
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Apr 26, 2011
    Across the album, there is not much advancement production-wise, yet there is just enough contrast that it does not make like Treddin' on More Thin Ice.
  2. With Playtime Is Over Wiley is finally living up to his reputation by achieving consistency without becoming mediocre; delivering a steady, honed set that's sharp enough to split flesh from bone.
  3. Playtime Is Over is miles forward from the Wiley of 'Wot U Call It' and 'Who Ate All the Pies' but it sits uneasily behind Sway's One For the Journey and Kano's The Mixtape projects
  4. It's honest, intense, funny, furious, and on 'Letter 2 Dizzee'--an olive branch to his estranged protege--tear-jerkingly poignant.
  5. Just cold, robotic electro beats with Wiley's aggressive cockney flows on the usual subjects.
  6. Wiley has kept his formula mostly intact: skittering, hiccuping bounce rhythms, synths that sound like a turbocharged Super Nintendo with a subwoofer attached, and a manic, borderline-toasting flow that plows through everything in its path.
  7. It's about the best a studio grime album can be.
  8. Playtime Is Over is exactly what we've come to expect from the garage sound of grime. It isn't trying to be anything it's not.
  9. 60
    Beatwise, Playtime culls Wiley's best dubs from the last year, with tracks like 'Bow E3' and '50/50' flexing textbook mastery over grime's sludgy polyrhythm.
  10. Spin
    Wiley only occassionally departs from the script. [Oct 2007, p.112]
  11. As it stands, though, Wiley's third album is less inspired sign-off than something of an empty accomplishment.
  12. Playtime is Over, Wiley's third album, is full of tunes long on hookcraft considering their thrifty origins.

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