• Record Label: MCA
  • Release Date: Nov 19, 2002

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. He manages a harder edge without completely sacrificing credibility.
  2. Spin
    Kweli wins by spitting knotty verbiage over high-test beats. [Feb 2003, p.99]
  3. Quality is proof that intelligent hip-hop need not lack excitement, soul, or genuine emotion; it's one of the best rap albums of a year with no shortage of winners.
  4. In the end, his big head seriously weighs down the quality of Quality.
  5. What makes Quality worth it is exactly what dragged down Train of Thought -- the slow and syrupy songs.
  6. Uncut
    It's lyrically potent stuff. [Feb 2003, p.76]
  7. A perfectly contemporary hip-hop release rescued from the ashes of independent hip-hop cliche.
  8. Quality is a very conflicted album. On one hand, many of the tracks are close to the level mind blowing, production and rhyme wise. On the other hand, some of the tracks are just plain boring and muddy.
  9. Q Magazine
    Sonically, his second solo effort is dry and unimaginative. [Feb 2003, p.97]
  10. Mixer
    One of the most thought-provoking hip-hop albums in recent years. [Dec 2002, p.75]
  11. 80
    Despite his best intentions, it seems, Kweli's best songs on the record move away from social criticism and into more conventional hip-hop subjects.
  12. Kweli smoothly bridges the physical and the political.
  13. 80
    He's proven that he can do some beautiful long players, but this just sounds like someone else's greatest hits. Which isn't to say it's not one of the top 20 albums of 2002, because it is. But it shoulda been Top Ten.
  14. While Quality may lack the basement charms of [departed producer DJ Hi-]Tek's finest, it more than compensates by employing a funkier and more upbeat sound palate to further draw out the nuances of what is already one of the most rounded and complete rap personas in the game.
  15. Quality has songs that rock, smooth songs, songs that make you think, songs that will make you dance. It contains nearly every feeling that music can evoke in a person.
  16. Blender
    Quality is full of witticisms, but it draws equal strength from sonic diversity. [#12, p.145]
  17. Alternative Press
    A little too close to the mainstream for comfort. [Jan 2003, p.91]
  18. For once, the production-by-committee approach works, strengthening Kweli's vision rather than diluting it.
  19. Compared to ambitious contemporaneous concept albums by peers such as Common and the Roots, Quality feels unexpectedly conventional--a strong collection of songs in need of a unifying force.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 35
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 35
  3. Negative: 4 out of 35
  1. Mar 15, 2022
    Talib Kweli's debut "Quality" is what genuine hip hop is all about. Provocative political lyrics at the highest level and a solid productionTalib Kweli's debut "Quality" is what genuine hip hop is all about. Provocative political lyrics at the highest level and a solid production with funky, edgy beats from Kanye West and the like. Musically it is surprisingly mainstream and upbeat for an underground artist like Kweli.

    What's amazing is that many songs are still going in 2022, such as " Get By" or "Good to You", both produced by Kanye West. Overall, a powerful album from the Black Star artist that can be considered among the timeless classics of underground hip hop.

    My favorites:
    "Get By"
    "Good to You"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    March 15, 2022
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 25, 2014
    Talib Kweli is an excellent rapper! Here, he even tries to go mainstream with Get By and comes out with a solid result. The only things areTalib Kweli is an excellent rapper! Here, he even tries to go mainstream with Get By and comes out with a solid result. The only things are that the production is not ideal and even though I love his flow, it gets out of hand sometimes. In my opinion, he is a top 5 lyricist ever to pick up a mic. Full Review »
  3. stevej
    Mar 19, 2007
    kweli is a champion of true hip hop, many try all fail to emulate his signature rhymes which deal with everything from politics to love. kweli is a champion of true hip hop, many try all fail to emulate his signature rhymes which deal with everything from politics to love. Quality, word to your mother. Full Review »