• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jul 24, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 60 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 60
  2. Negative: 13 out of 60

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  1. Oct 12, 2010
    One of Prince's better 'new' albums, Planet Earth is probably worth more than a free hand out in the Daily Mail. Apart from its strange release idea it has some decent highlights. 'Guitar' is a good song if pushed a little too much as a single and 'Chelsea Rogers' is some damn good soul. There are some fillers as well, a grainy slow jazz number which name eludes me now. The title track isOne of Prince's better 'new' albums, Planet Earth is probably worth more than a free hand out in the Daily Mail. Apart from its strange release idea it has some decent highlights. 'Guitar' is a good song if pushed a little too much as a single and 'Chelsea Rogers' is some damn good soul. There are some fillers as well, a grainy slow jazz number which name eludes me now. The title track is nice and epic but lacks a true Prince vibe. One thing we learn from the album is that Prince is at his best when he is doing his own thing. Collapse
  2. JamieS.
    Sep 27, 2007
    My Lord...This just STINKS!!!!! I have loved Prince through thick and thin...I own all cd's including spinoff work...but come on, this is so bad. There is not one listenable song on this. Most sound like someone in high school who has just written his first song- ala' "Lion of Judah" or "Guitar". What happened to the Purple Genius?? He ran out of ideas I guess.
  3. GaryC
    Sep 1, 2007
    Fantastic album. Well arranged and well composed.
  4. CharlieB.
    Aug 29, 2007
    I Love the album..."Chelsea Rogers" is my favorite..Come On Chelsea!!!....
  5. NiallW.
    Aug 27, 2007
    Interesting, eclectic, sometimes hypnotizing, sometimes vacuous.
  6. MarkR.
    Aug 22, 2007
    I love Prince, but c'mon! This is not only the worst Prince CD ever, but one of the worst CDs I have ever purchased period. There's not an impact track on here at all. This sounds like a crappy collections of bad b-sides that nobody wants to hear. I actually like a lot of his later stuff, but this is pure trash.
  7. MikeL
    Aug 20, 2007
    A forgettable album with one good single buried in it. "Chelsea Rodgers"/"Guitar" would've been a great 45 back in the day...the rest is a drag, with some really awful lyrics
  8. AmberR
    Aug 15, 2007
    best album in years
  9. elmo.
    Aug 12, 2007
    planet earth starts off well with the quite epic song "planet earth" but that aside everything else has a flat production ,little passion and overall comes across a little Cliché.
  10. Gabriella
    Aug 9, 2007
    The fact is that a musical genius of Prince's stature does not have to pander to record companies. The payment from sold cds would probably take a long time to trickle down to him and moreover, he probably wants to appeal to a wider audience and probably finds more creativity in performing live!! His latest album is very good and very eclectic. All the songs are different from each The fact is that a musical genius of Prince's stature does not have to pander to record companies. The payment from sold cds would probably take a long time to trickle down to him and moreover, he probably wants to appeal to a wider audience and probably finds more creativity in performing live!! His latest album is very good and very eclectic. All the songs are different from each other. There's this song "All the midnights in the world" which is especially charming. Check out the lyrics of Prince's latest song "All the midnights in the world". Simply amazing!!! Check it out on my blog. http://gabriella-theglasscastle.blogspot.com/ Expand
  11. rayr
    Aug 9, 2007
    tired and unoriginal, like he is trying to meet a quota again. Individual songs are mediocre and a lack of integration leaves it little more than an album of ho-hum singles, none of them standing out.
  12. lindac
    Aug 6, 2007
    not the best prince but its always nice to have a new cd
  13. VeronicaH
    Aug 4, 2007
    I sat and listened to this CD and even though I am extremely biased (pro) where Prince is concerned, I say he still has IT!!! With a music industry filled with unimaginative lyrics and musical compositions without depth, "The Great Composer" has come through for us once again, bringing real music to our thirsty ears, quenching that hunger for solid and genuine, unsampled musical pieces. I sat and listened to this CD and even though I am extremely biased (pro) where Prince is concerned, I say he still has IT!!! With a music industry filled with unimaginative lyrics and musical compositions without depth, "The Great Composer" has come through for us once again, bringing real music to our thirsty ears, quenching that hunger for solid and genuine, unsampled musical pieces. In a word: Originality. I thank God for Prince's musical talent, ability, and genius. And, I thank Prince for knowing exactly what to do with his naturallyl God-given gift. In my world we say: Don't be afraid, just believe. In other words, don't be afraid of a fresh and exciting sound, and just believe that it's only going to get better and better. Expand
  14. 101Candles
    Aug 3, 2007
    For Prince this is a pretty average output..comparable with 3121 and Musicology..so some good songs few great and some average...any other artist who would have made this album would get raving reviews..but hey..here we are talking bout Prince...and now who is this grazy guy saying Prince live aint great..????
