• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Nov 13, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 54
  2. Negative: 1 out of 54
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  1. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  2. Jan 12, 2022
    some people might say about this album "same old sh*t, classic ac-dc, nothing new, nothing surprising" but i think it is an exact proof that how unique ac/dc are. they set the bar to the sky with their previous songs, so it is not easy to satisfy us but i am 100% sure even if they give a concert in 2022 which include only "power up" songs, they will rock the world again. no doubt.
  3. Nov 24, 2020
    In a year in which everything looks wrong, to listen for the first time to this AC/DC new record is like water in the desert. How does it sounds? Just exactly like AC/DC. That's what I expected and trust me, they didn't fail. This is the kind of record you keep in your car for weeks listening to it again and again. As soon as Realize, the first song of the record starts to play, you get inIn a year in which everything looks wrong, to listen for the first time to this AC/DC new record is like water in the desert. How does it sounds? Just exactly like AC/DC. That's what I expected and trust me, they didn't fail. This is the kind of record you keep in your car for weeks listening to it again and again. As soon as Realize, the first song of the record starts to play, you get in "Rock" mode and start shaking your head up and down like in a live concert.

    Highly recommendable "Realize", "Shot In The Dark", get will with "Demon Fire" and the retrospective moment comes with "Through The Mists Of Time".

    Long Live Rock'n Roll!!!
  4. Gaz
    Nov 23, 2020
    AD/DC is like the bacon cheeseburger of rock music: Deliciously consistent. They know how to do what they do extremely well and they have no interest in changing up their winning formula. Some may argue that they need to jazz up their menu offerings and deliver something with different flavor, but millions of fans always come hungry for the award-winning bacon cheeseburger only AC/DC canAD/DC is like the bacon cheeseburger of rock music: Deliciously consistent. They know how to do what they do extremely well and they have no interest in changing up their winning formula. Some may argue that they need to jazz up their menu offerings and deliver something with different flavor, but millions of fans always come hungry for the award-winning bacon cheeseburger only AC/DC can deliver.

    Food metaphors aside, AC/DC's Power Up delivers exactly the kind of music you've come to expect from them with remarkable consistency. I'm honestly amazed that they've been able to retain the quality of their work so well from the 90's to now. True to the album's namesake, these tracks are powerful and electrifying. My favorite of the bunch has to be Kick You When You're Down, with notable mentions going to Realize, Shot in the Dark, Code Red, Rejection, Money Shot, and Demon Fire. It's a rock-solid album full of tracks that will likely go on to become greatest hits.

    After all the losses and setbacks they've suffered, AC/DC has proven that you can't extinguish the passionate flames of rock and roll. Power Up isn't going to sway anybody who's never been an AC/DC fan. But it isn't trying to. This album is for every hungry rocker who says, "Just give me my damn bacon cheeseburger." Consider the goods delivered. Malcom would be proud.
  5. Nov 21, 2020
    This is the way to salute a man down and ride into the sunset...
    In my opinion you have to go all the way back to "Back in black" to find an album that is so energetic and engaging. Razors edge was close... but it seems the band of brothers bring forth their A+ game when a comrade is lost.
    I do not care if there is a bit or a lot of studio magic in Brian's voice if there is THIS is how
    This is the way to salute a man down and ride into the sunset...
    In my opinion you have to go all the way back to "Back in black" to find an album that is so energetic and engaging. Razors edge was close... but it seems the band of brothers bring forth their A+ game when a comrade is lost.
    I do not care if there is a bit or a lot of studio magic in Brian's voice if there is THIS is how you use tech to enhance music new bands take note!
    There is no band out there like them lads down under and I for one feel grateful I was still around when this album landed. ACDC, Angus, Malcom, Brian, Phil, Cliff, Stevie, Chris and Bon... I salute you.
  6. Nov 20, 2020
    As a near life-long fan of AC/DC I've had plenty of time to reflect on what their music means to me. I'm 40 years old but I fell in love with the band when I was 11 and heard Thunderstruck for the first time. Ever since then I've been hooked. Since i became an adult their albums have had a long wait between them and I treasured each one. After Rock or Bust and the issues with Malcom andAs a near life-long fan of AC/DC I've had plenty of time to reflect on what their music means to me. I'm 40 years old but I fell in love with the band when I was 11 and heard Thunderstruck for the first time. Ever since then I've been hooked. Since i became an adult their albums have had a long wait between them and I treasured each one. After Rock or Bust and the issues with Malcom and Brian Johnson I had resigned myself to the fact that my favorite band was done and that they'd had a good run.

