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Generally favorable reviews- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 50
  2. Negative: 3 out of 50

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  1. Oct 31, 2021
    In my opinion this is the Air album which remains the most "current" 15 years after. As a good symphony, there is something completely out of time in this album. Space Maker is a magic opening and prepares us for the record. Once Upon a Time and One Hell of a party are fine, introducing us to new instruments in Air music. For me however, the 4 following titles make the album come into anIn my opinion this is the Air album which remains the most "current" 15 years after. As a good symphony, there is something completely out of time in this album. Space Maker is a magic opening and prepares us for the record. Once Upon a Time and One Hell of a party are fine, introducing us to new instruments in Air music. For me however, the 4 following titles make the album come into an other dimension : Napalm Love, Mayfair Song, Left Bank and Photograph are just incredible for your ears. The remaining 5 titles are fine, with a plus plus for "Lost Message" and the "somewhere between waking and sleeping". It is an absolute 9, as an overall magic wedding between melancholy, clinical arrangements and pure sound quality. Why not 10 : in my mind this album is missing a typical "hit" to be complete, "Mer du Japon" falling a bit short in my view. This is a great album, and our ears would be so thankful if Air could release soon an other album of this quality. Note : this album is to be heard with a very good sound system or good headphones to take the upmost of it. Expand
  2. RyanC
    Apr 25, 2009
    Atmospheric, ethereal, and dreamy, Pocket Symphony makes up for its lack of pop appeal by perfecting the sound that Air is so famous for.
  3. Earth74
    Oct 6, 2008
    The thing that I like so much about AIR is that they are creative and quite 'subliminal'. Pocket Symphony is something that will grow on you... it communicates in a sub-conscious level. Quite intense experience for me.
  4. auralf
    May 6, 2008
    I really don't get all the negative reviews of this album. Try and listen to it a few times before you judge. It is stunningly beautiful and the sound is perfect. Possibly better than moon safari.
  5. DF
    Oct 17, 2007
    I like this album more with each listen. It is a soundtrack for a the melancholic movie of my day.
  6. RobertR.
    Sep 18, 2007
    The negative reviews I've read really have little ground to stand on. The actual negative to this record is that a lot of the tracks are rather quite rigid. I'm assuming due to the tracking process (recording over click tracks, then adding trap kit here and there). Alas, the 60's/70's French pop, Phillip Glass, Vangelis, and, even, Ennio Morriconne/Bruno Nicolai that The negative reviews I've read really have little ground to stand on. The actual negative to this record is that a lot of the tracks are rather quite rigid. I'm assuming due to the tracking process (recording over click tracks, then adding trap kit here and there). Alas, the 60's/70's French pop, Phillip Glass, Vangelis, and, even, Ennio Morriconne/Bruno Nicolai that AIr borrow from...well..they were all rather rigid in the rhythm department as well. So I accept it as just the character or mood and feel of the record. The production is great; and the music is rather much the same Air from ten years ago, perhaps with a more serious mood. Songs or instrumentals consist of maybe 2 quaint turnarounds at best. Melodies and Chords are constructed from standard scales with clever usage of flats and such. It's just a matter of "where" the notes are placed that make the difference. And yes; the instrumentation is different from Moon Safari. But why would you want Air to make the same record? It is not their fault that fans of Moon Safari are not familiar with the countless pre-existing records that have the same "sound". And really, that's what everyone is complaining about, no? That they don't make records that sound like every single soundtrack from 1968 anymore? All of their records have something to offer. If you want more of a "song at a time" album, I'd suggest you look toward Walkie Talkie, instead. But if you want something that trades in the hit-factor for cohesiveness, Pocket Symphony is a rather nice record. I understand that the continuous saddened and solemn feel can be pretty overbearing; but who says you have to listen to the whole thing at once? It's not a 40 minute classical piece; it's divided by tracks and all. :) Expand
  7. StooB
    Sep 11, 2007
    I downloaded the album and keep one song, Mer du Japon, the guys don't seem to want to keep their fans.
  8. Blair
    Jun 8, 2007
    Though there are a couple fantastic tracks here, there are more bad, pretentious or boring tracks too.
  9. Finidi
    May 28, 2007
    Absolutely perfect. Absolutely stunning. One of the most beautiful records that I have ever heard.
  10. BrianW
    May 24, 2007
    I've been a fan of Air since the 90s, but this album feels a lot more bland than their last ones, especially "Talkie Walkie." It's not bad, but the songwriting's definitely taken a dive.
  11. StevenS
    Apr 30, 2007
    I love Air, or at least I used to. This Cd is so blah you can't tell one song from another. This is not progression, this is boring elevator music.
  12. Dave
    Apr 22, 2007
    Takes a while to really sink in but well worth the effort. So it's downbeat, yes- get over it and give it a few listens.
