• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: May 12, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. While Quicken the Heart isn't bad, its slide into the nondescript is certainly disappointing.
  2. If anything the songs might be less hungry than on their debut and less nimble than its follow-up, but it is sure-footed and firmly directional and they have no trouble reaching the benchmark they'd previously set themselves.
  3. Quicken The Heart represents Maximo Park settling into a rut, albeit an intermittently attractive one.
  4. Mojo
    There are perky alt-pop nuggests aplenty here, so it's a shame the momentum can't be maintained. [Jun 2009, p.96]
  5. They will remain a formidable live proposition, but Maximo Park's third album has to go down as a disappointment--especially given the band's previous high standards.
  6. You know everything is going to be OK within seconds of the surging, tidal riffs of ‘Wraithlike’, and what follows is simply a fine-tuning of what the Park have done before.
  7. There’s an unshakeable feeling that they’re going through the motions a bit too frequently and that this represents a step backwards for a once fresh and exciting band. Unfortunately, it seems the curse of the third album may have struck again.
  8. Quicken The Heart, however, goes nowhere new and hardly bests its predecessor.
  9. The painstaking introspection here seems to stem from a need to use their success and exposure to deliver some definitive, U2-sized message when really they're so much more relatable when they're awkwardly sorting out their psychological messes on the fly.
  10. Maximo Park haven’t failed with this third LP, not at all--it’s just that they haven’t done much of anything.
  11. Throughout the course of Quicken the Heart, Maximo Park prove they still haven’t rectified their quivering post-punk with the anthems they are concurrently and desperately trying to craft. But despite that conflict, they can still occasionally pull it together long enough to bang out some good ones.
  12. Q Magazine
    Essentially, the Hollywood sunshine hasn't changed them. This is probably best, as Smith's eccentricities still elevate Maximo Park above the guitar-pop herd. [Jun 2009, p.128]
  13. For an album that so readily cruises along on autopilot, the absence of a satisfying lyrical presence keeps it resolutely sandwiched in the middle of the pile.
  14. 70
    Embrace Maximo for being smarter than most or just shimmy along. Either works.
  15. Maximo Park’s third LP, Quicken The Heart, is equally reassuring--sometimes to the point of tedium.
  16. Quicken the Heart sticks rigidly to their formula of nervy rhythms and angular guitars.
  17. It feels as if Smith is drawing from long-gone, innocent, pre-fame events in his life, but as they recede, his stance becomes more wistful and increasingly confused. The music, unfortunately, follows suit.
  18. Uncut
    There's nothing here as good as 'Nosebleed,' the standout from 2007's "Our Earthly Pleasures"--but there are still some good points here. [Jun 2009, p.92]
  19. Under The Radar
    Flashes of brilliance remain, but consistency has not yet been achieved. [Summer 2009, p.68]
  20. 70
    Quicken The Heart has allowed Maximo Park to showcase all their strengths, some harder, more distorted anthems, and some gentler, livelier ballads.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Mar 21, 2021
    I just got into Maximo Park and I was very fascinated with the first 2 records. This is album is still good, but it sounds pretty forgettableI just got into Maximo Park and I was very fascinated with the first 2 records. This is album is still good, but it sounds pretty forgettable and only has a few stand out tracks. Full Review »
  2. JeffB
    Jun 6, 2009
    Very disappointing.
  3. georgen
    May 26, 2009
    Pop melodies and catchy riffs ain't really that bad. You can sing along or just listen to the whole album with the same interest from Pop melodies and catchy riffs ain't really that bad. You can sing along or just listen to the whole album with the same interest from start to end. Full Review »