
Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. It’s all quite charming and lovely.
  2. Regardless of classification, Japandroids have created something pure, something without pretense and without any concern for how smart or cool they will sound.
  3. Post-Nothing is their eight-song debut, and it goes by in a flash of infectious, sweaty anthem jams about angsty youth problems.
  4. This is terminally catchy music played with punk's enthusiasm and velocity, and maybe it's the fact that there's only two dudes in this band that makes you feel like joining in to bash along.
  5. Japandroids' (or JPNDRDS) first full length--Post-Nothing--is the perfect embodiment of the post-teen angst, excitement, anxiety and fuck-it artlessness of finally packing your bags and moving on, wherever the destination as long as it’s at least a million miles away from home.
  6. Post-Nothing is convincing in its candor to the point of exhaustion.
  7. While King’s hyperdrive approach to laying guitar brick rarely sits perfectly flush with Prowse’s cyclonic drums, every spasm on the recording sticks. The combined explosions never quit popping until the muddy sigh of the heartbreaking closer, 'I Quit Girls.'
  8. 70
    Japandroids have a point of view (young, male, infatuated with the promise of the present) and an M.O. (excellently fuzzed-out garage rock played as if at the apocalypse), but more impressively, they've mastered another secret to swaying the public: confidence without smugness.
  9. Filter
    This album has the beauty of controlled chaos, it's emotive yet carefree and secure. [Spring 2009, p.103]
  10. Sure, there’s nothing at all novel about young dudes feeling immortal and wanting to get laid, but Japandroids infuse those well-worn tropes with enough energy and songcraft to make it feel refreshing.
  11. 'Young Hearts Spark Fire' showcases their gleeful exuberance, but even on more subdued numbers like 'Sovereignty,' they still sound like two kids who don't yet know their own strength.
  12. The cacaphonous bursts of garage-rock fuzz on this young Vancouver duo's third album are the stuff of a thousand beer-soaked basement parties--shambolic, sweaty, and happily unrefined.
  13. Maybe its sunstroke, but I feel compelled to suggest that two young Canucks trading in sludgy punk-pop tunes may have crafted a rock album that gets closer to perfection than any other album this year so far.
  14. On their debut disc, Post-Nothing, guitarist Brian King and drummer David Prowse deliver a rush of fuzzed-out rockers and stoner-metal grooves, plus an awesomely bummed-out drone called 'I Quit Girls.'
  15. Vancouver duo Brian King and David Prowse throw themselves into every song as if it's the last one they'll ever play. That go-for-broke attitude carries their third album, which is less about the songs than the sheer joy of playing them.
  16. Post-Nothing is an album that deserves listens and that will definitely gather support with this re-issue.
  17. They're innocent, they're simple, and they're filled with blindingly good hooks. It's all thrown together with a superb sense of knowing what works.
  18. Filled with bounce, bite and surprising cohesion, Post-Nothing is a deceptive little piece that is as much fun as it is subversive.
  19. Yes, there’s technically more instrumental breadth in most episodes of Sesame Street, but this is a deeply, troublingly emotional record.
  20. Their debut is a gale-force riot, a virtual tempest of joyous abandon.
  21. Q Magazine
    Perhaps unsurprisingly, this template leaves little room for subtlety, yet what the duo's first lacks in brains it makes up for in sheer noisy exuberance, displaying on Crazy/Forever a common thread with the once majestic ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. [Dec 2009, p. 116]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 57
  2. Negative: 2 out of 57
  1. Jun 18, 2012
    I'm surprised these two rockers aren't as big as they should be. Maybe that's a good thing. Either way, Post-Nothing is pure rock and roll.I'm surprised these two rockers aren't as big as they should be. Maybe that's a good thing. Either way, Post-Nothing is pure rock and roll. From the pulsating drums to Brian King's rough guitar riffs, Japandroids just spill anxious youth rock. It's almost a perfect album. A- Full Review »
  2. Aug 25, 2022
    Fantastic... so simple and stripped down, with easily repeatable lyrics and sludgy, powerful melodies.. this is the kind of thing that getsFantastic... so simple and stripped down, with easily repeatable lyrics and sludgy, powerful melodies.. this is the kind of thing that gets your heart pumping as you press your foot harder on the gas pedal Full Review »
  3. BlueMeanie
    Oct 4, 2009
    Having been in so many bands, I know it's not always fair to the artist to say "They sound like...", but when they're new, you need Having been in so many bands, I know it's not always fair to the artist to say "They sound like...", but when they're new, you need a point of reference, so here goes: Japandroids sound like a male Sleater-Kinney (riot boys?) w/ a touch of Pavement & "Flip Your Wig era Husker Du". Lyrics are angst silly, but in a good way. The vocals sound a touch like Jane's Addiction. While it is a great primitive/naive garage rock workout kinda like a B-grade "Crazy Rythyms" by The Feelies, and worth picking up, I can't believe it was rated higher than the Sunset Rubdown album. I'll definitely be watching and listening for their next. The potential shines through. Full Review »