    Imagine my joy and sheer shock when barely over a month ago I was hit between the eyes with the release of their single "Shot In the dark" and the news of a new album! I awaited with the anticipation of a young child on Christmas Eve. Their first album in six years and one many of us thought would never happen! From the opening bars of the first track "Realize" the hair on the back of my neck stood up and knew that the rock and roll of the greatest band in history is alive and well.

    This is an AC/DC album through and through. What I love about the band is what many critics hate about them, they've never compromised, never changed. From the beginning the album grabs you by the horns and drags you along for 40 odd minutes of pure unadulterated rock. Songs such as "Shot in the Dark" make you think that Brian Johnson is still from the days of "Back In Black" with his raspy howl and limitless energy. Angus Young shreds on his Gibson as only he can, never for a moment letting the fact he's 65 years old slow him down. "Through the Mists of Time" is probably about as nostalgic as the band has ever gotten in it's history and I hear a nod to Malcom in there. "Kick You When You're Down" is reminiscent of songs from "Flick of the Switch" in it's tone and a just damn the Man attitude. "Demon Fire" is as hard rocking and uncompromising a tune as "Shoot to Thrill" and gets you tapping your foot along from the first bars.

    All in all, this is an absolutely amazing album and a tribute to the late Malcom Young that I think he would have been proud of. It's laced with his musical DNA and you can absolutely feel the joy at the boys in the band being able to do what they love and to do it in honor of their long time bandmate. It's probably my favorite album of theirs since 2000's "Stiff Upper Lip". If you consider yourself a fan of the band you must get this and revel in the fact that rock is not dead.

    On a personal note, I would like to add something that I hope I'm able to tell the members of the band one day. Their music has saved my life. It's has been the soundtrack to my life. When I've been going through tough times their music has lifted me up, when I've been angry it has helped me work through my angst, when I've been feeling good it raises me up even higher and gets the blood pumping like no one else can. So to the member's of AC/DC I extend my most heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude for being there for me through thick and thin.
  7. Nov 19, 2020
    Best Album since the Razors Edge and the most consistent album since For Those About to Rock. There's no real A+ tracks here, but what is here is their best album in 30 years. Every track is either great or good. It's astonishing to think in 2020 AC/DC would put out such a good album. There's great riffs, solos, singing and hooks. It's just good. Some songs feel like they lack a bit of theBest Album since the Razors Edge and the most consistent album since For Those About to Rock. There's no real A+ tracks here, but what is here is their best album in 30 years. Every track is either great or good. It's astonishing to think in 2020 AC/DC would put out such a good album. There's great riffs, solos, singing and hooks. It's just good. Some songs feel like they lack a bit of the early AC/DC's energy, but that's okay. 2020 needs a Power Up. Play this record loud. Expand
  8. Nov 19, 2020
    Wow! So great! Like the Olden days!!! A creative hearten back to the day of rawk!!! THE BAND IS HITTING 90 yrs old but know how to write a great song or two or three!
  9. Nov 19, 2020
    Fantastic album. The A side (until Demon Fire) is very solid and has some gems, already classic tunes. The second half of the album is good too, maybe a 7 rating, with good surprises: Wild Reputation and Code Red. For me, the top 5 tunes are: Demon Fire (instant classic), Kick You When You're Down, Through the Mists of Time, Rejection and Witch's Spell. Long live to AC/DC! We are waitingFantastic album. The A side (until Demon Fire) is very solid and has some gems, already classic tunes. The second half of the album is good too, maybe a 7 rating, with good surprises: Wild Reputation and Code Red. For me, the top 5 tunes are: Demon Fire (instant classic), Kick You When You're Down, Through the Mists of Time, Rejection and Witch's Spell. Long live to AC/DC! We are waiting for you in Brazil! Expand
  10. Nov 16, 2020
    Its 2020 ACDC are still pumping out unstoppable rock.
    Those thousands of reviews saying its the same old acdc are missing the point .
    The same ACDC is what we want , we don't want them experimenting with synths. This is ROCk , its what I want and expect from acdc and its delivered here in spades .
  11. Nov 16, 2020
    Amazing album! One of their best albums they have ever made. My second favourite next to Back I’m Black!!! Just buy this album or stream it!!!!!!!! AC/DC are back!!
  12. Nov 14, 2020
    The best album from AC/DC since 1983's 'Flick Of the Switch', easily. A modern, new classic for the band that deserves repeat listens and high volume. Brilliantly done hard rock record.

    I was skeptical when fans and critics were pretty unanimously hailing this album as the band's best in 30+ years - but I get it now. They're right. Somehow, they are right. As a fan of classic rock
    The best album from AC/DC since 1983's 'Flick Of the Switch', easily. A modern, new classic for the band that deserves repeat listens and high volume. Brilliantly done hard rock record.

    I was skeptical when fans and critics were pretty unanimously hailing this album as the band's best in 30+ years - but I get it now. They're right. Somehow, they are right.

