
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jul 27, 2017
    Power of Peace is loose, but everybody brought their chops to the party. This is what happens when great musicians gather simply to see what happens and enjoy one another's company.
  2. 60
    The winners prove to be the moments where the participants hold back on the bombast to groove. ... Alas, Stevie Wonder’s Higher Ground suffers from heavy-handedness, a fate that awaits I Just Want To Make Love To You. Not quite a harvest for the world but no spoilt crops either.
  3. Mojo
    Jul 27, 2017
    Ron in terrific voice; Santana's Latin rock and jazz notes both beautiful and rousing. [Sep 2017, p.96]
  4. Jul 28, 2017
    he vocals are gorgeous and Carlos plays with restraint and taste throughout. Unfortunately, such moments of inspiration are rare, as most of the songs reflect a project that struggles to find a place to stand.
  5. Jul 27, 2017
    The musicians clearly care about their chosen source material, and as a result, the album features faithful recreations of stirring originals. ... The record also sounds a bit too clean, the product of the most pristine production money can buy. The closest we get to a little grit is the standard “I Just Want to Make Love to You”, but its flanged ending is still a controlled chaos.
  6. Aug 17, 2017
    Power Of Peace is exactly what it is; people old enough to have long packed up this business, getting down to it, having enormous enjoyment doing it. No one would expect it to touch either artists’ greatest work, but at times, it certainly comes close.
  7. Aug 16, 2017
    While Carlos Santana's guitar shines – Ernie Isley's, too – 76-year-old Ron is the lodestar, donning a falsetto smoking jacket for the Eddie Kendricks proto-disco "Body Talk."
  8. 60
    While not entirely successful, this high-level summit meeting of two giant talents from half a century ago confirms that neither of the principals’ distinctive talents has suffered serious decline.
  9. Uncut
    Jul 27, 2017
    This is an album dominated by the two remaining Isley Brothers. Ronald Isley's distinctive tenor groan sounds particularly good on slowies such as "Mercy Mercy Me" and Leon Thomas' "Let The Rain Fall On Me." [Sep 2017, p.30]

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