
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. The seriously hopped-up effort fans have been pining for since Vitalogy.
  2. Rolling Stone
    As immediate and despairing as breaking news from Baghdad... Pearl Jam is also as big and brash in fuzz and backbone as Led Zeppelin's Presence. [4 May 2006, p.55]
  3. Though few of these 13 numbers have the drama of tracks by the Who or Led Zeppelin, from whom the band draw much of their style, Pearl Jam play like men on a mission.
  4. Los Angeles Times
    The music is leaner and more concise than we're used to from Pearl Jam, the performances brisk, frisky and light on their feet. [30 Apr 2006]
  5. The band socks away the adventurous experimentation that dogged some of its most recent records to investigate a post-September 11, war-ravaged world overflowing with urgency and significance.
  6. Pearl Jam hasn't sounded as alive or engaging as they do here since at least Vitalogy, if not longer.
  7. Pearl Jam is fully, comprehensively re-energized.
  8. Pearl Jam is another straight-up collection of raw, blistered rock and moody mid-tempo balladry. The difference here, and the reason for excitement, is that the self-titled record more consistently achieves the grandeur, rage, and beauty they’ve always pursued, throughout its entirety.
  9. The New York Times
    Now as ever, Pearl Jam takes itself seriously. But it delivers that seriousness not with the sodden self-importance of rock superstardom, but with the craft and hunger of a band still proving itself on the spot. [1 May 2006]
  10. Songs like "World Wide Suicide" and "Severed Head" even come close to recreating the hard rock thrills of the band's billion-selling debut, Ten.
  11. Instead of trying to rage against the machine, they're appealing to its intellectual nature. Unfortunately, this nuance is steamrolled by the group's need for fan-friendly riffage.
  12. Strikes with a magnificent urgency.
  13. While it's hard to question their motives and integrity, Avocado fails to deliver the grand statement we might expect.
  14. And while it most certainly does fill this grunge kid with nostalgia for a simpler time, it’s the first latter day Pearl Jam album that is plenty good enough to stand on its own.
  15. Song-for-song, they haven’t made an album this misstep-free since Vs.
  16. It's got all the elements of a great album, but it doesn't evoke the feeling of listening to the band's first three seminal albums.
  17. It's a pleasant surprise for those who feared that the group's glory days were long gone.
  18. This is Pearl Jam, it's down to you whether that means anything or not.
  19. Unfashionable as they probably are, Pearl Jam have gone some way to regaining both their fire and their relevance with this, a record that takes equally from classic Neil Young stylings as it does raging, polemic punk.
  20. Concise, focused and even, it’s a great addition to the band’s increasingly rich catalog.
  21. The band gladly sacrifices fluidity for drama, and even catchy Pearl Jam tracks like "World Wide Suicide" (with its winding hook and acid lyrics) and "Parachutes" (with its charmingly odd acoustic bounce) periodically wander into the murk.
  22. Blender
    Tighter and more energized than anything the band has done since Vitalogy. [Jun 2006, p.142]
  23. Uncut
    If their songs occasionally resemble the power ballads that grunge supposedly outmoded, that's the price of being a truly potent classic rock band. [Jun 2006, p.109]
  24. The middle gets muddy, as they return to their weaker late-Nineties fare (read: "ballads"), but it's a strong album overall.
  25. New Musical Express (NME)
    This is a further stumble away from the glory days of 'Ten'. [29 Apr 2006, p.39]
  26. Spin
    They seem to be having fun. [Jun 2006, p.79]
  27. Q Magazine
    [It] is a lusher and less challenging listen than recent efforts, but it's also curiously featureless, the sound of a group drained of passion and fresh ideas. [Jun 2006, p.118]
  28. Mojo
    Pearl Jam sound reborn, vital. [Jul 2006, p.112]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 325 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 18 out of 325
  1. JohnnyL.
    May 28, 2007
    This album really shows how Pearl Jam has grown up and advanced musically as well as lyrically. At the same time they brought back some of This album really shows how Pearl Jam has grown up and advanced musically as well as lyrically. At the same time they brought back some of the old all-out-rock attitude on a majority of the songs. Genius, simply genius!! Full Review »
  2. Nov 6, 2022
    Easily their most divisive record, this features both some of their better rockers of their latter years and also some of their mostEasily their most divisive record, this features both some of their better rockers of their latter years and also some of their most profoundly confusing material. The peaks are incredibly high for a band that resolutely refuses to just make by-the-numbers material - well, for the most part. A greater focus on conciseness and brevity would have enhanced this record, which is nevertheless a success and responsible for pulling them out of the doldrums of their early aughts. Full Review »
  3. May 25, 2016
    sometimes referred to as "the avocado album", this one is fantastic, with incredibly entertaining songs but they also have a deep meaning insometimes referred to as "the avocado album", this one is fantastic, with incredibly entertaining songs but they also have a deep meaning in their letters, including themes such as depression, anger and melancholy, quite dark indeed. But whether you listen it casually or deeply this is a classic. Full Review »