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  1. Jan 10, 2020
    SO many fake 10s on this. Everyone is commenting the same stuff and don’t explain anything. Yes the albums diverse, we get it. But it doesn’t make it good. It’s very lackluster is so many areas. A lot of the tracks were filler and skippable.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The album is just so....... basic. From the cover to the lyrics. Everything here sounds cliche and superficial. I see no growth comparing it to Revival.
  3. Jan 11, 2020
    Wasn’t really into it! I was expecting something way better than this from selena, sounds the same as all her other stuff..
  4. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a generic pop album, she tries to improve doing some electro pop but she completely failed, It is so flat vocally and sonically. and even the lyrical content it is so simple. :( Expand
  5. Jan 10, 2020
    i’ve been anticipating selena’s return since it was announced and loved the lead single choice she chose, something addressing her past relationship and letting go. the promo single was a hot mess so that made me scared of how the album would sound lyrically and production wise. fast forward to today and the album is lackluster compared to her previous album ‘revival’ there’s minimalistici’ve been anticipating selena’s return since it was announced and loved the lead single choice she chose, something addressing her past relationship and letting go. the promo single was a hot mess so that made me scared of how the album would sound lyrically and production wise. fast forward to today and the album is lackluster compared to her previous album ‘revival’ there’s minimalistic lyricism with nothing brought to the table, she isn’t well vocally either. it’s such a let down that this was the final product after all these years when during her droplet era in 2017 those songs were phenomenal and what I hoped the album would be like. compared to her peers like Ariana Grande & Demi Lovato her music just follows the same suit each era instead of showing growth and evolution. Expand
  6. Jan 10, 2020
    Me gustaron 3 canciones de álbum, porque la mayoría son sonidos muy bajos, esperaba que cantara notas altas, whistles, algo diferente, algo que la hiciera destacar su verdadera voz, pero no :c
  7. Jan 11, 2020
    Muito ruim e genérico, além das músicas serem muito semelhantes umas as outras. Outro ponto bem negativo é que, em alguns momentos, imaginei Camila Cabello interpretando Ring ou a Dua Lipa interpretando Dance Again. Para um 'álbum pessoal' você não conseguir ver a própria intérprete na música, isso só mostra o quão pré-fabricado foi esse CD antes de Selena colocar seus vocais.
    Outro ponto
    Muito ruim e genérico, além das músicas serem muito semelhantes umas as outras. Outro ponto bem negativo é que, em alguns momentos, imaginei Camila Cabello interpretando Ring ou a Dua Lipa interpretando Dance Again. Para um 'álbum pessoal' você não conseguir ver a própria intérprete na música, isso só mostra o quão pré-fabricado foi esse CD antes de Selena colocar seus vocais.
    Outro ponto negativo são os vocais fracos da Selena que fazem as músicas serem muito lineares porque, vocalmente falando, ela não consegue trazer nada grandioso que possa dar um momento de ápice a canção.
  8. Jan 11, 2020
    The only good song is LYTLM as a balad, the rest of the songs are the same rhythm and the voice weak and without force, the breathing voice is boring so that makes the album gets a monotony beat. Revival still being the best album by Selena.
  9. Jan 10, 2020
    not bad but not good either, could’ve been better, we waited 4 years for this
  10. Jan 11, 2020
    Thanks for lose you to love me, cut you off, ring and people you know, this album is sorta listenable. Selena had so much potential. But this album ain't it.
