Profound Mysteries III Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

Summary: The third and he third and final part of Röyksopp's Profound Mysteries trilogy features guest appearances from Astrid S., Alison Goldfrapp, Jamie Irrepressible, Pixx, Maurissa Rose, and Susanne Sundfør.
Record Label: Dog Triumph
Genre(s): Electronic, Trip-Hop, Downtempo, Club/Dance, Downbeat, Euro-Dance, Ambient Breakbeat
Name: Röyksopp
Credit: Primary Artist
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Track Listings

01 So Ambiguous 06 Speed King
02 Me&Youphoria 07 Next Day
03 Stay Awhile 08 Just Wanted to Know
04 Night 09 Feel It
05 Lights Out 10 Like an Old Dog