    As a fan of classic rock and AC/DC, I've maintained that AC/DC's output has been inconsistent at best since about 1983. In fact, since 'Flick Of the Switch', there's really not one 'album' that I can say is 'great'. 'Rock Or Bust' was damn good and 'Black Ice' was decent. I didn't think they could do better than those two, which were enjoyable, actually.

    I was happy with those albums - but after hearing this new one, it's clear I was somewhat settling.

    PWR/UP somehow manages to not only be the best album they've done since '81, but is among the top Brian Johnson AC/DC albums. How a band their age managed to do such a thing, I'll never know.

    Perhaps this band thrives after the tragedy of losing a key member like Bon or Malcolm.

    This album is fresh, contemporary. The band sounds revitalized, angry, energized and most importantly - writing quality tunes.

    It shows what was missing from AC/DC albums from the last 30+ years.

    There's a sharpness and fire to the playing of Angus, a harshness to Stevie's tone. A groove to Phil that we haven't heard in eons. This IS Cliff Williams' best AC/DC album, as his bass owns every song. Brian Johnson is singing like he's trying to prove himself worthy.

    Production-wise, the album combines the rawness of 'Black Ice' with the meaty-tones of 'Rock Or Bust' for a perfect hybrid of the ideal AC/DC sound.

    Material-wise, sure, a lot of this is somewhat 'same old' in terms of AC/DC - but it's a high caliber of it, which is what has been missing since 'Flick Of the Switch'.

    But, there is also a lot of new curves thrown on this album. The band tries some new sounds out with an occasional unusual backing vocal or song structure. "Realize" is a bizarre structure for an AC/DC tune. The vocals on "Kick You When You're Down" are out of place for an AC/DC album but they work, somehow. Even looking at the song titles, there's something different about this record.

    The band took chances on this record - and it paid off.

    Songs like "Demon Fire" and "Realize" show a band with fire and anger again. Finally, songs with a fast pace again on an AC/DC record. "Through the Mists Of Time" shows a softer reflection rarely seen by this band. "Code Red" shows battle-ready rockin' sensibilities. There miraculously is not one dud on this stellar record. I could go on - but you need to hear it for yourself.

    This record didn't hit me initially, but I've lived with it for a couple weeks (courtesy of a leak) and it stands leaps and bounds above anything from '85-'14 and sits on the top of the heap of best post-Bon AC/DC albums with 'Back In Black' and 'For Those About To Rock'.

    Killer record.

    Deserves all the praise it's getting. I hope this is the final album - as it would be a fine epitaph to a legendary band's career.

    9/10 for the material. Another 1 for the fire and energy the band put into it.

    10/10. Buy it. Listen to it. Rock it. Live it.
  13. Nov 14, 2020
    This album has exactly what makes AC/DC AC/DC with the graby lyrics and titles to the incredible vocals that have sounded the same for over 30+ years. All this spread along 12 tracks and 40 minutes of music, keeping it like they always have, this is a top 5 AC album in my opinion
  14. Nov 13, 2020
    There is absolute nothing original or interesting about this album, from the opening bars of 'Realize' which is just the same tired power rock they've done for years to the final track 'Code Red', if you already own a ACDC album then it's pointless buying this one as it's just the same songs with different words but somehow a lot lot worse, in fact just buy their 'Back In Black' LP it'sThere is absolute nothing original or interesting about this album, from the opening bars of 'Realize' which is just the same tired power rock they've done for years to the final track 'Code Red', if you already own a ACDC album then it's pointless buying this one as it's just the same songs with different words but somehow a lot lot worse, in fact just buy their 'Back In Black' LP it's like this but much much better. Expand
  15. Nov 13, 2020
    Amazing album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Nov 13, 2020
    The music we need in this F.....g Corona time.
    It gives blood to your bones, air to your lungs and power to your heart. Thank you AC/DC for this wonderful vitamin.
  17. Nov 13, 2020
    2020 is SAVED by AC/DC! What an album. Classic AC/DC in all their rockin' and rollin' glory. 11/10
  18. Nov 13, 2020
    In the time we need it most, AC/DC release a fantastic rock n roll album in memory of Malcolm Young, in which he would be very proud of. The boys have not sound this good in a long time. Welcome back Brian! Long live Rock N Roll!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Mojo
    Nov 18, 2020
    Power Up is one mighty curtain call, and listening to it feels a bit like playtime. [Jan 2021, p.80]
  2. Nov 16, 2020
    AC/DC do their thing, and it works.
  3. Nov 16, 2020
    Even at their blandest, and truthfully their dumbest, AC/DC make a compelling case why they're so good at this rock n' roll business. As it turns out, the secret is to stick to the formula until their dying day.