's not that good in itself, the album starts in a way and it goes backwards and backwards when it comes to the last tracks where it is again only in the last track, the production does not deliver anything new, nor the lyrics, does not show"Rare" is a minor evolution of Selena Gomez from the revival, the album delivers a lot of good songs like "People You Know" and "A Sweeter Place" but it's not that good in itself, the album starts in a way and it goes backwards and backwards when it comes to the last tracks where it is again only in the last track, the production does not deliver anything new, nor the lyrics, does not show an artistic evolution of a girl who was 4 years without releasing an album and that is a little disappointing. Expand
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    Algunas canciones son joyitas, aunque muchas otras no hay por dónde cogerlas. Aun así, me está gustando la evolución musical de Selena Gomez.
  15. Jan 10, 2020
    the songs are pretty much the same showing that pop music is generic because most releases contain songs always the same
  16. Aug 28, 2020
    outro album que saturou muito rapido, ele é bom de primeira ouvida, mas agr so consigo ouvir souvenir e as vezes crowded room
  17. kcc
    Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. there are a few memorable songs, the rest sounds like the same songs that are already in the album. Expand
  18. Jan 10, 2020
    the album does happen to be the shadow of its past relationships, and problems, she had to leave that behind and be stronger, the sounds seem to be the same in each song, but it has positive messages.
  19. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. QUICK HONEST REVIEW FOR NON-FANS:
    1) Rare: nice beat and vocals. The chorus is interesting. Overall the lyrics is good. 2) Dance Again: I don’t mind it, definitely has some catchy parts and overall a very “dance” vibe. The lyrics are repetitive and not particularly elaborate, but it’s fine. Decent song.
    3) Look at her now: Nice pop song, I like the message behind it. The chorus is original and catchy. One of the best songs of the album.
    4) Lose you to love me: it’s the only ballad in the album and one of the best songs in it as well. Powerful vocals in the chorus. Also, her sweet voice sounds really pleasing. Nice lyrics as well.
    5) Ring: she should have made more songs like this one. Catchy, different vibe, slight vibrato on point, the flavor is there. I was pleasantly surprised when I listened to it for the first time. It’s my favorite out of all of songs.
    6) Vulnerable: nice lyrics but the music is a no for me. It feels like they wrote the lyrics first and then asked themselves “Okay, now we have to come up with some random melody that can fit all of these words”. Best part of the song is the bridge. Overall: boring, which is sad because the lyrics is nice. 7) People you know: just no. The music is fine and it could have been catchy but the lyrics is way too repetitive. The only thing she says over and over again:”We used to be close but people can go from people you know to people you don’t”. It’s not even a deep’s literally like singing “It’s very bad that water is wet”. Boring much?
    8) Let Me Get me: meh, not bad but not great. I like the message behind it which is to stop self sabotaging. The music, however, is nothing special nor catchy. I wouldn’t listen to it if it wasn’t Selena’s song.
    9) Crowded Room: baby it’s just me and you, just us two even in a crowded room. Repeat it infinite times, one time in the normal key and the second one in a higher key + boring, mellow music + random rap verse. There you go, here’s “Crowded Room”.
    10) Kinda Crazy: starts with the guitar, the melody is well promising. You would imagine Selena to start singing in a “powerful”/strong tone...but no. Instead, she decides to go for the whisper style making the whole song WEAKER. Annoying, it could have a been a good song but the lack of strong vocal parts destroyed everything. Heard stronger vocals in Lose You To Love me and Ring, even. I know you could have done it why didn’t you?
    11) Fun: Julia Michals was here...and it shows. Nice song, definitely has a “fun” vibe. Hits differently after listening to all those previous boring songs.
    12) Cut You Off: Nice, I like both the lyrics and the music. Vocals are okay, nothing crazy but she has a soothing voice. 13) Sweeter Place: wannabe radio hit. Thoughts: I am a fan of Selena but I don’t like this album. I find it barely decent. None of the songs were particularly good (except maybe the ballad). Nothing exciting about them. If I wasn’t a fan I would have skipped most of the songs after 10 seconds.
  20. Jan 10, 2020
    Bem trabalhado, as faixas conversam entre sí. É um álbum morno, porém bom.
  21. Jan 11, 2020
    The album is very good. Talk about loving yourself no matter what happens, but it does not appeal to me, that is, the rhythm, voice does not call me to download the music. Also congratulations Selena.
  22. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album was mediocre tbh some songs were ok but there were more bad songs than good.. wouldn’t listen again Expand
  23. Jan 13, 2020
    Ao contrário do que o nome possa sugerir, Rare tem uma sonoridade genérica, pouco inspirada ou inusitada. Apesar disso, possui bons momentos, principalmente do começo até a primeira metade.
  24. Jan 15, 2020
    Sonically, I thought it was good, but when you start paying attention to the lyrics the album starts to fall apart.
  25. Jan 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mesmo não sendo um grande fã da Selena, confesso que estava ansioso para ouvir seu novo álbum. Mas, infelizmente criei muitas expectativas. Selena não evoluiu muito com o passar dos anos. Esse álbum é o segundo pior de sua carreira, depois do Stars Dance.
    Sobre o álbum em questão, gostei apenas de 4 tracks além do lead single 'Lose You To Love Me'. Dance Again, Vulnerable, Crowded Room e a minha favorita, Cut You Off. Espero que ela não demore muito o a lançar um outro álbum e que ela não fique na dependência de Julia Michaels...
  26. Jan 16, 2020
    o álbum é legal, mas achei algumas meio chatas, preciso de tantos compositores pra sair isso. nenhum vocal relevante nem nada de inovador. mas vejo com uma evolução da Selena. espero que no próximo ela aprenda a fazer um álbum bom mesmo
  27. Feb 14, 2020
    Most of the songs, I wouldn’t listen to and I think Selena barely promoted the album and seems to have stopped caring about it. I’m giving this a good score because OVERALL it’s satisfactory.
  28. Feb 15, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It was a bit disappointing. The album could have done without the songs "Look at Her Now" "Let Me Get Me" "Ring"and "Fun". The other songs are amazingly well written, unfortunately the tone of the album is all over the place. Even though every song is executed well. My biggest complaint of all is on her song " A Sweeter Place" It really makes Kid Cudi sound like he is doing all the work. Selena's voice sounds flat and lacks emotion. That being said the song itself is very well done. It just really seems like she didn't even want to sing the song. She sounds uncomfortable and it affects the overall message. I also think Selena should stick with her more sultry persona. The contemporary artist just doesn't work as well. Expand
  29. Mar 2, 2020
    Album miy bien hecho, canciones con ritmo, y diferentes. Uno de los mejores albumes. Infravalorado
  30. Nov 30, 2020
    "Rare" is a pretty average pop album with only a few highlights.

    Favorite tracks: Rare, Dance Again, Vulnerable, Cut You Off, A Sweeter Place
    Least favorite tracks: Crowded Room, Fun

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.