• Record Label: Kranky
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. At five songs and 15 minutes long, Rainwater Cassette Exchange is a quick tour of what Deerhunter can do and how well they do it, and more proof the band's inspiration is at its peak.
  2. While their LPs are again, consistently, some of the year’s best albums, it is definitely true that their EPs are no slouches either.
  3. Rainwater Cassette Exchange certainly finds creative ways to transform their music and expand their already impressive catalogue, even if most of the songs are quite short and leave the listener yearning for more.
  4. Ranging from translucent psych-pop to pummeling garage-rock, they're alternately assured and vulnerable, direct and subtle, light and dark.
  5. The remarkable thing is that, even on an EP of accessible pop songs, Deerhunter effortlessly retain that shape.
  6. 60
    A few tracks seem unfinished, but Deerhunter's obsession with oblivion remains as intact as always.
  7. The result is not only Deerhunter’s least experimental batch of songs yet, but music that often sounds like it was written by another band.
  8. Rainwater Cassette Exchange is another reason to head down to your local cassette exchange and a great nightcap to polish off one of last year’s strongest albums.
  9. 80
    A fluid transition is made into album closer Circulation, an exhilarating piece where the not-so-secret-weapon, drummer Moses Archuleta propels the band through the universe that's made Deerhunter's records so repeat-worthy; that place where reverbed typhoons are miraculously contained and space is somehow kept taut.
  10. Rainwater Cassette Exchange confirms--Deerhunter may never make a loud or abrasive album again, but they have other, deeper fires, burning away fierce as ever.
  11. Under The Radar
    Deerhunter makes peerless guitar pop and they make it look easy. [Summer 2009, p.69]

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