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Universal acclaim- based on 93 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 79 out of 93
  2. Negative: 7 out of 93

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  1. Sep 30, 2010
    "Perfect Symmetry" is a wonderful listen. Fantastic melodies, great harmonies in just the right places, interesting sounds, great pop music! Music is ultimately a matter of taste, but to complain about synthesizers is just plain rubbish. I wouldn't care if Keane played these songs on homemade rubber band guitars; the songs would still be good. Deep, thoughtful, literate lyrics as well."Perfect Symmetry" is a wonderful listen. Fantastic melodies, great harmonies in just the right places, interesting sounds, great pop music! Music is ultimately a matter of taste, but to complain about synthesizers is just plain rubbish. I wouldn't care if Keane played these songs on homemade rubber band guitars; the songs would still be good. Deep, thoughtful, literate lyrics as well. This is the only Keane album I'm familiar with at this point, and it will definitely lead me to check out the earlier albums. Expand
  2. May 26, 2018
    Incredible album. One of the best album of all time. Better than all Coldplay's albums
  3. ginad
    Oct 30, 2008
    Great stuff! To be onest I was hope for more rock sound, but Perfect Symmetry is just.. perfect, now!
  4. MattG
    Jan 5, 2009
    A welcome return to form for Keane. Aside from the three excellent singles, highlights include Again and Again and Black Burning Heart. Not a classic like Hopes and Fears but if you like Keane this album wont disapoint.
  5. RachealK
    Jan 7, 2009
    Loved the first two albums. Put this one in and was blown away by the first song. The other songs took awhile to warm up to. You Don't See Me may be one of the best songs ever written. If at first you don't appreciate this album - give it another listen. Given a few more listens - this may surpass even Hopes and Fears for me.
  6. akeemg.
    Mar 9, 2009
    I knew that perfect symmetry was going to be different from hopes and fears and under the iron sea but I wasn't expecting it to be this different,however I did expect perfect symmetry to sound good and it did.When I first bought this album I kept on checking the CD,the CD case, and the lyric booklet over and over again to make sure that I didn't pick up some other music by I knew that perfect symmetry was going to be different from hopes and fears and under the iron sea but I wasn't expecting it to be this different,however I did expect perfect symmetry to sound good and it did.When I first bought this album I kept on checking the CD,the CD case, and the lyric booklet over and over again to make sure that I didn't pick up some other music by mistake because I could not believe that I was listening to kean since the atmosphere of perfect symmetry is completely different from the atmosphere of hopes and fears and under the irom sea.Please correct me if I am wrong but perfect symmetry sounds like music from a time long past( lets say the 1980's ) mixed with some new stuff.All of the songs has touched me in some way,it's as if Kean had interviewed me and had written down all of my dreams,feelings,and thoughts and turned them into dreamy lyrics that is supported by the mysterious sounds of instruments.I can't wait to see what kean's next album will be like. Expand
  7. dickq.
    Oct 14, 2008
    Not their best album as a whole, but some of the songs (The Lovers are Losing, Perfect Symmetry, Black Burning Heart, Love is the End) are some of the best I've ever heard from the band, and this is coming from a guy who has every single one of this bands SONGS. 10 for Keane!
  8. CarlieG.
    Oct 15, 2008
    "James"... they sound like "James" and that's a good thing. That's a very good thing.
  9. LisaH.
    Oct 15, 2008
    Not the Keane of old...I appreciate that they are doing different things creatively, but this album is a big miss for me. Sounds too 80's, and gone is Tom Chaplin's incredible voice. Still a huge Keane fan, but this one won't be worn out like "Hopes and Fears" and "Under the Iron Sea".
  10. IsabelP.
    Oct 23, 2008
    I love it!! It's so unexpected, but still very Keane... I think they're evolving, doing different things and not staying in the old same melodies, still keeping their essence... Great album!! well done guys!!
  11. Dan
    Oct 28, 2008
    So glad to see the user reviews so positive, I wholeheartedly LOVE this album, while some people can just brush it off as Keane trying to be different, let me tell you this is very much a KEANE album, teh whole underlying message during the course of the album is well excecuted and teh chorus`s are all so catcy. I particularly like, spiralling, the lovers are losing, Perfects symmetry and So glad to see the user reviews so positive, I wholeheartedly LOVE this album, while some people can just brush it off as Keane trying to be different, let me tell you this is very much a KEANE album, teh whole underlying message during the course of the album is well excecuted and teh chorus`s are all so catcy. I particularly like, spiralling, the lovers are losing, Perfects symmetry and Again and again. Its a deperture, but its a return, its different but teh same, its tomato and tomawto, hecfk its GREAT. Go Keane, cant wait to see what you come up with next. Expand
  12. Jan
    Nov 2, 2008
    This album is experimental but it's a start in the right direction. I think at first, many fans may not welcome this change but once they've listed to the album several times, it really grows. I Love "You haven't told me anything" and "Better than this". I can't wait to hear how the next album will sound!
  13. AndréB
    Nov 27, 2008
    Very good album. Incredibly different from the other 2 first good ones, but that is not a bad thing. Here, different means creative.
  14. [Anonymous]
    Oct 14, 2008
    I really like it. It's still Keane, but Keane moving along artistically.
  15. MarioA.
    Oct 16, 2008
    This album es amazing! you can see how the band are envolving in this new and fresh sound. I love it!
