
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. There's nothing particularly wrong with any of this, but despite this expanded stylistic and instrumental palette (and some notably lush, lovely vocal harmonies), it's hard to escape the sense that this album is, ironically, even more of an indulgently dabbling affair than its home four-tracked predecessor, which at least had an appealing simplicity and directness of approach.
  2. Marked by inconsistent, not fully formed songwriting, Here We Go Magic's new tracks also make for an indecisive, if not bipolar, collection.
  3. Mojo
    It's harmless, head-spinning fun. [Jul 2010, p.92]
  4. Q Magazine
    Although the band makes a gleeful clatter on tracks such as "Collector," the record really shines when the live instrumentation takes a back seat. [Jul 2010, p.133]
  5. The tunes are less straightforwardly catchy than before, woozy waltz "Bottom Feeder" notwithstanding. But the energy and spirit of invention keep it interesting.
  6. Pigeons may be the better album, but it still feels hollow, ringing with the sound of a band accepting their own shortcomings.
  7. 50
    While Temple's hermaphroditic alto endures the costume changes, the songs often don't, and the couple of undeniably great tracks -- like the rigid, kinetic "Collector" -- get lost in the parade of influences.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. May 15, 2012
    Every song on this album has so much energy with absolutely stunning musicianship. I can't believe how under the radar this album seems to be,Every song on this album has so much energy with absolutely stunning musicianship. I can't believe how under the radar this album seems to be, really an extremely under rated album. Full Review »
  2. Sep 9, 2010
    One of the best (and most underrated) albums of the year. Every composition is dense, beautiful, and intricate yet maintains a lightOne of the best (and most underrated) albums of the year. Every composition is dense, beautiful, and intricate yet maintains a light playfulness that blows all this "chillwave" out of the water. I also saw them at bonnaroo, and every song became an awesome jam. Very excited to see what they do next. Full Review »