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Universal acclaim- based on 160 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 7 out of 160
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  1. Apr 12, 2017
    It's slightly disconnected, yet fully realized, kind of humorous, but emotionally exhausting. In just over 30 minutes, Mitski has captured what it's like to feel like there is a void in your life. There are so many honest songs here, but the most resonating is by far "A Burning Hill". At only 1 minute and 50 seconds, Mitski finally realizes that sometimes, you need to find yourIt's slightly disconnected, yet fully realized, kind of humorous, but emotionally exhausting. In just over 30 minutes, Mitski has captured what it's like to feel like there is a void in your life. There are so many honest songs here, but the most resonating is by far "A Burning Hill". At only 1 minute and 50 seconds, Mitski finally realizes that sometimes, you need to find your happiness in smaller and simpler things, and for me, I found myself in that song and began to look for my little joys, and all those intangible things are becoming obsolete. Expand
  2. Jun 20, 2016
    Mitski Miyawaki's fourth album is a devastating emotional piece of work that marries her earlier more orchestral leaning work to the blistering guitar lead power of her previous album Bury Me At Make Out Creek. Her talent for unapologetic lyrical honesty and she has a knack for powerfully simple turns of phrase that worm their way into your heart, remaining with you long after the albumMitski Miyawaki's fourth album is a devastating emotional piece of work that marries her earlier more orchestral leaning work to the blistering guitar lead power of her previous album Bury Me At Make Out Creek. Her talent for unapologetic lyrical honesty and she has a knack for powerfully simple turns of phrase that worm their way into your heart, remaining with you long after the album (clocking in at a concise 31 minutes) has finished. Blending the instrumental complexity that marks much of her earlier work with the guitar based rock that brought her to a wider audience allows her a wide palette of sounds which she uses to great effect. From the fuzz guitar anthem for the minimum wage worker in My Body's Made of Crushed Little Stars to the slick synth plea of Thursday Girl, no matter what you love from Mitski there is something here for you and I would say there is no better place to start your journey into her discography than this album, the most complete statement Mitkski has given us so far. Expand
  3. Jul 4, 2016
    the best songs of intimacy in 2016. highly recommended for the real music listeners. "once more to see you" and especially "i bet on losing dogs" are deep songs that break your heart..
  4. Nov 1, 2016
    This record feels so human and has this sutile touch of anxiety that keeps the ear in the edge of glory and actually can reach your mind. It's so relatable and so catchy even thought it can be seen minimalist at some times. She's a lyric machine and a truth speaker and singer. Can't wait for more of her work.
  5. Feb 8, 2020
    that's amazing. just give it a try. i reaaaaally love music like that. her lyrics are so sensetive and sad but relatable
  6. Jan 1, 2023
    Beautiful… amazing… work. I am in love with every song on this album, the lyrics are so meaningful - and the instrumentals give me goosebumps every time. Arguably, no - THE best Mitski album.
  7. Jun 25, 2016
    Puberty 2 is so intense, full of sorrow and full of unreleased fury that you can feel Mitski's melancholy and mania wipe your whole body. This record brings one of the most sincere and emotional pieces of music this year, and few artists have the ability to make something so vulnerable and self-assuring at the same time as this album.

    Best Tracks: Happy; Once More to See You; Fireworks;
    Puberty 2 is so intense, full of sorrow and full of unreleased fury that you can feel Mitski's melancholy and mania wipe your whole body. This record brings one of the most sincere and emotional pieces of music this year, and few artists have the ability to make something so vulnerable and self-assuring at the same time as this album.