  11. Jan 10, 2020
    Selena Gomez has released her second album under Interscope and I was very eager to listen to it because it’s said to be her diary from the last few trying years she has gone through. Unfortunately, the end result is a muddled project that failed to stick the landing. Part of the issues with “Rare” is the direction they went with on the production. The 3-4 songs (Look at Her Now, Lose YouSelena Gomez has released her second album under Interscope and I was very eager to listen to it because it’s said to be her diary from the last few trying years she has gone through. Unfortunately, the end result is a muddled project that failed to stick the landing. Part of the issues with “Rare” is the direction they went with on the production. The 3-4 songs (Look at Her Now, Lose You to Love Me, Ring, and Cut You Off) that stood out were brilliantly executed in my opinion. I felt the energy/emotions in those songs and are very relatable for everyone (to a certain degree) which draws the listener back to revisit them over and over. Then we’re left with the rest....although to be fair, the title track isn’t all too bad, just a bit too basic that gets saved by its production. “Fun” and “A Sweeter Place” are poison to this album and it’s quite unfortunate that Sweeter Place gets to close off the album after such a strong song (Cut You Off) got the album somewhat on track after some obvious fillers. The vocals were nothing to brag about and the lyrics weren’t strong either. Perhaps the album was hyped to the point where “Rare” didn’t stand a chance to even compete. It’s disappointing in all honesty...especially after we get a glimpse of what Selena Gomez can do, which is take the reins and really show us how talented she is. Maybe this album faced the problem of having too many cooks in the kitchen, that in the end her vision or original lyrics didn’t get to shine through. Expand
  12. Aug 20, 2022
    Not her best. Revival did that. I need revival 2.0 from her next album or a shift to a different genre
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    it’s quite mediocre, definitely not bad but after all that anticipation i felt rather underwhelmed when i listened to it
  14. Jan 10, 2020
    despite being selenator, i'm so discouraged about what selena gave fans. we waited 4 years for this album and the end result was boring and basic.
  15. Jan 10, 2020
    O álbum tem uma péssima sonoridade músical, as vozes da cantora são mal editadas e parece que está fugindo da música por serem altas demais, as letras são compreensíveis.
  16. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. All songs sound the same, expected more from this album. The hype I had is gone. Expand
  17. Jan 10, 2020
    nothing new... pretty much her old sound all over again.. a few songs about justin here and there and a lot of autotune
  18. Jan 10, 2020
    I was very disappointed i expected something way better then this . This album is so bad
  19. Jan 10, 2020
    Dont relly understand the hype of the Selena stans here. I am a little bit disappointed. Every Song sounds a little similiar too me and it contains only a few Songs that you want to hear again. Lose you to love me is the strongest Song on the Album.
  20. Jan 10, 2020
    The album is overall too generic. The only track that I enjoyed was Vulnerable.
  21. Jan 10, 2020
    just wrong, don't give anything new I expected more from her, it's a shame its is bad for she
  22. Jan 10, 2020
    It had good songs but, I feel that it's something that anyone could bring us, SHE IS SELENA GOMEZ and i now she can do it better.
  23. Jan 10, 2020
    again with the same old tired, generic dance beat. can you come up with something else selena? most of the songs are boring except for two or three songs that are kinda catchy. the only good thing about the album is the the lyrics. lose you to love me is the best song on rare. i wish selena would’ve went down that direction. oh, and her vocals are autotuned tf out of. all these years intoagain with the same old tired, generic dance beat. can you come up with something else selena? most of the songs are boring except for two or three songs that are kinda catchy. the only good thing about the album is the the lyrics. lose you to love me is the best song on rare. i wish selena would’ve went down that direction. oh, and her vocals are autotuned tf out of. all these years into selena’s career and she still hasn’t improved vocally. get a vocal coach luv, you got the money. Expand
  24. Jan 10, 2020
    Llevábamos tiempo sin escuchar algo nuevo de Selena Gómez, así que, cuatro años después, tras la noticia de su nuevo material y de su “regresó” todos estábamos ansiosos por conocer y por escuchar lo preparado. He de admitir que, en un principio esto me era un poco irrelevante pues no soy fan de esta artista pero, al escuchar su nueva canción “Lose To You Love Me” me voló la cabeza porLlevábamos tiempo sin escuchar algo nuevo de Selena Gómez, así que, cuatro años después, tras la noticia de su nuevo material y de su “regresó” todos estábamos ansiosos por conocer y por escuchar lo preparado. He de admitir que, en un principio esto me era un poco irrelevante pues no soy fan de esta artista pero, al escuchar su nueva canción “Lose To You Love Me” me voló la cabeza por completo, claro no mencionemos lo polémica que fue; el punto es que me gustó demasiado la canción e inicié a prestarle más atención a Selena, curiosa por todo lo que iba a traernos después. Look At Her Now salió inmediatamente y bueno, no fue tanto de mi agrado, supongo que por el ritmo pues no soy muy fan de ese tipo de música pero admitía que era buena la canción, a pesar de su “icónica” letra como “Mmmm mmmm” (de eso hablaré después).