  15. ScottL
    Aug 2, 2007
    Not his best, for sure, but has the 'vibe' of his 80's stuff. This one grows on you, if you let it--the sign of a GOOD Prince album (for a change). Hate the JW references, but he's always been spiritual and it's kept to a minimum on this one.
  16. richardj
    Aug 1, 2007
    To be honest it had to be given away in the UK and for a reason, this is one of Princes worse albums ever....boring, awful lyrics and tame he has done so much better...really I don't want to be negative about Prince as he is a genius like MIchael Jackson but Prince hasn't done a album in greatness since "Sign of the times" , infact i find this music and the last three albums To be honest it had to be given away in the UK and for a reason, this is one of Princes worse albums ever....boring, awful lyrics and tame he has done so much better...really I don't want to be negative about Prince as he is a genius like MIchael Jackson but Prince hasn't done a album in greatness since "Sign of the times" , infact i find this music and the last three albums since he got his name back..dare i say it Souless. he is also like a James Brown cover band...Prince you need to do better then this, as even people who love your music will stop buying it, the last three i didn't bother with, and i was given them but rejected them after listening to them...You need to get people to hear the albums before you release them so that you do annoy listenrs ears.... Expand
  17. PhilM
    Jul 31, 2007
    could be better but could be worst !
  18. AlJ
    Jul 31, 2007
    Good sizzling funk music, just as Prince has been known to perform over the past century! Expected more songs that people could remember after listening to it, maybe more than once, but the only single that comes to mind, of course, is 'Guitar' - which still rocks, by the way! Somewhat political in nature, the album definitely makes a statement and wish the US would have been Good sizzling funk music, just as Prince has been known to perform over the past century! Expected more songs that people could remember after listening to it, maybe more than once, but the only single that comes to mind, of course, is 'Guitar' - which still rocks, by the way! Somewhat political in nature, the album definitely makes a statement and wish the US would have been fortuneate enough to receive some of this good strong material in the Mail on Sunday! Perfection is in the works and in the ears of Prince's loyal followers. Expand
  19. ToddW
    Jul 30, 2007
    For those of you pro football junkies who thought Prince's Super Bowl halftime show was the greatest performance since Moses came down with the tablets, you need to both get a life and a hearing aid. It stank and he stinks, and I'm not just talking about the game. Wow, Mr. Nelson was playing a marriage tackle-shaped guitar behind a projection screen while a wind machine blew and For those of you pro football junkies who thought Prince's Super Bowl halftime show was the greatest performance since Moses came down with the tablets, you need to both get a life and a hearing aid. It stank and he stinks, and I'm not just talking about the game. Wow, Mr. Nelson was playing a marriage tackle-shaped guitar behind a projection screen while a wind machine blew and purple lights shone brightly. Geez, now there's a novel performance concept for old Prince, eh? I'm sorry, his last great album was Around the World in a Day. His output for the past 20 years has been retreaded crap. Planet Earth is no different. Where the guy was once on par with peer Michael Jackson in terms of talent, now he inhabits the same alien planet as Mr. Child Molester himself. Take heart you royalty watchers. At least he isn't calling himself an unintelligible symbol anymore. Maybe he, too, will do us all a favor and move to Bahrain. Expand
  20. ShariG.
    Jul 27, 2007
    I long for the Prince of the 80's and early 90's!! I have seen him twice and will continue to see him on tour and buy his albums, although this album is definately not one of my favorites. It is too slow and left me wondering where the dance tracks were!
