
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. This is a deliriously jumbled, left-field delight.
  2. Alternative Press
    Pretty.Odd can be summed up in one word: ambitious. [Apr 2008, p.147]
  3. 15 tracks of welcomed live drum sounds, symphonies and stacked harmonies.
  4. 70
    Panic's cherry-picking yields several good songs, and a few brush up against greatness. [Apr 2008, p.76]
  5. What Ross didn't say was Pretty borrows liberally from the things that made [the Beatles and the Who] superficially interesting--the practiced eccentricity, the constant innovation--without paying tribute to the cultural and political sensibilities that made them great.
  6. It may not be an album to die for, but it is a rare album of note, as much for its context as its content.
  7. An admirably ambitious musical bonanza. [28 Mar 2008, p.64]
  8. Sgt Emo’s Lonely Hearts Club Band delivers a less than thrilling album.
  9. Mojo
    Frontman Brendan Urie has a knack for jaunty pop but Pretty Odd is too clinical and calculated for one so young. [May 2008, p.102]
  10. Pretty. Odd. is a victory for artistic ambition over cynical careerism, and we should all rejoice in their decision to follow their instincts as opposed to their instructions and actually do something different.
  11. For the most part, this album would sound completely at home on classic rock radio.
  12. The fact remains, even if this batch of songs is a little clumsy and without nuance at times, most are memorable and enjoyable.
  13. Q Magazine
    Ultimately, you're left wishing that Panic at the Disco had more to say about their own generation, instead of mimicking that of their parents'. [May 2008, p.134]
  14. Even when it's over the top, which is basically always, Pretty. Odd. sounds cheerful, with a broad sense of humor that does honor to the noble legacy of ELO mastermind Jeff Lynne.
  15. Every song on Pretty. Odd. is played and sung with the exuberant delivery of Rent on Broadway. But when the hooks are this good, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
  16. 80
    Pretty.Odd lives up to its title because it dares to be optimistically beautiful at a time when sadness and ugliness might have won them easier credibility. [Apr 2008, p.92]
  17. This is a remarkably solid album that stands as one of the best album made by a pop-punk band this decade, although this music can hardly be considered 'pop-punk' anymore.
  18. More often than not (and this is the kicker, ladies and gentlemen), Pretty. Odd. is just pretty dull.
  19. But the album's majority--all baroque orchestration (the horn- and string-rich 'The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know') and multilayered, Sgt. Pepper-esque psychedelia (the lovely 'She's A Handsome Woman')--demands far more than a casual listen. The question is, are the masses who initially embraced Panic At The Disco committed enough to give it one?
  20. For all its craftsmanship, Pretty. Odd. comes across as mannered and overbearing, more studied than exuberant, the magnum opus of a talented band charging wholeheartedly down a blind alley.
  21. Uncut
    Pretty.Odd. often tries way too hard to be obtuse, it's true, but you have to admire the band's willingness to grow. [May 2008, p.106
  22. There may be a deep coat of irony smeared about here, but in the end, Pretty. Odd. is exactly what it says it is.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 261 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 44 out of 261
  1. Sep 13, 2010
    This album SUCKS. The other one is _AMAZING_, probably my favorite album by any band, ever. But this one... just disappointing. So SLOW andThis album SUCKS. The other one is _AMAZING_, probably my favorite album by any band, ever. But this one... just disappointing. So SLOW and not clever at all! Full Review »
  2. AdamN.
    Apr 15, 2008
    Totally has ELO written all over it and pieces of hooks borrowed from the Beatles. A huge mix of instrumentation and vocal arrangements Totally has ELO written all over it and pieces of hooks borrowed from the Beatles. A huge mix of instrumentation and vocal arrangements demand some attention here; but the pay off is ample. I gave it 4 solid listens and now I'm hooked. One thing though- maybe it's just me but: The vocals are impeccable in an almost annoying way. It's like the singer is fake at times. Full Review »
  3. Jun 21, 2022
    I love this album so much. Panic! At The Disco is super talented! Brendon Urie is so good!