    Estaba emocionada por la fecha en que su nuevo álbum iba a salir, tenía demasiada expectativa en que esta “era” fuera de mi agrado totalmente pues tenía la pinta de ser muy profundo e inspirador. En fin, llegó el día y lo primero que puedo decir de esto es que fue una completa decepción. Demasiado tiempo se esperó para poder escuchar algo nuevo y posiblemente innovador, y terminamos escuchando algo que parece que se hizo a las últimas, un artista que sólo buscó quitarse un peso de encima y publicar cualquier cosa. Puedo admitir que sí, las letras son muy buenas, tanto que lindas, es lo único que puedo llegar a aplaudirle a Selena porque queramos o no, llegamos a sentir empatía con ellas o llegamos a sentir el mensaje pero, dejando de eso a un lado, las letras llegan a pasar desapercibidas incluso.
    Cada canción que pasaba iba de mal en peor. Todas llenas de mil veces en donde se repite una y otra vez el título. Había canciones que me hacían dudar y me hacían preguntar como “¿realmente estoy escuchando a Selena Gómez?” Ó “¿esto debe de sorprenderme o gustarme?”. Y sí, ME ESTOY REFIRIENDO A RING, dioooos, esa canción me dio cringe, ¿cuál era el punto? Qué canción de hueva, no, más bien qué álbum de flojera y sin gracia. Me sentía cada vez más cerca del centro de la tierra, ahí con todas mis expectativas. Pero lo gracioso es que, seguía teniendo fe por alguna extraña razón (spoiler, se fue a la basura en cuanto escuchaba la siguiente canción).
    Nada nuevo, nada innovador.

    ¿Qué más puedo decir? A este punto me estoy imaginando todos los posibles comentarios que me pueden hacer por esta crítica, CRÍTICA. Esperaba muchísimo más de Selena, algo que me hiciera bailar, llorar, y disfrutar.
  25. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I expected more than this, she prepared this for 4 years and it looks like a "Revival" 2.0! That's all????? Expand
  26. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O que salva o álbum são apenas três faixas: look at her now, ring e vulnerable Do mais nada impressionante Expand
  27. Jan 11, 2020
    Ini album nya selena yg buruk lbh buruk dari revival. Setelah 4 tahun proses pembuatan hanya menghasilkan karya yg biasa saja tidak menarik
  28. Jan 11, 2020
    Llevamos esperando 4 años a un álbum nuevo de Gómez y nos da está mierda tan aburrida
  29. Jan 11, 2020
    this album is boring and unoriginal, so underwhelming, looks like disney songs and the rest bad of revival has to offer. bad lyrics that production didn't fix it, the only high was ring.
  30. Jan 11, 2020
    Selena went through a lot, but I didn’t see that reflected in this album. She cried more over Bieber than the literal life or death kidney transplant that she didn't mention at all.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2020
    Rare continually teases intriguing forays into leftfield pop, but so many of the album’s experiments come off as just that, without ever crystallizing with memorable hooks.
  2. Jan 14, 2020
    The record she has delivered to kickstart a new decade is a career defining release, and from a pop star who is firmly back on top of her game.
  3. Jan 14, 2020
    While none of these 13 songs attempt the subtle weirdness of “Bad Liar” and the emotional thesis—self-love!—can be a bit one-note, Rare is the 27-year-old’s most cohesive record to date. ... But it’s difficult to come away from Rare with any real perspective on who Gomez is other than that she doesn’t want to be the person she was, whoever that similarly mysterious shadow was.