    Best Tracks: Happy; Once More to See You; Fireworks; Crack Baby
  8. Jun 18, 2016
    This is an excellent album. Mitski's lyrics are sharp and insightful, and every track is unique and extremely enjoyable. I'm having a hard time thinking of anything I actually dislike about this album.
  9. Jun 17, 2016
    This is a very strong and natural progression for Mitski. As a huge fan of her previous LPs, this is amazing to me, and should be to all of her fans as well. I wasn't the biggest fan of her singles when I heard them as singles, but in the context of the album they work perfectly. The album doesn't overstay its welcome either, with some of the strongest tracks coming towards the end of theThis is a very strong and natural progression for Mitski. As a huge fan of her previous LPs, this is amazing to me, and should be to all of her fans as well. I wasn't the biggest fan of her singles when I heard them as singles, but in the context of the album they work perfectly. The album doesn't overstay its welcome either, with some of the strongest tracks coming towards the end of the album. Strong AOTY contender. Expand
  10. Sep 6, 2016
    Mitsky can get a bit overwrought on this one (It's like St. Vincent started getting into Evanescence) and it took me some time to develop an appreciation for it, but it's undeniable that the songwriting is strong throughout, even if the lyrics get a bit silly "If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses. Then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of myMitsky can get a bit overwrought on this one (It's like St. Vincent started getting into Evanescence) and it took me some time to develop an appreciation for it, but it's undeniable that the songwriting is strong throughout, even if the lyrics get a bit silly "If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses. Then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart."

    Overall though it's a fun, tender and intriguing record that starts out with the incredible "Happy" and has more than enough soaring highs and irresistible melodies to keep you entertained through its more eyebrow raising sections.
  11. Oct 1, 2020
    this album deserves a +80 rating for "your best american girl" alone.

    on puberty 2, mitski shows us a vulnerable yet incredibly strong side of hers. some of the songs on this album are out of this world, she captures emotion and transmits it through her music in a way i've seen very few other artists doing so. the frenetic guitar and her powerful voice become one in songs like the
    this album deserves a +80 rating for "your best american girl" alone.

    on puberty 2, mitski shows us a vulnerable yet incredibly strong side of hers. some of the songs on this album are out of this world, she captures emotion and transmits it through her music in a way i've seen very few other artists doing so. the frenetic guitar and her powerful voice become one in songs like the classic, glorious and magical «your best american girl» or on the short little masterpiece that is «my body's made of crush little stars».

    it's a mystical experience overall, one that will definitely make you feel her pain and connect with such. puberty 2 will go down as my fav mitski album and a must-hear album.

    as one of the only downsides, there's this cover art... it really does not capture the essence of such a beautiful album. also, as much as i loved songs like "crack baby", i couldn't figure out or make sense of its presence on such album, making it not the most cohesive LP i've ever listened to.

    fav songs: your best american girl & a loving feeling
    least fav: [NA]
  12. Nov 24, 2021
    visceral work that shares the immediacy of classic punk and confessional singer/songwriter fare at once, Puberty 2 takes listeners behind closed doors with the kind of no-holds-barred lyrics that are likely to leave a lasting impression.
  13. Jun 20, 2016
    Obviously talent is here. But there is something to be hated. Forced emotions and anthem hooks meant to take hold of the radio listeners mind. The problem is with this is that it doesn't make sense. The emotions arn't there lyrically. It's just a tune with too much emphasis in the wrong places. Instruments too. This is a team of people making a music factory. Another one. We have enough.
  14. Sep 1, 2016
    Mitski showcases talent and ambition for sure, but most of the songs in here just feel too direct in their influences, and she's not exactly the most fiver vocalist either. I see a future for her, if she continues to go down the path she started here, but for now I'll just keep enjoying this album mildly as I've been in the past few months.
  15. Sep 19, 2016
    Her voice is so off-putting. Almost atonal. The music is boring, paint-by-numbers indie rock that many have done before and done better. The lyrics are confessional, insular, and childish. There is an entire world out there, Mitski, not just the one in your head. Experience it and stop gazing at the reflection of your own navel.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Jul 15, 2016
    Her most assured album yet and one that will undoubtedly garner her some well-deserved attention.
  2. Jul 6, 2016
    Mitski’s boldness is hugely impressive, and couple that with the fact the record is so expertly mixed and edited, she has produced one of the year’s more complete LPs.
  3. Jul 6, 2016
    Mitski Miyawaki's songwriting prowess makes it into something special.