  13. EricC
    Apr 17, 2007
    Really isn't as bad as some people are arguing. People can rate Coldplay high, but not these guys? I'm not saying their the same. Just that Air is on the same level, and doesn't get the attention or adoration. This cd doesn't have the energy it's begging for, but as a whole, pretty good easy listening. Could have been better, but far from bad.
  14. Pendepomo
    Apr 9, 2007
    they're loosing the spark that made theme shine in the first place, so it's like the same the whole time
  15. AlexA
    Mar 20, 2007
    This is not the Air I love.
  16. JenS
    Mar 17, 2007
    It got mixed reviews, but if you are an Air fan you will love it...
  17. Brian
    Mar 12, 2007
    Having read some of the negative reviews, I was shocked to hear an incredibly beautiful, highly melodic album. I think it is Air's most consistent, and best, album. Yes, it veers towards mid-tempo, but I love that sound.
  18. Quixotic_07
    Mar 12, 2007
    Where is the magic from Moon Safari, the beauty and the groove from 10'000 Hertz, the droning depth from the Virgin Suicides ? All that is left here is Air's squeletton, from the elegant clothing to the skin, almost everything's gone, and Brian Eno already made it 3 decades earlier, and better.
  19. James
    Mar 9, 2007
    Beautiful, rich, complex music. My advice to you is to not be like the critics and allow time for this album to register. It is worth the effort.
  20. [Anonymous]
    Mar 8, 2007
    Though not as dynamic as previous releases, the sound on "Pocket Symphony" is more refined and mature than ever before, bringing newfound depths to their typical sonic tapestries.
  21. NickE
    Mar 8, 2007
    Please, just look at this album on its own without comparison to other Air records. This is actually a very solid album taking it for what it is: lethargic, stoned, gorgeous. Yes, it could be understood to be boring at points... but Air is a band that's music can fade into the background yet still affect your mood just as powerfully.
  22. esp1
    Mar 8, 2007
    I still like their sound! Hope they go back to 10 000hz lengend modus on their next one.. :)
  23. mikes.
    Mar 7, 2007
    alright, this air album is actually a step backwards for air. why? It seems they are recycling old moon safari melodies and the production is nothing fresh. Not a bad album, but a forgettable one. Nothing new or original. Darkel's album was much better, at least it was something different and more pop oriented.
  24. NeilL
    Mar 7, 2007
    This may not be their best work, but for a group such as Air -- anything is going to be miles beyond all other artists around, and Pocket Symphony still contains some of their best tracks (such as Mer Du Japon, One Hell of a Party, and Night Sight). I think people should give this album a chance... it's not going to produce any pop hits, I feel that's a given, yet it may make This may not be their best work, but for a group such as Air -- anything is going to be miles beyond all other artists around, and Pocket Symphony still contains some of their best tracks (such as Mer Du Japon, One Hell of a Party, and Night Sight). I think people should give this album a chance... it's not going to produce any pop hits, I feel that's a given, yet it may make you weep silently in the night. And actually, you won't mind at all. Expand
  25. Russell
    Mar 7, 2007
    It is somber and subtle effort, but I like where Air have gone with their sound. They are braving new ground with their sound instead of just mining the past.
  26. J.
    Mar 7, 2007
    The negative reviews surprise me - I think this Air record is extremely beautiful!
  27. NewsPatCouts
    Mar 7, 2007
    A great record for relaxing, looking at the stars, on a beach with the sound of the waves or simply a walk to anywere... A very good record that reaches you as a soundtrack of your life.
  28. TimE
    Mar 7, 2007
    I was egarly anticipating the release of this album and was pretty much first in the queue to pick it up on day of release. As much as i am trying to love it, i just can't, it is instantly forgetable. i'm trying to think of a highlight or stand out track, but nothing comes to mind. Not that it is a terrible album, the sounds produced are at times very beautiful and occassionally I was egarly anticipating the release of this album and was pretty much first in the queue to pick it up on day of release. As much as i am trying to love it, i just can't, it is instantly forgetable. i'm trying to think of a highlight or stand out track, but nothing comes to mind. Not that it is a terrible album, the sounds produced are at times very beautiful and occassionally reproduce a moment reministant to 'virgin suicides'. This album is far too chilled out and sadly will be over looked (in my opinion) by the destinctive sounds of their previous work. Expand
  29. MarkW
    Mar 6, 2007
    A disappointed record from a super band, very boring album, nobody deserves this.
  30. FF
    Mar 6, 2007
    Their best album after "Moon Safari"

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 36
  2. Negative: 2 out of 36
  1. Pocket Symphony won't yield any pop hits, but it could be the soundtrack to endless rainy afternoons.
  2. Under The Radar
    Sadness and longing aren't new to the Air universe, but never have we had so many downtrodden tracks on one release. [#16, p.89]
  3. Urb
    A big, heaping spoonful of bland. [Mar 2007, p.96]