  21. JazrickP
    Jul 26, 2007
    I love the album I really love Guitar and Mr.Goodnight the whole album is good
  22. ChristopherS
    Jul 26, 2007
    The most consistent Prince album since the massively underrated The Rainbow Children, and then Come and Diamonds and Pearls. Stylistically more like his 80's efforts, not using the strong electronics that have featured on a number of his later 90's albums, sometimes very effectively, nor the extended funk jam sessions that filled out some of his The Artist Formally Known As The most consistent Prince album since the massively underrated The Rainbow Children, and then Come and Diamonds and Pearls. Stylistically more like his 80's efforts, not using the strong electronics that have featured on a number of his later 90's albums, sometimes very effectively, nor the extended funk jam sessions that filled out some of his The Artist Formally Known As period. Close to his best, though possibly lacking the one showstopping track, like Kiss, Sign of the Times, etc. But there are still many great moments, and no dud tracks. Expand
  23. RandyB
    Jul 25, 2007
    I think some of the above "professional critics" have been listening to so much nonsense they have forgotten, or never learned what real music sounded like. I
  24. RobertJ
    Jul 25, 2007
    A wonderfully diverse collection. Prince gives relief to those who are tired of hip-hop divas who sample all of their music. And gives a message unlike all popular music
  25. BrianS
    Jul 25, 2007
    Very strong record! Prince is in fine form and seems to have found his muse again. Great pop hooks, guitar, and stronger song writing than recent projects.
  26. myreviewj
    Jul 25, 2007
    Well, sorry but this aint good music. This man had pure talent, pure skills. But dont ask me why he lost it long time ago. There's nothing new in this album, nothing original. Too bad he cant creative anymore.
  27. Pault
    Jul 25, 2007
    All the tracks are out of this world.. Thank you Prince for the experience. Paul
  28. JustinB
    Jul 24, 2007
    This album is woeful and a classic example of an artist ripping people off in just the same way as U2 did when they started releasing tripe a few years ago. Having read some of the other reviewers commenrts I can only assume I have purchased a 'worst of the X factor contestants' by mistake. On the other hand if what I have is the genuine Prince I can only thank god that I did This album is woeful and a classic example of an artist ripping people off in just the same way as U2 did when they started releasing tripe a few years ago. Having read some of the other reviewers commenrts I can only assume I have purchased a 'worst of the X factor contestants' by mistake. On the other hand if what I have is the genuine Prince I can only thank god that I did not buy either of his previous two albums if as some of your reveiwers state this latest offer is better than those. Expand
  29. randyw
    Jul 24, 2007
    best album since diamonds and pearls....it got dat fonk!
  30. MungoJ
    Jul 24, 2007
    Better than just about anything else out there right now. Will "The one U wanna C" become the hit it deserves to be? Who knows, but Prince fans should like this one, at least a little bit.
  31. MartinR
    Jul 24, 2007
    Great record!!
  32. PeterN
    Jul 24, 2007
    great tracks and great tour!
  33. Anton
    Jul 23, 2007
    Prince obviously isn
  34. mikes.
    Jul 23, 2007
    An album without hits or singles something his last two albums had. So this is a weak prince album in my opinion with unfocused songwriting and scattered production. It feels like a paycheck album. Prince does show off his talents in spots but some serious miss-steps also appear such as Mr. Goodnight where he raps. this isn't the classic prince of the 90's its uninspired and An album without hits or singles something his last two albums had. So this is a weak prince album in my opinion with unfocused songwriting and scattered production. It feels like a paycheck album. Prince does show off his talents in spots but some serious miss-steps also appear such as Mr. Goodnight where he raps. this isn't the classic prince of the 90's its uninspired and fails to show any personality. Feels rather amateurish. Overall, the album is tolerable but does nothing to stand on its own, not a necessary listen but not a bad one either. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. Across Planet Earth’s brisk and varied 10 tracks, he is once again doing it pretty well, from cocky rock strut ('Guitar') to Chic-style, pumped-up funk ('Chelsea Rodgers') and knicker-loosening R&B beats ('Future Baby Mama').
  2. It's all right--in the dispiriting way that everything he's put out since his "Symbol" era has been all right.
  3. Planet Earth’ll leave you feeling decidedly short-changed.