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Generally favorable reviews- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 85
  2. Negative: 7 out of 85
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  1. Apr 15, 2016
    I am a huge Iggy Pop fan but this album is one of his worst solo efforts ever. "Mask" was bad but it at least had the title song which was memorable. There is nothing memorable here and you can play it over and over and find nothing that even makes your toes move. I do not know if he has finally run out of gas or he has not recovered from the deaths of those so near. Don't listen to theI am a huge Iggy Pop fan but this album is one of his worst solo efforts ever. "Mask" was bad but it at least had the title song which was memorable. There is nothing memorable here and you can play it over and over and find nothing that even makes your toes move. I do not know if he has finally run out of gas or he has not recovered from the deaths of those so near. Don't listen to the critics as this is pure filler and a waste. We still love you though but you owe us one. Expand
  2. Mar 19, 2016
    I want to show reverence to the many great men who worked on this album and brought me hours of pure rock joy. Criticizing them feels sinful as criticizing does inherently when someone has honest artistic intentions. Ok, here we go. It sounds like Josh Homme created a bunch of rock song shells for Iggy Pop to fill in later. Pop's voice never gets off the ground because, god bless him, he'sI want to show reverence to the many great men who worked on this album and brought me hours of pure rock joy. Criticizing them feels sinful as criticizing does inherently when someone has honest artistic intentions. Ok, here we go. It sounds like Josh Homme created a bunch of rock song shells for Iggy Pop to fill in later. Pop's voice never gets off the ground because, god bless him, he's old, and all he has left is a dirt-bike-exhaust pitch. His voice is grating (not for Tom Waits fans) for those hoping, in vain, for the explosiveness and recklessness of Iggy Pop. The lyrics are strange, dark, and sophomoric. The instruments cannot make it off the airstrip because they'd leave their passenger behind. I'm sorry, guys, but this record felt like a clunky, albeit honest, attempt to save a last dance. Expand
  3. Mar 1, 2018
    So we all weigh in on old Iggy's new release. Well,reviews are a waste of time. He owes us nothing and he'll be remembered when we're all dust. What we think about anything doesn't matter in the least and if you make a living judging the work of others,you're less than a bag of ****

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. 33
    It’s dripping with oldness, but it’s far from good.
  2. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2016
    Post Pop Depression comes across like a third Pop partnership with Bowie, only more brutal and more elegiacally touched by the shadows of the smiles in Pop's memory. [No. 130, p.56]
  3. 100
    There’s not an ounce of fat on these eight, energised tracks. Everything is sharpened by the awareness of mortality and there is alchemy’s in Pop’s ability to infuse such resignation with real electricity.