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Generally favorable reviews- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 50
  2. Negative: 2 out of 50
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  1. Feb 8, 2019
    What an album! Pratt shows how terrific she is at making music, this sounds otherworldy and has become an instant favorite of mine.
  2. Sep 24, 2020
    The beauty of this hidden at first listenings. But after.... It's best female folk album. Million times better than the whole Tailor Swift discography
  3. Feb 12, 2019
    Life of a struggling woman in many aspects, especially love, is described through old-fashioned but beautiful way Jessica Pratt did. Mostly accompanied by acoustic guitar, her voice dove deep in the eerie, obscured by the misty ambiance. She seems really wanted to be unknown by covering her feelings with coded messages.
  4. Jul 25, 2019
    ( 86/100 )

    Silencio todos. Jessica Pratt comenzó como un músico independiente en su garage de San Francisco que Los Angeles le dio la oportunidad de probarse como merecedora de un público. Es indudable que lo merece y, aún más que lo tiene. Investigando sobre ella, me sorprende que no me haya dado cuenta el silencio que evoca su música. "Quiet Signs" es el titulo perfecto para un
    ( 86/100 )

    Silencio todos. Jessica Pratt comenzó como un músico independiente en su garage de San Francisco que Los Angeles le dio la oportunidad de probarse como merecedora de un público. Es indudable que lo merece y, aún más que lo tiene. Investigando sobre ella, me sorprende que no me haya dado cuenta el silencio que evoca su música. "Quiet Signs" es el titulo perfecto para un proyecto que hipnotiza la atención de la gente y logra un silencio que aplaude y alimenta la mágica atmósfera que su música Folk crea. Considero que Pratt, más que ser creativa, es extremadamente inteligente. Conoce la historia de su pasión y los personajes que admira, por lo tanto aplica su sabiduría a su composición que, al contrario de ser simple, está enfocada a emerger emociones específicas y crear sensaciones que muy pocos están conscientes de que existen. Sus letras son simplemente poéticas y empaticas. Ella no busca culpables y se responsabiliza de sus preocupaciones que comunica en sus cantos, como diciendo "Pienso en esto, por favor mírame como si no fuera la única." No hay amor ni romance, solo una armonía con la duda existencial. Quiero saber y escribir más sobre ella y sus proyectos, pero creo que esta es la mejor oportunidad para pedirles que la escuchen. Su voz es melodiosa, su talento es esencial y su visión conquista por ser singular y sin igual.
    Quiet everyone. Jessica Pratt started as an independent musician in her garage in San Francisco that, later, Los Angeles gave her the opportunity of proving herself as worthy of a public. Undoubtedly, she deserves one and, even more, she has one. Researching a little bit about her, I'm surprised that I didn't realize the silence that her music evokes. "Quiet Signs" is the perfect title for a project that hypnotizes the attention of people and achieves in them a silence that claps and feeds the magical atmosphere that her Folk music creates. I consider that Pratt, more than being creative, is incredibly intelligent. She knows the history of her passion and the people that she admires, therefore, she applies that wisdom to her composition that, on the contrary of being simple, it's focused on emerging specific emotions and create sensations that very few people are aware that they exist. Her lyrics are just poetic and emphatic. She doesn't want to blame and, yet, she recognizes her worries which she communicates in her singing, like saying "I'm thinking about this, please look at me like I'm not the only one." There is no love or romance, just harmony with the existential doubt. I want to know and write more about her and her projects, but I guess this is my best opportunity to ask you please listen to her. Her voice is melodic, her talent is essential, and her vision conquers by being singular and peerless.
  5. Mar 21, 2019
    Such a simple album doesn't need a dense review. Jessica Pratt isn't reinventing the wheel here. She is singing her songs. Her beautiful, dreamy songs.
  6. Sep 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Delightful, beautiful and fabulous to bonk to! The music chills you right out and the unique sounding vocals takes you far away! Expand
  7. Feb 22, 2019
    Quiet Signs is a meager helping of Jessica Pratt's pretty and subtly psychedelic style of folk songwriting.


  8. Feb 18, 2019
    Quiet Signs is eerie and somber with hopeful tones that are brought forth over a simple structure. Pratt’s style most likely resembles the singer-songwriter style of the late ’60s and early 70’s and it’s not unpleasant but even at only a 27-minute runtime, Quiet Signs is a real chore to get through.
    Tracks to enjoy: “Poly Blue” & “This Time Around”

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Mar 14, 2019
    This is an album to sit with, to take in, and to fully appreciate its subtle and quiet beauty. It may not be her commercial breakthrough--someone as esoteric as Pratt could be waiting a while for that--but it’s certainly her best album to date.
  2. Feb 11, 2019
    The breathy blur of Pratt’s vocals give these tracks a will of the wisp quality, as you chase after the lyrics only to find yourself becalmed and beatific amid iridescent fog.
  3. Feb 11, 2019
    If you’re looking for muted mystery, Jessica Pratt’s third album, as its title suggests, will enigmatically oblige.