  16. Mike&Linnea
    Oct 17, 2008
    Fantastic. The sign of a truely great album is not to fully appreciate every track immediately. The depth of great albums comes from listening from start to finish, multiple times in a variety of settings. There are a number of great singles, but the further development of exceptional song crafting and gathering a "sonically" pure collection has been obtained. Looping and cavernous Fantastic. The sign of a truely great album is not to fully appreciate every track immediately. The depth of great albums comes from listening from start to finish, multiple times in a variety of settings. There are a number of great singles, but the further development of exceptional song crafting and gathering a "sonically" pure collection has been obtained. Looping and cavernous melodies coupled with a tasteful 80's feel creates a metallic yet velvet album. Balanced in Perfect Symmetry. Expand
  17. ClarkW.
    Oct 17, 2008
    I must admit... Keane continues to impress me. Although i still believe that their first album, "Hopes and Fears" is their best, i cant help but be impressed with their last 2 releases. Lead singer Tom Chaplin is absolutely brilliant. His ability to create incredible lyrics, is a talent that is really confined to a few bands like Radiohead. It is also incredible how smooth and flawless I must admit... Keane continues to impress me. Although i still believe that their first album, "Hopes and Fears" is their best, i cant help but be impressed with their last 2 releases. Lead singer Tom Chaplin is absolutely brilliant. His ability to create incredible lyrics, is a talent that is really confined to a few bands like Radiohead. It is also incredible how smooth and flawless his voice is. Keane is a band that has stayed completely original... Even as times progress and music changes, they have been able to change their music, but not loose that "Keane" touch. This Album is a MUST! Listen to Track 10, "Black Burning Heart" and you will be sold. Expand
  18. AliceS
    Oct 31, 2008
    Get past the Chorus of Spiralling and the lyrics are the pearl. Black Burning Heart has a great melody!
  19. CathG.
    Jan 22, 2009
    I am really enthousiastic about this album. I never used to be a great fan of Keane, but I do love Perfect Symmetry. I had sucu huge expectations about The Killers's new album, but it was a deception for me because I though it would sound more "New Wave". I think Keane's Perfect Symmetry is the perfect continuation to Hot Fuss. In the way that they included the 80's I am really enthousiastic about this album. I never used to be a great fan of Keane, but I do love Perfect Symmetry. I had sucu huge expectations about The Killers's new album, but it was a deception for me because I though it would sound more "New Wave". I think Keane's Perfect Symmetry is the perfect continuation to Hot Fuss. In the way that they included the 80's pop/rock sound in making it actual... Expand
  20. JohnB.
    Jul 20, 2009
    This cd was a great suprise from Keane. I love the way they are changing. Anyone who thinks this album is bad must have brain damage.
  21. dougt
    Aug 1, 2009
    I absolutely love the first 2 albums. Even the B-sides were great. I couldn't have been more disappointed when Perfect Symmetry was released. Every Keane fan I know agrees that this album is horrible. I'm simply shocked that so many people are giving it a 10. What are you listening to? Maybe you have a different album than I do. The only song that even comes close to the music I absolutely love the first 2 albums. Even the B-sides were great. I couldn't have been more disappointed when Perfect Symmetry was released. Every Keane fan I know agrees that this album is horrible. I'm simply shocked that so many people are giving it a 10. What are you listening to? Maybe you have a different album than I do. The only song that even comes close to the music from the first 2 albums is "Black Burning Heart" and even that goes south with the lame French talk in the middle. Very disappointing. I'm truly hoping they bounce back with their 4th album. Expand
  22. N.J.
    Nov 20, 2008
    This album is as much fun as you can have with non-guilty pleasure music. Never boring, never cheesy. Keane is now 3 for 3 with their albums. As with their first two albums, the music gets better and better the more you listen to it. With their crazy-consistent quality and freshness, Keane is a truly exceptional (in the full meaning of that word) band of today.
  23. jimb
    Nov 27, 2008
    Another excellent offering from Keane. I like the new pop direction and the songwriting and singing remain first rate.
  24. TJLoren
    Oct 14, 2008
    I think I accidentally bought a Wham cd instead of a Keane cd.
  25. DiegoT.
    Oct 15, 2008
    Perfect melodies... Perfect vocals.. It´s still Keane. Love it.
  26. BrendaH
    Nov 5, 2008
    Perfect Symmetry is positively majestic. Musically and lyrically intriguing and entrancing. Just wish I could stop bursting out with, "When we fall in love .. we're just falling .. in love with ourselves .. we're spiralling. Was going to name favourites but it's pretty much the whole album. Woooo!
  27. NonJ.
    Oct 19, 2008
    Filled with songs written with a new sense of excitement and incredible intensity. They are still the Keane we've come to love just with new moves and more experience.
  28. JasmineK
    Dec 25, 2008
    I can't analyze music, but I've been listening for half a decade and I love Keane. So there.
  29. DeAnnaK.
    Dec 28, 2008
    Awesome album...I really like "Love is the end" and "You haven't told me anything" And for the review from Mojo, it was Tom Chaplin that was in rehab for alcoholism, not Tim Rice-Oxley.
  30. DamonR
    Feb 15, 2009
    I msut admit to being a huge keane fan and was very impressed with the first two albums but this third is superb. They may not be 'cool' enough to satisfy the music press but believe me their general apathy isn't shared by most punters.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. As rock goes, Symmetry remains a relatively quiet riot, but in the context of the band itself, it's a welcome revelation.
  2. Musically, they’ve ripped off swathes of things contemporary and popular to make them ‘hip’, but it just feels like some dodgy old guy at a bus stop telling you he digs Klaxons.
  3. 70
    On album three, Keane trick out their pretty piano melodies with tasty synths ('The Lovers Are Losing'), booming rap beats ('Spiralling'), and fuzzy new-wave guitars ('You Haven’t Told Me Anything').