• Record Label: Rykodisc
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11

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  1. GoodBadboy
    Mar 19, 2008
    Any fan of Joe Jackson doesn't really need to read a review of the latest release. He or she knows it's going to be great. Joe just keeps writing and performing beautiful songs that never fit into any one genre neatly. Somehow, his style of being all over the place, taking from every musical culture, has become a style of its own. With each song, he gives back more than he has Any fan of Joe Jackson doesn't really need to read a review of the latest release. He or she knows it's going to be great. Joe just keeps writing and performing beautiful songs that never fit into any one genre neatly. Somehow, his style of being all over the place, taking from every musical culture, has become a style of its own. With each song, he gives back more than he has ever borrowed. This release contains 10 gems that are each as good as anything he has done before. Previous reviews have mentioned various songs as highlights. I really like them all, but I must declare there are three songs that I find to be Joe at his absolute best- The Uptown Train, Invisible Man, and the incredible Rush Across The Road. The cd could only be better (and get a 10 from me) if it had more songs on it! These wonderful ten songs left me yearning for more. I almost felt disappointed when the last song finished. Then I hit the repeat button. Expand
  2. TimM.
    Feb 6, 2008
    At first blush, this isn't is best effort, despite using his best band. Repeated listens will likely reveal hidden pleasures. Sounds like the kind of record that will seed some great iTunes playlists in months to come.
  3. Noreally
    Mar 31, 2008
    Great album. The score of 69 does no justice to an album so well written and so well executed by a man who knows his stuff!
  4. JanC.
    May 3, 2008
    Rain is a beautiful album. I have been playing it repeatedly since I saw Joe Jackson in concert on Monday. The piano on this album is great. I am coming to love every song on the album but my favorites right now are Rush Across the Road and Uptown Train.
  5. Sep 18, 2011
    My God! How does he do it?!! Over 30 years of songwriting and his muse continues to deliver. Most artists burn out, even the great ones, after a couple of decades. Joe Jackson is the most consistent, substantial, profound, and fun songwriter/performer since.... no one else. Sorry Sir Paul, but Joe had taken the throne. If you are already a fan of Mr. Jump N Jive, you already have thisMy God! How does he do it?!! Over 30 years of songwriting and his muse continues to deliver. Most artists burn out, even the great ones, after a couple of decades. Joe Jackson is the most consistent, substantial, profound, and fun songwriter/performer since.... no one else. Sorry Sir Paul, but Joe had taken the throne. If you are already a fan of Mr. Jump N Jive, you already have this album. If you are reading this review and don't have the album, you are wasting your time reading this review. Go get "Rain" now and be amazed. He is the King. And it is King Pleasure Time!!! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Q Magazine
    Rain revisits familiar Jackson themes of romantic disappointment and despair at the modern world with a pared-back immediacy that showcases his craftmanship to the full. [Feb 2008, p.96]
  2. Fans won’t be let down by this latest collection of accomplished and almost too-smart songwriting that borrows from the classic sensibilities of piano-based jazz.
  3. Versatile but erratic, then, though Joe's emotional honesty is never in doubt.