
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Dec 12, 2016
    That ["Only U"] and a couple other exceptions aside, the hour-plus set offers more variations on the narcotic, boast-filled slow jams for which Brathwaite and his fellow OVO Sound artists are known.
  2. Aug 16, 2016
    PND has been an enigma for a while, and P3 feels ahead of its time. Still, it’s likable enough in the present that it will keep him in the public consciousness for years to come.
  3. Aug 19, 2016
    While PND's production is typically on point, his songwriting and vocal skills are still evolving.
  4. Aug 16, 2016
    P3 doesn’t totally live up to the hype due to the excess sadness rendering it a tad boring but at the very least it gives us an explicit snapshot of where OVO’s second-in-command is at emotionally.
  5. Aug 16, 2016
    The distance between men and women--emotional and physical--is at the core of many of these songs, yet the album manages to be the most playful PARTYNEXTDOOR record to date.
  6. Aug 16, 2016
    The album helps prove he’s a lot more than just Drake’s patois advisor. Clothes that don’t quite fit his boss feel effortlessly tailored to Brathwaite.
  7. Aug 24, 2016
    Melodic shifts that initially go unnoticed reveal themselves to be vital upon repeat listens.
  8. Aug 16, 2016
    The picture here is less of a cad than of a man wrestling with his feelings in an overfamiliar (if wildly successful) sonic bubble. PartyNextDoor is standing out in a crowded market, not so much for his sound, but for his circumstances.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 44
  2. Negative: 9 out of 44
  1. Aug 17, 2016
    fr album is straight depressing, no energy, no hype beats, and the odd thrown in crappy dancehall track doesnt provide any good benefit. Hisfr album is straight depressing, no energy, no hype beats, and the odd thrown in crappy dancehall track doesnt provide any good benefit. His old stuff was much better, this is just a huge let down. Full Review »
  2. Aug 21, 2016
    Very Very Very Boring sounds like a bunch of songs that were leftover from Views. Pretty bad compared to his first body of work. Over hypedVery Very Very Boring sounds like a bunch of songs that were leftover from Views. Pretty bad compared to his first body of work. Over hyped yet overrated. Full Review »
  3. Aug 19, 2016
    Party's best album imo more experimental and daring than any OvO project released this year the layering in the production and the use of backParty's best album imo more experimental and daring than any OvO project released this year the layering in the production and the use of back vocals create a soothing dark & ethereal vibe. Full Review »