
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 20, 2017
    They could do with stretching out a little. [Feb 2018, p.115]
  2. Dec 11, 2017
    Their blueprint is a simple one, and QTY pull it off by being airtight from beginning to end, while the production work of Suede guitarist Bernard Butler seasons the deliciously retro sound perfectly
  3. Dec 8, 2017
    QTY is as timeless, compelling and clever as you could hope for first time round.
  4. 60
    An intriguing duo on their debut album who expand to a foursome live.
  5. Dec 7, 2017
    Overall, this is a strong debut with heart, style, and some nice hooks.
  6. Everything pushed to the limit, it becomes abundantly clear they’ve made an album that sounds as at home on the dust-stained subway as it does at the peak of the Empire State Building.
  7. 75
    More than ever, new guitar bands have to have a hook to differentiate them from the masses, and it’s the combination of Lardner’s witty company and QTY’s idiosyncratic approach to a well-loved sound that makes their debut a delight to spend time with.

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