• Record Label: Omnivore
  • Release Date: Feb 15, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Feb 15, 2019
    A joyous re-creation of what they've always done best, while the performances are crisp and energized, as taut and passionate as ever. And Ed Stasium's production is smooth but natural, flattering these musicians without intruding on the natural punch of their music.
  2. 80
    An album that’s not just an impressive follow-up to a career that fans thought was long over, but a splendid entry into the contemporary Americana field, one that The Long Ryders had an underappreciated hand in crafting.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Feb 12, 2019
    While the more mellow moments may turn off some of the more alt fans of alt. country, most longtime fans will find this one just dandy. [Mar 2019, p.90]
  4. Feb 12, 2019
    The Long Ryders show they are well-equipped to take a leading role in modern Americana.
  5. Feb 15, 2019
    What arrives is an accomplished roots-music album that serves as a reminder of the band’s legacy.
  6. Mojo
    Feb 12, 2019
    Psychedelic Country Soul puts them right back at the top of a world they helped create. [Mar 2019, p.91]
  7. Feb 13, 2019
    The album's 12 songs flow together to create an old-school full album experience. This is a record to pop into the car CD player on repeat for a long sing-along journey.
  8. Mar 6, 2019
    The Long Ryders should be proud--they’ve made a fine album that’s a worthy follow-up to their 80s oeuvre.
  9. Uncut
    Feb 12, 2019
    Producer Ed Stasium keeps the production crisp, melodic and controlled. [Mar 2019, p.30]

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