
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Unfortunately, while Paul maintains a similar tone and approach almost throughout, the MCs he's working with don't, and this is the album's ultimate downfall.
  2. He set out to make a mediocre album, and succeeded admirably.
  3. The Wire
    The only problem with Politics of the Business is that there are too few of the loose ends and lateral leaps of, say, Three Feet High. [#232, p.69]
  4. Uncut
    All that is good in hip hop is here. [Jul 2003, p.111]
  5. Hip-hop is littered with old-timers struggling to hang on after inspiration has left them, but with Politics Of The Business, Prince Paul ages gracefully, evolving without losing what made him special in the first place.
  6. Spin
    The harpoons that Paul hurls at the industry's blubber have lost their edge. [June 2003, p.105]
  7. While Politics of the Business follows in the conceptual footsteps of its forbears, its all-too-literal sense of moral responsibility does get a tad tiresome, occasionally sagging into diluted dogma.
  8. Blender
    The joke isn't well-conceived or funny enough to sustain over an hour. [#16, p.123]
  9. Q Magazine
    Targets all things "bling" with the same mix of bitter storytelling and star guests, only it's not as funny. [Jul 2003, p.111]
  10. Where his beats once evoked DJ Shadow picking through a crate of old comedy records, now he sounds like a hook-y, less bling-y Neptunes.
  11. Surprisingly misguided and disjointed.
  12. Mojo
    Paul proves this production pioneer can still turn in brilliant beats when he wants to. [Jul 2003, p.106]
  13. The biting but insider-ish humor sometimes limits the potential audience, as Paul ironically marginalizes himself before the business and its politics can.
  14. Vibe
    The bigger problem is Paul's unexpectedly anemic production. [June 2003, p.155]
  15. As a whole, Politics of the Business never quite jells into the cohesive statement it wants to be.

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