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Generally favorable reviews- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 85
  2. Negative: 7 out of 85
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  1. Apr 18, 2022
    Отличный альбом, лучший у Игги за многие годы, а может и лучший с 90-х. Джош Хомме явно поспособствовал. Для меня эта работа стала открытием в 2016 году.
  2. May 23, 2017
    Iggy is back in form. Post Pop Depression reaches the greatness of his earlier classic The Idiot, it's not as good, but still. It's moody, groovy and dark, it's Iggy Pop.
  3. Oct 15, 2016
    Stooges frontman struggles with a premonition of death. Does all statements that this is his last release? Well ... probably not. But almost certainly, this album marks the closing of the last great chapter in the musical life of Iggy. Read More
  4. Aug 25, 2016
    I wouldn't ordinarily have checked this out but earlier in the year I had a bit of a music vacuum to fill and this had just come out and was very well received. It's not bad but lacks substance for me. Josh Homme's fingerprints are all over it and the record has trademarks throughout. I wonder just how much of the record is Homme's vision as opposed to Pop's. Aside from this, while theI wouldn't ordinarily have checked this out but earlier in the year I had a bit of a music vacuum to fill and this had just come out and was very well received. It's not bad but lacks substance for me. Josh Homme's fingerprints are all over it and the record has trademarks throughout. I wonder just how much of the record is Homme's vision as opposed to Pop's. Aside from this, while the songs are reasonably good, Iggy Pop's vocal delivery leaves the record with a sort of flatness to it. Expand
  5. Jun 6, 2016
    Post Pop Depression is exactly what you would expect Queens Of The Stone Age meets Iggy Pop to sound like - The album oozes effortlessly cool desert art post-punk!!
  6. Apr 11, 2016
    A great Iggy Pop record. I still don't really like the first two songs, but the rest is really good, especially Sunday, Chocolate drops and Paraguay. This is rock solid Iggy.
  7. Apr 1, 2016
    Iggy Pop returns with a vibe that is similar to his album "The Idiot" with pretty good results. It's a varied album with lots of different sounds from the spaghetti western sound on "Vulture" to the playful pop sound of "Gardenia". The lyrics are pretty interesting as well exploring themes of death or aging on "American Valhalla" or thoughts of fame on "Chocolate Drops". "German Days" is aIggy Pop returns with a vibe that is similar to his album "The Idiot" with pretty good results. It's a varied album with lots of different sounds from the spaghetti western sound on "Vulture" to the playful pop sound of "Gardenia". The lyrics are pretty interesting as well exploring themes of death or aging on "American Valhalla" or thoughts of fame on "Chocolate Drops". "German Days" is a bit of a mess of a song that isn't coherent, and "Paraguay" was a tad boring, but overall this is a very solid return. It's not as good as "The Idiot", but from the reviews of the Iggy and the Stooges "The Weirdness" I guess this is a lot better than that. Expand
  8. Mar 21, 2016
    Josh Homme bring Iggy Pop out of / in to retirement with some of the best material by both. Post Pop Depression is as great as QOTSA's ...Like Clockwork.
  9. Mar 21, 2016
    An unexpected combination of four musicians makes Post Pop Depression more than an interesting music piece. On the album there's only rarely chosen for the most accessible way, allowing both the aggressiveness of punk, the sheer power of rock as the sunny sounds of indie to find a place on the album. Where the musical lines of Josh Homme's and Dean Fertita's Queens of the Stone AgeAn unexpected combination of four musicians makes Post Pop Depression more than an interesting music piece. On the album there's only rarely chosen for the most accessible way, allowing both the aggressiveness of punk, the sheer power of rock as the sunny sounds of indie to find a place on the album. Where the musical lines of Josh Homme's and Dean Fertita's Queens of the Stone Age regularly leave their mark on the sound of the album, Matt Helders adds his experience from the Arctic Monkeys to it. However, the album's is still fully Iggy Pop, who on the album reacts in a confident, excited and humorously way to his mortality and fame. Iggy shows his vulnerability in his dramatic baritone voice and let the poetry underscores his genius. His latest work of art or not, Post Pop Depression is certainly more than a dignified farewell to his wild, punky and energetic career. 7.7/10

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  10. Mar 20, 2016
    "Os cães ladrão e a caravana passa"
    Realmente é o que eu vejo, críticos & Media não produzem nem criam ARTE (mas ladrão bastante), quando um trabalho é feito honestamente e sem produção de milhões... Na REALIDADE quem está a fazer o trabalho artístico é BRILHANTE & INTELIGENTE nessa arte. Só posso apoiar, e neste caso eu estou há vontade, comecei a ouvir o álbum no dia 12 de fevereiro,
    "Os cães ladrão e a caravana passa"
    Realmente é o que eu vejo, críticos & Media não produzem nem criam ARTE (mas ladrão bastante), quando um trabalho é feito honestamente e sem produção de milhões... Na REALIDADE quem está a fazer o trabalho artístico é BRILHANTE & INTELIGENTE nessa arte. Só posso apoiar, e neste caso eu estou há vontade, comecei a ouvir o álbum no dia 12 de fevereiro, mutos votos por aqui estão a ser influenciados pelos media e
    Honestidade & inteligencia não se compram. Enfio aqui um 10/10 porque ninguém aqui, tem voto na matéria...

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. 33
    It’s dripping with oldness, but it’s far from good.
  2. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2016
    Post Pop Depression comes across like a third Pop partnership with Bowie, only more brutal and more elegiacally touched by the shadows of the smiles in Pop's memory. [No. 130, p.56]
  3. 100
    There’s not an ounce of fat on these eight, energised tracks. Everything is sharpened by the awareness of mortality and there is alchemy’s in Pop’s ability to infuse such resignation with real electricity.